Sept. 2010: ACCN, the Canadian Chemical News

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l’actualité chimique canadienne canadian chemical news ACCN

SEPTEMBER | SEPTEMBRE • 2007 • Vol. 59, No./no 8









A publication of the CIC | Une publication de l’ICC

SEPTEMBER | SEPTEMBRE • 2007 • Vol. 59, No./no 8

Ta bl e o f C o n t e n t s | Ta bl e d e s m a t i è r e s

Ar ticles

Guest Column Chroniqueur invité . . . . . . 2 Biomass By Canada For Canada David T. Fung, MCIC

Letters Lettres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

News Nouvelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Growing Imagenenation


Biorefining the Future


Hybrid corn. Hybrid cars. Is it time for … Hybrid Chemistry?


Just Two Small Purple Dots

Patent Quest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Daphne C. Lainson, MCIC

Chemfusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Joe Schwarcz, MCIC

Recognition Reconnaissance. . . . . . . . . 24

The 90th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition—Global Innovations . . . . . 25

Careers Carrières . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Events Événements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Securing Canadian biotechnology leadership with the Canadian Life Sciences Industry Forecast Peter Brenders

Modern biorefineries refined and redefined Ross MacLachlan and E. Kendall Pye

Greg Penner

Canadian paper innovation holds promise for improved global health safety Daniel Drolet


Editor-in-Chief/Rédactrice en chef Michelle Piquette Managing Editor/Directrice de la rédaction Heather Dana Munroe Graphic Designer/Infographiste Krista Leroux

Biomass By Canada For Canada

Realizing Canada’s potential in the biomass derivatives industry David T. Fung, MCIC


ith 0.5 percent of the world’s population, 7 percent of its land, and 10 percent of its forests, Canada has an inherent advantage to becoming the global leader in the biomass derivatives industry. Canada can dedicate 10 to 15 million hectares of agricultural land to produce 60 million metric tons of “energy” grass per year without infringing on productive land for existing cash crops. This sustainable annual harvest would have a greenhouse gas-neutral energy content equivalent to 0.5 million barrels per day of crude oil production, which represents a perpetual production level of two Hibernia oilfields. Successful deployment of modular power cogeneration systems is essential for the economical exploitation of this biomass energy resource. Associated chemical engineering development goals include the development of cost-effective fuel preparations, substantially emission-free combustion processes, recycling of the ash as fertilizers for the energy crops, and global logistics for all the components in this energy cycle. The list of important industrial chemical feedstock and consumer products that can be manufactured from biomass has been extensive. Substantial amounts of R&D on the subject have been reported. J. E. Cunningham’s review (ACCN June 2005, pp. 24–26) provided a comprehensive assessment of the status of pre-commercial development of the biomass derivatives industry in Canada. Numerous government programs are available to support the growth of this industry. However, the actual amount of successful commercialization of biomass-derived materials in Canada has been relatively limited. It is most disheartening after 20 years of governmental support during the R&D phase, the location being

considered for Iogen’s first commercial plant is outside Canada. The Canadian government’s direct support for R&D has been extensive. The SR&ED program is considered to be one of the most generous taxation regimes in the world. The Canada Foundation for Innovation will have invested $4 billion from 1997 to 2007 to improve the infrastructure in Canadian R&D institutions. Canada appears to be attracting world leaders to its institutions in various R&D fields. A reverse brain drain may be taking shape. Regrettably, Canada’s R&D performance in the private sector continues to lag behind most OECD countries. Canada’s successful commercialization of innovative technologies is also disappointing. Many of these emerging technology companies have been quickly bought out by larger global venture companies. A sustainable biotechnology and biomass derivatives industry in Canada has yet to be established. Is Canada missing critical elements required to achieve a higher level of performance in this emergent industry sector? The time has come for Canada to establish a competitive technology commercialization regime that would substantially improve Canada’s private sector R&D performance and make Canada a country of choice for the commercialization of technologies originating from anywhere in the world. A patchwork of more Band-aid® solutions will not be satisfactory. Canada must urgently adopt a comprehensive policy and regulatory changes that would turn national R&D accomplishments in biomass derivatives into a sustainable wealth generator for Canada.


David T. Fung, MCIC, is the chair and CEO of the ACDEG Group of companies and president of the CSChE.

Editorial Board/Conseil de rédaction Joe Schwarcz, MCIC, chair/président Cathleen Crudden, MCIC John Margeson, MCIC Milena Sejnoha, MCIC Bernard West, MCIC Editorial Office/Bureau de la rédaction 130, rue Slater Street, Suite/bureau 550 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2 613-232-6252 • Fax/Téléc. 613-232-5862 • Advertising/Publicité Subscription Rates/Tarifs d’abonnement Non CIC members/Non-membres de l’ICC : in/au Canada CAN$55; outside/à l’extérieur du Canada US$50. Single copy/Un exemplaire CAN$8 or US$7. L’Actualité chimique canadienne/Canadian Chemical News (ACCN) is published 10 times a year by The Chemical Institute of Canada / est publié 10 fois par année par l’Institut de chimie du Canada. Recommended by The Chemical Institute of Canada, the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, and the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the official position of the Institute, or of the societies that recommend the magazine. Recommandé par l’Institut de chimie du Canada, la Société canadienne de chimie, la Société canadienne de génie chimique et la Société canadienne de technologie chimique. Les opinions exprimées ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position officielle de l’Institut ou des sociétés qui soutiennent le magazine. Change of Address/Changement d’adresse Printed in Canada by Gilmore Printing Services Inc. and postage paid in Ottawa, ON./ Imprimé au Canada par Gilmore Printing Services Inc. et port payé à Ottawa, ON. Publications Mail Agreement Number/ No de convention de la Poste-publications : 40021620. (USPS# 0007-718) Indexed in the Canadian Business Index and available on-line in the Canadian Business and Current Affairs database. / Répertorié dans la Canadian Business Index et accessible en ligne dans la banque de données Canadian Business and Current Affairs. ISSN 0823-5228



BIODIESEL = PETROLEUM DIESEL? The July/August 2007 guest column “Biodiesel from the Bench” by Joffre M. Berry, MCIC, was clear, accurate, and, therefore, acceptable—except for the statement that “Biodiesel is a biological equivalent of petroleum diesel.” That is stretching it a bit. One could state more accurately that biodiesel fuel, like petroleum diesel fuel (ASTM International Specification D 975), is a fuel suitable for compression-ignition (diesel) engines. To claim equivalency is to contradict the article itself. Storage stability of biodiesel fuel is an admitted problem. It is best used as a 20 percent blend (B20) with petroleum diesel fuel. So says the article. Continuing, it can have low temperature flow problems. And because oxygen is present in the molecules, biodiesel fuel is likely to possess less energy than pure hydrocarbons, the principle constituents of petroleum diesel fuel. Finally, there are all those years of experience backing the petroleum variety. Biodiesel fuel is the “babe in the woods” and will surely endure some growing pains. In light of the slow disappearance of sweet, light, easy-to-recover crude oil and the cheap products recovered therefrom, we do have to find alternatives. Biodiesel fuel is a logical one.

Biofuel Propels New Businesses

Ed Stelmach, Alberta Premier

Alberta Premier Welcomes Biodiesel Refinery

Canada is participating in the proposed international agreement on the Hazardous and Noxious Substances Convention (liability insurance) and Protocol (emergency response), which deal with marine chemical spills. Transport Canada now has a Web page for the Protocol at ers/hns/menu.htm.

BioStreet Canada will be constructing their 175 million litre per year biodiesel crusher and refinery in Vegreville, AB—right in the backyard of Premier Ed Stelmach’s riding. He congratulated the company on their choice of location. “Alberta’s rural economy is benefiting from the increased demand in biofuels, helping to diversify from one largely dependent on oil and gas.” The Premier and local dignitaries welcomed BioStreet during an announcement reception held in the auditorium of the Vegreville Centennial Library on June 1, 2007. Construction is slated to begin in late 2007 and scheduled for completion in late 2009. Once commissioned, the plant will provide over 50 full-time employment opportunities and create a new market for 375,000 to 400,000 tonnes of canola per year. Angela Reid, BioStreet’s vice-president of public and government relations, said, “Our team is excited to be a part of the rapidly emerging renewable energy economy in Canada, and we look forward to working with the town, the county, the province, the federal government, and canola producers as suppliers and equity investors, to enhance the agriculture industry and make a significant contribution to national renewable fuel targets and Alberta’s Nine Point Bio-Energy Plan.”

Canada’s Chemical Producers

BioStreet Canada


Hazardous and Noxious Substance Web Site

Photo courtesy of Mario Bartel, Burnaby Newsleader

Momentum for biofuels is growing. Many see them as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide sustainable energy sources, and ensure domestic supplies of energy. Legislation is being written and government mandates are being issued around the globe to increase production of sustainable energy sources over the next couple of decades. SRI Consulting recently released its new “Chemical Inputs and By-Products of Biofuels” report, which examines the major biofuel processes and provides an understanding of the impact of their chemical inputsand by-products on the chemical industry. Robert Davenport, director of SRI’s safe and sustainable chemicals series, commented, “As the petrochemical industry was developed in concert with the petroleum industry, new chemical businesses will be developed as an outgrowth of the biofuels industry. As more biofuels are produced, there will be a demand for chemicals to assist in their production and a concomitant increase in the number of chemical applications from biofuel by-products.” Davenport added, “Many by-products of the biofuels industry can be used as energy sources, but chemicals provide a higher value.” As a result of the rapid growth in biodiesel production, the potential supply of glycerin may exceed ten times current demand. The resulting drop in glycerin prices has prompted new technologies to be developed that can take advantage of the now lowcost feedstock. These new technologies could impact existing producers of products that may soon be glycerin-based, said SRI. The report discusses the major biofuels that will be produced over the next decade and projects consumption of chemicals for several biofuels, based on estimated future production. Processes discussed include biodiesel, bioethanol, biobutanol, and others. Information on obtaining the report is available at www. SRI Consulting



Boehringer Ingelheim’s expanded research centre in Laval, QC

Boehringer’s New Labs Following the initial expansion of its Laval research centre in 1997, Boehringer Ingelheim is adding more new laboratories through 2007, increasing its facilities by over 40 percent. This further substantial investment of $36 million will allow Boehringer Ingelheim to add 40 new high-calibre scientists to a world-class team of over 140 researchers engaged in antiviral drug discovery. The Laval centre is one of four principal research centres within the Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation’s global research organization. The new laboratories, including state-of-the-art level 2 and 3 biosafety laboratories, will incorporate the cutting-edge technologies essential to maintaining Boehringer Ingelheim’s position as a pharmaceutical research and drug discovery leader. This further growth will facilitate new high-level research initiatives for the Canadian centre, which are primarily devoted to discovering and developing new and effective medicines for HIV infections and hepatitis C. Boehringer Ingelheim will realize its ambitious objectives


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in collaboration with researchers and through continuing exchanges and collaboration with the academic community, biotech companies, and research institutes across Canada. Boehringer Ingelheim

Chemical CEOs’ Top Concerns Only four in ten CEOs in the chemicals industry feel very confident about revenue growth over the next 12 months, according to the 10th annual PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) global CEO survey. CEOs of multinational chemical companies were interviewed for the report, which addresses the key issues that CEOs are facing in their efforts to manage their companies in a global marketplace. Several challenges are dimming the confidence of chemical CEOs. Low-cost competition was ranked as their top concern, with almost 90 percent viewing it as a threat to business growth. Another issue high on their agenda is energy. More than eight in ten respondents identified energy prices and energy security as particular threats. Over-regulation was ranked fourth in the list of threats to revenue growth.” It is not surprising to see that regulation is concerning chemical CEOs. The European Regulation, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) will have a considerable impact not only on EU chemical manufacturers, but the global chemical landscape,” said Volker Fitzner, global chemicals advisory leader for PwC. “With most business functions likely to be affected by REACH, the


regulation will also alter the intra- and intercompany supply and value chain and thus influence the profitability of companies even beyond the pure chemicals’ players.” In the face of these challenges, chemical CEOs are focused on generating growth opportunities. Respondents identified new product development as a key opportunity for future growth. CEOs are also retaining their appetite for market growth through geographic expansion. Over one-third of chemical industry CEOs completed a crossborder acquisition last year. Of these acquisitions, more than 40 percent involved Asia. That continent will continue to be an attractive market, with Mexico, Latin America, Korea, and central and eastern Europe cited as regions offering growth potential. However, chemical CEOs do not underestimate the difficulties faced in crossborder mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Conflicting regulatory requirements, cultural issues, and unexpected costs were cited by chemical CEOs as obstacles to M&A. “It is clear from the survey that globalization is a journey that is far from over and, for many CEOs, only just beginning,” said Saverio Fato, global chemicals leader for PwC. “The chemical industry has witnessed massive structural changes over the past decade, and consolidation is expected to continue. We see multinationals and local players now seeking to cement customer-centred ownership arrangements by doing transactions to be close to where their customers are.” Almost 40 chemical companies were interviewed as part of the survey. The report is available at Camford Chemical Report


Bob Johnsen and C. elegans

Worms Return From Space To say that Bob Johnsen was over the moon when he picked up worms at Cape Canaveral in Florida on June 19 is putting it mildly. Once he had his cargo in hand, the Simon Fraser University (SFU) associate researcher headed straight for the lab he shares with David Baillie. Baillie is an SFU professor of molecular biology and biochemistry and is also a Canada Research Chair in genomics. The worms (C. elegans) returned from a stay aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Orbiting the earth since 2000, the ISS is continually inhabited by humans and other creatures. Six months at ISS was enough time for these worms to produce 25 generations. The C. elegans is the perfect organism to determine the impact of radiation exposure on humans in space because it is the simplest multi-cellular organism with a completely known genomic DNA sequence. Like humans, C. elegans has about 20,000 genes. About 4,500 of these genes are effectively doing the same jobs in worms as in humans. Worms also make an efficient subject for these experiments because they are only as long as a grain of salt is wide. Their size helps scientists keep down the costs of their experiments in space. It costs about $22,000 a kilogram to send cargo up into space. The total mass of these worms in space is 60 grams. Thanks to a system that he co-developed as a grad student under Baillie, Johnsen will be able to tell how much the worms have mutated. The

device, called eT1, enables scientists to capture and analyze accumulations of mutations, similar to the way scientists analyze growth rings on trees. Normally, worms lose their genetic mutations as they grow. “Only by analyzing the extent of their genetic mutations will we be able to understand the impact of lengthy exposure to radiation in space,” says Johnsen. “Before we can mitigate the impact of radiation, we have to understand the biological changes it causes.” Current research indicates that one in eight travellers taking a round trip to Mars could die from radiation poisoning and the rest would likely be very ill. NASA scientists are anxious to know how they can mitigate the impact of radiation because they hope to send a human crew to the moon by 2020 and to Mars by 2035. Simon Fraser University

Canada Approves Nuclear Waste Plan The federal government has determined Canada’s long-term future strategy for managing all of Canada’s nuclear fuel wastes. Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn announced that the government accepted the recommendations of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) to adopt the Adaptive Phased Management. This plan provides for a combination of strategies, including onsite wet and dry storage over the short term

Photo courtesy of Diane Luckow, SFU Public Affairs Media Relations

followed by isolation and containment deep within the earth for the long term. The plan ensures that at all stages of nuclear fuel waste can be monitored and retrieved. The NWMO will now begin to design a site selection process in consultation with Canadian citizens. The federal government indicated the importance of nuclear energy to Canada, noting that it is a clean source of energy providing more than 15 percent of the country’s electricity—more than 50 percent in Ontario alone. The approval concludes the first step required by the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act of 2002. This Act provided for the formation of the NWMO and required it to make recommendations to the federal government within three years. The NWMO was required to study three technologies—deep geological disposal, onsite storage at nuclear power stations, and centralized storage, either above or below ground. The NWMO’s preferred strategy of Adaptive Phased Management combines all three technologies. Natural Resources Canada

ACCN Wins APEX Award of Excellence The CIC is pleased to announce that L’Actualité chimique canadienne / Canadian Chemical News (ACCN) has been awarded an APEX 2007 Award of Excellence in the category of “One to Two Person-Produced Magazines and Journals.” The Nineteenth Annual Awards for Publication Excellence (APEX) Competition is sponsored by the editors of “Writing That Works: The Business Communications Report.” APEX 2007 awards were based on excellence in editorial content, graphic design, and the success of the entry in achieving overall communications effectiveness and excellence.



Ed Fong of Divine Wines (located at 104th Street and Jasper Avenue) gave the audience a chance to sample some great wines. This tied in nicely with the lecture, as Fong was able to demonstrate the range of flavours that Kennepohl had highlighted. Fong also gave tips on how to taste and purchase wine, and he quickly had the whole audience swirling their glasses and aerating their mouths to release aromatic compounds. The sight would have been amusing to an outsider. But audience members were too enraptured with their beverages to notice as they celebrated the end of an entirely enjoyable and completely chemical evening. Joel Kelly, Infochem

Attendees enjoyed a completely chemical evening at Edmonton’s Café CIC.

From the Vine to the Bottle—Café CIC If the fifth annual Café CIC had been an actual café, it would have been a distinctly Parisian one. Instead, Café CIC was part of a series of public lectures on the fascinating chemistry of foodstuffs and beverages held March 22, 2007, at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton, AB. Wine, cheese, and what passes for a baguette (here in Edmonton) were all enjoyed by the sell-out crowd of 90 people, while strains of Beethoven and Bach wafted over the conference room. Luckily, no French mimes were observed, but the event did feature the affable Ken Newman of King’s University College as the master of ceremonies. The wine was clearly the main feature of the evening. Participants learned about every aspect of winemaking and wine consuming from Dietmar Kennepohl, FCIC, 2006 chair of the local section and professor of chemistry at Athabasca University. Kennepohl’s discussion journeyed from the vine to the bottle and from the molecular level to some surprising statistics about global wine consumption. For instance, did you know that Parisians consumed a whopping 54 litres per person in 2004? He also explained where the diverse range of flavours in wine originate and how treatment conditions such as the type of wood used to cask the wine can lead to markedly different tastes, based on levels of tannins and other flavour molecules.

Dow Develops Propylene Glycol from Renewables Dow Chemical announced a significant milestone in its pursuit of sustainable chemistries with the introduction of monopropylene glycol derived from renewable resources. Propylene glycol renewable (PGR) is made from glycerin generated during the manufacture of biodiesel, a diesel fuel alternative produced from vegetable oil. Dow is currently conducting PGR trials with customers and anticipates having limited commercial quantities available this year. PGR will be used in such applications as unsaturated polyester resins for boat hulls and bathroom fixtures, as well as aircraft de-icers, antifreeze, and heavy duty laundry detergents. “PGR provides environmental benefits and is cost competitive. It also offers the same outstanding characteristics in terms of quality and performance as our existing PG products,” said Mady Bricco, global product director, propylene oxide/propylene glycol. According to Bricco, in addition to being manufactured from what is essentially a byproduct of the biodiesel process, the production of PGR can be expected to provide additional environmental benefits when compared with propylene-based PG. For example, laboratory tests indicate that manufacturing PGR will consume considerably less fresh water than conventional PG. “We are excited to be at the forefront in developing this innovative,


sustainable product. Using PGR will enable customers to exercise their commitment to technologies that consume less fossil fuel and other finite resources.” Dow Chemical

Stem Cells Put Toronto on Top Canadian stem cell technology in the U.S. underscores the Toronto area’s global leadership in stem cell research. Under the agreement, an emerging Canadian life sciences company, Tissue Regeneration Therapeutics Inc. (TRT), will exclusively license its human umbilical cord perivascular cell (HUCPVC) technology to Stem Cell Authority Ltd. for family stem cell banking in the U.S. The licensing fees and annual minimum royalties will exceed $20 million. The technology originated at the University of Toronto and has been offered in Canada since March 2007 through a licensing agreement between TRT and Toronto-based CReATe Cord Blood Bank. “Toronto is the first place in the world to bank perivascular mesenchymal stem cells from the human umbilical cord and we are extremely pleased to now be able to provide this opportunity to parents across the U.S.,” said John Davies, FCIC, senior inventor of the technology at the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. “This is a great example of how a university can facilitate the translation of professorial research from the university laboratory to commercial reality for the benefit of the public.” Using HUCPVC technology, cord tissue is collected once a baby is born. The tissue is placed in a nutrient solution and is shipped to the CReATe laboratories for processing and storage. A technician at the laboratory uses a proprietary process to remove the cells from the cord tissue and stores them for future use. Mesenchymal cells are the building blocks for the muscle, bone, and connective tissues of the body. HUCPVCs also serve as regulators of the immune system. Published uses in cell therapy include tissue engineering and combating Crohn’s disease, juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and heart disease.


While the HUCPVC technology is still in the pre-clinical stage, TRT CEO Jeffrey Turner said that its development program offers parents a type of “biological life insurance” that could one day treat all the diseases mentioned above and more. The HUCPVC breakthrough was announced in 2005 when the Davies research group discovered these stem cells in the connective tissue surrounding the blood vessels in the cord. The great advantages of this source of mesenchymal stem cells lie in sourcing them from tissue that would otherwise be thrown away at birth, their very rapid proliferation, and the huge numbers of harvested stem cells.



Karen Kelly, University of Toronto Bulletin

Lawyer and patent agent, Daphne C. Lainson, MCIC, answers your questions on patenting your discoveries. Send your questions to

Q: I have a Canadian patent on a new chemical compound for use in cancer therapy. I have now discovered that this compound may be useful for treating other diseases. Does my patent cover these other therapies? A: The answer will depend on what you claimed in your patent. A patent has two main parts—the description and the claims. The description provides information on how to make and use your invention, and the claims define the scope of the invention protected by the patent. If you claimed the compound itself, then you should be able to successfully enforce the patent against any third party using the compound without your permission. This may involve suing the third party for patent infringement in a court proceeding. This also assumes that the claim is valid. An acceptable defence to patent infringement is that the patent claim is invalid and should not have been granted by the Canadian Patent Office. On the other hand, if you claimed the compound in terms of how it is to be used, then it is unlikely that you would be able to successfully enforce the patent against a third party using the compound for a different use than what is claimed. However you claimed the compound in the patent, you should nevertheless consider seeking further patent protection for the use of your compound for the new therapies. A new use of a known compound is patentable in Canada and many other countries in the world.



Daphne C. Lainson, MCIC, is a lawyer and patent agent with the law firm Smart & Biggar in Ottawa, ON. Smart & Biggar is Canada’s largest firm practising exclusively in intellectual property and technology law. Disclaimer: The preceding is intended as informational only, and does not constitute professional advice.



All Patched Up


’m all patched up. I’ve got a patch on my sole, one under my arm, and one on my derrière. I’m “detoxifying,” apparently, just like thousands of Japanese and a growing number of North Americans. The patches, made by numerous companies (mostly in Japan), resemble large Bandaids®. They claim to draw “toxins” out of the body. No reference is made to which toxins are removed, but there is no shortage of claims about the results. Headaches, high blood pressure, kidney problems, arthritis, hair loss, fatigue, diabetes, and heart disease are all supposedly relieved. These detox patches appear to be truly amazing devices. They propose to draw poisons out of the body while infusing various healing agents into the body. What sort of agents? Like those found in the Japanese Loquat leaf, which we are told contains various vitamins including “vitamin B17.” Actually, there is no vitamin called B17, but the term is commonly used to describe cancer “cure” also known as “laetrile.” The patch also contains vitamin C, which according to the label reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, and the risk of blood clot formation.

No evidence for these claims exists, and even if it did, there would be better ways of introducing vitamin C into the body than through the sole of the foot. There are other gems in the formulation. Literally. There is powdered tourmaline that “exerts a cleansing and liberating energy upon our entire nervous system, promoting a clearing and stabilizing effect.” We are told that tourmaline is “one of the only minerals to emit far infrared heat and negative ions.” Then there is amethyst, a “stone of psychic power” that “promotes tranquility and helps embrace your own intuitive wisdom.” Doesn’t seem to promote too much wisdom among the people who endorse this gobbledygook. Detoxification is attributed to the main ingredient—something called “wood vinegar.” This reddish brown liquid is obtained by heating wood and condensing the vapours that form. It is a complex mixture of oils, tar, methanol, acetone, and acetic acid. Volatile components can be driven off by drying the vinegar. The residual grey powder is the “essence” of the detoxifying patch. This is the stuff that appears to magically draw toxins out of the body. And those unnamed toxins really do appear! At least in the pictures that accompany the product. The patch is originally white and becomes brown and sticky after being worn for a few hours. According to the literature provided, the brown sludge is formed by the poisons removed from the body. Nonsense! The stickiness is due to moisture combining with dextrin, a starch filler used in the patch. Remember mixing flour and water to make glue? That’s just what is happening here. The colour appears when sweat reconstitutes the wood vinegar. So if foot patches are just poppycock, why do so many people feel relieved after the “toxins have been removed?” Perhaps it’s the same reason that people felt better after flocking to the elegant chambers of John St. John Long on Harley Street, London, in the early 19th century. They gathered to be treated with a liniment made of turpentine, acetic acid, and egg yolk—much like the foot patch ingredients. St. John Long had no medical training whatsoever, yet had supporters who were convinced that he had cured them of various ailments. The term “placebo” may have only been coined in 1920, but the effect has an extensive history. The ancient Egyptians, for example, alleviated abdominal


pains by rubbing the belly with saffron powder and beer. St. John Long could have had a long and fruitful career cashing in on the placebo effect, had he stuck to his ointments. But some cases required more dramatic intervention. Internal disease, he proposed, could be treated by creating an external wound that would produce a discharge to carry off the malady. This is the philosophy he applied to Mrs. Cashin who worried that her elder daughter would be afflicted by tuberculosis, a disease that had already claimed her younger daughter. The quack incised the young lady’s back to allow any incipient disease to escape. When a discharge (probably due to infection) was seen, St. John Long expressed elation. His elation did not last long as poor Miss Cashin soon expired. A coroner’s inquest was summoned and a number of witnesses spoke of the virtues of the accused’s lotion for curing various complaints. Nevertheless, the jury found St. John Long guilty of manslaughter. Incredibly, he was released after paying a fine that he paid with a wad of bills from his pocket. St. John Long was back in court within a month, this time accused of precipitating the death of the wife of a Royal Navy officer. St. John Long was tried at the Old Bailey, but the jury found the evidence against him inconclusive. When he was found innocent, a great roar rose up from his supporters in the courtroom who declared that his treatments had been vindicated. Three years later, Long contracted tuberculosis and failed to cure himself of the disease. His former patients collected funds for a memorial monument paying tribute to his talents. So I suspect my saying that the detox patches amount to claptrap will not shake any devotees. But at least the patches are not dangerous claptrap. I’ve had no adverse effects from my little experiment. And for those of you interested in the technical details, it seems that armpits and soles are more toxic than bottoms.

Popular science writer, Joe Schwarcz, MCIC, is the director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society. He hosts the Dr. Joe Show on Montréal’s radio station CJAD and Toronto’s CFRB. The broadcast is available on the Web at You can contact him at


Securing Canadian biotechnology leadership with the Canadian Life Sciences Industry Forecast



s the biotechnology revolution of the last 20 years overtook innovation and discovery worldwide, Canada has systematically built a framework of research and development aimed at securing Canadian biotechnology leadership. Our theme of growing “imagenenation” isn’t just a play on the words “I’m a gene nation” (humans are composed of approximately 25,000 genes). It’s recognition that Canada’s industry is growing up on a number of fronts including scientifically and economically.

Industry overview The Canadian biotechnology industry is comprised of more than 500 companies, spending $1.8 billion a year on research and development, which is more than 12 percent of Canada’s total business research and development spending. In the world of biotech, Canada matters. For the past two years, BIOTECanada has partnered with PricewaterhouseCoopers to publish the Canadian Life Sciences Industry Forecast. Through an on-line survey, stakeholders from corporate, academic, government, and other organizations along the life sciences and biotechnology value chain were asked a series of questions intended to capture development milestones, outline issues impacting the industry today and in the future, and showcase business opportunities. The report directly


reflects where the industry sees itself in the coming years, and identifies the challenges in achieving optimal success in Canada. The new 2007 report offers important perspectives regarding long-term sustainability of Canadian companies, while showcasing the industry’s evolving maturity. In keeping with our global competitors, financing remains the most critical success factor for companies in Canada. Most respondents will be seeking more than $10 million in their next round of financing, however, approximately 40 percent will be looking for $20 million or more. Moreover, the source of funding is shifting beyond that of venture capital to now include strategic partners.

Maturing industry The financial results of the Forecast respondents indicate the gradual maturation of the Canadian life sciences industry. An increasing number of companies are generating revenues—2006 saw almost 52 percent, while 2007 offers almost 58 percent. The revenues are being generated primarily in Canada and the U.S. Forty percent of respondents currently have products for sale and 50 percent will have products available in the next two years. This is a good sign for our industry. A successful industry has the ability to commercialize its products and generate revenues to

expand its operating capacity. Canadian biotechnology companies are also seeking to grow their operations into other countries. As they expand, so does their capacity to build sales and manufacturing components of their operations in larger marketplaces. This growth will include increasing their research and development both in Canada and abroad.

Competitive advantages— the bio-industrial economy The diversity of the Canadian industry offers Canada a competitive advantage as biotechnology applications continue to expand at an unheralded pace. Rising energy costs, efforts to reduce carbon burden, consumer demand for green technologies, and greater economic value from agriculture and forest products all serve as key drivers for the next growth cycle of the industry in Canada. The global marketplace is increasingly competitive, but industrial biotech is advancing quickly and providing new tools for innovation and most importantly, cost reduction and improved environmental performance. Five percent of global chemical production is already dependent on biotech processes. McKenzie and Co. estimates show that in 2010, about 20 percent of the chemical market (worth $280 billion) could be involved with biotech production. The total value creation potential in the chemical industry alone could be as high as US$160 billion by 2010. The opportunities for Canada are vast. According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada is well positioned to advance because of our resource land base and production capabilities, our skilled workforce, and our R&D infrastructure. Industry and government recognize that environmental sustainability can offer economic opportunities. We’ve witnessed a host of federal investments into the sector. A near $500 million federal government investment program includes: • $200 million for the ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital (ecoABC) Initiative; • $145 million for the Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program (ABIP); and • $134 million for the Agri-Opportunities Program to support the commercialization of agricultural bio-products.

Industrial biotech and the chemical industry Industrial biotech provides biological systems for chemicals production. The technology converges seamlessly with other scientific disciplines such as process control, genomics, and molecular biology. It is a powerful source of innovation for new products and processes. But adopting industrial biotech methods means a shift in traditional chemical manufacturing practices. Industrial biotech can mean shorter R&D cycles, lower capital expenditure, and lower raw material costs. Its ability to create new functionality and renewable-based products means companies will leave a better environmental footprint. We’ve seen corporate images enhanced through the adoption of environmentally efficient practices, and companies can enter a whole new realm of marketing opportunities for their products. The future of Canadian discovery and commercialization has never looked better. There are certainly challenges—securing capital, improving the public policy environment to enable this technology, and ensuring we have a skilled workforce to supply the industry are all vital. These issues are first and foremost for BIOTECanada advocacy efforts as we work toward meaningful solutions. BIOTECanada has also introduced the Industrial and Environmental Committee to work on behalf of member companies to realize Canadian economic potential in the development of industrial and environmental biotechnologies. For more information on these initiatives and industrial biotech in Canada, visit our Web site at

Peter Brenders is the president and CEO of BIOTECanada, the national industryfunded association representing the broad spectrum of biotech constituents in the health, agriculture, and industrial biotech sectors. Previously, he was the health affairs executive at Genzyme Canada and vice-president of Market Access and Health Economics for Schering Canada Inc. where he was responsible for the company’s external and government relations. Brenders has also worked in the Ontario Ministry

CANADIAN BIOTECH 101 • Canada is home to 532 biotechnology innovative companies and those companies spend over $1.8 billion annually on R&D. Most of that is spent by companies pursuing human health products and processes. • Canada is second only to the U.S. in the number of biotechnology companies and, with total 2005 biotech revenues of approximately $3.8 billion, Canada ranks third in the world. • The number of companies has almost doubled since 1997, which was the first year Statistics Canada compiled the industry data. • The market capitalization of Canada’s pubic biotech companies is almost $22 billion. • Most of Canada’s companies are relatively small—almost three quarters of Canadian biotechnology companies have less than 50 employees. Approximately 65 percent of the people employed by small firms are either directly involved in scientific research/direction or are technicians. • Canadian biotechnology companies employed approximately 3,700 people in full-time scientific research/direction in 2003 with, in addition, approximately 2,800 people employed as technicians. • Small firms have minimal cash flow and may be years away from having approved products on the market. The great majority (approximately 84 percent) of biotechnology revenues are generated by larger companies (more than 150 employees). Canada’s small biotechnology firms are actively advancing research projects and are seeking financial support. In 2003, Canadian biotechnology companies had approximately 17,000 products/processes under development or on the market, with more than half of those owned by large firms. • At the R&D stage, small firms saw their number of products increase 49 percent from 2001 levels to a total of 3,345 products/processes, with almost 600 additional products/processes in pre-clinical and clinical trials.

of Health and in the health consulting practice at KPMG.

Reprinted with permission from BIOTECanada


BIOREFINING THE FUTURE Modern biorefineries refined and redefined


he last five years have seen a virtual explosion in worldwide interest in the production of fuels and chemicals from renewable materials. These renewables include agricultural residues such as corn stover and bagasse, wood and forestry residuals from lumber mills and woodland clearing, and soon, deliberately grown agricultural crops. This interest is being driven by the convergence of numerous public and governmental concerns and forces that include: • the problem of climate change associated with greenhouse gas emissions from fossil carbon sources; • sharply rising crude oil prices and the anticipated permanent increases in oil demand from rapidly developing nations such as China and India coupled with shrinking supply—the so-called “peak oil” scenario; • energy security; and


Ross MacLachlan and E. Kendall Pye • the economic impacts of higher oil prices on the economies of oilimporting countries such as the U.S., Australia, China, and Europe. Coupled with these concerns are anticipated advantages of the use of renewable materials that include higher incomes for domestic agriculture, reductions in trade imbalances, as well as a reduction in the need for agricultural subsidies from central governments for land set aside programs and crop surpluses. As a result of these drivers, governments around the world are now providing huge budgets to stimulate research, technology development, and the commercial introduction of bio-based fuels, chemicals, and materials. Additionally, in the last three to five years, this area has attracted massive investments from well-recognized venture capitalists, major corporations like DuPont, Rohm and Haas, and Cargill,1 and oil companies such as Petro-Canada, Shell, BP, and Chevron.

Such investments have been primarily targeted at start-up technology companies, but large in-house research and development programs are also now being funded by major corporations. These events are clearly laying the ground work for a new industry producing transportation fuels, chemicals, and materials from renewable resources, which conceivably could become as significant as today’s oil industry.

(Wood, Straw, Stover, etc.) Water

Organosolv Delignification


Solids Cellulose

Saccharification/ Fermentation Distillation

Products Ethanol

Black Liquor

Lignin Precipitation Ethanol Recycle


Yellow Liquor



Current status of renewable fuels and chemicals The production of transportation fuels from renewable materials is not an entirely novel phenomenon. Brazil has a 30-year history of producing large quantities of transportation fuels (ethanol) from sugar cane juice and molasses. This program is stimulated by that country’s very limited domestic supply of crude oil. The U.S. is now fully embarked on major federal and state government-endorsed programs to produce ethanol, presently from corn, but later from lignocellulosic biomass. With more than 100 ethanol plants having been constructed within the past five years, the U.S. now has the motor fuel ethanol capacity of well over five billion U.S. gallons per year. Ethanol is not the only transportation fuel now being produced in bulk from renewable materials. Bio-diesel production utilizing palm oil, soybean oil, and various other plant lipids is now a significant commercial activity in several countries—especially in Europe where there is a greater proportion of diesel engine automobiles than in North America. Production of liquid transportation fuels from renewable materials is not the only area gathering strong commercial and investment interest. The high cost of crude oil is now making it possible for chemicals derived from renewable sources to compete with traditional petrochemicals and materials. Several recent major investments are leading the way. Cargill-owned NatureWorks is now producing a new polymer, polylactic acid (PLA), for use in fibres, fabrics, and films, from cornstarch in Nebraska (see ACCN, January 2004).2 Chemical giant DuPont is producing another new polymer, Sorona, from 1,3 propanediol made by the fermentation of cornstarch-derived sugar.3 There has always been a specialty chemicals industry based on the recovery of valuable

Enzymes, Yeast

Lignocellulosic Biomass




Evaporation Concentrate

Acetic acid

Sugar Separation





CO 2

Figure 1

Table 1. Some Industrial Applications of Lignol Lignin PF resin and wood adhesive substitute Printed circuit board encapsulating resins Foundry resins and molding compounds Degradable plastic films, coatings Friction materials, green strength binders, organic particles Antioxidants in rubber, lubricants, feed additives Rubber tackifiers Renewable surfactants; concrete admixtures, air-entrainers, superplasticizers Carbon fibre and activated carbon production Animal feed applications chemicals from plants, such as flavours, fragrances, pharmaceutical intermediates, and dietary components. With the new era of high oil prices many companies are now searching for renewable sources of commodity chemicals, chemical intermediates, polymers, adhesives, and coatings, as well as performance additives in plastics, lubricants, and resins. There is now broad acceptance of the fact that foods and feeds, such as sugar, corn, and cereal grains, cannot support an industry of the size contemplated. The only renewable material capable of supplying chemicals and fuels in the quantities required by modern society is lignocellulosic biomass. The question then arises as to the types of technologies required to produce the necessary fuels and chemicals.

Technologies for bio-based chemicals production One approach to the production of useful chemicals and materials from plant biomass is that of thermo-chemical conversion of the entire biomass into highly degraded organic compounds by pyrolysis, or into synthesis gas by gasification. These types of processes destroy most of the fine chemical structures present in biomass and yield gaseous or liquid mixtures that must be further processed to create the desired chemical products. Another approach is the extraction, purification, and possible further chemical modification of biomass components for use directly in commerce. Examples include carrageenan from kelp, biodiesel from vegetable


oils, and resin acids from the “extractives” of trees. In these processes, much of the original chemical structure and value of the biomass is retained in the final product. A third approach is the treatment of plant materials to produce sugars from plant polysaccharides for use in microbial fermentations from which the products of fermentation are recovered. Examples of these are motor fuel ethanol from corn by yeast fermentation, PLA from Lactobacillus fermentations, and 1,3 propanediol from the DuPont engineered microorganism. This approach requires that the various polysaccharide components of the plant material be exposed to facilitate either acid-catalyzed or enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis.

The biorefinery All three of these general but disparate processes are now being described as biorefining, with the term “biorefinery” being used broadly to describe a facility that employs any of the various biorefining processes to convert plant materials into useful materials. In an attempt to clarify this term, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, CO, proposed two definitions.4 “A biorefinery is a facility that integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to produce fuels, power, and chemicals from biomass. The biorefinery concept is analogous to today’s petroleum refineries, which produce multiple fuels and products from petroleum. Industrial biorefineries have been identified as the most promising route to the creation of a new domestic biobased industry.” It is significant that the NREL definition of a biorefinery makes a comparison to the modern oil refinery. Modern oil refineries, faced with strong economic pressures from competitors in the same industry, process crude oil to create as many products as possible from the feedstock and eliminate as much waste as possible. Modern oil refineries attempt to preserve value by retaining the chemical properties of the components of the crude oil rather than reducing it to its lowest common chemical denominator (such as synthesis gas) from which more complex chemicals are reconstructed. Furthermore, today’s oil refineries have developed their economics around flexible processes that allow them to modify their

The Alcell Demonstration Pulp Mill (foreground at left) that operated at the pulp and paper mill in Miramichi, NB. product output to take maximum advantage of the vagaries in market demand and in product prices. The oil refining industry recognizes that multiple products create an economic advantage compared with single product operations. The latter are totally dependent on a potentially variable, singleproduct price for their economic survival. It is clear that with such a strong example from the old oil industry that the new biorefining industry would do well to follow the same operational principles.

The Lignol biorefinery process Lignol Innovations Ltd., of Vancouver, BC, is a subsidiary of Lignol Energy Corporation. It has developed possibly the most advanced biorefinery technology that is aimed at retaining and maximizing the value of the chemical structures that exist in lignocellulosic biomass.5 This process is in contrast to the thermo-chemical processes that, while able to handle most forms of biomass, do not preserve the exquisite chemical structures that nature created. Lignocellulosic biomass, the structural components of plants such as tree trunks and cereal straw, is now the primary focus of the developing biorefining industry because it represents the lowest cost and largest potential volume of any plant material on the planet. Vast


quantities of woody agricultural residues, such as straw and corn stover, are presently either left in the field or incinerated for no value. Such materials are composed primarily of three biochemical polymers. The most abundant one is cellulose, a homopolymer of the sugar D-glucose, linked by a β, 1-4 linkage. A lesser polymer is hemicellulose, a complex polymer consisting of various hexose and pentose sugars, together with acetyl groups, and uronic acids. The third polymeric component is lignin that is made up of variously modified phenylpropane moieties linked by numerous types of linkages including carbon-carbon bonds and aryl-alkyl ether linkages. In addition to these primary components of woody biomass, there are minor components including various lipophylic compounds generally grouped under the heading of “extractives” that include resin acids, terpenes, fatty acids, and phytosterols. Many minor components of woody biomass have been the source of valuable chemicals that have found uses in medicine (e.g. salicylic acid, β-sitostanol, etc.), in food (e.g. arabinogalactan), and in materials (e.g. turpentine). The Lignol biorefinery technology, which is able to process softwood, hardwood, and annual fibres, consists of two principle steps (see Figure 1). First is a modified solvent extraction stage that treats biomass with

aqueous alcohol at elevated temperatures, and elevated pressures, for a specified time. This treatment converts much of the large lignin polymers in the woody biomass into smaller molecular weight fragments, which dissolve in the hot alcohol-based liquor. These fragments still retain most of the chemical structure and properties of the original lignin, but unlike lignin extracted from wood in the kraft and sulfite pulping industry, they do not have sulfur introduced into their chemical structure. Thus the lignin extracted from biomass by the Lignol technology still retains many valuable properties above and beyond its aromatic content and finds highvalue commercial markets (Table 1). Several other important reactions occur during this first extraction stage of the Lignol biorefinery process. Acetic acid, furfural and various hexose and pentose sugars arise from reactions involving hemicellulose. Additionally, most of the lipophylic components of the biomass, generally called “extractives,” appear in the hot liquor. The products of this first stage, therefore, are a cellulose-rich fibre and an aqueous alcohol liquor that contains the dissolved extracted materials. This liquor is then treated in a series of unit processes to recover: • ethanol; • an industrial chemical called furfural that is created during the process from the pentose sugars of the hemicellulose; • a valuable extractives fraction; • an additional lignin fraction and the hexose sugars derived from the hemicellulose, which can be fermented by yeast to produce ethanol; and • acetic acid, a widely used industrial chemical. The second stage of the Lignol biorefinery process is a process called saccharifica-

tion (the conversion of the cellulose in the fibres to glucose), and then the fermentation of this glucose to produce ethanol. Due to the relative purity of the cellulosic fibre fraction that results from this process, Lignol uses a cellulase enzyme complex to perform the saccharification. This results in very high yields and conversion rates that cannot be achieved with acid-catalyzed saccharification. The yeast that is employed in the fermentation has been carefully selected by Lignol to allow rapid ethanol production from both the cellulose-derived glucose as well as the certain hexose sugars derived from the hemicellulose. As can be seen, the Lignol biorefinery creates high value from the biomass feedstock by producing multiple co-products together with high yields of fermentable sugars that are readily converted to fuel ethanol, or other “sugar platform” chemicals. This is achieved to a great extent by preserving the structure and then recovering most of the chemicals that nature created in the biomass. Many other biorefinery processes currently under development utilize only the sugars obtained from the cellulose and sometimes the hemicellulose. They then burn the remainder to create steam and power for the process. This provides something less than solid fuel value to the plant. There are many other materials less amenable to biorefining—such as bark—that can provide fuel to a biorefinery. The first stage of the Lignol biorefinery process was demonstrated in the Alcell Demonstration Pulp Mill that operated in Miramichi, NB. The process used at the mill with a capacity of 70 tons of wood per day had numerous advantages resulting from its production of multiple co-products. The revenue from these additional products

creates an economic advantage that can be exploited to allow the technology to be viable in relatively small plants. This opens up the prospect of locating these biorefineries in large sawmills to use the wood residues created at these operations, or placing them within pulp mills where excess wood chips could be made available. Certainly, this technology holds the promise of creating significant value from fuels and chemicals derived from lignocellulosic biomass and should be a leading technology in the new rapidly developing biorefining industry.

References 1. Rick Mullin, “Sustainable Specialties,” Chemical & Engineering News (November 8, 2004), p. 29. 2. NatureWorks at 3. Alex Tullo, “A Living Plant,” Chemical & Engineering News (June 25, 2007), p. 36. 4. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at biorefiery.html 5. Lignol Energy Corporation at www.lignol. ca/technology.html

Ross MacLachlan, president and CEO of Lignol Energy Corporation, is a seasoned business executive with a successful track record in both the conventional and alternative energy sectors. He has a strong background in project finance and is currently a director of one of Canada’s leading private independent power producers. E. Kendall Pye, is the chief scientific officer at Lignol Innovations Ltd. in Vancouver, BC.



End product

Vegetable oil →

Poly-urethane →

Automotive foam seating

Natural fibre from flax, hemp, etc. →

High strength lightweight composites →

Automotive panels

Sugar in pulp-and-paper process water →

Ethanol →

Vinegar in pickles and salad dressings

Dextrose from corn →

Lactic acid →

Recyclable and biodegradable plastic for containers, textiles

Starch from grain →

Modified starch superabsorbents →

Biodegradable disposable diapers

John Jaworski, Industry Canada


Gregory Penner


here has been a lot of interest concerning the possibility of using biomass as an alternative to petrochemicals. This excitement has been muted within the industry as attractive business opportunities that are not supported by government subsidies or mandates are difficult to find. This article explores the primary constraints to the development of biobased opportunities, and points to direct ways the chemical and biotechnology industries could work together more effectively to overcome these constraints. The problems facing the evolution of products derived from biomass are very different than the challenges that the petrochemical industry faced 100 years ago. A century ago, the petrochemical industry was just beginning to create products that would replace bioproducts. The challenge was to develop plastics that could serve as replacements for silk, wood, or ivory. Consumers do not purchase plastics, and they did not choose plastic materials over biobased ones because they preferred plastics. Consumers in the last century acted as consumers do now. Their purchasing decisions were based on cost with acceptable performance. Billiard balls made from Bakelite replaced ivory because they were less expensive without a significant sacrifice in function. Plastic telephones replaced wood ones because they were less expensive. Nylon replaced silk because it provided a cheaper alternative while fulfilling the same basic purpose. To win back at least a portion of the stage, new products developed from biomass must compete on price without sacrificing performance.

Cost drivers This would be an even more daunting task if the cost of petroleum and the cost of biomass were remaining constant at early 20th century levels. Increases in the cost of petroleum are often portrayed as a driving force behind the need to shift to bioproducts. This may be less


Above: Ivory billiard balls were replaced with Bakelite because they were less expensive without a significant sacrifice in function.

than half the truth the decrease over time in the relative price of agricultural commodities is at least as important in increasing the cost competitiveness of biomass with petroleum. The recent spike in corn prices has only kept pace with the recent spike in petroleum prices with the margin between the two staying constant over the past decade (see Figure 1). Biomass is worth exploring now as an alternative to petroleum because it has improved in terms of competitive pricing.

Technology drivers So, it makes sense to explore the use of biomass as an alternative to petroleum for economic reasons. Why have bioproducts only seen success in areas where government subsidies have created artificial economic incentives? The answer, as always, represents a constraint and an opportunity. We have not developed cost-effective technologies capable of converting carbohydrates (such as glucose) to hydrocarbons.

Glucose is by far the primary constituent of biomass. The composition of this chemical is the key to driving bioproducts towards cost-competitive applications. Glucose is composed of 6 parts carbon, 12 parts hydrogen, and 6 parts oxygen—very symmetrical. It is, unfortunately, very different from the hydrocarbons that our fuel and petrochemical industry is based on. Hydrocarbons, by definition, contain no oxygen, and therefore have higher than 2:1 ratios between the remaining hydrogen and carbon. Almost all development in this area can be described as explorations in either fermentation or combustion. Fermentation is nature’s way of breaking down biomass, and it seems like a good place to look for cost-effective approaches. If anything, nature has a reputation for being frugal. Unfortunately, during fermentation processes, oxygen is evolved as either H2O or, in the case of ethanol fermentation, as CO2. This results in a waste of either carbon or hydrogen. Fermentation also leads to the formation of alcohols and acids, both of which still contain oxygen. Biological means of removing this remaining oxygen do not exist. Nature has never really seen the need to make hydrocarbons. This leaves us with combustion. At present, traditional chemistry approaches to biomass conversion hold the most promise for the future. The less than subtle approach of blowing it up into a gas, and then reforming the constituent chemicals in the presence of a catalyst (Fischer-Tropsch), has been successfully commercialized in coal-to-liquid applications, and is on the verge of being commercialized for biomass to liquid in several countries. This approach has lower operating costs as it is intrinsically more efficient, but is constrained by high capital costs. The chemical industry is not intimidated by high capital cost, but they are hesitant about introducing an altogether new technology. Combustion approaches are also necessarily energy intensive, and given their lack of subtlety, lead to the formation of a range of end products. The chemicals produced by living organisms are different than those produced by thermal cracking in a petroleum refinery. Biological chemicals tend to occur as only one isomer and in only one chiral form. This purity of structure has potential advantages in the construction and functionality of polymers that is lost in a biomass to liquid refining process.

The future will clearly not be based entirely on petrochemicals. Nor will it be based entirely on biomass. The future will be full of composite products that maintain functionality while decreasing cost. The use of biopolyols in polyurethane foam products provides an excellent example. At present, certain technologies allow polymeric biopolyols created from soybean oil to replace a portion of the propylene and ethylene oxide-based polyols while maintaining overall functionality. The biopolyols reduce the cost of product formulation, but are not yet capable of replacing petrochemical polyols completely without an unacceptable loss of performance. Too much research has been focused on the complete replacement of existing polymers (such as polyethylene with biobased polylactic acid) rather than exploring ways in which the chemical substituents could be combined to reduce cost while maintaining functionality. The first, and potentially more sustainable product successes will be made through the creation of hybrid polymers. Canada has the potential to emerge as a global leader in the actual commercialization of bioproducts by focusing on compelling business sense rather than satisfaction of political pressures for environmental responses or relieving farm debt. Compelling business sense is not

If the future will be constructed with hybrid polymers, why not also consider hybrid approaches to the production of these chemicals? limited to just the chemical, plastics, or fuel industries. To be sustainable, the definition of compelling business sense must extend throughout the value chain from on-farm production through biomass process and on to the traditional components of the petrochemical industry. If the future will be constructed with hybrid polymers, why not also consider hybrid approaches to the production of these


Figure 1. 2007 values correspond to June 2007 price only, all other dates are annual values. All values are expressed in the value of a 1997 U.S. dollar. Data sources: Forecasting: Methods and Applications, Makridakis, Wheelwright and Hyndman, 1998 (Wiley), U.S. Department of Energy, petroleum price information, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Ontario Soybean Growers commodity price report, CBOT. chemicals? The incredible advances made in biotechnology over the last fifty years have left us with a tool kit that is still more powerful than our imagination in using it. Global creative talent has focused on understanding how life works, and why sometimes it fails to work properly. We are starting to think of biological constituents, such as glucose and fatty acids, as different kinds of bricks, and biotechnology as a means to assemble these bricks into walls and structures that life never imagined.

New opportunites require new approaches We all know Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, “the survival of the fittest,” the slow progress of complexity from the primordial ooze. The evolution of species has limitations however. It is never about the best that is possible, it is only about being better than your neighbour. Aristotle would have approved of evolution; extremes in any one direction are not desirable—checks and balances are. Nature approves of cautious bankers much more than aggressive entrepreneurs. This does not, however, lead to the creation of necessarily the best possible enzymes for driving biological processes. Modern biotechnology has enabled us to take evolution into our own hands. We can set the rules of the game. Through directed evolution, we can drive the selection

of individual enzymes, separate from the cells in which they were designed to work, and drive them towards maximum performance in non-biological settings. We can drive improved enzyme performance under any range of pH, temperature, or pressure that we want. What is amazing is how well the machinery of life responds, and that it is possible to create designer enzymes at will. The key difficulty with the products of directed evolution is that their application must occur outside of their natural home, the rest of their home is no longer adapted to the same environment they are in now. Directed evolution of an emperor penguin to enable it to thrive in the Caribbean would mean that it would no longer be able to live comfortably in Antarctica. At this point, this means that directed evolution is limited to single enzyme systems that are relatively simple. Several approaches have the potential to overcome these constraints. Work with sol-gels and nanotechnology is producing promising results. They’re being used as a means of constructing three-dimensional arrays of enzymes that operate coordinately and mimic cellular activities without the cell. In our own laboratory, we are performing directed evolution on DNA fragments called “aptamers.” This approach does not need to start with something that has evolved in life. We start with completely random libraries of shapes and functionalities and maintain selection in cell-free systems. The ability to convert chemicals using low-energy


bioprocesses is not limited in application to biochemicals. This is a true hybrid technology in that it can be as easily applied to petrochemicals as it can to biomass. These approaches will require a combination of biotechnology, nanotechnology, and organic chemistry to generate opportunities for commercialization. Canada is blessed with several world-class chemistry schools, and the physical presence of commercial industrial chemists in high-intensity chemical clusters in Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta. We have cutting-edge capabilities in nanotechnology, microbiology, and biotechnology. We are a developed nation with broad, government-based scientific programs, significant domestic industry, and a multitude of post-secondary institutions. As much as some governments would like it, the future will not be driven or created simply by expending large amounts of money within existing sectors. Canada and Canadian industry have been at the forefront of creativity in bioproducts with cellulosic ethanol, and fast pyrolysis. We can play a lead role in developing the future by driving meaningful convergence across disciplines, while maintaining a business focus on sustainable opportunities. To quote Thomas Edison, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” It will require creative inspiration, focus, and hard work to transform bioproducts into cost-effective opportunities. Let’s get on with it!

Gregory Penner has experience as a research manager both with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and with Monsanto (St. Louis, MO). He provides consulting services to the chemical industry and government in the area of bioproducts and renewable fuels. He also oversees research and development efforts within his own company, NeoVentures Biotechnology Inc. For more information, visit








50 YEARS OF DISTINCTION Merci. Au nom de toute la communauté de l’ICC et de ses

Richard M. R. Branion, FCIC Gordon M. Brown, MCIC

sociétés constituantes, merci pour ces cinquante ans

M. E. Charles, FCIC

pendant lesquels vous avez aidé l’Institut, et donc la

Cameron M. Crowe, FCIC

société canadienne dans son ensemble. John A. Davies, FCIC

Many thanks for your continuing contributions to the well-being of Canadian society. It is such a pleasure for me, on behalf of all the members of the CIC and its constituent societies, to congratulate you for your 50 years of membership. Congratulations.

A. Foldes, MCIC John S. Little, FCIC Benjamin C. Y. Lu, FCIC H. R. MacMillan, MCIC J. D. McIrvine, MCIC Murray J. McLeod, MCIC

Christian Detellier, FCIC CIC Chair

Hugh C. Rowlinson, FCIC John T. Sinclair, MCIC Ian D. Spenser, FCIC Ian C. Twilley, FCIC Charles J. West, FCIC Brian J. Wiggins, MCIC Roy S. Yamasaki, MCIC




lobal innovations, chemistry today, S&T, strategies, opportunities, sustainability . . . the 90th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition covered it all. Delegates arrived in Winnipeg, MB, in May to take in sessions, lectures, special events, and more. Students came in numbers to present posters, network, attend sessions, and discuss career options. Here are a few highlights and photos of another productive Canadian Society for Chemistry conference. Chemistry is at a crossroads and the American Chemical Society (ACS) is re-igniting its commitment to S&T through education, collaboration, and innovation. The formidable Catherine “Katie” T. Hunt, ACS president, gave an inspiring presentation to the Canadian Society for Chemistry board of directors. The vision: improving people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry. Her messages: change the face of chemistry by giving chemistry a face; take public positions; experts, speak with one voice . . . let’s get started! Barry M. Trost of Stanford University presented the opening plenary lecture, “On Inventing New Reactions for Atom Economy.” He explains that an atom economy—more environmentally benign by design—would minimize raw material and waste. Trost believes chemists look at problems as other scientists do but from a different perspective. Chemists see structures that don’t yet exist.The lecture ends with a simple question, “is the science mature?” Our understanding of the science of chemistry is in its infancy—this is the wonder of chemistry. It will be many generations before we can say chemistry is mature. Suzanne Fortier, FCIC, president, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), spoke at the science policy forum. Fortier focused on the budget’s new S&T strategy. The government is committed to maintaining Canada’s G7 leadership, to enhancing the commercialization of Canadian ideas and innovations, and to targeting new investments to areas where Canada has the potential to be a world leader—such as energy, environmental technologies, and health sciences. Dear to Fortier are NSERC’s goals—serving our

communities by taking the lead in advancing knowledge in science and engineering; ensuring that Canadian scientists/engineers can seize opportunities as key players in a global research community; and connecting and applying the strength of the academic research system to address the opportunitites and challenges of building sustainable prosperity for Canada. “It is important for our country to have a strong base in all the disciplines. I truly believe we have tremendous strength and talent in this country.” She stresses the need to make science attractive and to support students who will one day replace today’s scientists and academics. The science and engineering community must educate the next generation. This year’s CIC chair’s event showcased the Canadian Green Science and Technology Network. Chao-Jun (C. J.) Li, MCIC, McGill University, covered the challenges of green chemistry in academia. Sustainability is an issue as rising world population creates continuing demands. Only ten percent of the resources removed from the earth end up in manufactured goods. Ninety percent is waste. John Jaworski, Industry Canada, spoke on green S&T and the bioeconomy. The global economy relies on fossil and renewable carbon. New cross-sector value chains are being established. Bioproducts are a growing activity in Canada’s resource processing and manufacturing industries. Key industry sectors are manufacturing, resource processing, and bio-resources. All three tie into a reduction of waste and sustainability for future generations. Dave Schwass, MCIC, NOVA Chemicals, presented a petrochemical company’s perspective. NOVA is a major manufacturer of plastics and primary petrochemicals. Its challenge is to thrive in a competitive environment. Fortunately, sustainable chemistry makes good business sense. For existing technologies, efficiency improves with time and new technologies offer new opportunities. NOVA has been able to reduce waste, emissions, and energy use. Sustainability = efficiency = good economics! This is what conference is all about—people coming together for global discourse, debate, and exchange. Michelle Piquette





90th CSC Conference at a Glance 1. Students convene for indepth discussion over … coffee? 2. Studious looks from a lecture 3. The masses gather for the opening reception.

4. 4. The awards banquet at the stunning Concert Hall at the Fort Garry Hotel 5. The Exhibition Hall is the place to be! 6. NSERC president Suzanne Fortier, FCIC 7. Student volunteers help make everything possible! 8. Pondering publications at the John Wiley booth


9. ACS president Catherine “Katie” T. Hunt and family 10. Plenary speaker Barry M. Trost 11. Poster sessions promote lively discussions.

Thanks to Leif Norman for the use of his photos.


4. 6.


9. 8.






in international conferences or symposia. This year’s recipients are: André Beauchemin, MCIC, University of Ottawa; Robert Britton, MCIC, Simon Fraser University; Shawn K. Collins, MCIC, Université de Montréal; JeanFrançois Paquin, MCIC, Université Laval; Andreea Schmitzer, MCIC, Université de Montréal; and Christopher J. Wilds, MCIC, Concordia University.

CIC newcomers Anne Campbell, MCIC, and Asha Parekh, MCIC The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) is pleased to announce the addition of two new staff members to its National Office: CIC career services and student affairs officer, Anne Campbell, MCIC, has a BSc in chemistry with a minor in math from the University of Guelph and a MA in theoretical chemistry from Brown University in Providence, RI. Her graduate studies focused on the dynamics of supercooled liquids using computer programming methods. At the CIC, Campbell coordinates career and student-related activities. She manages the membership database and assists with conferences. Campbell’s passion for chemical education inspires her involvement in local science fairs, and she continues to tutor high school, university, and college students. Asha Parekh, MCIC, has joined the CIC as the new science programs officer. She will be working on new initiatives such as the energy division and the Canadian Green S&T Network, as well as on the revival of the economics and business management division. Parekh graduated from the combined program of biochemical and environmental engineering with computer science from The University of Western Ontario in London, ON. She is versed in industrial organic chemistry, chemical catalysis, green energy and processes, plant design and safety, oil refining and processing, tissue engineering, business management, and computer programming. She has been a member of the organizing committee of both a national and an international conference. Parekh speaks English, French, Gujrati, Hindi, and Punjabi, and is interested in learning other languages.

Yu-Ling Cheng, MCIC, was chosen for an Award of Excellence by the University of Toronto (U of T). Cheng is a professor in the department of chemical engineering and applied chemistry in the faculty of applied science and engineering at the U of T. She also serves as chair of the division of engineering science. She is recognized as an

academic leader, an innovator, and a mentor for students and colleagues alike.

The Ichikizaki Fund for Young Chemists provides financial assistance to young chemists who are showing unique achievements in basic research by facilitating their participation


Clem Bowman, HFCIC (left), receives the CAE Distinguished Service Award from CAE president, John McLaughlin. Clem Bowman, HFCIC, has been named the first recipient of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding leadership of the CAE’s Energy Pathways Task Force. He was presented with the award by CAE president, John McLaughlin, at the CAE’s Annual General Meeting on May 31, 2007. The Distinguished Service Award has been created as an exceptional award to acknowledge efforts that stand out clearly from all other services provided routinely by CAE Fellows. Bowman was presented a sculpture of Musk Ox Horn Birds on Caribou Antler by Jim H. Raddi. In accepting the award, Bowman said that Canada has a unique opportunity to become a sustainable energy superpower if it adopts the recommendations outlined in the CAE’s Report of the Energy Pathways Task Force that examined 27 energy pathways that could enhance the nation’s energy future. Bowman is a chemical engineer who spent more than 40 years in the petrochemical industry. Decades ago he was asked to coordinate the Alberta government’s $100 million infusion of capital into energy projects that ultimately led to many of today’s energy mega projects.


The American Chemical Society’s division of analytical chemistry has chosen Ray E. Clement, FCIC, to receive the Award for Distinguished Service in the advancement of analytical chemistry. The award is sponsored by the Waters Corporation and is given to an individual who through professional service in activities such as teaching, writing, research, and administration has substantially and uniquely enhanced the field of analytical chemistry. Clement is a senior scientist of research and development at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment.

Michael Eskin, associate dean in the faculty of human ecology at the University of Manitoba, has been awarded the prestigious T. S. Mounts Award by the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS). This award recognizes research in the science and technology of edible oils. Eskin’s research has ranged from establishing the properties and performance of canola oil to his more recent work related to the impact of minor components on the stability of edible oils. The award was presented in May at the Annual Meeting of the AOCS in Québec, QC.

R&D and engineering contributions to the steel industry and auto parts industry in many areas including steel making, rolling, micro alloying, and automotive casting processes, particularly for light alloys of magnesium and aluminium.

Chemical engineering professor, Todd Pugsley, MCIC, has been appointed associate dean of graduate studies and research at the College of Engineering of the University of Saskatchewan.

Bernard West, MCIC, was elected chair of the BioAuto Council board of directors. West is currently president of Westworks Consulting and a member of the ACCN editorial board. He was formerly CIC chair and president of Canada Colors and Chemicals Limited. West has over 40 years of experience in the chemical industry in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K.

Bernard West, MCIC

In Memoriam The CIC extends its condolences to the family of Alain Albagli, MCIC.

The chemical and physical sciences department of the University of Toronto at Mississauga has honoured Judith Poë, FCIC, with a President’s Teaching Award. Poë is a senior lecturer in chemistry and she uses today’s technology to enhance communication Judith Poë, FCIC with students. She designed a virtual office system allowing students to submit questions, and she posts both questions and answers to her Web site for all students to view. Poë has also received a 3M National Teaching Award.


C. (Ravi) Ravindran was elected president of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) at the CAE’s Annual General Meeting held in June 1 in Toronto, ON. He is a professor of advanced materials and manufacturing processes at Ryerson University in C. (Ravi) Ravindran Toronto where he directs the Centre for Near-net-shape Processing of Materials, which he founded in 1991. He has an extensive record of collaborative research with industry, making extensive






Canada Conferences September 18–21, 2007. CropLife Canada’s 2007 Conference and Annual General Meeting, The Power of Partnerships, The New Bio-Economy: Accelerating Change/Achieving Prosperity, Saskatoon, SK, October 28–31, 2007. 57th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, AB, February 4–8, 2008. Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada 94th Annual Meeting and EXFOR’s 50th Anniversary, during PaperWeek International, Montréal, QC, May 24–28, 2008. 91st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Edmonton, AB, June 2–5, 2008. International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Québec, QC, June 16–18, 2008. Control Systems/Pan Pacific Conference, Vancouver, BC, September 6–10, 2008. 6th International Symposium on Radiohalogens, Whistler, BC, October 19–22, 2008. 58th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Ottawa, ON, August 23–27, 2009. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering and 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Montréal, QC,

Student Conferences October 26, 2007. Colloque annuel des étudiants et étudiantes de 1er cycle en chimie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC,

U.S. and Overseas November 18–21, 2007. The 10th International Chemistry Conference in Africa (10 ICCA) Benghazi, Libya, www.garyounis. edu/africhem/ December 12–21, 2007. International Symposium on Catalysis and Fine Chemicals 2007, Singapore January 2–5, 2008. The 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, June 15–19, 2008. World Hydrogen Energy Conference, South Brisbane, Australia, August 3–8, 2008. Chemistry in the ICT Age—the 20th International Conference on Chemical Education (ICCE 2008), Reduit, Mauritius, September 16–20, 2008. 2nd European Chemistry Congress–Chemistry: the Global Science, Torino, Italy, October 20–22, 2008. LABTECH Conference & Exhibition 2008, Manama, Bahrain, December 12–15, 2008. 10th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Strasbourg, France,

UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry of the University of Victoria invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of analytical or physical chemistry with emphasis in the areas of materials and/or surfaces. As a researcher, the appointee will initiate and expand a creative and high-impact research program based on external research funding from NSERC and other agencies. The research program should complement the research in this Department and in the University. The appointee will develop as an outstanding teacher and mentor of undergraduate and graduate students, and will contribute to the development and delivery of the core programs of the Department of Chemistry. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. and have post-doctoral experience. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a concise research proposal (5 pages, NSERC format preferred), and a short teaching dossier that outlines the candidate’s teaching experience, subject area of teaching expertise, and goals for course delivery and curriculum development to: Dr. Penelope Codding, Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria, Box 3065, Victoria B.C. Canada V8W 3V6 (e-mail: The candidate should also supply names and complete addresses (fax and e-mail) of three or more people able to act as referees. Applications will be considered after Sept. 1, 2007, with an expected appointment date of July 1, 2008.

The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Aboriginal Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the University. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.


Nominations are now open for

The Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering

2007AWARDS Act now!

Do you know an outstanding person who deserves to be recognized?

The Bantrel Award in Design and Industrial Practice is presented to a Canadian citizen or a resident of Canada for innovative design or production activities accomplished in Canada. The activities may have resulted in a significant achievement in product or process design, small or large company innovation, or multidisciplinary designdirected research or production. The achievement will relate to the practice of chemical engineering and/or industrial chemistry whether in research and development, process implementation, entrepreneurialism, innovation, production or some combination of these. It may be via a well-known, long-standing reputation for translating chemical engineering principles into design and industrial practice and, through this, contribute to the profession as a whole. Sponsored by Bantrel. Award: A plaque and a cash prize.

The Jules Stachiewicz Medal is presented in recognition of contributions to the field of heat transfer, including design, research manufacturing and teaching. Sponsored by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering and the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. Award: A medal, a framed scroll and a cash prize.

contribution to the field of chemical engineering while working in Canada. Nominees for this award shall not have reached the age of 40 years by January of the year in which the nomination becomes effective. Sponsored by Syncrude Canada Ltd. Award: A framed scroll and a cash prize.

The Process Safety Management Award is presented as a mark of recognition to a person who has made an outstanding contribution in Canada to the Process Safety Management (PSM) Division of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering recognizing excellence in the leadership and dedication of individuals who have led Canada in the field of process safety and loss management (PSLM). Sponsored by AON Reed Stenhouse Inc. Award: A framed scroll and a cash prize.

The D. G. Fisher Award is presented

The R. S. Jane Memorial Award is

to an individual who has made substantial contributions to the field of systems and control engineering. The award is given in recognition of significant contributions in any, or all, of the areas of theory, practice, and education. Sponsored by the department of chemical and materials engineering, University of Alberta, Suncor Energy Foundation, and Shell Canada Limited. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize and travel expenses.

presented to an individual who has made new significant contributions to chemical engineering or industrial chemistry in Canada. Sponsored by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering. Award: A framed scroll, a cash prize and registration fee to the CSChE Conference.

The Syncrude Canada Innovation Award is presented to a resident of Canada who has made a distinguished

Deadline The deadline for all CSChE awards is December 3, 2007 for the 2008 selection.

Nomination Procedure Submit your nominations to: Awards Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering 130 Slater Street, Suite 550 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2 Tel.: 613-232-6252, ext. 223 Fax: 613-232-5862 Nomination forms and the full Terms of Reference for these awards are available at

The Canadian Society for Chemical Technology


The Norman and Marion Bright Memorial Award is awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution in Canada to the furtherance of chemical technology. The person so honoured may be either a chemical sciences technologist, or a person from outside the field who has made a significant and noteworthy contribution to it advancement.

Award: A medal and a cash prize.

Deadline The deadline for all CSCT awards is December 3, 2007 for the 2008 selection. Nomination forms and the full Terms of Reference for these awards are available at





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