2 minute read

Limit time spent in the direct sun

Finally summer!

Thank you so much for all the artwork submissions. It is clear that here in the Valley, we love to get outside, with skating, sliding and snow forts being the clear winners in winter activities. But now, after what felt like an endless spring, the sun is out, the water is warming and we can finally swap our skates for swim fins!


Given that last year we featured a “cold” issue, to celebrate the coming summer, we thought we could turn up the heat a little and feature projects and activities from CRL which are focused on “hot” temperatures. Page 3 talks summer and sun safety with some interesting ways we keep our teammates cool on hot days; page 4 features a real-life dinosaur you may see while swimming, and page 9 has one of our coolest “hot” experiments, called a Cold Crucible.

As always, we would love to hear from you, our readers, and we enjoy your artwork and puzzles. You can always send your questions or creative projects to communications@cnl.ca.

Enjoy the issue and stay cool this summer!

Philip Kompass, Editor


Staying cool on the hottest days!

At CNL, we have a lot of workers that do their jobs during very hot weather where the temperature outside or even inside some of our older buildings can be above 30 degrees Celsius. That's hot!

Everyone has to be careful when working on hot days because the high temperatures and the sun’s UV rays could cause some health problems:

• You could become dehydrated where you don’t drink enough water because warm weather makes you sweat a lot and your body loses a lot of moisture. • You could get heat stroke where your body temperature becomes very high when you’re in the heat for too long and you could become very sick. • You might get a sunburn if your skin is exposed to the sun’s UV rays for too long, and your skin might become very red and may peel, which could be painful. • Your eyes could be affected if they are exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, which could result in eye problems in the future.

Summer Safety Tips!

1. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of cool liquids. 2. Limit time spent in the direct sun. 3. Take lots of breaks and rest in the shade. 4. Protect your skin with sunscreen. 6. Protect your eyes with sunglasses. 7. Always wear a hat when the sun is out.

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