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News from the League
LCP Chapbook Series: Voices of Quebec/Les voix du Québec
The League is currently accepting submissions to the newest edition in our chapbook series. Poets in Quebec – we are looking for beautiful poetry in both English and French to add to this special chapbook. La Ligue accepte actuellement des propositions pour son nouveau recueil de poésie. Poètes québécois, n’hésitez pas à nous envoyer vos plus beaux poèmes, en français ou en anglais, pour contribuer à cette édition spéciale en deux langues. Find out more/Cliquez ici pour en savoir davantage
Book Awards
Submissions for Poetry Book Awards for books published in 2020 are now open! Deadline for submissions is November 13, 2020. To accommodate for the impact of COVID-19 on authors and publishers, the League has added some new options for book awards submission. Find out more
Poets in the Schools
The Poets in the Schools program, supported by the Ontario Arts Council, is now open for applications for virtual class visits! Find out more
Poem In Your Pocket Day Annual Postcard Contest
Submit your poem to have your work nationally distributed on Poem in Your Pocket Day. New this year! Open to League members and nonmembers. Deadline is November 30, 2020. Find out more
NEW! LCP’s Poetry Neighbourhood, a Facebook Group for members of the League
Join us in this private Facebook Group to share your news, discuss poetry, connect with other poets and more! Join today!
Volunteer with the League
The League needs volunteers to run the many programs and services that we operate across Canada - and you can help! Please let us know what kind of volunteer work you are interested by filling out this form
Call for Proposals – Webinar Facilitators
The League of Canadian Poets will be hosting digital webinars and professional development opportunities for our members. If you have a skill that you can teach other poets, we would love to hear from you! Please let us know more
about your idea by filling out this form
Tech support for online events
We are looking for members or nonmembers who are comfortable with online platforms like Zoom to provide basic tech support for online poetry events. This is a paid opportunity for members or non-members. Submit your interest in providing tech support.
Coming soon: From my Window: a collection of poetry from Atlantic Canada
We will be opening orders for this special chapbook edited by Miriam Dunn and hand-sewn by Nic Brewer very soon! Stayed tuned to our webpage and social media for all the details.
Book Reviews
Are you interested in reviewing a book of poetry for the League? Have you published a title recently and would like it to be reviewed? We are happily accepting review submissions for recent books of poetry from Canadian poets. Find out more
Member News
The League has simplified the process to submit member news for St@nza and social media promotion. If you are a member and have news you would like shared, fill out this quick form.
Poetry Parlour
We invite League Members to respond to three poetry-related questions each month: Check out Poetry Parlour (League member exclusive)
Poetry Pause
Poetry Pause is the League’s daily digital poetry dispatch program and it’s growing every day! We deliver a daily poem to over 1000 folks and we are always accepting submissions of published or unpublished poems! Poetry Pause is a great way to introduce new readers to your work. Tell your poets and poetry-loving friends! Subscribe to Poetry Pause
Donate to the League
Support poets and poetry in Canada. Please consider donating monthly to the League of Canadian Poets. Donate via Canada Helps
An update for Access Copyright members
Please review this update from Access Copyright for details about changes in advocacy, innovation, COVID-19, and Legal matters.