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Writing Opportunities
Calls for Submissions
Dreamers Submit your short stories, poems, personal essays or excerpts (that stand alone) from any genre of writing. We’re willing to consider any form of writing that is well-written and from the heart. We especially love writing that has some connection to writing for wellness – narrative medicine, medical memoir, writing the self, healing writing, etc. Deadline is March 31, 2021. Find out more.
Open Minds Quarterly Accepting submissions from poets well-versed in mental health challenges for the Summer 2021 Issue Sickness & Health. 4 piece/8 page limit. Deadline is March 31, 2021. Find out more.
The Hellebore Press is accepting submissions for upcoming digital issues and features until April 1, 2021. Micro poetry, prose poetry, flash fiction, flash nonfiction, chapbook reviews, craft essays, and visual art submissions are welcome. Find out more
perhappened Submissions are open now through april 3rd for perhappened mag issue 10: DAYDREAM, featuring guest reader taylor byas!paint us a picture. let us in on your wildest dreams, your imagined encounters, your but-what-ifs. we want your reality with a heaping side of fantasy, as long as you don’t tell us which is which. Deadline is April 3, 2021. Find out more.
Pøst Accepting submissions of poetry in English or French by poets of colour for the upcoming issue. Deadline is April 14, 2021. Find out more
Literary Review of Canada Accepting poetry submissions for the annual 2021 Reading Period. Poems must be under 50 lines. Deadline is April 15, 2021. Find out more.
CP Quarterly (formerly Crèpe & Penn). Accepting poetry submissions of up to one page. Simulataneous submissions are accepted. Deadline is May 28, 2021. Find out more
CV2 Annual submission period is now open. Deadline is May 31, 2021. Find out more.
Lammergeier Accepting submissions of up to five poems. Simulatenous submissions are accepted. Submissions period opens April 1. Find out more
subTerrain Accepting poetry submissions for the upcoming issue with the theme of “neighbours.” Whether we love them or hate them, we all have them. There’s the “Good Neighbour” policy and the unwritten but often spoken of “Bad Neighbour” policy. We welcome essays, fiction, opinion pieces, and poetry that reflects upon this unique designation — whether it be warm and fuzzy, awkward and prickly, or strained — that we call “neighbour.” Deadline is June 1, 2021. Find out more
Tree Poem Anthology from Caitlin
Press This is a call for submissions from Caitlin Press for an anthology of tree poems, to be published in collaboration with Christine Lowther, Tofino Poet Laureate. Send your submission in an email or as Word Doc to tofinopoetlaureate@gmail.com or mail to Box 127, Tofino, BC, V0R 2Z0, with a cover letter. Deadline is June 1, 2021. Find out more
Understorey Magazine Accepting poetry submissions for Issue 21, we want to hear from women and non-binary writers and artists living in rural and remotes areas. Understorey is primarily a digital magazine. However, we recognise that many rural and remote communities do not have reliable access to the internet. For that reason, we will be creating a limited-distribution print edition of Issue 21. If you do have reliable internet and live in a rural location, please help distribute this call for submissions. Download and print our call for submissions and post the call in community centres, libraries, women’s centres, grocery stores, and other locations. Deadline to submit is June 21, 2021. Find out more
Puritan Accepting poetry submissions. Baffle us, tangle us up, or break our hearts. We’re looking for poems of any length (including sequences and long poems) Deadline is June 25, 2021. Find out more.
Cloud Lake Literary Accepting submissions for the Fall 2021 Issue. Deadline is June 30, 2021. Find out more.
Arc accepts unsolicited submissions of previously unpublished poetry in English, or translations of poetry into English, on any subject and in any form. Submissions period opens April 1 until July 31, 2021. Find out more
Subterranean Blue Poetry We look for Symbolist, Surrealist, Imagist, Beat progressions and the New Goth. If it bangs in the dance it’s in. Optional Pay-What-You-Can Reading Fee ($1 per Poem, up to 5 Poems). Everyone hears back from us. We pay $10 per Poem, $20 per Of Poetic Interest . . . article, and $20 per Masthead Art/Photo in the month of publication. Thank you to all Contributors, Readers, and Supporters of Subterranean Blue Poetry. Deadline: Open. Find out more
Beliveau Books Seeking chapbook submissions by BIPOC poets, to be published in August 2021. Find out more
Another New Calligraphy seeks work exploring the human experience, our internal worlds, and life among others; these complex systems are often clearest in our slightest moments. No listed deadline. Find out more
Antigonish Review Open to general submissions. The quality of the writing is the chief criterion. We also consider it our mandate to encourage Atlantic Canadians and Canadian writers - although excellent writing can come from anywhere. We also welcome new and young writers. No listed deadline. Find out more
Beliveau Review Open to year round submissions of poetry. No listed deadline. Find out more.
Cotton Xenomorph Accepting submissions of 3-5 poems. No listed deadline. Find out more
Cypress Press Accepting submissions of up to 3 unpublished poems and a 75 word bio in a single Word document to poetrycypress@gmail. com. Please make sure your submission is no more than 5 pages. No set deadline. Find out more
The Dalhousie Review Accepting submissions of poetry year-round. No listed deadline. Find out more
Damaged Goods Press accepts chapbook length and fulllength manuscripts on a rolling basis, and is currently reading for publication in late 2020 and beyond. a small press specializing in books
by queer and trans people. No listed deadline. Find out more
Existere Accepting unpublished submissions of Poetry. No set deadline. Find out more
filling Station Open to poetry submissions. No listed deadline. Find out more
Friction Magazine accepts yearround submissions of poetry and other writing Experimental, nontraditional, and boundary-pushing literature is strongly encouraged. No listed deadline. Find out more
Geist Accepting submissions of a maximum of 5 poems. No set deadline. Find out more
The Mackinac Accepts poetry yearround. Submit up to five poems. No listed deadline. Find out more
Malahat Review Poetry submissions should consist of three to five poems (10 pages of poetry maximum), on any subject and in any style. Submissions longer than 10 pages will not be read. The magazine often accepts several poems by the same author; therefore, please do not limit your submission to a single poem. No listed deadline. Find out more
The New Quarterly We print free verse, ballad, sonnet, epic, and prose poems, and there’s no need to rhyme unless you want to. TNQ is a generalist magazine, interested in work in a wide variety of formal and stylistic modes. Freshness of style, subject matter, perspective is something
we look for. Submit up to 3 poems. No listed deadline. Find out more
Okay Donkey Accepting submissions of poetry for weekly publication on mondays. No deadline. Find out more
Pace Magazine Accepting submissions of poetry. Submit up to five poems. No set deadline. Find out more.
Plenitude Accepting submissions of up to five pages of poetry. No listed deadline. Find out more
Prism accepting year-round submissions. No listed deadline. Find out more
Pulp Literature Accepting submissions of poetry year-round. Submit up to three poems. No listed deadline. Find out more
Q/A Poetry Journal Q/A Poetry exists to amplify the voices of womxn and nonbinary poets, and to expand the subjects deemed “appropriate” for womxn to be writing about. Send us your poems on your postpartum body, spider veins, lip hair, your favorite liquid eyeliner, your anguish over glass ceilings, your sex work, your ode to stay-at-home tedium, your list of your most beautiful and unlikeable qualities. No listed deadline. Find out more
The Queen’s Quarterly seeks submissions on any topic that presents a novel perspective and point of departure for thinking about our contemporary world. Whether fiction or non-fiction, a premium will be placed on singularity of voice, accessibility of ideas and relevance to issues of common concern. Honoraria are paid, editorial services are provided and the chance to kickstart a national conversation is on offer. No listed deadline. Find out more
Qwerty Accepting poetry submissions for the upsoming Spring/Summer 2021 Issure, with the theme of FOOD x IDENTITY. 2SQ+BIPOC artists are invited to submit work that explores food(s) in relation to racial, queer, gendered, etc. identities and bodies. No listed deadline. Find out more.
Rejection Letters We like poetry that doesn’t try too hard but gets under our skin in the best kinds of ways. Submit up to 4 unpublished poems. No listed deadline. Find out more
Riddle Fence Accepting general submissions of poetry, up to 10 pages. No deadline. Find out more.
Room Magazine is accepting submissions of up to 5 unpublished poems. No listed deadline. Find out more
Shrapnel Accepting poetry submissions on a rolling basis. Submit up to five poems. No listed deadline. Find out more
Train Accepting submissions of poetry. No listed deadline. Find out more
The Walrus currently accepting poetry submissions and other writing. No listed deadline. Find out more
Awards and Contests
Grain Magazine Short Grain Contest Three prizes will be awarded in each category: 1st = $1,000 and publication in Grain, 2nd = $750 and publication in Grain, 3rd = $500 and publication in Grain. Poetry judge is Phil Hall. Entry fee is $40. Deadline is April 1, 2021. Find out more
The 20th annual Wergle Flomp
Humor Poetry Contest, sponsored by Winning Writers and Duotrope. There’s no fee to enter. Top prize: $2,000. Total prizes: $3,500. The 12 funniest poems are published on our website. Submit published or unpublished work. Limit: 250 lines. Entries close on April 1.
Pulp Literature Magpie Award for
Poetry At Pulp Literature, we have an affinity for poetry, the hard liquor of literature. We like it strong, neat, and we don’t mind if it makes our eyes water. Our judges, will be looking for a fusion of musicality, imagery, feeling, and thought. May the best poem win! This contest is for previously unpublished poems of up to 100 lines in length. 1st place prize is $500. Deadline is April 15, 2021. Find out more
Association of Italian Canadian Writers Venera Fazio Poetry Con-
test Three poems of up to 40 lines each or 1 longer poem of up to 140 lines. Submissions can be in English, French, or Italian. Deadline is April 30, 2021. Find out more
Dr. William Henry Drummond
Poetry Contest (Canada’s oldest non-governmental poetry contest). Entry fee: $10 per poem. Cash Prizes: $1600: $300 first place, $200 second place, $100 third place, 8 honourable mentions of $75, 8 judge’s choice of $50. Complimentary anthology to all winners. Deadline: Friday April 30, 2021 HENCEFORTH WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING ONLINE SUBMISSIONS WITH E-TRANSFER PAYMENT TO mybrydges@yahoo.ca Visit www.springpulsepoetryfestival.com for further info and rules. Enquires: Send to David Brydges mybrydges@yahoo.ca
Exile The $3,000 Gwendolyn MacE-
wen Poetry Competition $1,500 for Best Suite by an Emerging Writer. $1,500 for Best Suite by a Writer at Any Career Point. Deadline recently extended to April 30, 2021. Find out more
The Ontario Poetry Society The Love-Lies-Bleeding Anthology
Contest. First Prize: $200 Second Prize: $150 Third Prize: $100 Fourth Prize: $50, plus up to 55 Honourable Mention Awards. Deadline is April 30, 2021. Find out more
Freefall Annual Prose and Poetry
Contest Over $1700.00 in Prizes. All contest entries are also automatically entered into the Lynn Fraser Memorial contest for a chance to win $100. 2020 Judge is Natalie Meisner. Deadline is April 30, 2020. Find out more Muriel’s Journey Poetry Prize Outspoken, risk taking, looking at a topic in an unexpected way. It would be nice if it had a good potential for being performed. Why these criteria? Because that’s Muriel. She was not only a poet but a fabulous performer and had no problems tackling things from an unusual, makesyou-wake-up-and-listen point of view. All winners and honourary mentions will be published in Fire In The Heart, the Muriel’s Journey Chapbook for 2021. Deadline is April 30, 2021. Find out more.
bpNichol Chapbook Award recognizes excellence in Canadian poetry in English published in chapbook form within Canada. The prize is awarded to a poetry chapbook judged to be the best submitted. The author receives $4,000 and the publisher receives $500. Awarded continuously since 1986, the bpNichol Chapbook Award is currently administered by the Meet the Presses collective. Chapbooks should be not less than 10 pages and not more than 48 pages. The chapbooks must have been published between January 1st and December 31st of the previous year (2020), and the poet must be Canadian. Interested authors or publishers should submit three copies of eligible chapbooks. Translations into English from other languages are eligible. Deadline is May 31, 2021. Find out more.
Dreamers Magazine Haiku Con-
test Submit up to 3 haikus. Winning prize is $120 USD. Deadline is May 31, 2021. Find out more
The 36th Banister Poetry Contest
Dr. Elspeth Cameron will be this year’s judge for the Niagara Branch of Canadian Authors Association poetry contest, open to residents of Ontario. All poems must be in English and not under consideration elsewhere. Entry fee is $15 for up to three poems and $4 for each additional poem. Number of entries is unlimited. Prizes are: 1st prize: $300; 2nd prize: $200; 3rd prize: $100. Please feel free to share this information with your writing groups and friends. Stay safe. Stay sane. Deadline is May 31, 2021. Find out more.
Poetry and Short Prose Contest From the Icelandic festival of
Manitoba The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba invites you to submit previously unpublished poetry (three entries per person) and/or a short story (one per person-maximum of 1200 words). Prize entries will be awarded and successful entries will be published in the festival program and/or on the festival website. NEW: Winning entries and honorable mentions may also be published in the Icelandic Connection magazine.You do not need to be of Icelandic descent to submit an entry however material reflecting Icelandic culture and interests will be given preference, as will entries that reflect our 2021 theme, “Icelandic at Heart / Íslenskt Innst Inni” Deadline
The VMI Betsy Warland Between
Genres Award For a book published in Canada in 2021 that is a hybrid genre, or straddles two or more genres. The winner will receive $500 at a ceremony at The Vancouver Writers Fest in Fall 2021, presented by judge Wayde Compton with Betsy Warland, special guest of honour. Two Honourable Mentions (no cash prize) will also be awarded. Deadline is July 30, 2021. Find out more.
Job Opportunities
Managing Editor at Room Maga-
zine Room Magazine is seeking to hire a new Managing Editor. The ideal candidate will have previous work experience in literary, grassroots, scholarly, or academic magazine or book publishing, especially in the selection of material for publication and with knowledge of Canadian literature. Working creatively as part of a small team, the Managing Editor manages all editorial and production aspects of the magazine, which is published four times a year. This is a permanent full-time position that commences May 1, 2021. Deadline to apply is March 31, 2021. Find out more
Editorial Assistant at McLelland & Stewart We’re looking for an Editorial Assistant to join the team at McClelland & Stewart. Do you read widely and enthusiastically, with an eye for books that impact the way
our culture evolves? Do you enjoy working on a team where ideas are heard and respected and collaboration is key, where things move quickly but exacting detail and dedication to making a project the best it can be is never sacrificed? Do you love to make a workflow and process as effective as possible, while contributing to the vision and direction of the group? Do you enjoy working with a wide variety of people, getting a full picture of every piece of a project’s life cycle, and every stakeholder who’s a part of it? Do you hate comma splices and love Pomeranian emojis? Deadline to apply is April 2, 2021. Find out more.
Editor at Arsenal Pulp Press Arsenal Pulp Press of Vancouver is looking for a dynamic, detail-oriented, and highly motivated individual to become our full-time Editor beginning in May. The Editor manages the editorial process, including substantive editing, copyediting, research, and fact-checking, and usually is the principal editorial liaison with authors and freelancers. The Editor also contributes to the development of the editorial list, including management of manuscripts under consideration, and assists with the writing and copyediting of marketing materials, including catalogues and press releases. The Editor also coordinates editorial and production meetings. The ideal candidate should be familiar with Arsenal’s publishing program and its mandate, and have a strong understanding of its audience, including BIPOC and LGBTQ2S+ communities. Deadline to apply is April 10, 2021. Find out more.
Poet Laureate for the City of
Nanaimo The Poet Laureate is a literary ambassador for the City of Nanaimo. Through their role they raise the profile of literary arts in our community by creating and presenting poetic works and activities that are relevant to our times and respond to our place. Nanaimo’s next Poet Laureate will engage and inspire, bring their own unique voice and experience to collaborate and realize poetry projects for the benefit of our community. Deadline to apply is April 30, 2021. Find out more
Residency, Fellowship & Grant Opportunities
Access Copyright Foundation Call for Professional Development
Grant Applications. The Foundation offers grant funding to facilitate professional-development opportunities for Canadian writers, visual artists and publishers as well as staff members at arts organizations. Deadline to apply is April 1, 2021. Find out more.
The Banff Centre is underway in reopening their programs, residencies, workshops and more for online. Stay tuned for more details. Find out more.