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Member News
Diana Manole, Chair, Feminist Caucus, League of Canadian Poets
The Feminist Caucus has updated its mission statement. Please check it out. If you consider joining us, contact me at dianamanole2013@ gmail.com.
Micheline Maylor-Kovitz
Carmelo Militano
Member News
Want to see your poetry news in St@nza? Fill out this quick form. The next issue of St@nza will be out in March.
Padmaja Battani
Happy to report that my poems ‘A Saga of Silence’, ‘Dreams know no dying’ and ‘Shades of Resilience’ got published in Tarot Poetry Review December issue. My review of ‘How Beautiful People are (Ayaz Pirani) has been published in The Temz Review Issue 21.
Louise Carson
Louise Carson has had poems published recently in Carousel, Haiku Canada Review, The Nashwaak Review, and The Quilliad; and book reviews at Montreal Serai and at poets.ca. She participated in two events in February: a Valentine’s Day poetry reading at a local patisserie (it was sweet!); and a book launch for her latest novel The Last Unsuitable Man at The Lawnchair Soirée (where she usually reads poetry).
Meg Freer
Meg Freer was honoured in September 2022 to receive the Ted Plantos Memorial Award from The Ontario Poetry Society (TOPS). Recent poems have appeared in
Consilience, Calla Press, One Art Poetry Journal, Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Verse Afire, Plum Tree Tavern, Rat’s Ass Review, and the TOPS travel anthology, Provoked by Places.
Tea Gerbeza
My poem, “Backyard Fence,” won The Puritan’s Austin Clarke Prize in Literary Excellence for poetry. Read the poem
R. Kolewe
R. Kolewe’s fourth book of poetry, A Net of Momentary Sapphire, will be published by Talonbooks in spring 2023.
Yannis Lobaina
This year so far, I have published Creative Non-Fiction stories and poetry: SIGNS IN MY PATH, In Anthology Finding The Way by Immigrant Writers. «Flashback» and «Cazando Cronopios». Portals. Issue 9 – Multilingual Art Lab Issue. You can read other publications here in my website
Dorothy Mahoney
The Inevitable, haibun by Dorothy Mahoney (Red Moon Press, 2022) is an experimental novel comprised of 50 haibun in response to news articles and a random conversation with an illusionist. His card trick is the title of the book.
Micheline Maylor-Kovitz was awarded a Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal for contributions to the Alberta literary community.
Susan McCaslin
Fonds: Susan McCaslin’s literary fonds are currently being prepared for inclusion in the Rare Books & Special Collections at The University of British Columbia.
First-place Contest winner: Her poem “Consider the Western Red Cedar” was first place winner of the Federation of BC Writers Literary Contest in the Poetry category, Nov. 30, 2022 to be published in their anthology in 2023. Poetry Readings: Susan gave a poetry reading from her volumes Superabundantly Alive: Thomas Merton’s Dance with the Feminine (Wood Lake Publishing) and Heart Work (Ekstasis Editions) for The Thomas Merton Society of Canada, St. Andrew’s United Church, North Vancouver, BC, Jan. 31, 2023, host Judith Hardcastle. Susan was one of fifteen poets who read Feminist Poetry on International Women’s Day, 2023, organized by the Feminist Caucus of the League of Canadian Poets, March 8, 2023. Review: “Where Heart and Spirit Emerge from Pandemic: a review of Heart Work by Susan McCaslin,” by Sean Arthur Joyce (online).
Militano’s most recent poetry publication is ‘Archeologia Eros,’ an erotic themed collection illustrated by Quebec artist Francois DuBeau. Militano recently also gave a reading at Studio Luse in Venice, Italy with Italian poets Silvia Favaretto and Lucia Guidorizzi; at the University of Turin (New Italian Canadian Writing Conference) Militano read from his previous work ‘Catching Desire’ a hybrid book on the life and art of the Expressionist painter Amedeo Modigliani.
Colin Morton
Colin’s poetry is appearing in Grain, Event, Train Poetry, and Best Canadian Poetry 2023.
Karen Mulhallen
Just out on Amazon is my 25th book, In Memory, a new gathering of my poems, elegies and travel memoirs celebrating family and friends. Very excited to be publishing with Axiom Available from Amazon now. Book launch will be sometime in Spring 2023.
Katherine Munro
Katherine Munro (kjmunro) will present the workshop ‘Short Form Poetry - Haiku 101’ on 17 April 2023 at the Canada Games Centre boardroom in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory - registration opens 02 March.
Honey Novick an anthology of lived-experience during COVID-19. Copies of which are now in the National Archives of Canada, the Ontario Archives and Archives of the City of Toronto (pandemic collection)
Honey Novick was awarded from Member of Parliament Carolyn Bennet an Outstanding Neighbour Award for her work editing and contributing to POEMDEMIC!
Ruth Panofsky
I’m thrilled to announce the arrival of my new book of poems, Bring Them Forth, newly published by Ekstasis Editions. Thanks to editor Antonio D’Alfonso and to publisher Richard Olafson.
Cynthia Sharp
My newest nature and ecopoetry collection, Ordinary Light, is available to order from any bookstore worldwide through the Ingram catalogue. We’ll be celebrating with an Earth Day launch, Saturday, April 22, at the New Westminster Public Library. Thanks everyone for your support!
Richard-Yves Sitoski
Owen Sound Poet Laureate Richard-Yves Sitoski is bringing Butterfly Tongue, a 90-minute poetic/musical monologue show, to the Grey Roots Museum and Archives auditorium in Owen Sound for two performances: Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 19:00 and Saturday, June 10, at 14:00. Tickets will be available from the Ticketpro website in April. The show is a compassionate portrayal of a down-on-his luck protagonist’s life-changing encounter with a troubled woman who gives him metaphorical (and perhaps literal) wings.
Richard Stevenson
Have two new books forthcoming: a book for middle grade kids and adults about Cryptid, ET, and Fortean lore called Eye to Eye with My Octopi (from Cyberwit, India. In my possession!) and Bature! West African Haikai, an utaniki (travel journal consisting of haiku, senryu, tanka, kyoka, zappai and various Japanese style imagist sequences of a trip I took with my wife, parents, and son from Maiduguri to Lagos and up the coast of West Africa from Benin to Togo in the early 80’s. (At the printers! from Mawenzi House.) Seven more books accepted, also forthcoming: a trilogy: Cryptid Shindig: A Big Book of Creeps and Critters (Hidden Brook Press), two single-volume sequels, An Abominable Swamp Slob Named Bob (Altered Reality) and Hairy Hullabaloo (Starship Sloane) and an imagist collection for younger kids: Action Dachshund! (Ekstasis Editions). The Covid Staycation has been good to me. :-) Can send you book cover images if you want ‘em. Seasoned Greenthings to one and all!
Jennifer Wenn
My first full-size(+) poetry collection, Hear Through the Silence (Cyberwit), is now up on Amazon worldwide. Or see my website “Jennifer Wenn’s range is dazzling: herein you will find intimate lyrics about the self, observational verse parsing common experiences, and extended series on historical events. “ (Richard-Yves Sitoski, Owen Sound Poet Laureate 2019-2023) “The stories of Wenn’s journey are poignant and inspiring...” (Penn Kemp)
Erin Wilson
Gratitude to Luke Whisnant of Tar River Poetry for nominating my poem “The Bow and the Quill Pig” for a Pushcart! Excited to be a part of the latest Valparaiso Review, The Shore, The North and Poetry South.
And completely thrilled to have a poem, “A Walking Prayer,” accepted by Prairie Fire today!
Anna Yin
To Celebrate 2023 new year, Anna Yin’s special English-Chinese Edition featured eight Chinese poets and eight Canadian poets was launched on Live Encounters Poetry & Writing website. So far, Anna has translated more than 80 poets’ work including 60 poets’ work in Mirrors and Windows (Guernica Editions, 2021).
Bänoo Zan
Writing Circle: Tuesdays, 1-3 PM in the Humanities Centre Room 4-59 (Creative Writing Room), at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Free, in-person, weekly event open to writers from the U of A as well as the Edmonton/Canadian/ international writing community. Bring your writing instruments, stationary, pen and paper, laptop, and/ or other electronic devices. Please check social media for last-minute updates before attending. Hosted by Bänoo Zan Writer-in-Residence University of Alberta Department of English and Film Studies. Also, Shab-e She’r Poetry Open Mic @ UofA, Confirmed dates: January 31st, February 28, March 21, April 25, Student Lounge, Old Arts/Convocation Hall, University of Alberta Campus, Edmonton, Open to U of A + Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, AND international writing community, Free and Open to poetry in any language or accent, Open Mic duration: 5 minutes. Sign-up: 6:45 PM at the venue, Show: 7-9 PM. Please check social media for last-minute updates before attending.