West Africa Ebola Outbreak: One Year On

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West Africa Ebola Outbreak One Year On: Donor Report

One year has passed since the onset of the West Africa Ebola outbreak. The Red Cross continues to support those affected by Ebola by transforming financial contributions into help and hope. As the Red Cross continues to provide care to those affected by Ebola, it is also helping communities and households as they rebuild their lives.

West Africa Ebola Outbreak One Year On | Donor Report








• More than 24,000 reported cases CÔTE D'IVOIRE GHANA • More than 10,000 deaths in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, the countries hardest hit by the outbreak

Impact on Healthcare SysteM

• More than 800 health workers have been infected • Nearly 500 health care workers have died because of the virus

Red Cross Response by the numbers

• Programs aimed to support 39 million people in Ebola-affected communities • Over 370 international staff deployed in the field, including 44 Canadians • Three Red Cross Ebola treatment centers operating in Sierra Leone and Guinea • 205,000 people have received psychosocial support • 944 people cared for in Red Cross Ebola treatment centres • The Red Cross carried out 15,339 safe and dignified burials • More than10,000 volunteers trained for key tasks including providing safe burials, promoting Ebola awareness and education in communities

West Africa Ebola Outbreak One Year On | Donor Report


The International Red Cross Response One year later, the Red Cross continues to deliver crucial aid to affected communities and provide support to those affected by Ebola while looking ahead to recovery. A response of this scale would have not have been possible without the dedicated networks of volunteers, healthcare workers and specialized humanitarian aid workers.

The Red Cross has been successful in reducing Ebola cases by providing relief in five key areas: community engagement, psychological support, contact tracing, clinical case management and safe burials. As the response evolved, educational activities were introduced to combat the stigma associated with contracting Ebola. Although relief efforts have resulted in a decline of reported new cases, the Red Cross is still working toward bringing down the cases to zero. The impact of Ebola

has been immense – affecting thousands of families but also local economies, agriculture and food production. Recovery programming aims to restore communities and strengthen their health systems to become more resilient to future emergencies. The Red Cross will build upon current maternal newborn and child health programming to meet current gaps in health services. Going forward, more aid workers are scheduled to join the humanitarian effort in West Africa.

West Africa Ebola Outbreak One Year On | Donor Report

Canadian Red Cross Recruitment

To date, the Canadian Red Cross has sent 44 aid workers specializing in health and disaster response to the affected regions. This includes 29 Canadian delegates who worked in Ebola treatment centres in Sierra Leone and Guinea. The Canadian Red Cross provided support for recruitment, training and deployment of staff on missions. Canadian Red Cross is committed to continuing its work in impacted communities to put an end to the Ebola outbreak and help communities get back on their feet. “If those who can [support the Ebola response] – don’t – then how will we get ahead of this outbreak? For me, it really boils down to there’s a great need and I’m able to respond to that need. If you think about the world as a global village, that makes a difference. I’m able to so I should.” – Dr. Mélissa Langevin, Ottawa ON. Cared for patients at the Kono Ebola Treatment Centre in Sierra Leone

West Africa Ebola Outbreak One Year On | Donor Report


Your Donations Continue to Make an Impact | 1

10% 1% 26% 32%

Thanks to the outpouring of generosity from Canadians, as well as, corporate and government donors, the Canadian Red Cross has

Emergency Appeals

raised more than $18.9 million

Ebola Treatment Centre

to support those affected by Ebola.

Staff Deployment, Recruitment and Training

Here’s how your gift is supporting the work of the Red Cross.

Cost of Fundraising Continued Response and Transition to Recovery

West Africa Ebola Outbreak One Year On | Donor Report

Your Donations Continue to Make an Impact | 2

$ Emergency Appeal • Implementation of Red Cross response strategy: community engagement, contact tracing, psychosocial support, clinical case management; and safe burials

Ebola Treatment Centres • Emergency medical care • Enhancing the Red Cross’ ability to provide timely and effective healthcare to the impacted communities

Staff Deployment, Recruitment and Training

Continued Response and Transition to Recovery

• Recruitment and • Containing new deployment of aid outbreaks of Ebola as workers including Red Cross works to medical professionals, bring cases down to social workers, zero logisticians and • Helping communities technicians rebuild their social • Specialized Ebola and health systems training for Red Cross following the end of the staff working in the outbreak Ebola treatment centres

West Africa Ebola Outbreak One Year On | Donor Report

Surviving Ebola: Binta’s Story

Binta Bah, 35 and her daughter Doris Vandi, 4

Komende Luyama is a community 20 kilometres outside of Kenema town in eastern Sierra Leone. A total of 42 people from the village became infected with Ebola, 13 of whom survived. The entire community was placed under quarantine for three months, and was only released 21 days after the last known case of Ebola. During the quarantine, no one could leave their home and no one could enter or leave the community. When Ebola first came to this village I felt bad. Because of Ebola, there was a lot of suffering, many people died, and we had setbacks in our farming activities. It was scary, especially because we were isolated and I couldn’t go to see anyone.

Two days after I came back, two of my daughters began to show signs of Ebola. My baby passed away soon afterwards and Doris spent 12 days at the treatment centre. I also returned to find that my I came in contact with another Ebola patient who I went to visit before the quarantine period had begun. husband had passed away, although I don’t know if this was because of Ebola. It is custom to visit people when they fall sick here. I helped the patient to dress when I visited and the My own health is better now but I still suffer from day after I got a fever and became nauseous. Soon joint pain. I have six dependents and there are afterwards I was taken to a government hospital problems with my living conditions because my before being referred to the Red Cross Ebola possessions were all burned. The greatest needs in treatment centre in Kenema. I spent three weeks there but can’t recall what happened because of the this community now are food, clothing, medication and agricultural tools. severity of my fever.

“My time in Sierra Leone was absolutely worth it. The disparity in healthcare between Canada and West Africa is shocking and there is a tremendous need for health care workers. As the epidemic continues to grow, it is becoming more of a danger to the rest of the world. I feel proud that I was able to play a part in stemming the tide of the biggest public health emergency of our time.” – Dr. Lauralee Morris, Canadian Red Cross, Physician

West Africa Ebola Outbreak One Year On | Donor Report

thank you Thanks to committed donors like you, the Canadian Red Cross has raised more than

$18.9 million dollars in support of our response in West Africa. Your donation makes a world of difference to impacted families and communities whose lives were forever changed by this devastating outbreak.

Corporate Donors

Government Donors & Partners

CIBC Green Shield Canada Foundation Hudson Bay Company Nestle Canada Scotiabank Sun Life Financial Tangerine TD Bank Group

Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Government of Ontario Government of QuĂŠbec Government of Yukon

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