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The Leslie Group can help you find savings despite rising benefits costs.

Fall is here and Covid-19 cases are back on the rise with the fourth wave and the start of the new school year. Businesses are entering the traditional budget season and may be facing more challenges as we are seeing group insurance costs rising an average of 8-12% annually and many over 20%, applying further pressure to an already difficult situation.

The Leslie Group is an independent employee benefits consulting firm that enjoys full access to the group benefits marketplace, with significant leverage to negotiate effectively with insurance companies to find immediate and sustainable savings. As a result, many clients of The Leslie Group are seeing a decrease in their group benefits costs, despite a current trend to the contrary. Our preferred employee benefit pricing reduces plan costs with no reduction to your current coverage, and our hightouch service model adds significant value for HR and Finance departments. We take an entrepreneurial approach to program and product development with a view to providing innovative flexible benefit options and coverage your employees want today. The Leslie Group offers virtual healthcare options like GoToDoctor and preferred pharmacy discounts with Rexall and associated pharmacies with just a small implementation fee. We seek to provide and promote leading-edge coverage that maximizes the overall ROI for businesses. This may include access to mental health services or substance misuse support via virtual platforms such as Inkblot and ALAViDA, or customizable plans with options for more flexibility using Health Care Spending accounts through MyHSA at preferred pricing arrangements.

By significantly reducing the overhead costs built into the premium, The Leslie Group fixes the price problem resulting in sustainable long term savings. Employees are heavily favouring strong and comprehensive benefits plans that meet their needs and with 53% of Canadian workers rating strong benefits as their top factor in job decision making, It’ s time to review your plan.

Contact The Leslie Group at tlginfo@lesliegroup.com today for a free non-committal review of your plan.


Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC ) was formerly the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSME). Our new name emphasizes the procurement-related services we offer, with a stronger focus on the participation of under-represented businesses in federal procurement.

PAC will continue to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), with an increased focus on businesses owned or operated by Black, Indigenous, sexually diverse, and gender diverse individuals; women; youth; and people with disabilities, as well as businesses that focus on accessibility and green or clean technology.PAC will also continue to inform, assist, and guide businesses throughout their federal procurement journey with a number of education and support services, including self-serve reference tools, webinars, workshops, and personalized one-on-one assistance.

SmallBusinessMonthisaperfect opportunityforustohelpyouinyour journey!

JoinPACOntarioRegionforanexcitinglineupof Octoberevents.Don’tmiss:

October 14-15–Meet us at the Canadian SME Small Business Summit.

October 19- Small Business Diversity Forum hosted by PAC in Ontario.

October 21 -Doing Business with Government event in partnership with the Mississauga Business Enterprise Centre, the Region of Peel, and the City of Mississauga.

October 27 - Ask the Expert panel on supplying professional services to the Government of Canada.

October 27 - Federal Procurement Virtual Drop–in Café. AnActionPAC-kedConference

Nearly 400 participants joined PAC forour annual “Doing Business with Government” Information Clinicin June 2021. The two-day conference focused on Indigenous and social procurement with presentations, panels,and virtual cafés from 16 government and private sector groups. This was a vital opportunity for entrepreneurs and small businesses to learn how to grow their businessesthrough federal procurement.


PAC can help you to better understand how the government buys goods and services, and how you can access the process to bid on federal contracting opportunities and grow your business.

Stay tuned for details on our Government to Business(G2B)Information Fair and Workshop in November 2021, which will focus on women-led businesses.

In 2022, PAC and partners will host three Innovation Information Forums. The first will center on SMEs in the green and clean technology sector, the second will emphasize Black-led or -owned businesses and the third will focus on businesses owned or led by women.

Join us for all of our special and regular event offerings or contact the PAC Ontario office at 1-800668-5378 or email us if you have any questions. For support outside Ontario or in the National Capital Area, we have PAC regional offices across Canada to help support you.

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