Assurance statement
Important notice
ASM Artisanal and small-scale mining. Carbon Scope 1 and Scope 2 location-based intensity The carbon Scope 1 and 2 location-based intensity is calculated as a ratio of Scope 1 and 2 location-based emissions of Glencore operated industrial assets owned at the end of the reporting year, divided by their copper equivalent production. Further synonyms of these metrics used in this report include ‘carbon emissions intensity’ and ‘greenhouse gas emissions intensity’. care and maintenance A phase in the lifecycle of an asset where production is stopped, but with the potential to recommence operations later; we manage conditions to ensure that the asset remains in a safe and stable condition. CCUS Carbon capture, utilisation and storage. CDP CDP is an international, not-for-profit organisation that provides a global system for companies and cities to measure, share and disclose environmental information. See for further information closure plan A formal document detailing a costed conceptual outline of how Glencore will close an operation, taking into account the options available to deal with prevailing social and environmental issues. We set aside funds specifically for site closure, including land rehabilitation.
CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is the universal unit of measurement for the global warming potential (GWP) of greenhouse gases, where one unit of CO2e is the GWP for one unit of carbon dioxide. This unit allows us to discuss the equivalence of different GHGs in terms of their GWP. The GWPs used in this report are one for CO2, 28 for methane and 265 for nitrous oxide, as per IPCC’s 5th Assessment. commodity department Glencore’s business is divided into a number of commodity departments, including copper, nickel, ferroalloys and zinc. See for a full list concentrate A natural commodity consisting of extracted and processed mineral ores; the first step towards producing refined minerals and metals. copper equivalent We calculate a product-specific production value by dividing the average price of a specific product in a baseline year with the average price of copper in the same baseline year. critical control A control that is crucial to preventing or mitigating the consequences of an event. The absence or failure of a critical control would significantly increase the risk connected to the relevant hazard, regardless of the existence of other controls. Controls include mitigation and management actions, devices and technical systems.
CSIRO The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is an Australian federal government agency responsible for scientific research. Its chief role is to improve the economic and social performance of industry for the benefit of the Commonwealth. CTSCo Glencore’s wholly-owned subsidiary, the Carbon Transport and Storage Company Pty Ltd (CTSCo), is developing a CCUS project. direct energy Energy used and generated by our operations, including energy generated by combustion in boilers, furnaces and vehicles owned or controlled by us. Sources include coal, coke, diesel, gasoline, biomass, biodiesel, fuel oil, jet fuel, kerosene, LPG, naphtha, natural gas, propane and electricity generated from renewable source or recovered on-site. See “indirect energy” DPM Diesel particulate matter. EITI The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) aims to strengthen governance by improving transparency and accountability in the extractives sector (oil, gas and mining). EITI promotes revenue transparency by monitoring and reconciling payments from mining businesses and government revenues at country level. ESG Environment, social and governance.
ferroalloys Various iron alloys that have a high proportion of one or more other elements, eg manganese, chrome or silicon. GHG Greenhouse gas. Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standards and guidance for corporate accounting and reporting on GHG emissions, which help governments and business leaders to understand, quantify, and manage GHG emissions (eg CO2). The Greenhouse Gas Protocol separates GHG emissions into different scopes depending on source. GRI The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international independent standards organisation that develops and disseminates voluntary sustainability reporting frameworks; there is a specific supplement for the mining and metals industry. grievance process A formal grievance process/mechanism for local community members or other stakeholders to use to register any concerns about real or perceived actions by nearby operations, with the objective of resolving problems before they escalate. hazardous Dangerous, as defined by national legislation. HELE High-efficiency, low-emission.
Glencore Sustainability Report 2019 91