February 10, 2010
10.04 Any person may attend at the registry during normal business hours and may view or obtain a copy of any Land Law. FEES
Council may from time to time by resolution set fees for viewing or obtaining copies of Land Laws.
11 Enforceability of Land Laws ENFORCEABILITY OF LAND LAWS
11.01 To enforce its Land Code and its Land Laws, Anishinaabeg of Naongashiing shall have the power to: a) establish offences that are punishable on summary conviction; b) provide for fines, imprisonment, restitution, community service, and alternate means for achieving compliance; and c) establish comprehensive enforcement procedures consistent with federal law, including inspections, searches, seizures and compulsory sampling, testing and the production of information. PART 3 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 12 Participation of Members PARTICIPATION OF MEMBERS
12.01 Every Member is entitled to participate in the community consultation processes set out in Part 3 of this Land Code. PARTICIPATION OF ELIGIBLE VOTERS
12.02 Every Eligible Voter is entitled to participate in the community approval processes set out in Part 3 of this Land Code. 13 Community Input COMMUNITY INPUT OF MEMBERS
13.01 The Council shall consult with Members at a Community Meeting prior to the enactment of a Land Law: a) respecting a community plan or subdivision plan; b) affecting a heritage site or an environmentally sensitive property; c) respecting environmental assessment and protection; d) respecting the transfer and assignment of rights and Interests in Anishinaabeg of Naongashiing Land; e) respecting spousal real property on Anishinaabeg of Naongashiing Land under section 40; f) respecting the rate and criteria for the payment of fees or rent for Anishinaabeg of Naongashiing Land; g) respecting the rights and procedures on community expropriation; and h) respecting any other matter, law or class of law that Council, by Resolution, declares to be subject to this section. NO QUORUM
For greater certainty, community input for consultation purposes does not require a quorum. 11