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Red Lake Operations driven by Evolution’s values of safety
Cont’d from pg. 28 recognized Evolution in Australia’s 2021 Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and the company also secured ‘AA’ rating from MSCI for resilience to long-term ESG risks, increased ISS ESG scores, and ranked in the 21st percentile globally by Sustainalytics. These notable outcomes are testament to Evolution’s ongoing commitment to sustainably and safely produce gold and to exceed the highest environmental, social, and governance standards.
Commitment: Health, Safety, and Training
At the heart of Evolution’s health and safety culture is a shared understanding: ‘No job is so important that it cannot be done safely’. Every member of the family at Red Lake Operations commits to this. The Red Lake Operations are driven by Evolution’s values of safety, respect, accountability and excellence. With an overall focus on safety, the people who make up Red Lake are encouraged to think before they act, every job, every day.
Values led behaviours help to fuel ongoing sustainability efforts which aim to deliver long-term stakeholder value through safe, low-cost gold production in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Pivotal to these aspirations are dedicated employees, supported by specialist training programs, that help ensure the Red Lake team are enabled with the knowledge and skills to safely manage risks, meet regulatory compliance, and under- stand safe and sustainable processes and procedures.
In 2022 Evolution Mining, across all operations, had 80% of employees achieving desired development goals. A range of initiatives continue to progress and transform team training to further support strategic objectives. All this aims to support Red Lake Operations people to thrive through mine lifecycle.
Foster a Positive and Agile Culture
“Evolution has always focused on creating a positive and agile culture where our values underpin everything we do. We are equally committed to creating a fair, inclusive, and diverse workplace that supports us in attracting and retaining talent,” Paul Eagle—Evolution Mining Vice President People and Culture. Source: Evolution Mining 2022 Sustainability Report.
Evolution Mining proudly has an 80% employee retention rate. By remaining an attractive employer of choice it successfully maintains a highly skilled workforce despite a competitive talent market.
Evolution continues to foster a positive work environment so employees can perform at their peak, develop their full potential, and experience the highlight of their mining career. Through its ‘Act Like an Owner’ (ALO) employee incentive program, Evolution supports a culture where its people treat Evolution Mining as their own business. The program builds value at all operations, including Red Lake, by encouraging people led safety improvements, innovations and change, cost reductions, and operational efficiencies among other value creating initiatives.
Proactive Engagement with Local Communities
Evolution integrates sustainability initiatives across its operations and remains focused on maintaining strong social connections to help support its license to operate. Throughout all of its operations, in Australia and Canada, continues to work as a trusted partner with the local communities, respecting local culture, managing risks, and exploring opportunities to enhance Cont’d on pg. 32
F e a t u r e d a b o v e i s T r i s t e n , a t h i r d - y e a r W S N e l e c t r i c a l a p p r e n t i c e w o r k i n g a t G r e e n t s t o n e G o l d M i n e
TEMPERED WITH TRADITION the life of its mines. Sustainable mining is achieved at Red Lake with the following approach:
• Build engaged and lasting relationships with the communities in which it operates
• Uphold fundamental human rights
• Protect cultural heritage and First Nation partnerships
• Invest in meaningful community projects and sustainable development
• Respect cultures, customs, and values while engaging in open and inclusive dialogue
Red Lake Operations community engagement remains centered around strengthening community connections and includes enhancing the capabilities of local fire and rescue authorities to manage emergencies. Evolution’s support of the Red Lake region involves recently providing a new modern fire truck and equipment, help to boost volunteer numbers and establish- ing enhanced communication methods during recent fire seasons.

In 2022, Deloitte, an international consulting firm acting as an independent facilitator, conducted a Stakeholder Perception Survey for Evolution Mining, including all of its mining operations. Results were a ‘High Approval’ rating of 4.0 out of 5.0 compared to Deloitte’s finding on a global mean score of 3.39 in over 2,000 cases of social license reviewed.
A Net Zero Future
In July 2021, Evolution Mining committed to reducing carbon emissions by 30% (by 2030) and made a commitment to be Net Zero by 2050 in line with the Paris Agreement. This commitment recognises that climate change is one of the most pressing problems facing all of us and that Evolution takes seriously its role in emissions reduction. Evolution’s plan to manage emissions reduction now and in the future points to it’s leadership in supporting a sustainable planet and the wellbeing of its team and communities too.
All Evolution operations, including Red Lake, are transparent about their progress regarding emissions reduction but it is recognised it is a start to a longer journey. Part of this is how Evolution safely manages its approach to any impacts, or potential impacts, of extreme climate-related risks. Evolution operations are situated across a range of extreme climatic zones, which globally can present acute and chronic physical hazards, including extreme weather events such as natural disasters, resource shortages, changes in the patterns and intensity of rainfall and storms, water shortages, and changing temperatures.
Evolution’s 2022 Sustainability Report outlined its pathway to Net Zero with a focus on renewables in the short term, looking at technology options in the medium term. Inspired by Evolution’s commitment to Net Zero future, the Red Lake Operations team remains committed to creating an increasingly energy efficient operation. One way it is doing so is via partnerships with Epiroc and Prairie Machine (Rokion), a leading battery electric vehicle (BEV) service provider.
In summary, Evolution’s commitment to the health, safety and wellbeing of its Red Lake team supports a positive and strategic plan for the future. Evolution remains committed to enabling its Red Lake team to strategically and sustainably manage growth of the Operations –as part of how Evolution drives its way to being a premier global gold producer.