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The New Mining Workforce:
Confederation College Helps Meet the Needs of Mines and Communities in the Northwest
Northwestern Ontario is becoming a prominent employment hub in the mining industry. The region has advanced sites for exploring critical minerals like lithium, graphite, copper, and platinum group metals. This positions the region as a leader in mineral production. Several gold mines are already operational, with several expected to start soon. Impala Canada’s Lac des Iles mine, near Thunder Bay, is Canada’s only standalone palladium mine.
Equinox Gold began operations at Greenstone Gold Mines five years ago, expecting to employ around 1,000 workers from diverse sectors. They prioritize Indigenous representation, and collaborate with nearby Indigenous communities and Confederation College to develop multi year training strategies. The college’s programs not only prepare students for immediate job opportunities but also for long-term careers. This enables individuals to begin careers in roles such as flagger or truck driver, and later receive training to transition into more permanent positions in different areas of the mine, including administration and apprenticeships.
Confederation College, Greenstone Gold Mine and MTW Employment Services received funding last year to train 90 Heavy Equipment Operators. The goal was to create a skilled workforce to meet the growing demand in the mining sector. Students underwent pre-employment activities, including theoretical learning and worklife balance tips before completing 75 hours of training on excavators, front-end loaders, bulldozers, and haul trucks. The program was a success with 84 out of 90 participants completing the training within 6 months. Remarkably, 74% of them found employment within two weeks.
In 2023, the college administered the Mining Potential program in partnership with the Mining Industry Human Resources Council. This included an eight-week training period, followed by three weeks of hands-on experience at Barrick’s Hemlo Gold Mine, focusing on underground diamond drilling with Boart Longyear. Successful students received a college certificate of completion, certificates from MiHR, as well as training in Surface Common Core, Underground Diamond Driller Common Core, First Aid/CPR, Confined Spaces, and WHIMIS/OHSA.
Confederation College, Northwestern Ontario’s largest Trades Training institution, offers post-secondary, apprenticeship, contract training, and dual credits, foster- ing highly qualified personnel development in 11 approved skilled trades.
The college also offers postsecondary programs in fields like Automotive, Heavy Equipment, Welding, Manufacturing, varying Engineering Technician specialties, Computer Programming, and Civil and Environmental Technician, all crucial to the mining industry. Impala Canada has partnered with the college to help support its development and recruitment of a talent pipeline for these programs and enable students to seamlessly transition from the classroom to the workplace.
Confederation College is playing a crucial role in preparing a skilled workforce for the mining sector through effective partnerships with mines, organizations, and communities. By offering programs backed by key industry players, the college is actively shaping the future of mining while benefiting local communities.