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First Nations play major role in development
Cont’d from pg. 34 technologies used throughout the Plant Site.
The commissioning team has also started arriving at site to set up the processes needed to manage commissioning activities. Pre-commissioning activities are underway at the Power Plant, and commissioning activities for the Process Plant will get underway this fall. A milestone was reached with turnover of the Truck Shop to the Operations maintenance team, who are now using the facility for mine equipment maintenance.
Offsite infrastructure work continues with the start of earthworks at the new location for the Hydro One Geraldton Operating Centre and completion of decommissioning of the former MTO Patrol Yard. Highway 11 realignment paving work is underway ahead of plan, with turnover to the MTO expected during Q3 2023.
Mine pre-production activities continue to meet the planned tonnage, with 9.7 million tonnes mined to date. Haul roads are being constructed across the mine site, while operational readiness activities for the process plant and mine are underway. The Effluent Water Treatment Plant is operating as designed and has treated and discharged just over 670,000 m³ of water in Q2 2023 and 1.38 million m³ to date this year.
Greenstone is located on the traditional territories of four First Nations – the Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek (AZA), the Aroland First Nation (AFN), the Ginoogaming First Nation (GFN) and the Long Lake #58 First Nation (LL58) – and is home to the citizens of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO).
Greenstone Mine will produce approximately 400,000 ounces of gold per year for the first five years and more than 5 million ounces of gold in total over an initial 14-year mine life, with expansion and mine-life extension potential from both underground and near-mine open-pit deposits.
Greenstone Mine reached the 200 operations employees milestone during Q2 2023. At its peak, Greenstone Mine will employ more than 500 direct workers. Join us at our booth during the upcoming Central Canada’s Resources Expo event September 13-14 and meet members of the human resources and supply chain teams.

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