affiliates of NextEnergy Canada, Enbridge, and OMERS Infrastructure. It was established to participate in the Ontario transmission market. Alberta based construction company Valard is the contractor for the project. The East-West Tie Project has actually been in the works since 2012, when NextEra bid for the opportunity to develop new power transmission in Northern Ontario. The provincial government identified the need for an update of the EWT in 2010 as part of a longterm energy strategy. Photo Valard Construction: Tower erection during construction of the NextEra was selected to East-West Transmission Tie, currently underway in northwestern Ontario be the proponent in 2013, but concerns over an increasing price tag of over Major mining projects in the north- investments in the electricity sys$700 million led the provwest will become more attractive in tem in Northern Ontario in decades, the coming years thanks to a mas- and for the most part, will follow the ince to re-open the bidding in 2018. sive hydro project linking north- existing East-West Tie transmission Hydro One then submitted a proeastern with northwestern Ontario. corridor. However, the updated ver- posal claiming it could build the line Work is continuing on an approxi- sion will avoid some of the more at a more reasonable cost. mately 450 kilometre, double cir- sensitive nature and conservation With growing impatience with the cuit, 230 kilo-volt (kV) electric areas, most notably Pukaskwa Na- Ontario Energy Board the recently transmission line that will connect tional Park. elected Doug Ford government, Northeastern Ontario with the Construction of the long awaited buoyed by Kenora-Rainy River Northwest along the north shore project officially began in the fall of MPP and Minister of Energy, Northof Lake Superior. The primary goal 2019, and the goal is to have it com- ern Development and Mines and is to provide more affordable en- pleted by the end of 2021. Minister of Indigenous Affairs Greg ergy and boosting regional power The project is being advanced by Rickford, issued an Order In Councapacity for long term economic NextBridge Infrastructure, and will cil (OIC) and a ministerial directive growth, such as mining. include transmission structures, designating NextBridge as the partKnown as the East-West Tie Proj- insulators, conductors, overhead ner company for the project in Janect, it will extend from the Wawa shield wires, and optic fibre ground uary of 2019, thus ending Hydro Transfer Station, and connect to wire and grounding. One’s hopes of building the line. the Lakehead Transfer Station in The right of way, or cleared area, for The government cited significant the Municipality of Shuniah, just the project will be up to 64 metres, preliminary work and consultation east of the city of Thunder Bay. or 210 feet wide generally speaking, with First Nation communities comIt will connect at roughly the half- but could be larger in some spots. pleted previously by NextBridge as way point to the Marathon Trans- Access roads, both temporary and a major factor in their decision. fer Station, and will move through permanent, will be constructed for The final environmental assesscommunities such as White River, operation and maintenance. Tempo- ment was approved by the Ministry Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Pays Plat rary storage yards, laydown yards, of the Environment, Conservation, First Nation, Dorion, and Nipigon. offices, and camps will also be re- and Parks on March 21, 2019. The project has a price-tag of quired. Rickford was on hand for the $777 million, one of the largest NextBridge is a partnership between Cont’d on pg. 30
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