Directory and Resource Guide 2020

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Message from the Ontario Prospectors Association Executive Director, Garry Clark


needs to be on a level playing field with the other provinces

“Exploration finds Mines!”

to be able to retain explorers. I think the Minister is grasping

April 7 and 8, 2020

the idea that increased the flow-through write-off provin-

This year, the Ontario Prospectors Association is once

1. There was good take-up of the concept that Ontario

cially will retain funds in Ontario.

again delivering the OPES at the Valhalla Inn in Thunder Bay.

2. The JEAP funding model was reviewed and the Min-

The year has been a test of explorers in Ontario. Raising funds

istry has shown that for every dollar that was rebated, 18

has been extremely challenging for some and easy for others.

industry dollars were leveraged. The Minister spoke of re-

The OPES will have over 80 booths and posters, 12 core

tooling NOHFC and looking at ways to create a new program

shacks and more than 30 speakers. Last year, we had 500plus participants over the two days.

to support industry. 3. Resource revenue sharing was spoken of in context of

Speakers this year include Great Bear Resources, Warrior

costs and potential proximal effected communities (including

Gold, Musselwhite Mine, Noront, Manitou Gold, Wesdome,

municipalities) to mines sharing more than distant commu-

Alamos and Metals Creek.

nities. Consultation was discussed with the idea of dealing with the communities that want to talk similar with the execution of the direction being taken for the north south road to Ring of Fire. Also, there was discussion of template agreements for MOUs as we had started with discussion with Wabun Tribal Council. The OPA has been working with Save Canadian Mining’s Terry Lynch. Save Canadian Mining is a movement to return market rules to the fair and transparent standard that helped deliver prosperity for over 142 years. Together, we can save Canadian mining.

OPA activities Minister’s Mining Committee

In 2012, IIROC and CSA removed a trading rule known as the “tick test”, which restricted short-selling to neutral or sales

The OPA has a seat at the committee table to help inform

to positive price changes at the time of the sale. These changes

the Minister on issues that affect the explorers of the province.

were applied not only to the main listing venue of TSX Ven-

This committee consists of explorers and miners from large and

ture Exchange, but are also equally applied across all Canadi-

small companies. To date, the meetings have been very infor-

an trading venues, of which there are 14 today, reducing TSX

mative and well-attended by the provincial ministers involved in mining and various deputy and assistant deputy ministers. On Sept. 10, there was a meeting of the Minister’s Mining Committee. This was the first meeting since the inaugural meeting at PDAC. The agenda included:


Venture’s ability to effect any change. Since removal of the tick test, the Canadian markets have evolved, and there now exists a dynamic where short-selling activities, high-frequency trading and algorithms are exploiting the lack of a tick test to the detriment of Canada’s junior markets. We call on CSA and IIROC to evaluate re-instituting the tick test. l

• Flow-through increase write-offs in Ontario;

Garry Clark

• Support for explorers;

1 (866) 622-3284

• Resource revenue sharing and consultation.

Ontario Mining and exploration directory and resource guide 2020

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