Exploration Update p p
Andrew Tims P.Geo
Sept 27, 2017
* 121 km2 property * 153 historical holes
* 2014 7 DDH * 2016 18 DDH * 2017 46 DDH
1 942 m 4 923 m 8 045 m
1.28 gpt Au over 11 m
525.00 gpt Au 76.8 gpt Ag Over 0.50 m
2.86 2 86 gptt Au A &0 0.7 7 gpt Ag Over 2.0 m
1.88 gpt Au over 5.25 m
5.15 gpt Au over 10.50m 10 50m
1.18 gp gpt Au over 4.50 m
1.06 gpt Au over 7.50 m
1.60 gpt Au over 8.0 m
1.89 gpt Au over 10.0 10 0 m
2.39 gpt Au over 19.44 m
0.72 0 72 gpt g t Au A over 10.0 m
1.05 gpt Au over 8.0 m 1.32 gpt Au over 8.0 m
* The Bush Rat Zone’s true size and grade of the mineralization has yet to be determined as it has only been test to a vertical depth of 150 m.
* Trenching on the 54 54-20 20 zone identified new structural aspects to a style of mineralization different from he Bush Rat zone requiring further drill testing. Going Forward:
The continued drill delineation of the Bush Rate zone ((to a 43101 level of confidence) to a vertical depth of 200 m - a minimum of eighteen 250 m drill holes;
Drill testing of the new 54-20 structural interpretation – four 200 m drill hole.
Correlation coefficients for the Bush Rat assay analyses. Not surprisingly Ag and Ag correlate well, with zones of elevated silver correlating with elevated Cu, Pb and Zn.
Histogram analysis of the assay intervals reveals an overall positive skewed k d di distribution ib i ffor gold. ld Th The outliers li to the h right i h off the h main i distribution on the histogram indicate a later (second) mineralizing later event as evidenced by the visible gold noted in some quartz veins.