Reaons to Visit a Travel Clinic Before Vancouver - Canadian Travel Clinics

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5 Reasons to Visit a Travel Clinic Before You Travel

- Canadian Travel Clinics

1. THEY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE MOST CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMMUNIZATIONS. Many travelers find themselves at a travel program for immunizations (vaccines). Vaccines are proof of what modern medicine can do for your health: Keep you from getting infections and illnesses, even while you hop borders. When you travel, you may come in contact with a disease that's much more common in that country, so it's important to make sure you're fully protected against it. Some vaccinations are required for you to enter certain countries, as well, such as

2. THEY CAN EQUIP YOU WITH IMPORTANT MEDICATION - BOTH TO PREVENT AND TREAT ILLNESSES. You might grab some medications, such as ibuprofen But the travel medicine clinic other medications to prevent needed, treat it.

over-the-counter for a headache. can recommend illness and, if

At the Travel Clinic Vancouver, physicians can provide you with preventative medication for conditions like malaria, altitude sickness, motion sickness, diarrhea, and other things that you may not even think of.

3. THEY CAN EDUCATE YOU ABOUT FOOD AND WATER SAFETY AT YOUR DESTINATION. Travel medicine is not just about preparing with shots and prescriptions. It's also avoiding illnesses by taking certain precautions. Your travel medicine provider can go over safe food and water habits for your destination. And remember - washing your hands effectively and using hand sanitizers can lower your risk for traveler's diarrhea. Your physician can make sure you have the

4. THEY CAN HELP YOU TRAVEL SAFELY IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIC HEALTH REQUIREMENTS. Not all travelers are the same and everyone may have diff erent concerns. Your physician can make sure you're meeting all of your needs according to your age and health. you may learn about swimming safety if you're traveling with a child, Zika virus or airplane travel if you're pregnant, or injury

5. THEY CAN DISCUSS SAFE TRAVEL HABITS WITH YOU. You'll make plenty of decisions while you travel, from where you go to what you do there. You'll need to make smart decisions to ensure your safety in a foreign country. While vacation should be enjoyable, and it's understandable to want to take in everything a country has to offer, you still need to be careful.



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