Travel Clinic Calgary Guide - Canadian Travel Clinics
We recommend researching your chosen destination thoroughly to see if you are likely to be exposed to conditions that might trigger your asthma. Look for information like pollen counts, pollution levels, dust levels from unpaved streets and average temperatures to get an idea of what you might face at your destination. You should also consult with your normal asthma care provider or you can contact Travel Clinic Ottawa and let them know about your travel plans and what triggers you might face at your destination.
T r a v el
I n s u r a n c e W h en Y ou H ave A st h m a
Travel insurance is crucial when you have asthma. Your provincial or state health insurance may not cover you when you are abroad and medical care may be very expensive in other countries. Start shopping around for travel insurance well before you leave.
A c c om m od a ti on a n d tr a n s p or t f or a s t h m a p a ti e n t s As an asthma patient you will want to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke, and this may mean that you can’t use public transport at your destination. Contact travel clinic Calgary for more information. Ask for rooms that are smoke-free, and that are away from the swimming pool and hot tub if mould is a trigger for your asthma. You may also want to check that the hotel is petfree, too.
W h a t h a p p en s i f m y a s th m a f l a r es u p w h i l e I ’ m travelling?
As an expert in your condition, you’ll already know what to do if your asthma gets worse, and you should take your normal first aid steps. Let those travelling with you know if you are becoming unwell and tell them what you need. Experts recommend not travelling if your asthma is unstable. If your normal methods of asthma control are not working, then you should consider postponing your trip.
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