Ampersand Café Style Guide

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Style Guide Visual Identity

About Us

Ampersand Cafe - Alsancak / Izmir

The Ampersand Café aims to provide the best experience to the users, while also exposing them to the exciting adventures of the past. We firmly believe that our ambiance and coffee has the power to take users back in time. This guide serves as a resource to bring together all our brands and to help define their visual and stylistic elements. It exists to provide you with the tools and assets you need to further our mission through communications, websites, products and more.

About Us Visual Identity

The Ampersand Café is a chain of theme restaurants founded in 2010 by Can Aviral in Izmir. In 2011, the cafe began covering its walls with historical elements, a tradition which expanded to others in the chain.


The Ampersand Café

Our Vision To provide the best coffee experience to our customers. We will take our customers back in time!

We will protect our brand from internal and external threats and manage appropriately the business and other risks inherent in venturing. We will develop our people and ensure their reward is aligned to realised shareholder returns.

About Us Visual Identity

We will build on our brand values: (1) great value, (2) taking on the big boys, (3) for the many not the few, (4) relentless innovation, (5) keep it simple, (6) entrepreneurial, (7) making a difference in people’s lives and (8) honest, open, caring and fun.


Our Strategy

Ampersand Cafe - Balรงova / Izmir


Visual Identity

Visual Identity About Us

Logo The logo is at the heart of all group communication aimed at the consumer. The exclusion zone The logotype must be reproduced with a clear area around it which is free from other graphic elements. This area is known as the ‘exclusion zone’. Written style In the logo, the name should always appear as the font Ostrich Sans Inline Regular. The minimum size The logo should always be clearly legible. Colours The logo should always be white on either dar grey background (C:73 M:67 Y:65 K:78) or a transparent surface such as Glass.


Visual Identity

About Us

Naming Our visual identity is an essential part of the Ampersand Café Brand Licence and is cast in stone! It is defined as: “(a) white lettering on a dark grey background (C:73 M:67 Y:65 K:78 on print materials; and on other surfaces the nearest practicable equivalent) (b) in Akzidenz-Grotesk Pro Bold font (not italics, outline nor underlined) the logogram “&” in relevant colour, followed (overlap) by another white word, only theinitial letter of which is capitalised” The ’Ampersand’ name is a powerful asset. To maintain brand strength, correct and consistent use is vital. The Ampersand Café logo is used when representing Avirals’ company and the licensor of the ’Ampersand’ brand in corporate communications.

About Us Correct colour used for &Coffee


&Gamelogo in correct capitalization

Visual Identity

&Catalog logo in correct Aller & Akzidens fonts

Do’s and Don’ts Treatment of the trading names The following illustration demonstrates correct and incorrect renderings of ’The Ampersand Café’ trading names using the correct fonts. Whilst it does not cover every possible scenario, you will formulate a good idea of what is acceptable and what is not.

Visual Identity

About Us




Colours The perfect combination Dark Gray is one of our greatest distinguishing features. It is an essential part of our brand identity and heritage. Combined with Cyan, Magenta and Orange, a distinct style is created which is both simple to use and powerful through its simplicity.

About Us #cdccc9


Visual Identity





Typefaces The brand fonts The Ostrich Sans Inline font has played an important part in building the ’Ampersand Café’ brand. Its bold, confident and distinct appearance has made it recognisable and associated with ’Ampersand’. Its sharp and powerful edges have given a trustworthy personality to the ’Ampersand’ businesses. Note the Ostrich Sans Inline font should only be used for the business logo. No shading or keylines should be used around the business name. Note the Akzidenz-Grotesk Pro should only be used for the brand naming and nothing else. The Akzidenz-Grotesk Pro creates the “&” part of the naming.

About Us

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!?,.;:‘“ Ostrich Sans Inline

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!?,.;:‘“

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!?,.;:‘“ Aller Bold

Visual Identity

Aller Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!?,.;:‘“

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!?,.;:‘“ Akzidenz-Grotesk Pro Bold


Akzidenz-Grotesk Pro

Photography The pictures we use are expressive, show real emotions and are cropped for maximum effect. The use of black & white is essential to keep the integrity of the brand in a high standard. The B&W pictures ensure neutrality in theme, and allows for emphasises throughout the design. Images should be used full-page whenever possible. However, this is not mandatory. Proper credit should be given in the bottom right corner of each image.

Ampersand Cafe - Berlin


Visual Identity

About Us

Lingo Tone of voice Don’t over complicate. Tell it like it is. Be direct and get to the point. Always look for the simplest way to say what you want.

About Us

Be direct and talk the language of your customer. They will appreciate your honesty and simplicity.

Visual Identity

We believe that a message is better read when it’s easy to understand.


Do not be afraid to use colloquialisms – or should we say... Do not be afraid to use plain and simple phrases?

Ampersand Cafe - Washington DC

About Us Visual Identity Examples

Some Examples of how we have been using the brand

Website Every ’Ampersand’ branded business is online. And somez receive their sales activity through this channel. The design of the web pages are critical. The layout has to deliver information in a clear, consistent and concise way. The structure has to encourage purchase. For example...


Visual Identity

About Us

Advertising To present the Ampersand Café to the consumer, the communication must lead with a motivating consumer benefit. The benefit should focus on the experiences that the Ampersand Café can bring. This is done through descriptive headlines and photography of the café in action.


Visual Identity

About Us

Application The logo should also be used to label specific items, as a showcase of quality. The usage guidelines still need to be considered when applying the logo on different objects.


Visual Identity

About Us

Ampersand Cafe - Paris

About Us

Contact us www:

tel2: 0(390) 490 90 91 Fax: 0(392) 490 00 00


tel: 0(392) 490 90 90

Visual Identity


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