Scholarship and Bursary Program 2026

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We acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples as the traditional keepers of the land on which we gather. We are inspired by their wisdom, spirituality and experience. We particularly acknowledge our debt to the wise Indigenous women who have shared language, country and culture. We commit ourselves to actively work alongside them for reconciliation and justice.

Pivotal to Canberra Girls Grammar School’s 100-year legacy of educational excellence, connection and opportunity is our Scholarship and Bursary Program.

The CGGS community’s commitment to gender equity and inclusion is infused throughout our history and is profoundly connected to the ethos of the Community of the Sisters of the Church. This collective belief is at the core of our Program, which continues to evolve and improve over time. The focus remains to enable a broad range of students access to a life-changing CGGS education.

The Program has two goals, to recognise student dedication and excellence, and to provide a world-class education to those who may not otherwise have such opportunities.

There are two streams to the CGGS Scholarship and Bursary Program.


This option specifically acknowledges and rewards students who have demonstrated academic excellence in combination with high achievement in sport, music, artistic pursuits, or across multiple disciplines. This stream also provides opportunities for Indigenous students, with boarding as an offering for students in remote, regional and rural communities.

Scholarship applicants can request to have their applications means-tested as part of the process.

This option requires an applicant to sit the Academic Assessment Services (AAS) test*.


This option specifically enables students who require financial support, with boarding as an offering for students in remote, regional and rural communities.

This option requires a means-test via an independent external financial review conducted by the School’s professional partner, Edstart.

Applications for both 2026 Scholarships and Bursaries open in October 2024 and close Monday 28 October 2024.

The Gabriel Foundation has made a CGGS education possible for many students since its inception, as it funds both the Scholarship and Bursary offerings at the School.

The Foundation’s annual support of the Program has been enabled by generations of CGGS parents and donors and further strengthens our School community by advancing diverse educational opportunities.

The Archer Family Bursary is an additional option in the Program for a Year 11 student, supporting the duration of their senior studies. The Bursary is named in honour of the Archer family, particularly Mr Keith Archer, a valued member of the CGGS Board, Parents & Friends Association, and the Gabriel Foundation, and his daughter, Mrs Margaret Cornwell (Grammarian, 1951). Margaret continues to be a generous supporter of CGGS and is still actively engaged with the School as a member of the Grammarians Association, and as a valued donor.

Keith’s son also attended CGGS during his early years of education, as did four of his grandchildren and two of his great grandchildren.

Key to the Program is the expectation of students to embrace and embody the School’s four values of inclusion, courage, respect and integrity and to apply themselves in their studies and through their active involvement in the broader life of the School.

How to apply

An application must be submitted online by Monday 28 October 2024.

First, review our Scholarship or Bursary options and identify which best applies to your child (see pages 8—19).

The application process begins via the CGGS website: click here

Your application will be managed by our partners Academic Assessment Services (AAS). Via their website you will be guided to submit the following details.

Provide the following documents:

• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference (non-family member).

• Current school academic and school reports from the last two years (copies).

• Most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent (copies).

• A recent school photograph.

Answer the following questions:

From the applicant

1. In approximately 400 words, outline the attributes, dispositions and personal achievements that make you an outstanding applicant for a CGGS Scholarship or Bursary. In your response also outline the contribution you would make to the broader life of the School should your application be successful.

2. CGGS proudly upholds the values of integrity, courage, respect, and inclusion. Choose one of these values and, in approximately 300 words, describe how you envision embodying this value in your school, home, or community. Additionally, explain why you believe CGGS aligns with your personal values and aspirations, making it the ideal School for you.

From the parent/carer

3. In 150 words or less, outline your family’s reasons for applying for a CGGS or Bursary for your child.

4. Complete the curriculum vitae (CV), outlining: academic awards, leadership roles held, sporting achievements, representative team experience, co-curricular activities, community service roles, etc. Include dates, and brief explanations if needed.


• Not all Scholarships and Bursaries listed may be offered every year.

• The final decision to offer a Scholarship or Bursary, and level of remission, is at the discretion of the Principal.

• The Program is open to Australian citizens and permanent residents only.

• If a recipient does not meet the expectations of the Program or CGGS standards more broadly, the School reserves the right to rescind the Scholarship or Bursary.

• Scholarship application fee: $105 (non-refundable).

• Bursary application fee: $50 (non-refundable).

• Remote or distance application fee: $275 (nonrefundable). Applicants must reside at least 300km or three hours from Canberra Girls Grammar School. This application fee is to enable remote invigilation by AAS.

• Late applications will not be accepted, except at the invitation of the Principal or their delegate.

• To apply for a Scholarship or Bursary the applicant must have already made a formal enrolment application to CGGS including payment of the $220 application fee online. They must then complete the Scholarship or Bursary application and pay the Scholarship or Bursary application fee via the (AAS) process.

• CGGS does not provide a report on the results of a Scholarship examination, audition or interview.

• Students who cannot attend the Scholarship examination will not be offered an alternate date.

• When evaluating eligibility for a Bursary, the School reviews the family’s ability to pay tuition fees, considering their monthly income, expenses and net asses as outlined in the independent financial assessment. If the family’s net income clearly shows that they can afford the tuition fees within their current finances or manage them through effective asset management, the School will not approve the Bursary application.

*The AAS test is used as a benchmarking tool and does not constitute part of the selection process for Bursaries. Scholarship applicants may be means tested should they request consideration for a higher level of fee remission than the standard 25%.


For Scholarships

1. The time and location of in-person testing and auditions will be advised via email.

2. Following the test, all applicants will be carefully reviewed against the selection criteria.

3. Unsuccessful applicants are advised.

4. A shortlist of applicants will progress to in-person interview.

5. Successful Scholarship applications will be advised via email.

For Bursaries

1. All applicants will be carefully reviewed against the selection criteria.

2. Unsuccessful applicants are advised.

3. A shortlist of applicants will progress to in-person interview.

4. Financial assessment will take place via an independent external financial review (Edstart).

5. Successful Bursary applications will be advised via email.









For further details regarding the rules of the application process see the accompanying CGGS Scholarship and Bursary Program Policy.

2026 Scholarships

Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence


Remission: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Academic)


Remission: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–11, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Arts)


Remission: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.

2026 Bursaries

Gabriel Foundation Bursary


Remission: Partial remission of tuition and/or boarding fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.

Archer Family Bursary


Remission: 50% of tuition fees from Years 11–12.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Music)


Remission: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Sport)


Remission: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.

Indigenous Scholarship


Remission: At least 25% of tuition and/or boarding fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.

Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence



Possibly considered an ‘all-rounder’, the recipient of the Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence will be an outstanding applicant in multiple fields, demonstrating:

• Consistent record of excellence across multiple disciplines and activities.

• Outstanding academic ability (mostly A grades across all subject areas).

• Evidence of an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to all pursuits.

• Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential.

• Ability to articulately express academic, career, personal and/or service and leadership goals.

• Eagerness to embrace the breadth of opportunities on offer at CGGS.

• Willingness and ability to make a positive and significant contribution to the overall life of the School.

• Potential and desire to lead, mentor and support peers at CGGS.

• Evidence of having undertaken significant leadership and/or service roles in their school or community.

• A collaborative attitude towards peers and teachers.

• Active participation and achievement in school co-curricular programs.

• Willingness and ability to act as an ambassador for CGGS.


All applicants must meet a minimum standard of excellence in academic achievement, regardless of the award, and:

• Submit a complete online application.


• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference (non-family member).

• Current school academic and school reports from the last two years (copies).

• Most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent (copies).


• Year of entry: Years 7–11.

• Excellence and consistent achievement across multiple disciplines.


• Guaranteed place at the School for new enrolling Scholars.

• 25% remission of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for the remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.


• Display an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to academic pursuits.

• Maintain a high level of academic progress with mostly A grades achieved across all subject areas.

• Demonstrate consistent high performance across multiple disciplines and activities.

• Maintain exemplary standards of behaviour, effort and involvement.

• Make a positive and significant contribution to the life of the School.

• Participate in a range of educational and Schoolrelated activities.

• Participate in bi-annual review of all-round performance.


• Boarding fees.

• Costs of excursions, tours and camps.

• Individual subject fees and technology fees.

• Textbooks and uniforms.

• School Development Contribution.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Academic)



A recipient of a Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Academic):

• Has an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to all academic pursuits.

• Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their academic potential and in all areas of School life.

• Acts as a role model to others through striving for academic excellence.

• Commits to give freely of their time to School events and activities.

• Makes a positive contribution to the life of the School.

• Willingly participates in a range of academic and School-related activities.


All applicants must meet a minimum standard regardless of the award, and:

• Submit a complete online application.


• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference from someone other than a family member.

• Copies of academic and school reports for the last two years from their current school.

• A copy of their most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent.


The student must:

• Have an exemplary record of excellence in academic achievement (mostly A-grades in most subjects) over a consistent period of time.

• Have a record of high achievement (e.g. in-school or external academic awards) in at least three subject areas.

• Show evidence of having undertaken leadership or service roles in their school or broader community.

• Be able to articulate a clear vision of future academic goals and a plan to achieve them.


• Guaranteed place at the School for new enrolling scholars.

• 25% remission of tuition fees from Years 5–12, or for remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.


• Demonstrate consistent application to studies and maintain a very high level of academic progress across all subject areas.

• Maintain exemplary standards of behaviour, effort and involvement.

• Make a positive and significant contribution to the academic and broader life of the School.

• Participate in a range of co-curricular and Schoolrelated activities.

• Act as an ambassador for the School as required.

• Participate in bi-annual review of all-round performance.


• Boarding fees.

• Costs of excursions, tours and camps.

• Textbooks and uniforms.

• Individual subject fees and technology fees.

• School Development Contribution.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Arts)



A recipient of a Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Arts):

• Has an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to artistic pursuits.

• Demonstrates excellence in The Arts.

• Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential in all areas of School life, and in particular, The Arts.

• Commits to give freely of their time to all creative/ performing arts events and activities as required, as well as broader School events and activities.

• Makes a positive contribution to The Arts and the broader School.

• Willingly participates in a range of educational and School-related activities alongside The Arts.


All applicants must meet a minimum standard regardless of the award, and:

• Submit a complete online application. Provide:

• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference from someone other than a family member.

• A portfolio of evidence of current progress in Visual Arts or most recent performances in Performing Arts.

• Copies of academic and school reports for the last two years from their current school.

• A copy of their most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent.

NOTE: This application should reflect the chosen Arts discipline; Dance, Drama, Photography or Visual Arts.


The student must:

• Have a record of excellence in artistic pursuits over a consistent period of time.

• Provide evidence of commitment to a range of relevant artistic pursuits over a consistent period of time.

• Show evidence of active participation and success in relevant artistic pursuits in their school or broader community.

• Demonstrate or document excellence in The Arts:

– Dance/Drama: Participate in a live or recorded audition, prepare two contrasting solo performances.

– Visual Arts/Photography: Submit a portfolio of work demonstrating a range of style and mediums.


• Guaranteed place at the School for new enrolling scholars.

• 25% remission of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the scholar’s enrolment


• Demonstrate consistent application to studies and maintain a sound level of academic progress across all subject areas.

• Demonstrate consistent high performance in The Arts.

• Maintain exemplary standards of behaviour, effort and involvement.

• Take part in curricular Arts from Years 7–10.

• Strongly encouraged to take curricular Arts in Years 11–12.

• Demonstrate willingness and commitment to give freely of their time to co-curricular Arts events and activities, particularly those related to artistic pursuits, including:

– Dance: Dance Company, Dance Fest, etc.

– Drama: School Musical, Summer Shorts, Encore, Senior Production, etc.

– Visual Arts.

– Photography.

• Act as a role model for younger students with motivation, enthusiasm and commitment to The Arts.

• Aid Arts staff with the running of Creative/ Performing Arts events if required.

• Develop skills in leadership and demonstrate the willingness to publicly represent The Arts, both at School and in the community.

• Encourage participation in The Arts throughout the School and broader community.

• Maintain a collaborative manner with peers and teachers.

• Make a positive and significant contribution to the artistic and broader life of the School.

• Act as an ambassador for the School as required.

• Participate in bi-annual review of all-round performance.


• Boarding fees.

• Costs of excursions, tours and camps.

• Individual subject fees and technology fees.

• Textbooks and uniforms.

• School Development Contribution.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Music)



A recipient of a Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Music):

• Has an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to musical pursuits.

• Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential in all areas of School life, and in particular, Music.

• Commits to give freely of their time to all Music Academy events and activities as well as broader School events and activities.

• Makes a positive contribution to the life of the Music Academy and the broader School.

• Willingly participates in a range of educational and School-related activities alongside of Music.


All applicants must meet a minimum standard regardless of the award, and:

• Submit a complete online application.


• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference from someone other than a family member.

• Copies of academic and school reports for the last two years from their current school.

• A copy of their most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent.


The student must:

• Provide evidence of active participation and success in Music over a sustained period of time.

• Undertake service or leadership roles in their school or broader community in the area of Music.

• Demonstrate Music performance and interpretive skills, stylistic awareness and expression.

• Showcase presentation through choice of repertoire, stage presence, communication with their audience, and accompanist (if appropriate).

• Show evidence of having had a positive and significant contribution to the Music life of the school and/or community.

• Commit to joining at least three Music groups or ensembles at CGGS.

• Attend an audition.

• Demonstrate or document excellence on chosen instrument.

• Contribute positively to the musical life of the School.


• Guaranteed place at the School for new enrolling scholars.

• 25% remission of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for the remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.

• 30-minute Instrumental tuition on one instrument per week up to the value of $52 per lesson (term time only). Lessons must take place on the CGGS campus with a Music Academy Instrumental Tutor. Lessons may be considered with an external tutor on negotiation with the Dean of Music.

• Free access to Music Academy co-curricular ensembles and classes.

• Mentoring with the Dean of Music (or other senior Music staff on negotiation).


• Demonstrate consistent high performance in Music.

• Demonstrate consistent application to studies and maintain a sound level of academic progress across all subject areas.

• Maintain exemplary standards of behaviour, effort and involvement.

• Act as a role model for younger musicians with motivation, enthusiasm, punctuality and attendance at all Music Academy rehearsals, concerts and events.

• Aid Music staff with the running of Music Academy concerts and events if required.

• Attend and perform at events as required including the Recital Series.

• Take part in curricular Music from Years 7–10 and are then strongly encouraged to take curricular Music in Years 11–12.

• Attend termly meetings with the Dean of Music (or other senior Music staff on negotiation).

• Develop skills in leadership and demonstrate the willingness to publicly represent the Music Academy, both at School and in the community.

• Encourage participation in the Music Academy throughout the School and broader community.

• Participate in at least three corresponding Music Academy ensembles and or classes.

• Uphold the aims and objectives of the Music Academy.

• Maintain a positive outlook and a collaborative manner with peers and teachers.

• Act as an ambassador for the School as required.

• Participate in bi-annual review of performance.


• Boarding fees.

• Costs of excursions, tours and camps.

• Individual subject fees and technology fees.

• Textbooks and uniforms.

• School Development Contribution.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Sport)



A recipient of a Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Sport):

• Has an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to all sporting pursuits.

• Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential in all areas of School life, and in particular, Sport.

• Commits to give freely of their time to sporting events and activities, as well as broader School events and activities.

• Makes a positive contribution to sporting life at CGGS.

• Willingly participates in a range of educational and School-related activities alongside Sport.


All applicants must meet a minimum standard regardless of the award, and:

• Submit a complete online application.


• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference from someone other than a family member.

• Copies of academic and school reports for the last two years from their current school.

• A copy of their most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent.


The student must:

• Have a record of active participation and success in a variety of sporting pursuits.

• Ideally, and where pathways allow, be a member of a representative team in one or more Sports at a regional, national and/or international level.

• Commit to joining a CGGS team in at least one summer and winter Sport.

• Have the ability to articulate future sporting goals and a plan to achieve them.

• Show eagerness to embrace the breadth of opportunities on offer at CGGS.

• Participate in the Podium Program or Emerging Athletes Program.

• Have a collaborative attitude towards peers and teachers.

• Show potential and desire to lead, mentor and support peers at CGGS.


• Guaranteed place at the School for new enrolling scholars.

• 25% remission of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.

• No charges for CGGS representation at ACT School-based gala days and representative big three events within ACT School Sport System (ASC and SSACT). This does not include travel, uniforms or additional fees associated with touring and selected teams.

• Free entry to School-based programs of S&C, RunFit and Swim Fit.

• Mentoring with the Head of Sport (or other Senior Sport staff on negotiation).


• Demonstrate consistent application to studies and maintain a sound level of academic progress across all subject areas.

• Demonstrate consistent high performance in individual and/or team Sports.

• Maintain exemplary standards of behaviour, effort, involvement and progress.

• Give freely of their time to School events and activities, particularly sporting events.

• Make a positive and significant contribution to the sporting life of the School by representing CGGS and other representative teams sporting teams as appropriate.

• Act as an ambassador for the broader School as required.

• Participate in bi-annual review of all-round performance.


• Boarding fees.

• Costs of excursions, tours, Gala Days and camps.

• Individual subject fees and technology fees.

• Textbooks and uniforms.

• School Development Contribution.

Indigenous Scholarship



A recipient of this award identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, and:

• Shows consistent application to academic pursuits.

• Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential.

• Has a collaborative attitude towards peers and teachers.

• Shows eagerness to embrace the breadth of opportunities on offer at CGGS.

• Demonstrates potential and willingness to lead, mentor and support peers in the CGGS and wider community.

• Has the ability to make a positive and significant contribution to the life of the School.

• Shows a ready willingness to participate in a range of educational and School-related activities.

• Provides evidence of having undertaken leadership and/or service roles in their school or broader community.

• Demonstrates willingness and ability to act as an ambassador for CGGS.


All applicants must meet a minimum standard of excellence in academic achievement, regardless of the award, and:

• Submit a complete online application.


• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference from someone other than a family member.

• Copies of academic and school reports for the last two years from their current school.

• A copy of their most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent.

• The option to agree to a means-test via an independent external financial review conducted by the School’s professional partner, Edstart.


• Year of entry: Years 7–11.

• Identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

• Academic achievement, Artistic or Cultural pursuit, Service and Leadership, Music, Sport or other co-curricular activity.


• Guaranteed place at the School for new enrolling scholars.

• At least 25% remission of tuition and/or boarding fees from Years 7–12, or for the remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.


• Demonstrate consistent application to studies and maintain sound academic progress with aboveaverage grades across all subject areas.

• Demonstrate consistent high performance or potential on the sporting field, in an artistic pursuit or in a role of service and leadership and/or an outstanding aptitude for Performing Arts and/or Music.

• Maintain exemplary standards of behaviour, effort, involvement and progress.

• Maintain a positive outlook and a collaborative manner with peers and teachers.

• Act as an ambassador for the School as required.

• Participate in bi-annual review of performance.


• Costs of excursions, tours and camps.

• Individual subject fees and technology fees.

• Textbooks and uniforms.

• School Development Contribution.

Gabriel Foundation Bursary



A recipient of this award meets the criteria for financial assistance, and:

• Shows evidence of a strong work ethic and consistent application to School-related pursuits.

• Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential.

• Has the ability to make a positive and significant contribution to the life of the School.

• For boarders, has the ability and desire to make a positive and significant contribution to the Boarding House.

• Shows a ready willingness to participate in a range of educational and School-related activities.

• Demonstrates evidence or willingness to undertake service and/or leadership roles in their school or broader community.

• Has a collaborative attitude towards peers and teachers.

• Shows willingness to lead, mentor and support peers and the wider CGGS community.

• Has a desire and ability to act as an ambassador for CGGS.


All applicants must meet a minimum standard regardless of the award, and:

• Submit a complete online application.


• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference from someone other than a family member

• Copies of academic and school reports for the last two years from their current school.

• A copy of their most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent.

• Agree to external financial review under strict confidence


• Year of entry: Years 7–11.

• Boarding and/or Day Student.

• In financial need or has compassionate or compelling circumstances.

• Gabriel Bursaries awarded to Boarders forfeit the full tuition and boarding fees provided by the Gabriel Foundation if they switch to day student status.


• Guaranteed place at the School for new enrolling scholars.

• Partial remission of tuition fees (based on financial assessment) from Years 7–12, or for the remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.


• Demonstrate consistent application to studies and maintain a high level of academic progress.

• Maintain exemplary standards of behaviour, effort, involvement and progress.

• Maintain a positive outlook and a collaborative manner with peers and teachers.

• Act as an ambassador for the School as required.

• Participate in bi-annual review of performance.


• Costs of excursions, tours and camps.

• Individual subject fees and technology fees.

• Textbooks and uniforms.

• School Development Contribution.

Archer Family Bursary



A recipient of this award meets the criteria for financial assistance, and:

• Embodies strong School spirit through their work, conduct and participation in CGGS life.

• Demonstrates community spirit through service or leadership.

• Shows compassion for others in their everyday interactions and deeds.

• Demonstrates a strong work ethic and consistent application to studies.

• Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential.

• Shows willingness and ability to act as an ambassador for CGGS.

• Is committed to completing their senior years of study at CGGS.


All applicants must meet a minimum standard of excellence in academic achievement, regardless of the award, and:

• Submit a complete online application.


• Evidence of age, identity, and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

• A personal letter of reference from someone other than a family member.

• Copies of academic and school reports for the last two years from their current school.

• A copy of their most recent NAPLAN report or equivalent

• Agree to external financial review under strict confidence.


• Year of entry: Years 11.

• A current Year 10 Boarding and/or Day Student in financial need.

• Students may also be invited to apply by the Principal.


• 50% remission of tuition fees for Years 11–12


• Demonstrate consistent application to studies and maintain a high level of academic progress.

• Maintain exemplary standards of behaviour, effort, involvement and progress.

• Maintain a positive outlook and a collaborative manner with peers and teachers.

• Participate in bi-annual review of performance.


• Boarding fees.

• Costs of excursions, tours and camps.

• Individual subject fees and technology fees.

• Textbooks and uniforms.

• School Development Contribution.

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