Foundation Annual Report

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INTRODUCTION We are pleased to present this Annual Report for the Canberra Grammar School Foundation, and in so doing to express our thanks to all have supported its work in the year just past. In these pages, you will see a record of the Foundation’s progress and an acknowledgement, we hope, of all who have given so generously to it’s purposes: to enhance the opportunities of bright young students at Canberra Grammar School and to build the future of a truly world-class school. Great schools don’t just happen. They need vision and the dedication of experienced and passionate staff; they need students with high aspirations and commitment to effort; and they need a community that is warm and supportive, as ours is. We have been fortunate at Canberra Grammar School to have had a community, past and present, that believes in the School. Many in that community have contributed generously to the CGS Foundation for a long time, and that generosity has enabled important ideals to become reality. This report, therefore, includes a history of the CGS Foundation, from its origins in 1979 through to its re-establishment more recently. It demonstrates the Foundation’s enormous contribution to the School in supporting vital building projects and up to forty scholarships per year to enable talented students to realise their opportunities. We thank you for your generous support of that work, and we hope that you will continue to join with us in building our Foundation for the future, in striving to keep Canberra Grammar School at the forefront of education, and in giving our students all that they need to be ready for the world. Dr Justin Garrick Head of School

Mr Eugene Kalenjuk Chair of the CGS Foundation Board

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GREAT SCHOOLS DON’T JUST HAPPEN At Canberra Grammar School, we are only able to offer the opportunities and exceptional facilities our students enjoy because of the support of many generations of CGS families and alumni.

PURPOSE OF THE CGS FOUNDATION The CGS Foundation exists to support the long-term security, advancement and renewal of Canberra Grammar School as a world-class leader in modern education. Philanthropy plays a vital role at CGS, allowing us to enhance the opportunities we are able to offer here and to secure a bright and successful future for the School. The CGS Foundation exists to engage with you, strengthen the connection you have with CGS and to facilitate the passion and support of our community for this exceptional School. The CGS community is one of our greatest strengths and holds the greatest promise for our future. Philanthropic donations in the form of bequests or in support of scholarships enable us to expand what is possible here at the School, and ensure that CGS will continue to enrich the lives of students for generations to come.

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THE CGS FOUNDATION SUPPORTS Scholarships To provide opportunities for students who excel, regardless of their background.

Facilities Renewal Projects Including the Primary School Campus Renewal project that is currently underway to upgrade our Primary School facilities.

Transformative Building Projects The Snow Centre for Education in the Asian Century shows what is possible when an inspiring ambition for a new approach to education meets visionary generosity.

Your Opportunity Become part of a passionate and engaged group of like-minded alumni, parents and Canberra community members. For more information, contact the CGS Foundation office on +61 (2) 6260 9665 or email

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HISTORY OF THE CGS FOUNDATION 1979 – 2002 The original Foundation was launched in October 1979 and incorporated in December 1979. A Membership campaign was launched on 13 February 1980, and by June 1981, $73,620 had been received in donations. The first major building project to receive support from the Foundation was the Senior Science Building due to open in 1983, comprising Physics, Chemistry, Geology and Biology laboratories. The project was budgeted at $350,000 of which the Foundation’s initial promise towards construction was $105,000 with the hope to be able to contribute more. By 8 March 1983, the Foundation could boast 191 Members, 10 Fellows, 3 Trustees and received donations of $205,864. During 1984, the Foundation received a request from the School Board to launch a major appeal for capital contributions to help in maintaining and extending the fabric of the School. The appeal received support from 81% of parents and donations totaled over $228,586. Also in 1984, the first annual scholarship was awarded thanks to funds donated by Dr Athol Tymms in memory of his father. The Foundation also sponsored an Artist-in Residence programme. In 1985, the Commonwealth Government implemented a new finance support model for schools and, for private schools, was based on their location’s socioeconomic profile. Canberra Grammar School was substantially disadvantaged by the model, putting pressure on the School’s finances. The aim of the Foundation was to rise to the challenge and develop a strong and dynamic Foundation to assist the future of the School. By 12 March 1985, $356,342 had been received by the Foundation. Total funds contributed to the School for the Senior Science Block now totalled $200,000. The 1985 Appeal raised $270,000. Total contributions to the Senior Science Block were now $250,000 and a further $20,000 was contributed to the Eddison House Building Appeal. The Foundation was also in in receipt of funds from the first ever Bequest to the Foundation, from the Professor Burton Estate estimated to be in excess of $100,000. The first grant from this bequest was made to Rev. Bill Stegmann to allow him to undertake Staff Development Training in Religious Education. As at 6 March 1986 a total of $445,155 had been received in donations. The Tymms Scholarship was again awarded and advertisements were placed for students to sit an exam for the first of the McKeown Scholarships to be awarded in 1988. The Foundation had made donations to the School totaling $300,000 and the 1986 appeal raised in excess of $350,000. In March 1988, the Foundation Board reported an investment portfolio of $1,347,000. The scholarships funded included the Tymms, Barratt Music and McKeown Scholarships. There were plans for a major capital fundraising campaign to assist with the funding of Stage 1 of the Resource Centre, a new maintenance shed on Golden Grove and a Boarders Common Room. The Building and Education Fund receipts for 1988 totaled $671,908. A donation was made to the School of $150,000 to complete the Science Block, $98,200 to mortgage repayments and $500,000 for the Maintenance shed and Boarders’ Common Room. $14,108 was committed towards staff development and the Tymms, Barratt and McKeown scholarships were also funded. In 1989 the above scholarships were again funded by the Foundation. Total funds held by the Foundation were $1,892,186. The School requested the Foundation fund a four year plan for building and upgrade for 1990 to 1993. By 1990 the Foundation had 367 Members, 59 Fellows, 11 Associate Trustees and 6 Trustees. A year 12 Common Room, The Gallery, and a home for the Drama Department had been created in the vacated Library space. The two boarding houses were completely redecorated with new cubicles, curtain, carpet and paintwork. Landscaping had been completed around the new Resource Centre and work had commenced on the refurbishment of the Craft Centre. This activity took its toll on the corpus of the Foundation. From the Education Trust Fund, $30,000 was spent on Educational Development. In December 1990 the Foundation decided to forgive loans to the School totalling $1,450,000. In 1991, the Foundation agreed to fund a renovation of the School War Memorial Hall, enclose the area between it and the Dining Hall to create a covered foyer and extend the Music Centre. This project was a major part of a larger project to open up the upper level of the cloisters so that there is an unimpeded concourse around the top of the Quadrangle. This project was to further deplete the Foundations Building Fund. The Foundation continued to fund bursaries, scholarships and staff development grants were awarded. By December 1992, the Music Centre extension and the Foyer adjacent to the War Memorial Hall were complete the Foundation embarked on a fundraising campaign to raise in excess of $400,000 to underwrite the cost of the planned International Centre and extensions to the Junior School.

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In 1993 the International Centre was completed. The Education Fund administered by the Foundation was boosted by a one-off donation from the School of $184,000.The Foundation contributed $252,000 to building-related expenditure in the School such as minor capital projects and building maintenance. One of the larger contributions to Foundation funds over the years was from voluntary contributions from parents to an Annual Building Contribution (ABC) that was set up, at the request of parents, in the early 1980s. Possibly due to economic circumstances, contributions to the fund had declined and despite an increase in the individual contribution and a 6% increase in total contributions, it was not enough to justify the continuation of the programme so a decision was taken by the School Board in 1993 to terminate the ABC and make appropriate adjustments to School fee levels. 1994 was a year in flux. Long standing Foundation manager, Mr Bill Wilson was to leave at the end of Term 1 and replacement, Mr Adrian Keenan was to commence later in the year. 1994 was the final year for ABC contributions and saw the Building Fund grow from $740,000 to $1,200,000 however the financial future of the Foundation came into question. The loss of around half a million a year flowing to the Foundation from the ABC forced a complete rethink of the Future of the Foundation throughout 1995. A concept termed Total Development was created. The concept combined the Foundation with the School and a Development Team was formed incorporating CGS staff, Foundation Chairman, P&F President and the President of the Old Boys’ Association. During 1996, the Foundation helped fund the Pease Window, the Multimedia Centre and contributed $57,000 towards the Health & Physical Education Centre. The Foundation also contributed $40,000 to fund a range of projects covering staff development for over 40 staff members, visiting experts programme, bursaries and education equipment. From mid-1997, the Foundation adopted the Total Development model and took on more of a support role for School events such as the 70th Anniversary of the School. The out-going Head Master was of the opinion that he should not commit to new projects that may be in conflict with the vision of the in-coming Head. The Foundation continued to assist with the funding of the Peace Window and the Multicultural Centre. In 1998, the Foundation was pleased to assist the School with an interest only loan of $200,000 to purchase a property adjoining the Northside Infants School in Campbell. In the 10 years from 1990 to 2001, the Foundation contributed $461,364 from the Education Fund to assist the School. A large proportion of this went to professional development of teaching staff. Investment funds transferred from the Foundation to the School in 2003 totalled $2,157,125. These were preserved in the School Investment Portfolio. In 2002 the School also took over responsibility for funding the various scholarships which had been previously funded by the Foundation. In the 14 year period the scholarships provided grew to more than 40 annual scholarships – a number which would not have been possible had the backing of the portfolio not been available.

Present CGS Foundation In 2013, a decision was made to reinstall a Foundation due to a need for an active and forward-thinking Foundation to facilitate community engagement and philanthropy at CGS. 2013 saw a framework for the Foundation taking shape. A key priority was ensuring the full transparency and accountability of Foundation operations, and the Foundation was set up as its own business entity, autonomous from the School, with its own constitution and independent Board. A mission and set of aims were developed by the Foundation Board to guide the fledgling Foundation in its activities and clearly define its purpose and role within the community of CGS. The first comprehensive and targeted annual giving campaign for the Foundation was held across June 2014. Results were encouraging, with the campaign outperforming all prior years and bringing in a 50% increase in donors in 2014. The campaign also brought in a number of new Foundation Members. In August 2014 the Foundation hosted its first donor thank you event with a private viewing of Arthur Boyd - Agony and Ecstasy at the National Gallery of Australia. This list acknowledges supporters of the original Foundation established in 1979. Honour boards in display in the School’s War Memorial Hall.

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The strength of community spirit was ignited further by an extraordinary $8 million donation from CGS Old Boy, Mr Terry Snow. This gift, one of the largest to any school in Australian history, established the Terry Snow Scholarship for Global Studies and has enabled the development of the Snow Centre for Education in the Asian Century. In March 2015, The CGS Foundation hosted a special evening function to thank CGS Old Boy Mr Terry Snow for his extraordinary generosity, and together with donors and key stakeholders, celebrated the opening of this state-of-the-art facility. Whilst always poised to support the School in achieving its vision of becoming a world-class leader in education, the Foundation is firmly focused on building the long-term prospects of Canberra Grammar School. With over $5 million now held in Foundation funds, the strength of this growing corpus will be nothing short of transformative for CGS. Much has been achieved in these first fledgling years of the renewed CGS Foundation and much more lies ahead. The Snow Centre now stands as a very visible and impressive display of what is possible when the kindness and generosity of our community and the Foundation come together, transforming the School’s educational aspirations into reality. It is this union that will be fundamental in bringing the untold potential of this School to fruition, and with it, unleashing the limitless potential of our students. 2014 saw the Foundation developing a dedicated website for the CGS Alumni community. The website was launched in early 2015 and is designed to provide all Alumni with a dynamic and informative way of engaging with each other, and with the School rebrand in October 2015. Related to this, in early 2015 the Old Boys Association (OBA) was in the process of proposing to wind up the Association and transferring to the CGS Foundation Scholarship Fund the corpus of funds it currently manages. This proposal was passed by special resolution at the CGS Old Boys’ Association AGM in May 2015, with a Deed of Gift to fund a new Old Boys Scholarship that was announced at the 2015 CGS Presentation Night.

BEN McGINNESS 2016 SCHOOL CAPTAIN The Robert Poate Scholarship for Leadership ‘The Robert Poate Scholarship for Leadership has presented me with an opportunity to strengthen my leadership skills and inspires me to broaden my horizons in terms of leadership. I enjoy leading by example, which is easy to do on the sporting field, but I would like to develop my leadership skills off the field also. I am very humbled and privileged to have received this very generous opportunity. This Scholarship encourages me to try and be a selfless person like the young man Robert was. I cannot thank Mr and Mrs Poate and the CGS community enough. Through this Scholarship, I hope to give back to the CGS community which has given me so much. This honour increases my desire to foster an ever inclusive school environment and gives me the chance to follow Robert’s example in the way to live life.’

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Barrell G.V & F.M

McNicol D & J

Ainsworth J.P. & D

Bertram Real Estate

Michalis C & M

Burton, The estate of H & R*

Bilton R.I

Middleton A.J.S & B.E

Dean R & Leung S

Brent R.P & E.M

Millers of Manuka Pty Ltd

Doyle M

Butcher C.C.R

Morewood Dr D.J.W

Fife W & M & Family*

Byron G.C

Murray T.C & A

Haslem J & C

Cassar E.J

Notaras G & A

Hindmarsh J & R

Cassidy J.S

Pinto W

Prowse D & S

CGS Old Boys’ Union

Power M

Tymms A.M*

Chenoweth C.G

Richardson G.J.D

*Founding Trustees

Compton J.S

Robertson W.G.A

Associate Trustees 1979 - 2002

Conan-Davies S.M*

Snow G.R.W

Curlewis I.A

Snow M.J

Davies D & G

Snow R.S

Davis G.D & R.M.F

Snow S.J

De Mestre M.E & E.A

Snow T.R

Dyer Family

Stone J.O

Erdahl R & J

Terrell J.A.K & R.D

Gibson A.H & A

Trebeck D & J

Gifford P.G & J.A

Tsoulias C

Hay Sir D*

Walker T.D & M.M

Hinchey R.P

Wilcox S & G

Hoff B.J.P & P.L

Willemsen G.J

Hohnen P.A

Wong-See J & F*

Howarth B & A

Worth B.E

Katheklakis J & P

Yang T.S

Lackie D.J & R.E

Yaraandoo Tukindale Stud

Langeveld R*

Zakharoff P.C & H.M

Larcombe D.W.P*

Zorbas A & N

Mackie D.R

***Founding Fellows

Baker W.J & P.J Budd D Cairns G Considine M.J Dean H.R & W.A Finlayson G.F Griffin A.W Hodginson C.E Kenyon Family Kilmartin J.D Lo H.M & H McDonald J.F & J Milne M.E Prowse D & S Snow T.M & G.P **Founding Associate Trustees Fellows 1979 - 2002 Allen C.M & V.J Allworth M.W Aston M.J Andrew J & S

Mackintosh I McKeown P.J McFeat D.E & G McMaster P.H & I.G

Baer P & L

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CGS FOUNDATION 2015 ACTIVITIES The CGS Foundation assists the School in offering a genuine education that develops students to confidently compete at world standards and to take advantage of global opportunities. The CGS Foundation exists to support the longterm security, advancement and renewal of Canberra Grammar School as a world-class leader in modern education. Currently the Foundation’s focus is on providing financial assistance for School infrastructure and funding student scholarships. It is an integral part of the School and exists only through the generosity of the School community, past and present, to benefit students now and into the future. To reflect our close association with the School, in 2015, the Foundation launched a new brand similar to the School’s new branding. This included a new website. The donations page on the site now allows donors to select the Scholarship or building project they wish their donation to go towards. In 2015, the Foundation had a brochure created titled ‘Help Shape the Future of Your School’ to demonstrate the longer term vision of the School’s Master Plan. If you would like a copy of the brochure, please contact the CGS Foundation Manager on +61 (2) 6260 9665 or visit CGSFOUNDATION.ORG.AU Scholarships continue to be a priority for the Foundation with the continuation of the Poate Scholarship for Leadership, the Hazlehurst Scholarship for Science & Technology, the Ann Jory Music Scholarship and the CGS Organ Scholarship, the Tim Murray Music Scholarship, the McKeown Academic Scholarship and the Snow Scholarship for Global Studies. In 2015, six students were funded to travel to China as part of a Chinese Scholarship partly funded by the Chinese Embassy. 2015 also marked the launch of an Indigenous Scholarship with the first place beginning at the start of 2016. Currently, and in addition to the above scholarships, there are five Foundation Music Scholarships and 38 Foundation Scholarships.

Three projects that are becoming annual events were conducted in 2015: • a ‘Boots for Kids’ campaign was conducted at the end of the winter sports season 2015 requesting students donate their old footy boots to the Ngukurr Indigenous Community in the Northern Territory resulting in many boots, together with a generous donation of jerseys, sent to the Community • the Annual CGS Foundation Annual Giving Campaign was launched in May 2015 which included for the first time a mechanism for staff to contribute to the Foundation via a Staff Salary Deduction scheme; and • the annual Foundation Member ‘Thank You’ function was held at the National War Memorial in March 2016 with special guest speaker, Dr Brendan Nelson delivering an amazing address to a gathering of around 50 guests The Foundation was represented at the School Family Picnic and the School Fete with a focus on future building development. Large billboards depicting an artist’s impression of the proposed Discovery Centre building were on display. At the Family Picnic, Questacon staged a hands-on science show in the Lingard Hall to support the concept of the new development. Alumni engagement is also one of the Foundation’s priorities. A Foundation initiative, commencing in 2015, was to create the inaugural Captain’s & Vice Captain’s Reunion Weekend. This proved to be a very successful reunion attended by around 50 Captains and Vice Captains representing their particular year. The Foundation Manager also attended the London Alumni Dinner on 27 February that was attended by over 20 Old Boys.

LACHLAN MARTIN Terry Snow Scholarship for Global Studies This scholarship supports me to be innovative, interested and engaged with our school and the broader community. By acknowledging the necessity of a global outlook, it highlights the need to be principled and open minded to new ideas, practices and experiences. It provides an opportunity to develop myself in a range of spheres - be it social, cultural or academic - and encourages an international perspective, particularly for life beyond school. Thank you very much to Mr Terry Snow for his enormous contribution and generosity to our school, including this scholarship.

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SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2015 was another excellent year for the CGS Foundation which reported a surplus of $1,512,244. The beginning of the year featured the opening of The Snow Centre at CGS and the final donation for the project were received in February. Income received for building renewal charges grew by $187,000 and was also a large increase in donations thanks to the CGS Old Boys Association, that donated $617,777 to the Scholarship Trust Fund. This donation will be used for ………. The summary of financial information below records the consolidated financial performance of the three trusts; the Public Ancillary Trust, the Scholarship Trust and the Building Trust, which together form the Foundation. The full financial accounts for each of the Trusts have been audited by Synergy (formerly Moore Stephens).







Donations Received (CGS)



Other Donations Received



Building Renewal Change Received



Distributions received from CGS Foundation







Donations to CGS



Donations to CGS (The Snow Centre)



Distributions made from CGS Foundation









INCOME Donations Received (the Snow Foundation)

Interest Income Total income EXPENSES

Other Expenses


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Total Current Assets



Total Assets



Trade and Other Payables



Total Current Liabilities



Total Liabilities





Retained Earnings



Total Equity



ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables

LIABILITIES Current Liabilities

Net Assets EQUITY

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The Edwards Society acknowledges those people who have planned to contribute to the CGS Foundation through their Will donating a percentage or all of their estate to the School.

Members of the Foundation have contributed and pledged in excess of $10,000 to the CGS Foundation

If you would like information on leaving a bequest to the School. Contact the CGS Foundation Office on +61 (2) 6260 9665 or go to CGSFOUNDATION.ORG.AU/GIVING/BEQUESTS/

CGS FOUNDATION PATRON Mr Terry Snow The Snow Centre for Global Studies launched the School’s aspiration to be a leading educator in the world and was made possible through an $8,000,000 donation from former Old Boy, Mr Terry Snow.

CGS FOUNDATION BENEFACTORS Mr Ken Cooper Mr Peter Hazlehurst; and Anonymous (2) The Foundation is extremely grateful for the support of our Benefactors who have each contributed in excess of $100,000

Mrs Hermina and Mr Daryl Blaxland Mrs Karen & Mr Stephen Byron Mrs Thea De Salis Mrs Louise Clegg and Mr Angus Taylor Mrs Georgina and Mr David Gazard Mr Justin Garrick Mr Derek Jory Mrs Wendy and Mr Vivian King Mr Robert Mark Mr Graham Matthews Mrs Helen and Dr Simon McCredie Mr Dennis Milin Mrs Janny and Mr Hugh Poate Dr Lynne and Dr Tony Tonks Mr Dino Augusto Vido Mrs Heather and Dr Samuel Whittle; and Anonymous (3).

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Mrs Jing Liu

Ms Jenny Anderson

Mrs Deirdre Love

Ms Meredith Ashton

Maliganis Edwards Johnson

Mr Daryl Blaxland

Mr Robert Mark

Ms Hermina Blaxland

Mr Graham Matthews

Ms Bridget Middleton

Mr Geoffrey Mauldon

Mrs Karen Byron

Ms Dimity May

Mr Stephen Byron

Mr Anthony May

CGS Old Boys Union

Mrs Helen McCredie

Ms Belinda Clark

Dr Simon McCredie

Mrs Louise Clegg

Mrs Margot McGinness

Mr Steven Collins

Mr Paul McGinness

Mr Peter Cursley

Mr Stan Platis

Mrs Suzanne Dowden

Mrs Susan Platis

Mr David Evans

Mr Mahasivam Ravishanker

Ms Chunlian Fei

Mr Stewart Rogers

Ms Dharini Gansesan Raju

Ms Jane Seaborn

Dr Justin Garrick

Mrs Monika Stanczew

Mr David Gazard

Mr Wojciech Stanczew

Ms Penelope Gibson

Mrs Lisa Steer

Mr Philip Goodear

Mr Michael Steer

Mrs Susan Goodear

Mr Angus Taylor

Ms Rachel Gurney

Mr Zheng Tian

Mr Tim Harrison

Ms Judith Turbayne

Mr David Harvey

Dr Susan Vickers

Dr Eric Ho

Mr Dino Vido

Prof Trevor Ireland

Mrs Alicia Welsh

Mrs Julie Jobson

Dr David Westcombe

Mr Keith Jobson

Mrs Heather Whittle

Ms Catherine Johnstone

Dr Samuel Whittle

Mr Vivian King

Ms Yang Xu; and

Mrs Wendy King

Dr Desmond Yip.

Dr Rosemary Landy

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ANNUAL GIVING – HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF OUR SCHOOL We need the capacity to renew and develop and, above all, to continue offering a truly world-class education that rises to the challenge of a global future; a future in which revolutions in education on unprecedented scale across the world are driving fundamental transformations to the nature of life and work for millions. We want our students to be part of that and to lead with knowledge, confidence and compassion. For that we need a healthy Foundation built on the support of the School community. We have never been a school built on wealthy endowment; our School has always been built on the determined imagination, hard work and generosity of its community. Together we can create something extraordinary and share pride, as a community, in our students’ achievements.


JAMES ANGSTMANN Year 11 Robert Poate Scholarship for Leadership ‘The Robert Poate Scholarship to me is about connection; connection to values and callings, and a connection with ideas that extend beyond the School. This scholarship has allowed me to meet new people and build bridges with communities outside of the School. The scholarship rewards high standards and service in and around the CGS community. It calls me to exemplify leadership qualities in all behaviours and conduct in my life, and asks me to take these qualities into the broader community.’

HENRY NGUYEN Year 7 CGS Music Scholarship ‘Being a student at Canberra Grammar School is an honour let alone receiving a scholarship from the School, that is so much more than an honour for me and my family. I am very grateful for receiving this CGS Foundation Music Scholarship and for the opportunity to study more academically and musically. This scholarship means a lot to me because it helps me to further develop my musical abilities and skills and meet new friends. It also enables me to contribute to the CGS community in whatever way I can. In addition, to some extent, the scholarship helps reduce the strain on my parent’s back when paying the School tuition. Finally I would like to thank the Music Department and the School for giving me this great opportunity to be a CGS Music Scholar. Most of all, I would like to thank my parents for supporting and guiding me through my journey so far at CGS.’

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+61 (2) 6260 9665


40 Monaro Crescent, Red Hill ACT 2603


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