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Robert Poate Leadership Scholarship
“I am truly grateful to have received this scholarship. I hope that through it, I can find ways to become a leader and role model for the younger students and hopefully be a part of giving everyone an amazing experience of this School, like the way I have had”.
Indiana Saunders is a current Year 11 student who joined CGS in Year 7.
She appreciates being able to choose a range of subjects in the HSC that suits her. “I am quite ‘science’ focused, and doing double maths, chemistry, and biology has been a great experience. On the other hand, I love exploring the world through different lenses, and double English has been perfect for this. I have even had the chance to further my study of Chinese, which, despite being challenging to learn, I love.”
During her time here, she has enjoyed participating in House Music the most every year. She loves music and art and aspires to make short films. “The way everyone gets involved in making the result memorable is really a beautiful thing to watch. I love the feeling of being in a House and have been very lucky to have established a real sense of community within my House, Blaxland. It has been great to make friends with people from all years.”
Outside of CGS she is involved in outdoor pursuits, which involves going to rock climbing and bouldering gyms one night a week. She also practices dance, piano, and singing.
Academically, she considers her performance in English as a personal achievement. “So far, I have submitted two assignments for English— a discursive essay and a creative — and have received 100% on both. Getting these results was one of the proudest moments I’ve had this year.”
Beyond CGS, her goal is to study Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne. “I have always been passionate about helping people, and I think going into a career in medicine, whether that means practising medicine with a programme like ‘Doctors Without Borders’ or working in cutting-edge research, would be one way to give help to lots of people. I would love to ‘be the change I wish to see in the world’ and try and make a difference in the world.”