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Burgmann House Diamond Jubilee

2021 marks the Diamond Jubilee for Burgmann House, and whilst we were nott allowed to celebrate as we would have liked, we did have opportunities to reflect on our history.
At the very heart of Burgmanns’ House identity are the values and attributes of the esteemed commemorative individual by whom the house was named, Bishop Burgmann. As a fighter for social justice throughout the Great Depression, a talented writer and a healthy, cooperative individual, he actively sought to learn from and teach others. Intertwined throughout Burgmann house are these ever-pervading themes. This year, our compassion and generosity have been seen through our contributions to Movember, the Anglicare appeal and awarenessraising for the Black Dog Institute. Our remarkable academic capabilities withstand consistently every year, as Effort Certificates and Academic Awards are earned by multitudes of Burgmann students from every year level. Our passion for raising our voice and championing our magnificent house to victory is the true reason why our colour stands as gold. The mascot is a rampant lion, symbolising bravery, valour and strength. Lions are the only big cat to live in prides, directly related to our motto, ‘Live for the Pride!’ The colours of Burgmann are essential to the characteristics of any member of Burgmann House, and the gold represents the colours of the mind, optimism and cheerfulness. In contrast, the navy represents the trust, loyalty, integrity and peace of Burgmann. Gold is in our hearts, spirit, minds, trust, loyalty, equality and integrity, all of which is, and will continue to be, Burgmann House. With sadness, we farewelled our beloved Ms Javes and reflected upon her service over 16 incredible years. She will be greatly missed. This was also the year that Burgmann was absolutely thrilled to win the House Music Festival under the very capable guidance of Music Captains Caitlin Richards, Nathan Rogers and Noah Gorrell.
– Vivienne Sheridan, Head of Burgmann House