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Having graduated CGS in 2016, I studied a Bachelor of Physiotherapy at the University of Canberra, which has led me to becoming a private-practice physiotherapist, with an interest in sports physiotherapy and concussion rehabilitation. I am looking forward to developing my skills in these particular two areas over the course of my career, to see where in the world it may take me!

Being awarded the Poate Scholarship for Years 11 and 12 was an amazing honour for us as a family. Throughout my time as the recipient, we developed a close relationship with the Poate family and have kept in contact ever since. To learn about their deep connection with CGS, Robbie’s heavy involvement in school life and post-school career as well as the characteristics he displayed were a reminder of how lucky I was to receive a scholarship in their name. Their devotion and passion towards everything they did both inside and outside of CGS was a quality I wanted to embody in my final 2 years at school, and beyond.

I am very thankful that as part of the Poate Scholarship, I was afforded the opportunity to attend the Global Young Leaders Conference (GYLC) in the USA. This opportunity was a valuable experience to develop leadership and negotiation skills, as well as connecting with many other young leaders from all corners of the world. I am so grateful I got to experience such a trip and its memories will stay with me for a lifetime.

To those thinking of applying for a scholarship, my advice would be to go for it. You never know what life has in store, it may or may not help you in the trajectory you envisage your life going, but it also may change your thinking and open up new options you never thought possible! Be grateful you are able to have the opportunity at a school like CGS, as many in life are not afforded the privilege.

Embrace opportunities that come your way, take the experiences that come as a result with you and use them in your lifelong learning journey. Life in general, but especially your time at CGS, is too short to wait for things to happen for you, so give it your all, embrace everything and anything that comes your way because who knows where it could lead you.

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