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The Primary School Performing Arts department was overjoyed to showcase many exciting performances, events, and opportunities in 2022. After a somewhat disrupted start to the year, due to continuing restriction impacts, the Performing Arts programme in Primary School flourished.

Semester 2 held the much-anticipated opening of the Snow Concert Hall, which featured the CGS Chorale performing the specially commissioned work ‘Resonance’. Our young musicians shared the stage with esteemed CGS Alumni, CGS Choirs, and the Brass Fanfare Ensemble for what was a truly inspiring event.

For the first time in two years, we were thrilled to hold both the Studio Sunday recital series in both Terms 2 and 4 as well as Primary School Soirees in Term 3. We continued to welcome families into our Open Rehearsals for all ensembles from K-6, including the newly implemented Piano Performance Practice and Year and Year 6 Music Enrichment Programme.

Students were very excited to welcome their families for these open classes and it was a fantastic insight for parents into the progression and dedication of our students leading up to performances.

Term 4 showcased the Co-Curricular Music Programme through six concerts across November. The Choral, Bands, Guitars, Strings, and Jazz ensembles across the school performed for the first time in the new Snow Concert Hall. This year, our Primary School Carols Services were celebrated in the Snow Concert Hall in two services. Every child from Pre-School to Year 2 from both Campbell and Red Hill campuses shared their singing with around 500 audience members in a very special morning Carol Service. The Carol Service for students in Years 3 – 6 was an opportunity for our Year Level Choirs to perform a standout carol and for Chorale and CGS Singers to present the always highly anticipated ‘Once in Royal David’s City’ and feature carols. We had really missed sharing these occasions with our community in the past years, so these two major services were a joyful way to celebrate the end of the year.

After the many stops and starts over the last few years, our Performing Arts Programme flourished in 2022 and we can’t wait to bring joy and creativity to the learning again in 2023.

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