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Make An Impact! This is what we worked towards for Exhibition 2022. How can we make an impact and change the world for the better?

Weeks of planning, discussions, workshops, research, dance, music, art, maths and more, resulted in an outstanding and memorable Exhibition for our Year 6 students. The exhibition is all about our students being independent and taking ownership of their learning.

The overarching concept for the 2022 Exhibition was ‘Energy’. Solar, kinetic, nuclear, physical, nutritional, sound, hydro, and spiritual are just some of the different forms of energy that students chose to explore. Students also put on a dance and musical performance, celebrating energy through movement and sound. The performance came to an emotional close to the finale song, “Count on Me” sung in unison.

The display of student work was held in the War Memorial Hall and was an outstanding collection of models, websites, games, textiles, dioramas, research, graphs and more.

A huge thank you to our mentors and parents for their unconditional support and guidance for our students. It was the most rewarding and powerful way to end the year and we are incredibly proud of our Year 6 students.

– Sarah Dunn, PYP Coordinator

The Graduation Service is a celebration of the Year 6 cohort finishing their time in Primary School. In 2022, the Service captured the voice of the students; Angus Carson, Ada Duckworth, Ashton Scott, Noah Ebrahimi, Chloe Maas, and Addey West collaborated to reflect on their time in Primary School. They reflected upon leadership, friendship, the impact of COVID-19, the Year 6 camp, sports, and the classroom.

Their reflections were beautifully articulated and expressed their fond memories of Bluey’s through to Year 6. It was evident that the opportunities that were provided to them, have stuck in their memories, and that they will miss Primary School, but are looking forward to the journey ahead.

The Service farewelled each student who was presented with their Graduation Certificate from their classroom teacher, Dr Webster, and Dr Garrick. It was lovely to have the community join us to celebrate this milestone of the students. Thank you to Father James for leading the Service.

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