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During the year many students gained insight into employment in the Defence Force by successfully applying to the Defence Work Experience Programme. Students explored a range of careers across the whole of the Defence Force. Through the year, 15 students undertook work experience projects in areas such as the Australian Signals Directorate (Cyber Security and Robotics), Navy Aviation, Army Aviation, Air Force and Indigenous youth placement.

Here are some student reflections on their experiences:

In participating in the Army aviation programme at Swartz Barracks in Oakey, QLD, I gained a unique perspective and many valuable insights into not only defence careers in aviation, but the Australian defence force lifestyle as a whole. I was lucky enough to experience flying a Taipan MRH helicopter in the fully realistic airbus simulator, normally reserved for training ADF pilots.

Our students also made applications in the local region to gain work exploration opportunities. CGS Alum, Declan Norrie from Proximity created an engaging and immersive experience for student Amber-Rose early in Term 4. That involved ownership of a small project that simulated a realworld work problem.

My time at Proximity was not only mind-opening but extremely insightful into how a workplace runs. It enhanced my skills in presenting, communications and analytical thinking as I worked under a group of lawyers who strive to make a difference in the world.

I was lucky enough to go on the Army officer work experience(1 Week) at RMC Duntroon and Naval Aviation overview(3 Days) at HMAS Creswell and HMAS Albatross. I particularly enjoyed the exploration of the bases and had the opportunity in a simulation of a sinking ship that had to be made seaworthy for a military obeisance course in the dark.

If you are interested in your career development, you should consider a work experience placement over the summer break. Talk to Ms Beman and explore the material on the Careers page of Connect.

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