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Capstone Project BA(Hons) Interactive Media 
 15051124D CHEUK Ka Wai // Oscar
 15027714D KWOK Tak Lok // Cancan


The main purpose of this report is to document the design procedures and final outcomes of our final year project, Diatary. Diatary is a health manager for Diabetics, which aims to provide an enjoyable dining experience to enhance the quality of their life. This report is divided into five parts:

Cancan Kwok

1 2 3 4 5

Problem Definition
 Initial Ideas
 Project evaluation
 Diatary Self- reflective evaluation



PROBLEM DEFINITION Recent studies have shown that Diabetes Mellitus has become one of our most common serious threat to people's health. There are approximately 700,000 diabetics in Hong Kong, which implies there is one diabetes patient among every 10 of us. 90% of these cases are caused by poor diet. Since Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease, meaning that there is no radical cure, it is important for patients to manage their disease. We conducted various research methods in order to understand the needs of Diabetics. The result shows dietary management is the major challenge in their daily life.

Introduction What is Diabetes Mellitus?


Objective & Focus group


Research process




Research about dietary management


Dietary Challenges


01 STATISTICS Recent studies have shown that Diabetes Mellitus has become one of our most common serious threat to people's health.

930, 000

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Infographics

Part 1 - Problem Definition

 Diabetics in Hong Kong 2016


The Diabetes Hong Kong even forecasts that the number may rise to 930,000 in the year of 2030, and more patients will be coming from the younger generation.

Hong Kong residents

There are around 700,000 diabetics in Hong Kong, which implies there is one diabetes patient among every 10 of us.

 caused by poor diet

90% of Diabetics are caused by poor diet, fat and lack of exercise.

What is Diabetes mellitus?

1 in 10


02 ABOUT DIABETES Since Diabetes disease is a chronic metabolic disease, meaning that there is no radical cure.

Type 1

n i l su



cause unknown, possibly genetic causes

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research + Graphics

Part 1 - Problem Definition

Type 2

n i l u Ins

symptoms but may have risk factors for diabetes and need to be tested.

cause by obesity and insufficient exercise

There are two principle forms of Diabetes. Both types of diabetes are complex diseases caused by mutations in more than one gene, as well as by environmental factors. Type 2 Diabetes is the most common types of Diabetes. It may affect people of any age but is more common in people above 40 years of age and obese people. Thus, the insulin produced in the type-2 diabetes by the pancreas is normal or high but is not as effective as normal insulin. It causes the level of blood sugar to rise too high and over the time the cells become insensitive to the insulin.

5 What is Diabetes mellitus?

(online image) These are the Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes. Anyone who has symptoms of diabetes should be tested for the disease. Some people will not have any

Non Insulin-Dependent

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 1 - Problem Definition

03 DIABETES TEST & DIAGNOSE Anyone who has symptoms of diabetes should be tested for the disease. Some people will not have any symptoms but may have risk factors for diabetes and need to be tested.

Each test to detect diabetes and prediabetes uses a different measurement. Usually, the same test method needs to be repeated on a second day to diagnose diabetes. The doctor may also use a second test method to confirm that you have diabetes.

glucose level of people. Every of them should be done by professionals. Health care professionals most often use the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test or the A1C test to diagnose diabetes. In some cases, they may use a random plasma glucose (RPG) test.

What is Diabetes mellitus?

There are several ways to diagnose diabetes. Both of them are testing the blood


04 DIABETIC’S SELF-MANAGEMENT It is important for patients to manage their disease.

Insulin Injection
 mimic your body's normal insulin response.

Blood Glucose Meter

keeping an accurate idea of your blood glucose levels is an integral part of successful diabetes management

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research + Graphics

Part 1 - Problem Definition

Oral Hypoglycemic Agent
 lower glucose levels in the blood

Clinistix Paper

Medication is commonly used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

urine test strip to measure levels of glucose in urine for diabetics

healthy-eating plan which help control blood sugar

regular patient-nurse contact for check ups is the key to excellent diabetes control

Exercises Regularly
 These are ways of daily health screening which may let Diabetics know their health condition with blood glucose level.

reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Other ways to manage Diabetes.

What is Diabetes mellitus?

Hospital Blood Test

Dietary Management


05 OBJECTIVES & FOCUS GROUP In order to assist Diabetes patient to self-manage their disease, here are some objectives of our design:

Focus Group

Oscar Cheuk // Produce Cancan Kwok // Consider

Part 1 - Problem Definition

Above 30 years old •

To assist patients in their daily life and simplify the process for blood glucose testing

Diabetes most often occurs in adulthood usually after the ages of 30 – 40 years

To record the change of body conditions automatically Type 2

To collate a comprehensive record for the doctor’s ease of reference To give advices on health management in order to adjust the patient’s body conditions

can be reversed in just four months by cutting calories, exercising and keeping glucose under control, a trial has shown. Our target group consists of diabetes patient whose disease can be managed by proper lifestyle.

8 Objectives & Focus group

To present a complete record for medical assessment

06 DATA COLLECTION To understand the needs of people with Diabetes, we used various research methods.

Observation of Patients’ daily living
 perceive personal journey

Oscar Cheuk // Plan + Execute Cancan Kwok // Graphics + Execute

Part 1 - Problem Definition

Medical Practitioner Consultation
 study Diabetes Mellitus and its medical produces

Contextual interview: Observation
 Interviews: Diabetics
 find out their challenges, conditions and daily habits

Following up interview with caretaker
 understand the difficulties of the patients from another perspective

Research progress

clarify the confusion


07 MEDICAL PRACTITIONER Firstly, we have conducted secondary research and consulted doctors about their opinion on the matter so that we can see this from a medical way. These create the basic medical framework for our design.

Type 1

n i l u Ins

require very frequent injection of insulin and blood

Conduct Blood Glucose Test
 the most accurate way to check levels

Blood Glucose Log
 valuable information

glucose test ( 2 times per day)


n i l u Ins

should not be done by Diabetics own self

recommended to use blood glucose meter and control the blood glucose level

Urine Test
 only on the beginning of medical procedures

Research progress

Health Screening
 Type 2

Oscar Cheuk // Interview Cancan Kwok // Graphics

Part 1 - Problem Definition

08 INTERVIEW: PATIENT A Secondly, we conducted face-to-face interviews and telephone interviews with patients. We found out their feelings, special needs, challenges and habits in their daily life through conversation as our design would like to assist their daily living.

Use of blood glucose meter

Oscar Cheuk // Interview Cancan Kwok // Graphics

Part 1 - Problem Definition

Take assessments before meal, after meal, and two hours after meal

65 years old, mild symptoms

Target level:
 meet the index level of 6 (i.e., 6 mmol/L), 
 which is about the controllable range Daily habits


Diabetic foot → Still eat a lot 
 Lack of exercise Worry about health: use clinistix paper in daily life and blood glucose meter every three months

Blood Test
 once per year

Challenge: Dietary management 
 Uncontrollable desire to eat
 Hard to distinguish the food they could eat or not
 The serving size and cooking methods are out of control

11 Research progress

Oral Hypoglycemic Agent

Oscar Cheuk // Process Cancan Kwok // Interview + Graphics

Part 1 - Problem Definition

09 OBSERVATION OF DAILY LIVING Thirdly, we observed the daily routine of patient B in a day in order to understand her difficulties. 84 years old, moderate symptoms

Pricking finger

Preventing Glaucoma

applied to squeeze transport a little bit more blood onto the test paper

applying eye-drops

12 Eye-drops and medications Meal

Wake up

2 1 :30


Blood glucose self-test

Blood glucose meter

8 : 10

insert test paper for digit reading 8 : 20

1 8 :30

1 7 :00

Insulin injection

1 4 :30


9 : 00


Insulin injection

8 : 30

Other medications

Low blood glucose

Insulin injection

feels dizzy

First time: 30 degrees Second time: 30 degrees

Record the value for blood glucose level and the diastolic blood pressure

Research progress

2 1 :30


10 INTERVIEW: PATIENT B After observation, we conducted a contextual interview in order to clarify our misunderstanding and take an observant view as to how we can change some external factors.

Record blood glucose level

84 years old, moderate symptoms

Daily habits

Inject Insulin
 twice per day

During one entire month every 4 months

Love sweets, tempted to try some delicious food Worry about health: Use blood glucose meter everyday but do not record regularly Sometimes cheat on her blood glucose record and make it looks good

Blood Test
 alternate day

Dietary management

Do not aware of they are hungry or not: Skip a meal
 Public perception: Keep the disease if one eats less sweet food Challenge

Blood glucose test

The pain of blood glucose meter and injection of insulin

13 Research progress


Oscar Cheuk // Process Cancan Kwok // Interview + Graphics

Part 1 - Problem Definition

11 INTERVIEW: CARETAKER Lastly, we talked to the caretaker by various perspectives in order to find out is there any misunderstanding and difficulties when they nursed the patients.

Medical treatments

Daughter of patient B

Use of blood glucose meter

Oscar Cheuk // Process Cancan Kwok // Interview

Part 1 - Problem Definition

Has some preliminary understanding

Mistakenly assumes that using blood glucose meter and injecting insulin did nit bring any pain Daily habits

Dietary Management Only know the patient may avoid sweet food Would not provide a diet plan for patient

Research progress

Believes that the patient has a good daily routine and ability of self control


12 FINDINGS Here are some of our key findings from previous investigation:

Incomplete blood glucose record

About Diabetes disease

It is not rare to see incomplete or inaccurate blood glucose record. Blood glucose level fluctuates, and it is not possible to monitor it every second. Patients can only obtain their reading for a specific period or moment instead of having a continuous record. Some patients may also lose or fabricate their records.

Diabetes disease is classified into Type 1 and Type 2, and patients of different types have different patterns in their disease management. For instance, Type 1 patients require very frequent injection of insulin and blood glucose test (2 times per day), while Type 2 patients may simply use blood glucose meter to monitor the blood glucose level at a less frequent interval.

Although the use of blood glucose meter makes it easier for patients to monitor their blood glucose level at home, the procedure is not straightforward. For example, some testing consists of three rounds of sample taking: once before meal, once after meal, and once two hours after meal. Other testing may record during one entire month in every four month.

Some of the patients always anxious about their health. Instead of inject insulin or take medicine regularly, they tried to measure the level of blood glucose in spontaneous ways. The ways their won’t feel pain in body. For example, using blood glucose meter and clinistix paper. They hope to know their health status every moment. Besides, they tried to control their diet by avoid eating sugars and sweets.

15 Findings

Challenges of self-management

Apprehension on health

Oscar Cheuk // Organise Cancan Kwok // Organise

Part 1 - Problem Definition

Oscar Cheuk // Organise Cancan Kwok // Organise

Part 1 - Problem Definition

12 FINDINGS Caretaker overestimated patients’ s ability of take care themselves Some caretakers may underestimate the pain of injecting insulin and using blood glucose meter. This is probably because they have not experienced the process personally. They do not think the patients will cheat on their test results and record. They also believe that the patient has kept proper daily record and be serious about their testing. Difficulty of dietary management

16 Findings

Most people found it is not easy to be on diet and distinguish the food they could eat or not. Quite a number of patients have failed to control their desire to eat. However, edacity can often lead to excessive blood glucose level. On the other hand, some of the patient's blood glucose might be too low after Injected insulin. They do not aware of they are hungry or not. A balance is therefore required to be struck. (online image)

Oscar Cheuk // Process Cancan Kwok // Research & Graphics

Part 1 - Problem Definition

13 DIET ADVICE FOR DIABETICS As we known that dietary management is the biggest challenge for Diabetics so that we address ourselves to this main difficulty.

Avoid High Level of White Rice
 may decrease risks of developing type 2 Diabetes Some varieties of rice have a lower GI score than others

Diabetics should aim to eat between 45 and 60 grams of carbohydrates per meal. Brown rice is an ideal replacement for high carbohydrates white rice.


Balance Meals
 may reverse Diabetes type 2 Ensure meals are portioned well is the best way to manage blood glucose

Dinner plate of Diabetic should have 25% protein, 25% grains and starchy foods, and 50% non-starchy vegetables.

Diabetics may create his own healthy diet plan which matching the amount of food you eat with the amount of energy he burn through activity and exercise.

Cook and eat at home by following Diabetic-friendly recipe is the best way to know exactly what Diabetics ’re eating, and will help them to make sure their food really is part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Research about Dietary management

(online image)

14 DIABETIC-FRIENDLY METHODS Carbohydrate counting

Calories control

It is a way of regulating the amount of carbohydrate Diabetics consume and monitoring how this affects their blood glucose control, weight management and medication intake. Foods that contain carb have the greatest effect on blood glucose compared to foods that contain protein or fat.

Diabetics can make a positive difference to their health by learning to count calories. The quantity of calories intakes are vary for different people.

Oscar Cheuk // Organise Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 1 - Problem Definition

Low Glycemic index 

Most people count carbohydrates using grams, with one serving equal to 15 grams of carbohydrate and refer to Carb counter chart.

18 Research about Dietary management

(online image) Carb counter chart

A low glycemic index diet can be particularly effective for people with diabetes if portion control is also applied to those foods with higher carbohydrate content. Low GI diets means incorporate foods which are more slowly converted into energy by the body.

15 INTERVIEW: PATIENT C After explore those secondary data, we have conducted a phone focused interview with patient C.

Health condition

39 years old, mild symptoms

Eating habits

Blood Test
 every morning

Oscar Cheuk // Organise Cancan Kwok // Interview

Part 1 - Problem Definition


Avoid sweet and carbohydrates food
 Choose food carefully after he had Diabetes class
 Keep a regular and balanced diet Leading a busy lifestyle and always dining out frequently Challenge


Dining out Research about Dietary management

Give up on calculate the carbohydrates level in food The serving size and cooking methods are out of control Share dishes with friends and leads him eat more food
 Decline dining invitation

16 DIETARY CHALLENGES In conclusion, below are major dietary challenges facing Diabetics:

Uncontrollable desire to eat

Unbalanced diet Most of the Diabetics do not develop their own healthy eating plan since they do not have enough knowledge about counting carbohydrates and calories. Besides, it is hard for them to distinguish the food they could eat or not and escape the hidden sugar and carbohydrates traps.

90% Type 2 Diabetes are cause by poor diet which means most of them are foodie. They love eating a lot and always hungry. However, edacity can often lead to excessive blood glucose level. They may feel compunction after eating. Dining out

20 Cook and eat at home should be the best way for Diabetics to know exactly what they are eating, and make sure their food really is part of a healthy, balanced diet. However, they always dining out on busy working day. The serving size and cooking methods of dishes are out of control which makes them give up on calculate the carbohydrates level in food. In addition, this challenge may decrease their social interaction. Some of them will decline the dining invitation from friend because of health. Sharing meal with friends make them eat too much.

Dietary challenges

There is a public perception of Diabetics that they may keep the disease if one eats less sweet food. It lets the patient’s blood glucose might be too low after injected insulin and do not aware of they are hungry or not. As a result, they may skip a meal.

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 1 - Problem Definition



INTIAL IDEAS Unfortunately, Diabetes disease will be a popular challenge faced by more people, especially the dietary management. We aims to enhance the quality of Diabetic life. Instead of building a disposable medical device, we would like to assists Diabetics in their daily living and create an interactive platform for them to self-manage their disease through a healthier lifestyle. Our initial design is a food container with an mobile application for Diabetics to enjoy the meal when dining out.

Abstract Background




01 FACTS ON EATING IN HK As mentioned, dietary management is the biggest challenges for Diabetics. Before creating a scenario, we have conducted secondary research about eating habits in Hong Kong.

Yum Cha
 is a common choice for people to get together and catch up Yum Cha, Cha Chaan Teng and fast food shop are top three must-visit restaurants in

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research + Graphics

Part 2 - Initial Idea

Hong Kong.

 Hong Kong people dine out over 4 times a week

27.3% interviewees said that they dint out everyday. Overall the avenge days is 4.2 days in a week.

Among those who ate out in the past week, the majority of them patronized Cheese restaurants including Cha Chaan Teng (67,1%).

Most of the restaurants in Hong Kong prepared food before ordering and 90% of the interviewees wish to be offered healthier food choices in restaurants.

22 Background

More than 40% of Hong Kong people eat out for lunch at least five days a week, while 84.2% Students and 75.2% working adults agree ‘go to school’ or ‘go to work’ is the main reason of dining out.

There are 295 eat smart restaurants in Hong Kong which can let customer choose ‘less rice’, ‘less salts’, ‘less oil’ or ‘less sugar’. 91.9% of interviewees accept the principle of diet. However, 61.9% said it is difficult for them to find out healthy dish.

02 WAYS TO CONTROL APPETITE Also the research of how to reduce huger and appetite.

Use smaller plate Smaller plates can lead people misjudge that the same quantity of food as being significantly larger. The diner may eat less if the food served with smaller plate.

Color of plate Diner serve themselves less food when their tableware and background do not contrast in color. Some of the color may diminish appetites too. For example, blue, black and purple signaled something was poisonous so people may avoid those colors in food. Pink, brown and grey too. Eat regularly and enough protein

Eat mindfully Practicing mindfulness during meals can help people experience more pleasure while eating. This can keep their focus on quality rather than quantity, and reduces binge eating behavior.

23 Background

Adding more protein to diet may increase feelings of fullness. The diner may eat less at his next meal.

(online image) The more white space around the plate, the smaller it appears.

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 2 - Initial Idea



Fast food junkie who determined to reverse type 2 diabetes

1 Eating out with colleagues at Yum Cha restaurant 
 Other: Tea house, Western restaurant, Canteen, Cafe, Hawker stalls


Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 2 - Initial Idea

2 Brown-bagging
 Home-cooking, read our suggested recipe, heating

Fastfood Junkie Diabetics Dining out


Eat at home


Impatient (online image) Dim Sum

04 DIARICE Therefore, we have an initial idea: Diarice. It is a food container with an mobile application for Diabetic to enjoy meal when dining out.

Design quality

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 2 - Initial Idea

Controllable, Portable, Stylish

Vision Statement The efficient way leads Diabetic fast food junkies to control their appetite and create balanced meals



• • •


Maintain a healthy blood glucose and energy up with a low-glycemic index meal plan Control appetite: Stop feeling guilty after eating and feel full Create an enjoyable dining out and social experience Encourage diabetics to lead a healthier lifestyle: Home-cooked meals

(online image) Lunchbox with dividers

05 USER JOUNEY MAP Dining out

1 Input personal data 2 Set the meal reminders: When to unlock the lunchbox ( make sure the user dining on time )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Home-cooking 1 2 3 3 4 5 6

Read the suggested Diabetic-friendly recipe (low-GI food) Cook by following the recipe Set the meal reminders Bring the lunch box to work Turn off the reminder and reheat it Have meal Read the calories record on phone

Meal reminders on phone before mealtime Bring the lunch box to restaurant Press the start button Put the food into the food container Have a look on HP bar which show the quota of the day Dining Hp decreasing and warn the user Stop eating Read the food record on phone

26 Ideation

First time

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 2 - Initial Idea

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 2 - Initial Idea


Key function HP bar: Calculate and visualize the quota of food intake on it
 Prediction of next meal Features

Start button

Sensor Inner pot (~6”) Battery

Small serving size with adjustable partition Dark Color Small Tableware: chew slowly




Components of food container


HP bar

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 2 - Initial Idea

07 IDEATION: HP BAR Units Calories Counting method Carbohydrate counting Points down



(online image) LED VU meter


Calculate and visualize the quota of food intake on it Warning: Stop eating
 Quota prediction of next meal

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research + Design

Part 2 - Initial Idea

08 IDEATION: TECHNOLOGY We compared some technologies for food recognition. We have chosen Radatcat and camera with Open CV finally.





Ultrasonic + Arduino Uno

Camera+ Arduino Uno

Camera+ Arduino Uno

Take a snap

Put an ultrasonic sensor at the Take a snap and find out the bottom of food container most similar food in our library

Easy to use

Add Hong Kong cushions by Gain more information of food ourselves

Singapore cushions only


Smart Jar

Have to set a camera for top view

Have to build up a library by ourselves Low accuracy if there are so many foods

Have to build up a library by ourselves May add more sensors
 e.g., color sensor Have to set a camera for top view

Take a snap

SCIO/ TellSpec

Radat Cat

Molecular sensor

touch sensor at bottom


High accuracy

Easy to use and 



Easy to use Atomically Low accuracy No Hong Kong cushions in library now Have to set a camera for top view

High cost Needs many small piece Can only detect single object at once. For example, it can Low accuracy if there are only know it is a grain of rice so many foods instead Yangzhou fired rice

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design + Sketch

Part 2 - Initial Idea

09 IDEATION: INNER POT This is the latest design of the food container.

30 Ideation

Anatomy with different views

Diarize provide 2 types of inner pot in the first phase

Oscar Cheuk // Design + Wireframes Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 2 - Initial Idea

10 IDEATION: MOBILE APP Key function Record and meal planning Camera for food scanning Provide Diabetic- friendly recipes Bookmark meals

Wireframes: camera for food scanning

31 Ideation

Wireframes: record and meal planning

Wireframes: Diabetic-friendly recipes



PROJECT EVALUATION We have asked registered dietitian and design practitioners for feedback. They encourage us to add more healthy diet indicators in our design and collaborate with restaurants. Besides, we can only make a food log instead of counting quota for them because no formula is suitable for everyone. After researching, we found that the Hong Kong government has recently launched the Eat Smart Restaurant initiative to help people choose a restaurant that serves healthier food and we aims to ride on top of these scheme and provide reference indicators to resolve the diabetics concerns. The first phase of our design is focused on the tea house as it is a popular choice for people to gather and have meals in Hong Kong.

Summary Revised feedback


Research on healthy diet indicators


Related design


Updated Scenario


01 DIETITIAN FEEDBACK A registered dietitian replied us through email after review the design of Diarice. Below are some of the key points:

No formula in calculating nutrition requirements of Diabetic 

Healthy food indictors need to be considered

To create a meal plan, have to consider the types and dosage of oral medications and insulin, it own responses to the medications and carbohydrate eaten, blood sugar levels, their medical history, activity levels, weight and height etc. Some diabetic patients also have hypertension, high cholesterol or are overweight. Other nutrients like fat and sodium also need to be considered when making their meal plans.

The glycemic index and calorie are only part of the diet for diabetic patients. The carbohydrate contents of foods also needed to be considered. Diets of Diabetics are individualized 

Veery high blood sugar or very low blood sugar is life-threatening and can lead to a diabetic coma.

33 Revised Feedback

Their diet plans are developed by health professionals, usually dietitians or diabetic nurses. The foods and portions, and how they can be distribute appropriately in the diet are very much depended on their treatment (oral medications and/or insulin injection), body weight and calorie requirement.

Do not suggest to focus on Diabetic diet

Oscar Cheuk // Prepare Question Cancan Kwok // Interview

Part 3 - Project evaluation

02 PRACTITIONER FEEDBACK Besides, we have interviewed Brain lee, a design practitioner who have designed products for Diabetics and asked for his feedback. Below are some of his recommendations:

The only thing you can do is keep a record for them

Oscar Cheuk // Interview Cancan Kwok // Interview

Part 3 - Project evaluation

No counting method for ‘quota of hp bar’

Maybe you can keep a record for them as there is no any counting method for quota. You can keep a food log and visualize those analysis to let them know their food intake. Just for reference.

The blood glucose level is unstable. It may affected by lots of factors like exercising. Calories is only one of the indicator the Diabetics have to pay attention for. There is no any formula. Keep a food diary is important for Diabetics because they have to track of their carbohydrate counting and learn more about their eating patterns for adjusting their own meal plan.

Try to collaborate with restaurants

The cost of Diarice is too high

Yam Cha is not the great choice for Diabetics There are too many sensors and camera which cost very high. Diabetics may not afford such high price. 
 Almost all types of Dim Sum contains an high GI which are not recommend for Diabetics.

34 Revised Feedback

There are too many different types of dishes in Hong Kong cuisine. Every restaurant cook the same dish in diffident method. Maybe you can focus on a restaurant and investigate their dishes in the first phase. Just start with restaurant, try to design and install something in the restaurant.

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 3 - Project evaluation

03 CARBOHYDRATE COUNTING As we would like to add healthy diet indicators into our design, we researched on carbohydrate counting. Method of measurement 
 Carbohydrates are measured in units called grams. Grams are a measure of weight. The total grams or amount of carbohydrate we need each day depends on our calorie goals, activity level and personal preferences. Carbohydrates generally provide 45-65% of Diabetic daily calories. For most people with type 1 diabetes, this ranges from 150-250 grams of carbohydrate a day.


Best control to blood sugar Diabetics may refer yo this carbohydrate chart.

 Diabetics may eat three meals a day regularly to control the blood sugar. They do not skip meals and try to consistently eat the same amount of carbohydrate at each meal. They may refer to carbohydrate chart or nutrition facts food labels to find out how much carbohydrate in the food they eat.

Research on healthy diet indicators

(online image)

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 3 - Project evaluation

04 CALORIES COUNTING Diabetics may pay attention on calories intake because losing excess weight can help lower the blood glucose level. Daily intake

in years. Next, multiply BMR by one of the following numbers, according to usual activity level. The result is the total daily calorie needs.

36 Research on healthy diet indicators

Patients with type 1 diabetes should have a diet that has approximately 35 calories per kg of body weight per day. Patients with type 2 diabetes generally are put on a 1,500 to 1,800 calorie diet per day to promote weight loss and then the maintenance of ideal body weight. However, this may vary depending on the person's age, sex, activity level, current weight, and body style.

(online image) These equations require weight in kilograms, height in centimeters, and age

 There are a number of formulas for predicting approximately how many calories a person needs on a daily basis to remain at the same weight, including the following, called the Mifflin–St. Jeor equations, which calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of everyone. (online image) active level

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 3 - Project evaluation

05 GLYCEMIC INDEX Glycemic index is a method of ranking foods which gives Diabetics a way to tell slower-acting ‘good carbs’ from the faster ‘bad carbs’ so they can use it to fine-tune their carb-counting and keep their blood glucose more steady. Definition 
 (online image) Formula of calculate GI

37 Research on healthy diet indicators

The Glycemic index is a number, from 0 to 100, based on how they influence the level of blood glucose. Two foods with the same amount of carbohydrates can have differnt glycemic index numbers. The smaller the number, the less impact the food has on diner blood glucose: 55 or less = Low (Good) 56 - 69 = Medium 70 or higher = High (Bad)

(online image) GI chart

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 3 - Project evaluation

06 GLYCEMIC LOAD Glycemic load of food is a number that estimates how much food will raise a person’s blood glucose level after eating it which is more related to Diabetics. Description 
 Glycemic load can be assessed which quantities of which foods are likely to be suitable for Diabetics to maintain good blood glucose level. There are 3 levels as follows:


(online image) Potential mechanisms whereby high-glycemic-load diets could increase risk of type 2 diabetes. (online image) Formula of calculate GL

Research on healthy diet indicators

0 to 10 = Low (Good) 11 to 19 = Medium 20 or higher = High (Bad)

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 3 - Project evaluation

07 BALANCED MEAL The best way to let Diabetics stay nourished is to eat a balanced diet. Balanced diet means a diet consisting of a variety of items from all the recommended food groups in the proper amounts. Fair enough. Definition 
 Balanced meals include one food from each food group: Dairy; Vegetables; Fruits; Grains and Protein.


50% Vegetables
 25% Good-quality carbohydrates, such as potato, brown rice etc. 25% lean protein, like eggs, lean meat etc. Also, Diabetics may add some healthy fats in meal.

(online image) Daily food intake proportions

Research on healthy diet indicators

Perfect portions of main meals

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 3 - Project evaluation

08 RELATED DESIGN We have investigated some design which targets on Diabetics or related to food intake record for reference. We found that most of them are not individualized. Also, all of them contain wide margin of variation because of the uniqueness of Hong Kong cuisines.

40 Related design

(online image) Provide the nutrition facts and let the user know if them are having a balanced meal is also important. Some applications is providing similar information. (online image) We hope our design may record the food intake and analyze the data automatically instead of manual input. Then the user may focus on social interaction.

However, there are too much variation in Hong Kong cuisines. Although cooking the same dishes, the cooking method and ingredients might be totally different.

09 EAT SMART RESTAURANT We would like to collaborate with Cha Chaan Teng labeled eat smart in the first phase as it is a popular choice for people to gather and have meals in Hong Kong and the aims are similar with our deisgn. “EatSmart@restaurant.hk” Campaign

Reason for chosen Cha Chaan Teng

Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 3 - Project evaluation

Based on the baseline survey of Department of Health, there are over 67% Hong Kong people who ate out last week have their main meals in Chan Chaan Teng. Also, it is the most frequent type of food premises for eating out.

Aims Educate, empower and enable the community to have easier access to healthier dishes when eating out; Encourage, empower and enable food premises operators to provide a wider choice of healthier dishes.


(online image) Visit EatSmart Restaurants with this Door Decal to enjoy EatSmart Dishes prepared specially for diner -- at least 5 "More Fruit and Vegetables" or "3 Less" Dishes in selected business hours. "More Fruit and Vegetables" means that either fruit or vegetables are the sole ingredients of the dish, or they occupy at least twice as much the amount of meat and its alternatives present in the dish. "3 Less" means that the dish has less fat or oil, salt and sugar.

Updated Scenario

The Hong Kong governmentn has recently launched the Eat Smart Restaurant initiative to help people choose a restaurant that serves healthier food. To become an eligible EatSmart Restaurant, food premises have to pass an assessment and ensure they offer a specified number of EatSmart Dishes: "More Fruit and Vegetables" and "3 Less" Dishes on a regular basis.



DIATARY Diatary is a health manager for Diabetics. It provides enjoyable and carefree dining out experiences by reducing the consideration time of food and increasing social interaction. The design consists of two major components including a mobile app which helps the diabetic maintain a complete record and a system to be installed at the restaurant. Customization to suit their dietary requirements are allowed while dietary records is simultaneously recorded and blood glucose levels are updated by the user which are easily accessed for the user’s reference.

Abstract Focus Group




Design Concept


Concept 1.0


Concept 2.0


Concept 3.0


Concept 4.0


Final design solution


01 FOCUS GROUP Focus group


Oscar Cheuk // Research Cancan Kwok // Research

Part 4 - Diatary

Love eating a lot

Fast food junkie who determined to reverse type 2 diabetes

Always hungry
 Do not have time to cook at home and have a brown bag
 Always dine out because of work Serving size and cooking methods of dishes are out of control


Sharing meal with friends made him eat too much Favorite Restaurant

Fastfood Junkie

Chan Chaan Teng

Diabetics Dining out

Personal information Hong Kong people 39 years old Single Public relations directors
 Personalities Purposeful


Hardworking Sociable Persona


Frequency of dining out 7 days in a week Goals Control his blood glucose level and Reverse Diabetes Develop his own healthy diet plan with eating balanced meal
 Maintain a complete record on blood glucose level and food intake Do not frosted in counting food intake and calories during meal time anymore Eat with greater devotion Increase social interaction

Focus Group

Eat at home

Type 2 Diabetic


Awareness of dietary needs

Mobiel Application

• • •

Restaurant Menu

Restaurant Menu •


Mobiel Application

Restaurant Menu

Calculate food intake

Pair up with personal a/c and sort the dishes Customizable quantity of rice Provide food intake record to educate users Provide nutrition facts (Balance chart, Calories, GI) of every dishes Search for restaurant Take a photo for food recognition to calculate and show calories Predict the health condition after having meal

Restaurant Menu

Smart utensils

For Individual dinner, the nutrition fact of dishes is the right intake Quantity of rice match the health condition of a/c
 For sharing dishes, measure and record the food intake automatically
 (Units: gram)

44 •


Mobiel Application

• • •

Food intake record Food diary Balancing diet chart Blood glucose level chart monthly analysis & rewards

Focus Group

Search information Mobiel Application related nutrition

Create a healthy diet plan by personal data Provide food intake record for adjust diet plan Checklist & notification

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 4 - Diatary

03 DIATARY After researching, we designed Diatary. It is a health manager for Diabetics.

Design qualities

 Practical Constantly

Vision statement

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 4 - Diatary

Diatary provides an enjoyable dining experience to enhance the quality of Diabetic life. Objective

Provides enjoyable and carefree dining out experiences by reducing the consideration time of food and increasing social interaction Maintain a simultaneously blood glucose and dietary record which easily accessed for the user’s reference Encourage Diabetics to develop their own healthy diet plan



Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 4 - Diatary

04 LOOK & FEEL We embraced minimalist design style and stripped away of all unnecessary elements in this project because we hope our design is functional and practical.
 Minimalist design

The main color of our design are blue, yellow, grey and white. Blue is the official awareness ribbons color of Diabetes and grey represents type 1. Yellow means the yellow skin is found among people with Type 2 diabetes and white is for the negative space.

46 #4F7DB7



Image All the image we use are vivid photography which placed on grid system. We hope everything is clear and provide useful information.




Design Concept

We believe that Minimalism can be just brilliant for functionality and a clean, clear and uncluttered design can make the navigation of contents page quick, easy and functional. So, we stripped down to fundamental elements with simplified content and keep plenty of negative space.

Color palette

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 4 - Diatary

05 IDEATION The design consists of two major components. The first one is a mobile app which helps the diabetic maintain a complete record. The other one is a system to be installed at the restaurant.

User Journey




Mobile app EatSmart restaurant



Eating with Chopsticks

Restaurant menu & Smart utensils 7

On top of the current Eat Smart Restaurants options, Diatary will provide nutrition facts per dish. If the user links their account to the restaurant, the restaurant will record the food intake and updates to their personal acoounts. As a result, the user will be able to enjoy the meal, decrease concerns and increase social interaction.


Input blood glucose level if needed

Simplified user journey


Review the balanced diet chart on app


47 Siu Mai

Chicken Wing


42 KCal

87 KCal

24 KCal

Review daily food intake record

Design Concept

There are three main functions, to record, to analyze and to search for participating eat smart restaurants. The user can records their blood glucose level and diet daily; The system will immediately conduct the analysis so that the diabetic can understand the latest status of their nutrition consumption. Users will be rewarded for long-term record keeping and make their food consumption record more complete.


Pair cell phone to chopssticks via bluetooth

Oscar Cheuk // Design + Wireframes Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 4 - Diatary

06 CONCEPT 1.0: MOBILE APP Our first design concept is to ask the users pair up their personal account to smart chopsticks so the system know which person eat which and how many food while sharing food. There are LED lights on the base of dishes which show the level of Calories.
 Mobile app 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Create personal account Input blood glucose level > Line chart Food Diary with food intake information Balancing diet chat Reminders 6. Camera for scanning home-cooked food

48 Concept 1.0


Concept 1.0

Screens High fidelity wireframes

Oscar Cheuk // Design + Wireframes Cancan Kwok // Design + Screens

Part 4 - Diatary



Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design + Sketch

Part 4 - Diatary

07 CONCEPT 1.0: RESTAURANT Restaurant menu & Smart utensils 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Self-ordering tablet User pair their phone to chopsticks via bluetooth Serving dish with an unique base RFID track the location and save information for each dish Base connect to terminal via Bluetooth User select foods based on the color of bases which classify the level of calories 7. The chopstick will massage terminal while detected the tackle the food 8. Chopstick send the data to terminal while user is using chopsticks 9. The base sent data to terminal l if it detect the weight of food different from before 10. Terminal update the personal account 11. User may review the record after dining

50 Concept 1.0

Sketch of system

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design + Sketch

Part 4 - Diatary


51 Concept 1.0

Anatomy of the base

The chopsticks would send the signal to terminal while turn on

The terminal will be installed into the table

Oscar Cheuk // Interview Cancan Kwok // Interview

Part 4 - Diatary

08 CONCEPT 1.0: PROTOTYPE We have created prototypes of mobile app and base to test the form of concept.

52 Concept 1.0

Our booth

We have used the light stick to differentiate the GI level

Oscar Cheuk // Interview Cancan Kwok // Interview

Part 4 - Diatary

09 CONCEPT 1.0: USER TEST We invited a mild symptoms Diabetic to do the user test. Below are some of her comments: Showing the actual number of calories is better than color A benefit is that the base shows the color and lets user reduce the time for choosing between the options. However, there are only two colors to indicate high or low Calories, which are not enough. An alternative way is that the Calories can be shown on the menu so that users can know the Calories before choosing the food.

53 Concept 1.0

Add the share function The patients’ family may want to know the glucose level and diet record of diabetic. The app can add share function. However, the app will not take record automatically but the data has to be entered manually, which is slightly inconvenient.

Photos of user test

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design + Sketch

Part 4 - Diatary

10 CONCEPT 2.0: RESTAURANT The mechanics of system has been changed because there are lots of saturation that people may use chopsticks at the same time and pick food for others. Besides, the way of pair the chopsticks and personal account up via bluetooth is a little bit strange so we remove it and show the data on bowl. The user may use the camera inside the app to take a photo of bowl for getting those data after dining.


Take a photo to update personal account after dining

System Diagram

Concept 2.0

Anatomy with mechanics

Oscar Cheuk // Interview Cancan Kwok // Observe + Photo

Part 4 - Diatary

11 CONCEPT 2.0: PD WORKSHOP We conducted a PD workshop in order to understand the behavior of diners at lunch time. There are 4 participants acted as colleagues in total. They have to role play 2 times. The first time they got our app and the other one eat without the app. After role play, there is a follow up interview.

55 Concept 2.0

Role play with our prototypes

Every participant may got our app and a mission card

11 CONCEPT 2.0: PD WORKSHOP Here are our findings after observation and interviews:

Oscar Cheuk // Interview Cancan Kwok // Observe

Part 4 - Diatary

No-one use serving chopsticks 
 Keep the real-time record 
 Provide a refer number of calories
 Stop in a short period if they do not have an app Will not put the phone on table

Mission cards

Pick up the high GI food for others
 Investigate on color indicator with others Is hard for them to chocolate calories and food intake by themselves

Concept 2.0

Colored LED indicator is useful


Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design + Sketch

Part 4 - Diatary

12 CONCEPT 3.0: RESTAURANT We added an interactive table and food menu into our design because it may make the pair up progress smoothly and state those healthy diet indicators clearly. Circular table with multi-touch screen The user only have to put down their phone while getting a seat. The mobile app may connect to the smart utensils though NFC.


Food menu

Concept 3.0

Share menu when they share dishes Generate a menu tailored to the user’s status Provide data regarding Glycemic Index levels, Calories and nutrition facts per dish Customize the dishes in order to match user own dietary needs

System Diagram

Oscar Cheuk // Design + Wireframes Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 4 - Diatary

13 CONCEPT 4.0: MOBILE APP Because of high cost of interactive table, we take out it. Here comes our next concept. We put all the information into the food menu. 
 Functions of mobile app 1Checklist & reminders 2 Health record: Blood glucose level & Food intake record 3 Food Diary 4 Analysis & Rewards 5 Map 6 Bluetooth to pair up with restaurant

58 Concept 4.0



Concept 4.0


Oscar Cheuk // Design + Prototype Cancan Kwok // Design + Screens

Part 4 - Diatary


Oscar Cheuk // Design + Wireframes Cancan Kwok // Design + Sketch

Part 4 - Diatary

14 CONCEPT 4.0: FOOD MENU Food Menu 1 2 3 4 5

Pair up to chopsticks Generate a menu tailored to the user’s status Provide nurturing facts Dishes customization Food intake prediction

60 Concept 4.0

System Diagram Wireframes


Concept 4.0


Oscar Cheuk // Design + Prototype Cancan Kwok // Design + Screen

Part 4 - Diatary


Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design + sketch

Part 4 - Diatary

15 CONCEPT 4.0: SMART UTENSILS Base: Dishes 1Save information of food 2 Send out the message if the weight differ from before 3 Locate the chopsticks Chopsticks 1Distinguish the food and users

62 Smart utensils are with RFID technology

1Save information of food 2 Send out the message if the user put food into the bowl

Concept 4.0

Base: Bowl

Oscar Cheuk // Design + Prototype Cancan Kwok // Design + Program

Part 4 - Diatary

16 CONCEPT 4.0: PROTOTYPE We have created prototypes of mobile app, menu and smart utensils for user test. Below are some key comments: Add more elements of Chan Chaan Teng The user do not know there are 2 parts in our design and also the scenario. Therefore, we would like to change the graphic style of menu and add decorations into booth.


Use a case to hide those components inside the base

Concept 4.0

Users may afraid of technology so that we might use a case to hide the components inside the base. Bluetooth technology is more suitable For the location accuracy, an engineer suggest us to use bluetooth technology instead of wifi. Bluetooth is more stable than wifi too. The food intake data will be shown on the laptop if the base detected chopsticks

17 FINAL DESIGN SOLUTION Some elements of Cha Chaan Teng has been added to our final design. We build the booth and change the style of menu. Besides, we applied the bluetooth technology for data sending. Abstract

Design qualities Exhaustive Practical Constantly

In Hong Kong the culture of eating out is more than cooking and eating at home, this might cause an increase in diabetes that is caused by extremely poor diet, however, this can be reduced or reversed naturally by proper diet control and healthy eating. Diatary is an application designed with a serving system, it helps diabetics have a balanced meal with a low-glycemic index and maintain healthy glucose levels. The first phase is focused on the tea house as it is a popular choice for people to gather and have meals in Hong Kong.

64 Final Design solution

Diatary is a health manager for Diabetics. It provides enjoyable and carefree dining out experiences by reducing the consideration time of food and increasing social interaction. Customization to suit their dietary requirements are allowed while dietary records is simultaneously recorded and blood glucose levels are updated by the user which are easily accessed for the user’s reference.

Design concept

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design

Part 4 - Diatary

Oscar Cheuk // Design + Prototypes Cancan Kwok // Design + Screens

Part 4 - Diatary

18 MOBILE APP The design consists of two major components. The first one is a mobile app which helps the diabetic maintain a complete record. The other one is a system to be installed at the restaurant. Mobile app For the mobile app, there are three main functions, to record, to analyze and to search for participating eat smart restaurants.

Checklist and reminders let user won’t

Keep a health record with

skip a meal and record their blood

visualized data

glucose level

Final Design solution

The user records their blood glucose level and diet daily; the system will immediately conduct the analysis so that the diabetic can understand the latest status of their nutrition consumption. Users will be rewarded for long-term record keeping and make their food consumption record more complete.


Oscar Cheuk // Design + Prototypes Cancan Kwok // Design + Screens

Part 4 - Diatary



Food diary which let user know his

To encourage user to keep a long-term

Searching the eat-smart restaurants

provide nutrition information when you

dietary habits

record, the app provide monthly analysis

nearby the user

take a snap of it

and rewards

Final Design solution

The system may recognize the food and

Oscar Cheuk // Design+ Prototypes Cancan Kwok // Design + Screens

Part 4 - Diatary

19 FOOD MENU On top of the current Eat Smart Restaurants options, Diatary will provide data regarding Glycemic Index levels, Calories and Carbohydrates per dish. Food menu If the user links their account to the restaurant, the restaurant will generate a menu tailored to the user’s status. The user can also customize the dishes in order to match his/her own dietary needs.

67 Final Design solution

User may links their account to restaurant via bluetooth and select the color of chopsticks he is going to use

Oscar Cheuk // Design+ Prototypes Cancan Kwok // Design + Screens

Part 4 - Diatary



User may customize the dishes to fit their health

The quantity of brown rice and tailored to user’s balancing

diet indicators: Calories, GI, nutrition facts

condition: Edit the quantity and ingredients

diet chat and the user may edit again. Prediction of food intake is provided too.

Final Design solution

Menu tailored to user’s status which provides the health

Oscar Cheuk // Design + Prototypes Cancan Kwok // Design + Screens + System Diagram

Part 4 - Diatary

20 SMART UTENSIL For the smart utensils, there are three components in total: Base of dish, chopsticks and base of bowl. They will calculate the food intake and update the record on mobile app instantly. As a result, the user will be able to enjoy the meal, decrease concerns and increase social interaction.

RFID Chips Locate chopsticks

RFID Reader Track chopsticks & food

Load Cell Measure food intake

RFID Reader Track chopsticks

Arduino Board

Arduino Board Run the code

Run the code



69 Send data to terminal

Send data to terminal

Battery & Coils

Battery & Coils Wireless charging

Wireless charging




System Diagram with anatomy. We have written programs in an arduino board to manage prototypes. The data would send to an Android phone via bluetooth.

Photo of smart utensil’s prototypes

Final Design solution

Link personal account

Oscar Cheuk // Design Cancan Kwok // Design + User Journey

Part 4 - Diatary

21 User Journey The User Journey have been divided into three parts: Daily routine, dining out and review. User Journey Daily Routine 6.2 6.2 1 4 7 .


Test blood glucose










Enter data into app


Eat at home


Take a photo of food

Confirm information

Dining Out


Chicken Wing

87 KCal / 44 GI




Go to restaurant

Enjoy social interaction



Pair personal a/c to chopsticks via bluetooth

Look over real-time record


Eat with smart utensils

Review SUN


























Siu Mai

Chicken Wing









42 KCal

87 KCal

92 KCal




Food intake record

User Journey


Balancing diet chart


Blood glucose level



Read nutrition facts

Monthly analisis & rewards


Modify selected dishes

Order meals


Final Design solution

Search for nearby Eat smart restaurants

Oscar Cheuk // Design + woodcraft Cancan Kwok // Design + Sketch

Part 4 - Diatary

22 BOOTH As our scenario in a Chan Chaan Teng, we decorate our booth like a Chan Chaan Teng.

71 Final Design solution

Design sketch of booth

Making of

Oscar Cheuk // Interview Cancan Kwok // Observe + Video

Part 4 - Diatary

23 USER TEST We invited a Diabetic and his caretaker to test our design with prototypes. Following are improvements: Add the caption next to the icon Some icons are unusual. Add a caption next to it is better than nothing Division of units


For the dishes customization, users confused in units of ingredients.

Before & After of mobile app

Before & after of food menu

Final Design solution

Diabetic with his caretaker

Oscar Cheuk // Script + Animate Cancan Kwok // Graphics + Shoot + Edit

Part 4 - Diatary

24 DEMO VIDEO To let people understand Diatary easily, we created 4 videos: Research and Findings & Vision statement, Design Criteria, User Journey and User test.

73 Final Design solution

Screenshots of ‘Research and Findings’

Screenshots of ‘Design Criteria’

Final Design solution

Screenshots of ‘“User Test’ Screenshots of ‘User Journey”

Oscar Cheuk // Script + Shoot Cancan Kwok // Storyboard + Shoot + Edit

Part 4 - Diatary



Part 4 - Diatary


74 Final Design solution


Users are testing prototypes




Part 5 - Self-reflective evaluation

01 SELF-REFLECTIVE EVALUATION With completing this capstone project, I was able to benefit from a variety of new things from it, as well as the design thinking and technical skills. The biggest hurdle for me is myself. I was nervous on researching about Diabetes because this is new for me. Besides, I did not have confidence to ensure the safety of our design. Interviewees really heighten my confidence during the design progress because of their comment. I got to know design is ‘interactive’. I always amuse myself from creation and this is the only design project I create for others.

It is no doubt that graphic design is my favorite part in this project. I enjoyed drawing the infographics for posters and design the user interface. There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to me.

To further advance our design, we intend to do conduct further study on more variant of cases of diabetes patients, investigate on technology and develop our design concept in the future :D

77 Cancan Kwok

I thought I was surpassed myself. In the past two years, I avoided coding like a plague. I nevertheless programmed the Arduino this time. Coding is not as difficult as I thought. I will continue to work on it :)
 In addition, I learnt lots of presentation skills: How to make audience understand Diatary and present complex ideas clearly.

Last but not least, the most obvious thing that I discovered was the advantage of working as a group. I learned that good teamwork is the key to success in design activities when time and resources are limited. Oscar really made e feel more energetic on create something because we are so different. He always bring a new insight for me. Communicate to each other is another challenge for us but we did!








. Retrieved from http://www.diabetes-hk.org/page/ch/



%20-%20 . Retrieved from https://

www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/tests-diagnosis 3 Boers, H. M., Seijen ten Hoorn, J., & Mela, D. J. (2015, October 14). A systematic review of the influence of rice characteristics and processing methods on postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses. British Journal of Nutrition, 114(7), 1035-1045. 4 Hu, E. A., Pan, A., Malik, V., & Sun, Q. (2012, March 15). White rice consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: Meta-analysis and systemic review. British Medical Journal, 344. 5

(2016, Augest 23).


. Retrieved from http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/

20160823/bkn-20160823150424843-0823_00822_001.html 6

(2006, June 8).

. Retrieved from http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/supplement/

20060608/2663423/ 7 Diabetes.co.uk. (2017). Glycemic Load. Retrieved from http://www.diabetes.co.uk/diet/glycemic-load.html 8


. Retrieved from http://www.diabetes-hk.org/page/ch/


9 Department of Health. (2007). Healthy Eating Project in Food Premises: Population-Based Survey. Retrieved from http://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/ Baseline_Survey_for_EatSmart_restaurant_hk_Campaign_Eng.pdf



1: Medical Practitioner Consultation




2: Patient A Interview










3: Patient B Interview



4: Caretaker of Patient B Interview





3 6.2





5: Patient C Interview






d 2





d... ...






6: Toi Story

Toi Story is one of our initial idea.


Vision Statement

Device with mobile application

Our design assist Diabetes patients in keeping health records automatically and giving advices to lifestyle management.

Key Function

Target User

Assist Diabetes patients in keeping health records automatically
 Give advices for lifestyle management

Diabetes patient whose disease can be managed by proper lifestyle

Design Quality


Automatic, Reassure, Regularly

• • •

To assist patients in their daily life and simplify the process for urine testing To record the change of body conditions through composition of urine automatically To present a complete record for medical assessment To collate a comprehensive record for the doctor’s ease of reference To give advices on health management in order to adjust the patient’s body conditions

Technology: Spectrometer Optical sensor (spectrometer) + light source that illuminates the sample



Screen-Based Meal mat

7: Other deprecated designs


 screen Interactive Table

Okay x x

x x




8: Sketch of Diarice



8: Sketch of Diarice

















app Interview







Interview App















700, 000 Diabetics in Hong Kong


User Journey

Diatary provides an enjoyable dining experience to enhance the quality of Diabetic life. It is a health manager of Diabetics and a tool for enhancing the quality of life of diabetics by providing an enjoyable dining out experience.In order to increase social interaction, the serving system tries to reduce the time for choosing between different types of food and the mobile application can complete dietary record simultaneously. Diatary also records blood gluclose level for the diabetics' ease of reference. 6.2





Diatary provides an enjoyable dining experience to enhance the quality of Diabetic life. 2017 FEB


Chicken Wing

87 KCal


Diatary is a health manager for Diabetics. It is a tool that enhances the quality of Diabetic life, by providing enjoyable yet carefree dining out experience. In order to increase social




700, 000


Diabetics in Hong Kong

in 10


Pair cell phone to bluetooth chopsticks

Diatary provides an enjoyable dining experience to enhance the quality of Diabetic life. 2017 FEB


Chicken Wing

87 KCal





enjoyable and carefree dining out experiences by reducing the consideration time of food and increasing social interaction. Customization to suit their dietary



requirements are allowed while dietary records is simultaneously recorded and blood glucose levels are updated by the user which are easily accessed for the

Hong Kong people dine out over 4 times a week

700, 000


Diabetics in Hong Kong

in 10

Smart Utensils

Food intake measurement & automatic record


59.3% Hong Kong people dine out over 4 times a week





user’s reference. Safe


Diatary is a health manager for Diabetics. It provides


dietary record, thus they can enjoy their meal without being worried over their diet concerns. Diatary also keeps blood glucose level record for the Diabetic’s ease of reference.

- 1+



interaction, the serving system reduces the consideration time of food, allow the user to customize the dishes which suit their dietary needs and simultaneously completes their


Low-glycemic index Dim Sum restaurant




Siu Mai

Capstone Project

Diatary provides an enjoyable dining experience to enhance the quality of Diabetic life.

2017 FEB

Capstone Project 2

Capstone Project 2




Review the balanced diet chart on app

Eating with Chopsticks

Select foods based on the level of calories

Their appetite always goes out of control. Yet, healthy eating helps them to reverse their Diabetes naturally. Therefore, we are going to design an application with serving system which

10 in 1 7



Siu Mai

Milk Bread


42 KCal

87 KCal

24 KCal

Review daily food intake record

Hong Kong people dine out over 4 times a week



There is a type of Diabetes caused by extremely poor diet.


called Diatary. It aims to delight Diabetics by leading them to eat balanced meal on a low-glycemic diet and maintaining a


Mobile App

at home, this might cause an increase in diabetes that is caused by extremely poor diet, however, this can be reduced or reversed naturally by proper diet control and healthy eating. Diatary is an application designed with a serving system, it helps diabetics have a balanced


Pair Up

healthy level of blood glucose.

Input blood glucose level if needed

meal with a low-glycemic index and maintain healthy glucose levels.

In the first phase, the focus is on the HK tea house, as it is a very popular choice for people to get together and have meals in Hong Kong.


In Hong Kong the culture of eating out is more than cooking and eating


The first phase is focused on the tea house as it is a popular choice for people to gather and have meals in Hong Kong.



Data There is a type of Diabetics who caused by extremely poor diet. Their appetite always goes out of control.

Application Pick up

RFID reader

Yet, healthy eating helps them to reverse their

BA(Hons) Interactive Media CHECK Ka Wai 15051124D // KWOK Tak Lok 15027714D

Diabetes naturally. Therefore, we are going to design an application with serving system which called Diatary. It aims to delight Diabetics by leading them to

Food scale

Arduino with Bluetooth

Food data


Wireless charging

eat balanced meal on a low-glycemic diet and maintaining a healthy level of blood glucose. It focuses on Yum Cha in the first phase, for it is a very popular choice for people to get together and catch up


LED Load cell

Level of Calories Food scale

Arduino with RFID

Food data & Tracking

Wireless charging

Electric charge



EatSmart restaurant Base

RFID reader


Arduino with Bluetooth

Electric charge

Wireless charging


Check List

User Journey


in Hong Kong.


Load cell


Pair cell phone to chopssticks via bluetooth





Eating with Chopsticks


Review the balanced diet chart on app


7 Siu Mai

Chicken Wing


42 KCal

87 KCal

24 KCal

Review daily food intake record


Health Record

Input blood glucose level if needed


Food Diary

Analysis & Rewards

Pair up via Bluetooth

Dishes customization

#Blood Glucose #Meals

Food diary



Nutrition facts



BA(Hons) Interactive Media

Health record

CHEUK Ka Wai 15051124D // KWOK Tak Lok 15027714D

BA(Hons) Interactive Media CHEUK Ka Wai 15051124D // KWOK Tak Lok 15027714D

Check List

Analysis & Rewards

#Blood Glucose #Meals

Dishes Customization

Nutrition Facts

Food Menu



13: Journey Map

User Journey Daily Routine 6.2 6.2 1











Test blood glucose




Enter data into app


Eat at home


Take a photo of food

Confirm information

Dining Out

Chicken Wing

87 KCal / 44 GI


Search for nearby Eat smart restaurants



Go to restaurant

Enjoy social interaction



Pair personal a/c to chopsticks via bluetooth

Look over real-time record


Eat with smart utensils

Review SUN


























Siu Mai

Chicken Wing









42 KCal

87 KCal

92 KCal




Food intake record


Balancing diet chart


Blood glucose level



Read nutrition facts

Monthly analisis & rewards


Modify selected dishes

Order meals




#include #include #include #include

14: Arduino code

<SPI.h> <MFRC522.h> "HX711.h" <SoftwareSerial.h>

void loop() { // Keep reading from HC-05 and send to Arduino Serial Monitor if (BT.available()){

#define SS_PIN 10 #define RST_PIN 9 MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance. HX711 scale(A1, A0); SoftwareSerial BT(5, 4); //TXRX char at; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); BT.begin(9600); SPI.begin(); // Initiate SPI bus mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Initiate MFRC522 scale.set_scale(450.f); scale.tare(); Serial.print("Original: \t\t"); Serial.println(scale.read()); Serial.print("get value: \t\t"); Serial.println(scale.get_value(5)); Serial.print("get units: \t\t"); Serial.println(scale.get_units(5), 1); Serial.println("Approximate your card to the reader..."); Serial.println();


at = BT.read(); Serial.print(at); //BT.println(Output); } // Keep reading from Arduino Serial Monitor and send to HC-05 if (Serial.available()>0){ at = Serial.read(); BT.print(at); } // Look for new cards if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) { return; } // Select one of the cards if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) { return; } //Show UID on serial monitor BT.print("RFID tag :"); String content= ""; byte letter; for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++) { BT.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " "); BT.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX); content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ")); content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX)); } BT.println(); content.toUpperCase();

float Honey = scale.get_units(); Serial.println(Honey,1); delay(1000);*/

if (content.substring(1) == "04 96 A5 89 BE 97 F9") //change here the UID of the card/cards that you want to give access { BT.print("\t"); BT.print("\t\t\t\t\t\t Steamed Pork Patties: \t\t"); int Honey1 = scale.get_units(); BT.print(Honey1); BT.println('g'); BT.print("\t"); BT.print("\t\t\t\t\t\t Oscar Cheuk picked up: \t\t\t\t"); delay(10000); int Honey2 = scale.get_units(); BT.print(abs(Honey2-Honey1)); BT.println("g"); delay(10000); BT.println("\t"); BT.print("RFID tag :"); BT.println(content.substring(1)); BT.print("\t"); BT.print("Oscar Cheuk ate "); BT.print(abs(Honey2-Honey1)); BT.println("g Steamed Pork Patties"); BT.println("\t"); scale.power_down(); mode delay(5000); scale.power_up(); } else { BT.println(" Access denied"); delay(1000); BT.println("\t"); } }

// put the ADC in sleep



15: System Diagram

RFID Chips Locate chopsticks

RFID Reader Track chopsticks & food

Load Cell Measure food intake

RFID Reader Track chopsticks

Arduino Board

Arduino Board Run the code

Run the code



Send data to terminal

Send data to terminal

Battery & Coils

Battery & Coils Wireless charging

Wireless charging

Link personal account






16: Storyboard



16: Storyboard

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