(+66)992544612 J.LAPANAN

(+66)992544612 J.LAPANAN
An interdisciplinary visual designer with experiences in visual merchandise, retail, art exhibition and installation design
Enjoys applying various artistic practices from floral design, graphic design, films and fashion to styling works
Spotted for an unconventional perspective which highlights creativity and problem solving skills With a capability to handle work independently and deliver assignments with precision
A collaborative person who is comfortable leading and supporting a team to achieve shared goals Additionally, an art and design lover opens to a progressive opportunity in a creative industry
Assistant, Trade Marketing Coordination (Visual Merchandise) at DKSH (Thailand) Limited
Remotely networked Cambodia brunch and assisted on in-store visual merchandise suggestions
for a store opening The Cambodia team successfully delivered a store opening on schedule, resulting in profitable outcomes for the company
Accomplished more than 5 projects in visual merchandising and marketing department
Stepped up and performed senior assignments when the senior was on leave, effectively managing the tasks and ensuring smooth project delivery
Coordinated with the marketing team, sales team, graphic designer and supplier to develop
gift with purchase (GWP) items and successfully launch the campaign
Resolved a lighting problem in a pop-up display with a department store by collaborating with
the floor supervisor and delivered a satisfactory solution that met the requirements of both parties
Retail Store Manager at 333 Anywhere Contemporary Art Gallery
Apr 2021 - Oct 2021
Successfully negotiated over 20 artists to sell their products at the shop within six months of its opening, thereby expanding the product range and increasing customer engagement
Curated a fitting merchandise selection for the audience during the Bangkok Design Week festival, Managed and executed multiple daily tasks, including sales, stock management, store display, and resulting in a significant increase in sales to 10k per day
social media content creation My ability to handle multiple tasks effectively helped ensure the smooth operation of the store
Bachelor degree of Fine Arts at School of Architecture and Design (SoA+D) King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
Bangkok Design Week 2022 at River City Bangkok
Jul 2016 - Jun 2020
Participated as Baan Boon Broom team to exhibit an installation at River City Bangkok Handed over a project proposal and a presentation, which was selected by the organiser Delivered PR materials for social media posts, additionally wrote an online article and content to promote the project
Chiang Mai Design Week 2022 at Kalm Village
Led the initiation of installation design based on the assigned concept and contributed to develop
Handed over a presentation and an installing guideline to ensure seamless installation the execution of the project As well as, successfully showcased the installation on schedule at the Chiang Mai Design Week
Soi Convent[ion] projects as Liv id Collective
Hosted exhibition as a Liv id Collective member for Soi Convent[ion] project, aligned with
Galleries’ Nights and Bangkok Biennial event
Coordinated with various partnership for fund-raising and media press including Goethe-Institut Thailand, art4d, Silpakorn University International College and La Fete (Ambassade de France en Thailande) Collaborated with artists, students, public officers and Convent alley vendors to channel participants
to the local The artists and students produced over 10 projects, increased association and sustained the vendors
Tested a metaverse of Convent alley in Gather Town as an alternative exhibition method during
the COVID-19 pandemic The metaverse effectively launched both online and in physical space, presenting the exhibition to wider audiences
5-year experience on Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
3-year experience on web-based design tool including Wix, Canva
2-year basic accounting on Microsoft Excel, Flowaccount