Income Producing Activities Weekly Checklist Consultant – choose ONE activity from each category (5 per week) Senior Consultant – choose TWO activities from each category (10 per week) Leadership Track – choose THREE activities from each category (15 per week) Share Thirty-One with others
Put 1 new recruiting seed in your WOW presentation Follow up with someone who expressed interest Complete one recruiting training on TOT Fb message someone who expressed interest Ask a friend/customer for recruiting referrals TIME SPENT ON MY BUSINESS TODAY: ________ mins.
BOOKING GOAL: _____ booking(s) in ____________
Mark your available dates on the calendar Ask each guest at a party to book for the future Contact 2 teams/charities about fundraising Put your own Open House or party on your calendar Contact 3 previous hostesses about booking this season EVERYDAY: check TOT for updates & answer calls/emails
Boost Your Sales
- pick activity from category - Do the everyday activity - Log your time spent TOTAL TIME this week ______
RECRUITING GOAL: _____ team member(s) by ____________
Send a recruiting redstamp to someone Watch 1 recruiting video on TOT Call/text/email a past hostess; meet for coffee Call/text/email a past customer about opportunity Practice your WHY 60-second speech EVERYDAY: check TOT for updates & answer calls/emails
Create a Full Calendar
Each Day for 5 days:
Call/text/email 3 people from your email activity report Call and thank last month’s customers; ask about hosting Find and book one vendor event Create/update list of 62 and call 3 people on it Put 1 new booking seed in your WOW presentation TIME SPENT ON MY BUSINESS TODAY: ________ mins.
SALES GOAL: _____ personal volume in ____________
Complete one section of ‘Selling’ training on TOT Create a hostess stacking segment in your WOW presentation Print the Hostess Coaching Checklist and use it for a party! Use your email activity report to contact 3 people Create your own WOW party presentation EVERYDAY: check TOT for updates & answer calls/emails
Carry 3 products and 3 minis today Look for 31 products - Hand out minis or business cards Send the monthly special to 3 previous customers Make 3 pink glove calls (last month’s customers) Send pers. preview to 3 fb friends (name, school, kids, etc.) TIME SPENT ON MY BUSINESS TODAY: ________ mins.
Market yourself and your business… Create/give out 2 hostess packets Create/give out 2 recruiting packets Hand out 3 minis today around town Create/schedule 3 social media posts: VIP or business page Record/upload one video about your favorite use for a product EVERYDAY: check TOT for updates & answer calls/emails
Create 3 marketing goals for the month Contact 1 local business about collaboration: giveaway, etc. Attend a networking group (take business cards) Find an event to sponsor: race, team, fundraiser, charity, school Ask a hostess or customer to ‘test’ a new product for a week TIME SPENT ON MY BUSINESS TODAY: ________ mins.
Make your business shine… Start/update lead mgmt system: phone, online, notebook Complete one section of ‘Running my Business’ on TOT Record expenses from previous week/month Create/update your Vision Board or journal Read 10 mins: DS or inspirational book EVERYDAY: check TOT for updates & answer calls/emails
Call your accountability partner (or find one!) Create/update your Goals Planner/Worksheet Write down your business goals for the week/month Call your upline for a quick chat or update or pep talk! Create/update your long-term personal and business goals TIME SPENT ON MY BUSINESS TODAY: ________ mins.
“Don’t make hope your business plan. It’s not enough to want it. You have to work it.” ~ Mary Christensen