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New England Wellness Solutions


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Jimmy is on a mission to bridge the gap between four generations of East Asian medicine He is a Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine licensed acupuncturist, and a student for Life! He is the founder of New England Wellness Solutions of Hanover specializing in Orthopedic and Oncology Acupuncture. Jimmy is an active Friends of South Shore Hospital member, has served on the board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Society of Massachusetts, and is a member of Acupuncturists Without Borders. His burning desire is to provide his patients with hope and the belief that they could get well.


Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine

Licensed Acupuncturist

Licensed Massage Therapist

Certified Polarity Therapist

Reiki Master

Acupuncture is a modality used for the treatment and management of diseases or conditions through the stimulation of certain body points (acupuncture points) using pre-sterilized, disposable, filiform needles

Acupuncture is part of a comprehensive medical system and can be used for a wide variety of conditions. Its use for pain is most widely known, but there is strong positive or promising modern evidence of effectiveness for over 45 conditions, and it has traditionally been used as part of a treatment regimen for many more Acupuncture has also been shown to be safe and cost- effective when delivered by a quality provider. Many of the top medical institutions in America now incorporate acupuncture into their patients care, including the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and the Cleveland Clinic

Two days later, the Sun enters Aries marking the spring equinox very late on Monday, March 20th. Less than 24 hours later, the New Moon in Aries occurs. Can you say HELLO SPRINGTIME?! Hold on to your hat! This double Aries event, marking the Sun and Moon moving into the first degree of the first sign of the zodiac is rare indeed Together, they mark a brand new era beginning The Sun (our will and identity) and Moon (our emotions, family and home) usher in energy no one alive has ever witnessed This is a heightened call to action

Aries energy is bold, fearless, brave, courageous, and trail blazing Aries is the sign of the pioneer, the warrior and the executive. It acts first and asks questions later. We are called to go where we have not tread before. Where are you called to be brave and do what you have never done?

By the latter half of March, cosmic energies have shifted from Pisces to Aries. The Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and briefly the New Moon, cycle through initiating Aries. You will feel the difference. Spring Fever anyone? The caution with a whole lot of Aries energy is impulse control. Be sure to hit the pause button the final days of March. There are no take-backs with words or actions so handle yourself and others with care. The gear shifts keep churning two more times before month’s end First Pluto, then its younger sibling Mars Think higher and lower octave on a musical scale Both planets rule desire, motivation, and action For if we did not desire (anything) we would not be motivated to move forward in life The outer-most planet, Pluto takes the longest to circle the sun and thus moves from one sign to another very seldom Since 2008, Pluto has cycled through the final earth sign: Capricorn.

Black and white, unsentimental, businesslike and political, Capricorn turns a cold eye on life. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn keeps score: You’ve either done the thing or you have not; you either showed up or you didn’t. Capricorn doesn’t care about excuses.

Now, Pluto moves into Aquarius. For a few months at least, through early June. It gives us a preview of things to come, when it will return to Aquarius in January 2024 until March 2043, for twenty-one years. Can you imagine what life will look like by then? But for right now, for just over two months, we get a taste of what that may be.

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