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Industry & Farm Inputs
For a grower busy with the everyday on farm planning, decision making and operations there is little time to reflect on and fully comprehend the bigger picture of what representative organisations like CANEGROWERS and National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) are doing which can have immediate benefits. I have taken a few small issues which are being dealt with by NFF which could and will affect a number of our CANEGROWERS members.
Right to repair - NFF is in the process of workshopping a draft memorandum of understanding (MoU) granting Australian farmers the right to repair, to be negotiated between NFF and the Tractor and Machinery Association of Australia (TMA). This work is in alignment with next steps and strict timelines for those steps discussed by NFF Members Council in April 2023.
Importantly, NFF emphasise that pursuing an MoU does not preclude NFF from continuing advocacy towards a legislated right to repair scheme. It is their assessment that this demonstrates good faith from industry and, if this course of action does not deliver desired outcomes in the coming months, this will only further and firmly demonstrate the need for legislative intervention to interested Ministers and the Government.
Instant asset write off - NFF is continuing its advocacy to the Government to extend the Instant Asset Write Off (IAWO), to cover plant and machinery ordered and invoiced prior to 30 June 2023 which have not been received. Significant delays to existing orders disadvantage farmers who made good faith investments in line with government policy. Due to factors outside their control, farmers will lose out.
The NFF has written to the Treasurer on a number of occasions highlighting the direct impact on farmers if the IAWO is not extended. The NFF is also engaging directly with the Treasurer’s office and relevant advisors.
Fuel tax credits – For now the Government has left the Fuel Tax Credits Scheme unchanged and NFF will continue to advocate to politicians of all persuasions to correct misinformation regarding Fuel Tax Credits and explain the important role they play in farm businesses.
Industrial relations - NFF has commenced a campaign alongside multiple business groups to push back against the Government’s upcoming industrial relations reforms, importantly, the Same Job Same Pay policy. This could mean a whole lot of red tape for farmers. NFF will continue to press the issue with government and update members accordingly.
Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme - The Government is currently reforming the PALM scheme Deed and Guidelines, which an approved employer (AE) must agree to in order to hire PALM workers. Most AEs are grossly unhappy with the current state of play, which contains new requirements relating to minimum hours, minimum pay, and vastly increased admin and red tape requirements. This shows no sensitivity for the pressures of managing harvest workforce and is commercially unrealistic. NFF has strongly expressed this concern with the relevant ministers.
This list could go on, but the point is CANEGROWERS being a member of NFF has the opportunity to ensure cane growers issues are in the mix and have added weight at a national level backed by the whole NFF membership. Each CANEGROWERS member contributes to allow this work to happen, and I firmly believe the benefit of collective representation far outweighs the cost.