4 minute read

canfitpro Official Magazine | May/June, 2023



By Paul Galloro


From eating whole, organic foods to the ancient art of forest bathing, the deeper our connection to nature, the greater the effect it has on our energy.

Prana, the Sanskrit “word” for life force energy, is present within all living things. It sustains life, governs the natural cycles of everything, and is accessed through breath. When we spend time in a natural environment, whether it is the woods, mountains, or by a body of water, we absorb prana and it revitalizes our energy, like plugging your phone into an electrical outlet.

The organ within our body with the greatest amount of life force is our heart. According to HeartMath Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to “awakening the heart of humanity,” the heart’s electrical field is 60 times greater than that of the brain. When we live in alignment with our heart, we truly come alive.

No matter what activity you perform outdoors, doing it mindfully and with intention will help you draw in prana and recharge your heart’s electrical field while aligning with the natural cycles of life. Next time you take your workout outdoors, try the following meditative techniques and notice the effects it has on your whole being.


Standing with feet shoulder distance apart, take a deep breath in and move and stretch as you set an intention for this experience. Then, with feet parallel, shift your bodyweight back and forth between the balls of your feet and your heels, keeping your feet connected to the ground as you do so. Next, keep your bodyweight on the balls of your feet with heels grounded and begin to bend and extend your knees, keeping shoulders, hips, and heels stacked. Repeat this six times and then hold the position with knees bent while you breathe naturally and deeply for at least 30 seconds. Feel a downward current of energy flow from the top of your head to your feet and sense it is anchoring you into the earth.

Now that we are grounded, let us have some fun!

Elevate Your Heart Rate

Whether it is a brisk walk through the woods or a 20-minute HIIT workout in a park, get your heart pumping. As you do this, breathe deeply, and notice how your body responds to the movement. The focus here is to move and have fun!

Walk With Purpose

As a cool down to your movement, walk at a natural pace and begin to slow your breathing. Regardless of speed, be intentional with each step. Notice how your feet interact with the ground and take in all sensory information: what you see, hear, feel, smell, and (if applicable) taste. Continue breathing deeply, feeling your lungs expand, softening your

abdomen, and allowing your pelvis to move freely. Naturally allow your pace to decrease.

Once you find yourself walking with purpose at a rhythmic pace, begin to coordinate your breath with your steps. Count how many steps it takes for you to fully inhale, and then match your steps on the exhale. Again, naturally allow your pace to decrease and continue engaging all your senses here.

Let Your Heart Lead the Way

Continue as above and move as though your heart is leading the way. Direct your awareness to the centre of your chest where your heart energy resides and let it guide you forward. This may feel awkward or uncomfortable at first, and if that is the case, allow the feeling to be present as you move and bring your awareness back to your breath and the energy of your heart. Affirm to yourself “I am grounded, I am joyful, I am loved,” or anything that brings a sense of peace to your experience.

Paul Galloro’s approach to health and wellness goes beyond the physical and is grounded in Love. With 18 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, he blends modern sciences with ancient practices to help people fall wildly in love with themselves. paulgalloro.com

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