4 minute read



By Trish Tonaj


As we expand and grow our businesses, we create a network of like-minded individuals who share our interests and contribute to the dialogue.

Recently, I have had many conversations with individuals who feel the most powerful opportunities present themselves when we meet in-person, attending conferences and trade shows.

An investment in the future

Business owners and professionals attend these events to meet new people, build connections, and create new opportunities. Expanding our networks is part of the formula for success and encouraging meaningful connections is part of that equation.

There is no doubt that meeting people face-to-face is immensely powerful and most of us would never miss the opportunity to share experiences with tips and tools for success. When we attend on-site events, we often view things through a different lens and share valuable information. It can become the ultimate formula for strategic planning and growth. But how do we maximize our time and energy at large events over a few days?

Trade shows and conferences are an investment in our future. In today’s business climate everyone is looking for ways to “up their game” and to do that, we need to think strategically. Purposeful attendance in simple terms means you have a plan to maximize your time, energy, and money.

Here are three suggestions that lead to patterns for ongoing success:

1. Do Your Research

canfitpro Global Conference and Trade Show provides a list of suppliers and vendors who will be exhibiting. Take the time to review the list and decide who you would like to meet, take extra time at their booth, and do a deep dive into their product and/or service. Include a visit to their website and create a list of questions that will maximize your face-to-face time. This approach will ensure you are respectful of everyone’s time and demonstrate purposeful attendance.

2. Ad Hoc Networking

We all have many followers or connections throughout social media, post your attendance and book appointments with colleagues who are potential collaborators. It is time well spent as a thought leader to connect with other business owners who may be in competitive and non-competitive markets to learn a little about their business. The theme is collaboration without competition. Why not be the person to create an ad hoc networking event that supports not only the vision for the conference but creates purposeful attendance for our on-line connections?

3. Participate in NEW Workshops/Sessions

We become comfortable with our strategic plan especially if our formula has been successful, but we often forget that to remain relevant to our customers we must continuously offer updated and new products/services that engage and encourage client success. Listen to the customer! Become familiar with the unfamiliar, it may create a unique environment for expansion and growth through purposeful attendance.

You get the idea

You may feel what is old is new again, however, to maximize our on-site experience we need to be strategic with our time. Gone are the days when we aimlessly roam around trade shows and “bump” into other attendees, chat about business trends, and share success stories.

It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “Time is Money” and today everyone is looking for meaningful ways to stay motivated, encourage client retention, and create new revenue streams.

Purposeful attendance is a fantastic way to maximize time, energy and secure our investment when attending canfitpro Global.

Trish Tonaj is a certified Personal Trainer, Master Coach, Author, and Speaker on mentorship. She is the founder and host for shareyourstories.online a marketing portal in support of entrepreneurship and sharing great ideas.

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