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That very same diet may have worked for one individual but did not work for another.

When it comes to nutrition, one-sizefits-all diets are ineffective. According to existing medical research, fewer than 5% of all dieters succeed in losing a significant amount of weight and maintaining that weightloss over a five-year period. Ninety percent of all dieters regain some or all the weight originally lost and one-third gain more. NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) reports that in recent years an increasing body of research has substantiated this diet failure rate and acknowledged genetic and physiological factors in the determination of body size.

The reality is that our genetic makeup matters. Standardized diets and nutritional approaches fail to acknowledge that, due to genetic differences, people are all vastly unique on a biochemical or metabolic level. In other words, we process food and utilize nutrients differently - metabolism varies from person to person.

Metabolism and Cellular Energy

Metabolism is merely the sum of the chemical and biological activities that take place in the body that are necessary to sustain life. Metabolism occurs on a cellular level and is fueled by energy. This energy comes from the food we eat.

Each day, our cells burn (oxidize) protein, carbohydrates, and fats to produce energy. Vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from food are used to build and repair cells and tissues – energy is also required for these activities. Thus, energy metabolism is a vital component to sustained health.

Just as we all look different externally (hair color, eye color, and skin tone), we also oxidize food and create cellular energy differently – some more slowly and some more quickly. For this reason, our nutritional needs vary. Some people need more protein, while others require more vegetable carbohydrates to feel energized, maintain an ideal weight, prevent disease, and achieve optimal health. A diet or nutrient that works well for one person may have no effect on a second person and may make things worse for a third person.

William Wolcott, author of The Metabolic Typing Diet, explains it best: Unless you acquire all the nutrients for which you have a genetically programmed need, your cells’ ability to perform their functions will be impaired. As your cells lose the

ability to produce adequate energy because they lack specific nutrients, they also lose their ability to repair and rebuild tissue. As the cells of an organ become weakened and less able to fulfill their roles, the function of the organ itself becomes weak and inefficient. When this happens, stress is put on your entire system – with disease as the inevitable result.

Through the application of the nutritional methodology of metabolic profiling, a customized dietary solution can be identified, offering weight-loss and disease prevention benefits.

Metabolic Profiling

Metabolic profiling is not a new dietary fad, theory, or experiment. It developed over a period of 70 years of pioneering research by notable physicians, dentists, biochemists, and psychologists.

Their collective work categorized an individual’s physiological, psychological, and diet-related characteristics according to their relationship to the body’s main energy producing systems – the autonomic nervous system and the oxidative system.

Bloodwork is not required to determine your personal metabolic profile. Instead, by completing a condensed, written questionnaire, individuals can discover how their unique personal characteristics form certain patterns which fit into one of three metabolic classifications or profiles.

Metabolic Profile Types

Each of the three distinct metabolic classifications has unique dietary guidelines designed to positively impact the body’s cellular energyproducing systems.

1. The Protein Profile lives to eat, often thinking about food. This profile tends to have a large appetite and requires more beef, fish, and chicken in their diet.

2. The Carbohydrate Profile eats solely to live. They tend not to think about food and are seldom hungry. They are best fueled by a healthy supply of vegetables.

3. The Mixed Profile enjoys food but does not focus on it. With a moderate appetite, the Mixed Profile requires a good balance of all food groups.

Discover Your Metabolic Profile

A metabolically appropriate diet will position an individual for permanent weight-loss without struggle, deprivation, or calorie-restriction, while also enhancing both physical and mental energy.

Curious to help your clients discover their unique profile? Take the FREE metabolic profile assessment at TymPlates.com.

The results might just surprise you and your clients and inspire changes so that your meals match your metabolism!

Kristy Dotson is a speaker, author, and inventor of the patented TymPlates® Nutrition System. She endeavors to help women regain their health and vitality through customized nutrition. She is a coauthor of Fight to Live – Winning the Spiritual and Physical Battle for Your Health and her 2023 release, Connecting the Dots.
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