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Top Recovery & Regeneration Techniques

Your Clients Get Back To Peak Performance As Quickly As Possible

By Meghan Jarvis


As the starting point guard and highest scorer, I was determined to lead my team to victory in the provincial championships. But with just five minutes left in the game, disaster struck. I went down with what seemed to be a season-ending ankle injury. Despite having access to some of the best exercise physiologists and rehab specialists in Toronto, the rehabilitation process was slow and painful. My coach refused to give up, pushing the boundaries of traditional recovery methods to get me back on the court.

Today, I find myself in a different role. I now guide elite athletes such as Olympians, pro athletes, and high-performance clients through their fitness training and recovery. I constantly strive to find the latest and greatest methods to get my athletes back into their sporting arenas as quickly as possible and keep them performing at their best.

I will share with you my top recovery techniques that can be game changers for your clients and your business. These techniques can help them return, and stay, in peak performance condition by recovering and rejuvenating as quickly as possible, bringing a sense of relief and optimism to their journey.

Cold Plunge: Diminish Inflammation and Increase Recovery

Cold plunges, or ice baths, are an excellent way to reduce inflammation and expedite recovery. By immersing in icy water, blood vessels constrict and then dilate once you exit, promoting circulation and reducing muscle soreness. A two-minute cold plunge can significantly enhance recovery, manage pain, and boost immunity. I suggest to clients that they first attempt cold showers to help them adjust to the sensation. I then ease them into a cold plunge, initially for only 20-30 seconds. Preparing your client with proper breathwork and safely performing cold plunges is essential; check out this tutorial on the top ten tips to use this recovery technique with clients effectively.

Compression Therapy: Clear Lactic Acid and Reduce Muscle Soreness

Compression therapy consists of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) devices that apply controlled pressure to limbs, which enhances circulation while reducing swelling. This mimics the natural muscle pump effect, which pushes blood and lymphatic fluid throughout the body to clear metabolic wastes, such as lactic acid. Sessions of 10-20 minutes can significantly reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery times. Learn more about the science behind compression therapy here

Another secret to compression therapy is to ensure your clients are pairing this recovery technique with dry brushing their lymphatic system after using the compression therapy boots. This assists with reducing fluid building up in a particular area and drains the lymphatic system. Check out this video demonstration

Infrared Sauna: Deep Relaxation and Muscle Tension Relief

Infrared saunas use state-of-the-art technology to provide deep relaxation and detoxification. By emitting infrared light, they penetrate the skin which promotes muscle recovery, reduced tension, and enhanced circulation. A 10-20-minute session can improve mood, boost metabolism, and support overall well-being. Portable infrared saunas are now available, and they are easy to set up in small spaces. Learn more about the science behind infrared light therapy here. You can also utilize the time spent in the sauna after a workout to have your client continue to stretch. As an additional calming technique, try adding sound healing using sounds tuned into 432 Hz, which is thought to improve mental balance, reduce tension, and support emotional well-being.

Magnetic Therapy Mat: Enhance Circulation and Boost Cellular Energy

Magnetic therapy uses low-frequency electromagnetic waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This method enhances circulation, reduces inflammation, and boosts cellular energy. A typical three-tofive-minute session can significantly accelerate recovery and improve overall health for your client. Best of all, they are lightweight, easily transportable, require minimal set-up and are a fantastic way to assist your client in relaxation and recovery after a workout. Learn more about the science behind pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) treatment here. This example of the Infrared PEMF Mat combines two powerful healing technologies to create the ultimate recovery tool.

State-of-the-Art Muscle Recovery Tools: Comprehensive Approach

Incorporating a variety of muscle recovery tools can offer a comprehensive approach to client recovery:

• Vibrating and Heated Foam Rolling: Accelerates warm-up and recovery times, compared to traditional foam rollers. Example here

• Hot and Cold Massage Guns: Provides deep tissue massage to relieve soreness. Example here

• Local Cryotherapy: Reduces inflammation and pain through targeted cold therapy utilising cryo-trigger massage. This is an example by Hyperice

Each tool plays a crucial role in reducing muscle tension, improving circulation, and accelerating recovery. Vibrating foam rollers help prime the body for activity and speed recovery, while massage guns provide targeted deep tissue relief.


My high school basketball season may have been cut short due to an ankle injury, but I discovered the power of diverse recovery methods through innovation and resilience at an early age. These techniques have transformed my approach as an exercise physiologist to athlete rehabilitation. These methods are valuable tools for fitness professionals who are looking to enhance their clients’ recovery processes.

By integrating these advanced recovery methods into your clients’ training sessions, you play a crucial and empowering role in offering diverse options that cater to individual needs. These therapies are designed to accelerate your client’s journey back to peak performance. Whether through cold plunges, compression therapy, infrared saunas, magnetic mats, or muscle recovery tools, the key is to continually push the limits and explore the best possible ways to support health and regeneration.

Meghan Jarvis is a former World-Class BMX bicycle racer, proathlete, Australian Ninja Warrior, businesswoman, writer, actor, and stuntwoman. She is the Founder and CEO of WellCorp, a Corporate Wellness Company that blends fitness facilities, technology, wellbeing, and mental health programs.
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