Jasper Sharp talks about his work in Vienna FROM THE LAYARD TO THE WEST END
Mamma Mia star Chris Dickins recalls his Canford years
OC Society President’s welcome
What would you do with £275,000?
This is the question that has occupied the committee of the Old Canfordian Society for several years and now we’re asking you to vote on the financial future of the Society. In previous magazines and other publications, I have talked about the committee’s plans for the funds of the Society and told you that we hoped to hand them over to the School for the Development Office to manage in furtherance of the original aims of the Society. This has been the topic of much discussion at the Society’s AGMs since 2022 and we have taken advice on how to ensure the value of the donation is not diminished by tax. We have concluded that the funds should be donated to the Martin Marriott Foundation, where they will be invested to provide bursaries for deserving pupils who would otherwise be unable to enjoy and benefit from all that a Canford education has to offer today.
£20,000 to their current value, and we have been able to make significant donations to the School, including £30,000 towards the centenary celebrations last year.
Simon served for 20 years as Honorary Secretary and he played a key role in setting up the Canford Careers Convention which he ran until 2014. His knowledge of the history of the Society will be missed but his meticulous record keeping has ensured that any information we require can be easily traced. Current and past committee members would like to thank Colin and Simon for their outstanding contribution to the Old Canfordian Society.
President’s welcome
Spheres of influence
The three aims of our Society are:
What is the first emotion you feel when you think of Canford?
(i) The promotion of good fellowship between Old Canfordians of all generations.
(ii) The introduction to all current pupils of the School to the aims, objectives and benefits of the Society.
(iii) The furtherance of the interests of Canford School.
The Development Office, with the support of the committee and other Old Canfordians, is delivering the first two of these aims and the Governors have committed to funding this from the School budget in perpetuity. Giving our funds to the Martin Marriott Foundation is consistent with the third.
For me it is tranquillity, like looking out from a shelter at the pouring rain or finding a cool patch of shade from the burning sun, letting out a sigh and relaxing to enjoy the beauty of nature. And yet when I think about it, I am surprised by my initial response.
To find out more and how to vote please see pages 6-9.
Committee’s thanks
This year has been a time of change within our Committee and, on behalf of us all I would like to thank Colin ChalklyMaber (S73), Simon de Halpert (F64), Steven Ives (S78), Mike Lerwill (SH62), Natalie Llewellyn (S94), Will Robinson (F09) and Amanda Seabrook (C92) for their valuable time and contributions to the Society. Particular thanks go to Colin and Simon.
The Society aims to bring together and connect Canfordians of all generations, from many different walks of life, throughout the world. Each of us is unique, shaped by our own set of experiences, and yet all connected by Canford. I found myself thinking about this on a damp December evening when I attended the unveiling of the Canford Sphere, its interconnecting circles designed to reflect the values, history and impact of Canford on lives past, present and future.
inadequate fire evacuation routes. Some had become flats for graduate assistants.
Canford was where I battled with teenage emotions, tried to work out where I fitted in social groups, struggled with A Levels and considered plans for my future. Despite this, for a long time afterwards, I looked on those two years as the best years of my life. We had a lot of fun, I enjoyed learning and worked hard enough to move on to the next step.
During Colin’s 30-year tenure as Honorary Treasurer, the Society funded the magazine, awarded a variety of grants and subsidised many OC activities. Thanks to his expertise in investment management, the assets have grown from
My visual memory is of the Manor House viewed from the Cricket Pavilion, and I remember how lucky we were to live in such a beautiful environment. When I was at school, in the 1980s, the Manor House was home to School and Wimborne Houses, both boarding houses. I remember only prefects being allowed to climb the grand staircase, the amazing views from the spacious School House lodges looking out over the sunken lawn and Mountjoy, the narrow stairs to the Wimborne sixth form lodges in the former servants’ quarters.
At Easter this year, Andrew Bruce, the estates director, kindly showed me around the Manor House shortly before the refurbishment was completed. Wimborne House had moved in and Salisbury were about to join them at the start of the new term. Lancaster House has also moved from the West Wing, home to Franklin in the ’80s, into the main house. Some of the partitions dividing the original rooms of the West Wing to create lodges have been removed recreating attractive rooms for welcoming guests to the school, and those spacious lodges at the front of the building on the first floor have been refurbished to create rooms that make the most of the view over Mountjoy and the Park beyond. In contrast, Andrew showed me around the new School and Monteacute Houses, two purpose-built modern buildings so different from their predecessors, similar to one another yet each with its own character.
I found it captivating, almost mesmerising. I thought of the many people I have known and how they have influenced my life, often unknowingly, and of those who will influence me in the future. I saw the pattern as a representation of the spheres of my life, the people within them and their different relationships to one another: connected directly or via other spheres, some overlapping, others containing or contained.
Although the Sphere is unchanging, I could follow different paths along the carved lines, choosing my direction or simply letting the lines take me, creating an impression of fluidity and completing the representation of life. On a larger scale, I see the Canford Sphere as a symbol of the Old Canfordian Society and the wider Canford Community, a diverse network of people with a common interest, each one individual and connected.
And there is more to come… I am looking forward to visiting my old lodges in the building I know as Beaufort and more recently Monteacute, which is to form part of the Sixth Form College. So many changes but still Canford, beautiful and tranquil, providing an environment in which today’s pupils can enjoy some of the best years of their lives.
Sheila Way (née Morrison, B86)
In the interests of Canfordians past, present and future, I urge you to read the article on page 6 and cast your vote.
Sheila Way (née Morrison, B86)
By the time I joined the Canford staff in 2011, Wimborne was a day house and no longer in the Manor House, the third floor lodges I remember having been declared unsuitable for occupation by pupils due to
A word from The Headmaster
Every year Rowena Gaston and I meet with the Upper Sixth just before the exam season commences.
At this stage they are already sharply focused on what lies ahead both in the immediate term, with their A Levels and the rapidly approaching ‘farewell’ events which mark their departure from Canford, but also on all the many exciting and daunting things which lie beyond school. Some of these future elements are taking shape and form, and other aspects are far less tangible. It is a watershed moment in many ways, and we try to ensure that the bridge between being a Canfordian and an OC is strong and visible, and that it is a connection which will endure throughout their lives. The concept of the Canford Community and all that means is writ large.
In that talk we show them a short film with photos of their ‘younger selves’ and also of the many experiences they have shared across the years, experiences which have helped them to develop and grow individually and together in so
many ways. Then we pose a number of questions and pause to give them time to reflect on their time at Canford.
Can you recall who you were then?
Who are you now?
What do you stand for?
What have you done/ not done in your time at Canford?
What have you learned/ not learned in your time at Canford?
What matters to you as you look ahead?
How do you see your life journey unfolding?
We seek to remind them that having a strong set of values provides an important bedrock on which to build one’s life, and that Canford’s values – Purposeful Engagement, Courageous Attitude, Humble Ambition and Gracious Leadership – are relevant to each of them as well as to our community. They are also dynamic, but no less valuable, as life unfolds.
They depart both excited yet pensive and we hope we have left some lasting impressions which will resonate, for some of them at least. Judging from some of the emails I received this year that is the case as with this one which says so much, I think.
We are also a much better and stronger school for being truly co-educational with 55% boys and 45% girls.
Our founder’s vision was to place Canford amongst leading independent schools; a worthy aim which remained little more than an acorn for many years. Aside from the myriad achievements of our pupils across so many areas of school life, Mr Warrington would have been very pleased also to see the national recognition afforded to Canford over the past year where we have been recognised through a range of awards for academic excellence, wellbeing and mental health provision, originality of teaching in music and the arts and more.
‘Canford has definitely been so much more than an education to me, I do hope that my A-levels go well, but I think that however they turn out I have learnt so much over the past five years here and developed into someone who I am so proud to be and to me that has so much more value than grades. I will definitely never be an extrovert or the loudest person in the room, but Canford has taught me that I definitely deserve to be heard and have value to bring, and ultimately that is down to you and the staff you employ who have all been extremely impactful for me.
“...it has been a pleasure and a privilege to engage with a wide array of OCs from many generations”
I think he would be justifiably proud to see how the Canford acorn has emerged to become a strong and sturdy oak, well rooted and full of potential.
We are a warm, supportive, vibrant and dynamic community which draws strength both from the threads of continuity alongside the capacity to embrace change. This was so evident in the centenary events arranged over the past few months and my sincere and wholehearted thanks to all the OCs who supported those wonderful occasions. Almost a century later, those values which our founder set out endure and our school values of Purposeful Engagement, Courageous Attitude, Humble Ambition and Gracious Leadership shine through each and every day.
‘So, I wanted to write an email to thank you for everything that Canford has brought me, as without Canford I don’t think I would have developed into the person who I am today. I know I still have a lot of personal development to continue with, but for me I am proud that I feel ready to leave Canford and go out into the world, because for a long time I didn’t think that would be possible.’
It has been a delight to experience a ‘normal’ school year after the disruption of Covid and the extraordinary array of educational experiences is certainly a testament to the quality of our teaching and coaching staff.
by more than 20 different ensembles over the year borne witness to the amazing music making that goes here. Over 600 pupils were actively engaged in house house art and the house film competitions. Our CCF and Outward Bound Adventure programme continues to flourish and provide significant opportunities challenge, leadership development and personal growth many wonderful ways. Take up for Duke of Edinburgh very strong with 52 in the Sixth Form and a further up from the Fifth Form. Our CCF is viewed as a real amongst the independent school sector and our Rifles and Pringle Trophy teams secured significant success
Many pupils have demonstrated their intellectual powers through the wide array of enrichment opportunities. We have seen 42 academic talks by Lower Sixth to Fourth Form pupils, 26 Shell Scholar talks, an amazing Festival of Ideas focused on ‘the importance of the individual in society’ and much more across over 25 academic enrichment societies. A significant number of individuals have earned recognition through considerable success in a wide range of highly competitive external academic competitions and Olympiads.
To my mind it is critical that education, and schools’ delivery of that learning, is in tune with Plato’s vision. He refers to a ‘learning society’ where an education is not simply embodied within specific roles or institutions, or encapsulated by educational systems, but is something which flows continually through all we think, say and do – as individuals – and through society on every level throughout our lives.
We have seen over 1,000 sports fixtures during the course of the year with almost every pupil representing the school in at least one of over 20 different sports. Individuals have hit heady heights with national, regional and performance academy involvement. Our sports teams, of which there are more than 100 for boys and girls, across a range of sports including cricket, rugby, rowing, football and netball, have reached the final stages of national competitions and we have been dominant players in regional competitions.
If we are to prepare Canfordians successfully to make their way in the world, then a Canford education needs to start with a fundamental focus on instilling a mindset in our young people which enables them to see
opportunities rather than obstacles, and values and skills which enable them to step through those open doors, and to push against those which appear to be closed. To do this they must feel that what they are learning has relevance, and they need to be able to make clear connections within and beyond the different strands of that learning so they can recognize its value and both articulate and apply it effectively in different ways at different times.
This mindset needs to go hand in glove with an understanding that, whilst dreams and goals are good, it is managing one’s own day-to-day behaviours and decisions which makes the real difference in the short and long term.
The quality of our drama is outstanding and wonderfully diverse with six major productions and numerous smaller performances over the course of the year. Those of you who attended the Salisbury Cathedral centenary service, the Proms in the Park Garden Party or indeed any of the 60 or so concerts, big and small, performed
Over the past months it has been a pleasure and a privilege to engage with a wide array of OCs from
2nd and 3rd respectively.
As we look ahead to the next 100 years there storm clouds on the horizon but our excellent governing body and the school are making careful plans to overcome the challenges which Labour’s tax plans may bring. is a crucial part of our local economy and I felt the annual statistics might be of interest to readers. Our total contribution to UK GDP is £38.9m, of which generated locally; we are just under 0.5% of Poole’s and support just over 0.5% of all jobs in Poole; we 867 local jobs, just over half of which are on site; total tax supported by our activities is £12.4m, of which direct from the school; it would cost taxpayers £4.3m
Our strategic plan is very much focused on Canford in a way which will enable the school to continue to flourish by providing a dynamic and relevant education in a setting which prepares our pupils professionally personally for what is a rapidly changing world. As that process, it is essential that our whole school community has a strong sense of social responsibility. We will continue engage actively with a wide range of social and community partnerships both locally and more widely. We currently over 70 ongoing partnership projects, 16 with state partners of which the Bourne Academy is the most (www.schoolstogether.org)
We remain fully committed to this partnership just as we do to opening access more widely to a education through the Martin Marriott Foundation Bursaries. My thanks to all those OCs who have contributed to this crucial work.
I hope this article gives little flavour of what going on and I hope very much we will see many engaged actively with the Canford Community in ahead. It is a special thing to be a part of!
many generations through reunions, the Careers Convention, research focus groups and individually on an informal basis. I have been struck very powerfully by how prominent all the important ingredients for life I have outlined above have been in evidence. As I look ahead to very significant changes in my own professional and personal life in 2025, it is uplifting and encouraging to know that I will be able to take both the values and the learning I have experienced as part of the Canford Community forward with me, just as this year’s leavers, and those who have gone before have done.
Ben Vessey
Ben Vessey
Old Canfordian The Society
Your Society
Your Choice
Your Vote
The Committee of the Old Canfordian Society (Society) proposes to donate the accumulated funds of the Society to the Martin Marriott Foundation, where they will be invested to provide transformational bursaries to deserving pupils who would otherwise be unable to access all that a Canford education has to offer. For more information about the Foundation please see page 8.
Once a Canfordian, Always a Canfordian
On leaving Canford, every pupil becomes a member of the Society. The Society was formed in 1923 and for many years parents paid a membership subscription as an “extra” on their school fee bills. However, in our inclusive community, we did not want to exclude those whose parents didn’t pay and so every former pupil was included on the mailing lists and in 2019 the Governors of the School decided that there should no longer be a separate subscription to join the Society. In harmony with the spirit of the Society “Once a Canfordian, Always a Canfordian” they made a commitment to fund all OC activities from school funds.
Excerpt from the Chair of Governors’ letter to the President of the Society, March 2019:
‘The Governors believe that, in the modern age, alumni relations and support to OCs can best be achieved through a professional team funded by school fees, rather than by a voluntary society, and hence that parent subscriptions to the Old Canfordian Society should cease.’
The critical importance of Old Canfordians (OCs) to Canford School
The actions of the School over more than a decade and discussions between the Society and both the Headmaster and successive Chairs of the Governing Body make it clear that meaningful and long-term engagement with its alumni lies at the core of Canford’s purpose and that OCs are an essential and continuing part of the Canford community.
The Development Office
Canford now benefits from a professional Development Office. Engagement with and between OCs has been fundamentally transformed as a result and all OC engagement today is via events organised, and contacts shared, through the Development Office, not through the Society. This started when the Development Office took over responsibility for maintaining the OC contact database over twenty years ago and has continued apace as the number and quality of OC events has increased in recent years. The Development Office is far better placed than the Society to organise and run events for OCs - we have moved well beyond a biannual magazine and the London Drinks Party.
The Development Office has been key to developing and enhancing the engagement with the School that all OCs enjoy and benefit from, as summarised on page 8. The Development Office will continue to lead engagement going forward.
The future of the Old Canfordian Society
The Society will continue to work closely with the School, retaining its key focus of bringing OCs together to support one another and the School. We will continue to play a key
role in the annual Careers Convention; through Canford Global Connect we will make ourselves available to provide advice, guidance and work experience to all Canfordians; and we will support the Development Office in promoting engagement and developing new initiatives.
The accumulated funds of the Old Canfordian Society
Over many years, the Society has accumulated funds which were valued at £278,207 on 30 June 2024. This has been achieved by the Hon. Treasurer through careful management of investments, with the intention of being able to fund the publication and distribution of the magazine for the foreseeable future, and to provide grants to OC sports clubs and other activities. The commitment of the Governors to fund all these activities removes the need for these funds to be retained.
Parents paid the subscription for their children to join the Society to enable them to maintain a life-long connection with other OCs and the School. With that role now being funded and fulfilled by the School itself, what should the Society do with its accumulated funds?
This is a question that has occupied the Committee of the Society since before the decision of the Governors to end the subscription. Current and former Committee members, as well as other OCs have been involved in these discussions; tax and legal advice has been taken and a number of options were explored. See page 9 for more information.
The proposal
The conclusion reached is that the most appropriate and deserving use for the accumulated funds would be to donate them to the Martin Marriott Foundation where they will be invested to provide transformational bursaries to deserving pupils who would otherwise be unable to access all that a Canford education has to offer.
The Committee now seeks the approval of the members of the Old Canfordian Society to proceed with this donation.
Please see details of how to vote in the adjacent box where you will also find information about the meeting at which this proposal will be considered.
If you have any questions about this proposal, please email Sheila Way at presidentoc@live.co.uk
is hereby given that an
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
of the
will be held at Canford School, Wimborne, Dorset ON SATURDAY 30 NOVEMBER 2024 AT 10 AM
The purpose of this meeting will be to consider the following resolution:
Given that the Committee of the Old Canfordian Society voted unanimously on 30 August 2024 in favour of making one transfer to the Martin Marriott Foundation of all the funds held by the Old Canfordian Society at the time of the transfer (including all cash, securities and investments) less any tax that might be applicable, the Committee now seeks the approval of the members to proceed with that transfer.
By order of the Committee of the Old Canfordian Society.
1. The resolution will be passed if a simple majority of the votes cast are in favour.
2. This Notice is also published on the Old Canfordian (OC) page of the School’s website (https://www.canford.com/ community/old-canfordians) and Canford Global Connect (https://globalconnect. canford.com/pages/ocs).
3. Members wishing to attend the EGM can do so in person or online. All OCs attending in person or online must register at: https://forms.office.com/e/JeWyJ0mwpC
4. Members unable to attend the EGM in person or online may cast their vote in the following way:
Online, via jotform at: https://form.jotform. com/presidentoc/transfer-of-funds-2024
By post to:
OCS 2024, The Development Office, Canford School, Wimborne BH21 3AD
Please state your full name and address, date of birth, house and year of leaving Canford. If you have changed your name, please also state your name when you were at Canford.
Please then state “I vote FOR/AGAINST [delete as applicable] the proposal to transfer the funds to the Martin Marriott Foundation”
Votes cast via jotform or by post must be received no later than Friday 22 November 2024.
2016 to support Canford’s bursary programme. (1976-1993) was delighted to put his name to the Foundation provision throughout his time at Canford.
real pleasure and pride that we can celebrate a bursary programme thriving, grasping every opportunity offered to them and thoroughly possible by the school’s financial commitment coupled with our generous Foundation.
The Martin Marriott Foundation was launched in 2016 to support Canford’s bursary programme.
Martin Marriott, former Headmaster (1976-1993) was delighted to put his name to the Foundation having been a fabulous supporter of bursary provision throughout his time at Canford.
individual pupils but their presence within both the Canford community of many others. The beauty of the Martin Marriott Foundation is that in wider world with the inbuilt responsibility to not only flourish themselves happen.
“Canford has helped me to become a well-rounded individual with high values and morals. and access to things I didn’t know existed.”
As Canford enters its second centenary, it is with real pleasure and pride that we can celebrate a bursary programme that is growing and supporting children who are thriving, grasping every opportunity offered to them and thoroughly enjoying their Canford education. This is made possible by the school’s financial commitment coupled with our generous donors who support the Martin Marriott Foundation.
“The Martin Marriott Foundation enabled my daughter to continue her Canford education and as a family we will all be eternally grateful for this.”
truly transformative and I owe everything to Canford.”
Canford has unlocked my character and allowed me to excel.”
6.6% receive 75% in bursary support
Bringing more OCs together than ever before
In an average year, the Development Office sends around 45 emails to publicise events and share news and organises 15-20 events for Old Canfordians, attended by 700 – 800
OCs has and organised, Development started when responsibility over a the increased in far better beyond a Party.
3.3% receive 100% in bursary support of pupils at Canford are in receipt of burary support
Conserving the nation’s royal palaces
A wartime hero remembered Supporting blind veterans
The Development Team will continue to lead engagement going forward.
with the School that all OCs enjoy and benefit from.
Not only does a bursary impact on the lives of individual pupils but their presence within both the Canford community and their home communities enriches the lives of many others. The beauty of the Martin Marriott Foundation is that in helping individuals, they each go out into the wider world with the inbuilt responsibility to not only flourish themselves but to help others. We can all help to make that happen.
The future of the Old Canfordian Society
The Society will continue to work closely with the School, retaining its key focus of bringing OCs together to support one another and the school.
“Canford has helped me to become a well-rounded individual with high values and morals. It has given me a head start in life and access to things I didn’t know existed.”
“The Martin Marriott Foundation enabled my daughter to continue her Canford education and as a family we will all be eternally grateful for this.”
“The last few years have been truly transformative and I owe everything to Canford.”
We will continue to play a key role in the annual Careers Convention; through Canford Global Connect we will make ourselves available to provide advice, guidance and work experience to all Canfordians; and we will support the Development Office in promoting engagement and developing new initiatives.
“Having the opportunity to attend Canford has unlocked my character and allowed me to excel.”
received on a regular basis with general OC enquiries and in an average year, the office receives 1,000 contact detail updates. The Development Office liaises closely with the OC Editor, designer OCIETY, the Old Canfordian Society magazine.
Over 2,400 members. The platform was developed significantly over the summer to improve usability for OCs.
In 2023, over 2,000 Old Canfordians attended a variety of events, including the celebrations for Canford’s centenary.
The Society’s income and tax liability
The ending of the OC Subscription, which was the Society’s main source of income, changed the tax status of the Society.
Previously, HMRC had granted an exemption from filing tax returns by virtue of the funds being used for charitable purposes. However, with our only income being investment income, generated from the accumulated funds, the Society is unable to offset its expenditure, other than investment management costs, against its taxable income. Since 2020, the Society has had to pay tax each year on its net income from investments including any capital gains arising on the sale of those investments.
The only way to offset this income and reduce the tax payable is to make a qualifying charitable donation. To qualify for tax relief, the donation must not result in a benefit to the donor (the Society) or anyone connected with it (i.e. members or their immediate relatives).
If we were to restrict the use of our donation to be used by the School only for OC activities, we would lose the tax relief.
Our Constitution sets out three aims, the third one being “The furtherance of the interests of Canford School”. By making the donation to the Martin Marriott Foundation we are fulfilling this aim without incurring a significant tax liability.
Notice is hereby given that the
Annual General Meeting
will be held at
Canford School, Wimborne, Dorset
The agenda will be published on the OC page of the school’s website at least 10 days before the meeting.
Members wishing to attend must register online via the Old Canfordian Society webpage or through the Development Office.
If you wish to receive details of how to attend either in person or online but do not currently have internet access, please contact the Development Office by post or on 01202 841254.
The Honorary Treasurer’s report for 2023/24 can be found on the Old Canfordian Society page of the School’s website. If you do not have access to the internet and would like a printed copy, please contact the Development Office on 01202 841254.
Veteran sports journalist receives international accolade
Journalist and author Richard Evans (W56) has been inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame at a ceremony in Newport, Rhode Island, for his long-term service to the game. Only 254 people have received this honour since the hall was inaugurated in 1954. The event was televised live on the Tennis Channel and Richard’s son Andrew spoke about his father during the ceremony.
Richard has reported on the game since 1960 and for many years combined sports reporting with news, also covering the 1968 and 1972 US elections. He joined the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) in 1973, becoming European Director the following year and later serving on its board of directors.
A prolific author, Richard has also published 23 books which include a biography of John McEnroe. He is looking forward to visiting Canford in the autumn.
To see Richard’s induction ceremony visit: www.tennisfame.com/richard-evans
Franklin House Master and OC Will Linley Adams (W07), his wife Laura, a Canford biology teacher, and their children Molly and Archie took part in a number of runs during April to raise money for the Meningitis Research Foundation, culminating in the London marathon for Will. The fundraising was in memory of their daughter Bella Rose, who died of pneumococcal meningitis in July 2022 aged five months.
On their fundraising page the couple say: ‘We miss her terribly and as a family feel it is important to do things in her memory to make her proud. We will also try to be more Bella and do it all with a smile!’
Will completed the marathon in three hours 44 minutes. Their fundraising page has raised over £5,000 for the charity. To donate see: www.justgiving.com/page/laura-and-willlinley-adams-bella2024
OC and former head of Beaufort House Clare Ives (M90) has been appointed Head of the Leys, Cambridge. She will start her new position in September 2025 after completing another year as Senior Deputy Head at Sevenoaks School. Clare says: ‘I’m thrilled to be leading a values-led school which prioritises the pastoral and holistic life of every pupil, both at school and beyond.’
Isabella Tree, who attended Canford in 1979, has this year seen her bestselling book, Wilding, turned into a film. Released in cinemas in June, the film of the same name depicts the decision she and her husband Charlie Burrell took as a young couple to return the family’s failing four-hundred-year-old estate to nature.
Their groundbreaking vision challenged entrenched traditions, ripping down fences to allow the land to recover by returning to a wild state. Their experiment has since become one of the most significant projects of its kind in Europe.
From Shanghai to London by bike
Rory Johnson (C20) writes about his 15,000km journey along the Silk Road
The ancient trade network, the Silk Road, always fascinated me. I never quite believed that someday I would find myself one thousand kilometres east of its start, with my best friend and a fully ladened bike ready to start cycling it. Over the next four months my life would change. I would be arrested and interrogated by Chinese police and intelligence officers; I would have a near death experience stuck at 4500m in -15-degree temperatures and I would negotiate with heroin smugglers on the boarder of Afghanistan whilst we tried to find routes through checkpoints. All of this while cycling over 120 miles a day.
I met Johannes, my expedition partner, while at university. From Bournemouth, Johannes held a similar ambition of going to Sandhurst. He was sporty, fit and composed, and the perfect partner for such a journey. His more logical and granular mind solved countless technocratic issues, whilst I concerned myself with grand plans and schemes. We dove tailed well and never argued even during the most stressful moments.
When dreaming this up we didn’t think deeply about the sheer number of challenges we would face. After all, cycling hundreds of miles is difficult, clearly, but after doing it for a few weeks, how difficult can it really be? Well, brutal, is the answer, but less tricky than: staying healthy, maintaining a
Meeting place of the world: arriving in Istanbul after a brutal 120 mile mountainous day, after cycling 2400km in 14 days
bike, dealing with cultural issues, finding places to sleep, finding safe food, drinking enough clean water… the list goes on and on. While it sounds naive, neither of us quite understood how relentless this challenge would be; as we went on our minds calloused.
Our final leg from Istanbul to London was wicked. We cycled through Europe’s most challenging conditions. Relentless snow and freezing temperatures took a toll on our bodies and bikes. Frost nipped and 28 Kilograms lighter we arrived at Dunkirk at 0400 on a frosty December morning, but not before we had been chased by refugees desperate for our passports. Drama, by this stage, seemed to be the third member of our team. It was surreal that a lifetime was about to end. We would finish by cycling down the Mall, and we were greeted by friends and family cheering in front of Buckingham palace. The moment was truly elating.
Further writing about our journey can be found on our Facebook and Instagram pages: @Silk_Roadies, or reach out to Johannes for guest speaking details.
A Tamworth piglet on a journey from tame to wild
Robert Gutchen (B46) writes: ‘Still alive aged 92, living in Rhode Island, US, with spouse Sylvia (also 92). Over the years we have visited Canford several times. Canford looks more beautiful than ever.’
Hugh Robinson (C62) ‘Five months short of my 80th birthday I am lucky to be medication free. At present, I’m President of Hove Probus Club and a regular member of The Hove Club. This also gives me access to four London Clubs and many around the country. I’m in regular touch with John Walker, David Betts and Daniel Fearon (all C63). I hope to start golf again soon and use my electric bike in suitable conditions, it being very hilly in Brighton and Hove.’
Christopher Dickins (SH88) can currently be seen on the West End stage, performing in Mamma Mia at the Novello Theatre. He lives with his husband and two dogs in rural Sussex and has stayed in touch with a few Canford friends such as David Blayney (M88), Stephen Phillips (W88), Giles Smart (M89), and Vicky Rangeley Wilson (née Warren M88). See Chris’ article p38.
Lizzy Balls (B20) embarked on a unique French placement in Suriname, a Dutch-speaking nation with strong French ties. During her placement, Lizzy witnessed France’s soft power in action, notably through cultural events like “Journées françaises à Paramaribo,” which celebrated the French language and traditions.
Cycling to commemorate Normandy Invasion
In early June, John Heaver (W04) took on a three-day memorial cycle ride following in the footsteps of those that crossed the Channel on D-Day 80 years ago to raise funds for SSAFA. This Armed Forces charity is a source of practical, emotional, and financial support for serving personnel, veterans and their families in their time of need.
John says: ‘As a former Royal Marine Officer and frequent visitor to Normandy, where my father, also an Ex Royal Marines Officer, now lives, I felt privileged to be part of such a memorable event.
‘It commenced at Southwick House in Portsmouth which houses the famous Map Room – the forward command post for the D-Day Landings and the base for Generals Montgomery and Eisenhower along with Admiral Ramsay. A place I visited as a rite of passage as a fresh-faced Royal Marines Young Officer back in 2005.’
The event began on the morning of 6 June, to commemorate the start of the invasion to liberate Europe. They cycled up to 130km a day visiting Sword, Gold, Juno, Omaha and Utah Beaches amongst many others.
Hugh Elgar (B69) writes: ‘I left Canford under a bit of a cloud in 1969 after winning the Art Prize that year. It was handed to me by Sir Alec Douglas-Hume, who said he was so proud to be at ‘Cranfield’ – a borstal for boys! However, it wasn’t anything really serious. But I never made it to the 6th form, and I attended Bournemouth and Poole College of Art and Design instead.
My wife and I now live above Loch Ness in a house I built over a 13-year period. Previously we built
John explains: ‘By 1944, 500 Royal Marine officers and 12,500 Marines had become landing craft crew in preparation for D-Day. Two thirds of all landing craft on D-Day were manned by Royal Marines carrying British, American, and Canadian troops ashore.
‘We also commemorated the role of other key regiments such as the Parachute Regiment and their landing the night before D-Day and whose heroic actions saved so many lives the following morning.’
To visit John’s fundraising page see: https://ssafa.enthuse.com/pf/johnheaver
in Northern New South Wales, and before meeting her I had rather a wild existence, doing many different jobs all over Australia, and in the South of England.
I doubt I would have achieved what I have, without having the confidence to do so, which in large part is the result of my time at Canford – and of course my wife’s influence. I’m not finished yet, building another house on our property to rent as a holiday let. I go sport climbing too...I still make art’.
Clive Vero (C61) writes about driving ambulances from the UK to Ukaraine to be used on the front line.
On Sunday 10 September, four ambulances loaded with medical supplies, left London at 4am planning to meet at the entrance to the Channel Tunnel. Unfortunately, one didn’t get further than Raynes Park and had to be towed back to base – these are well-used vehicles, ours had 355.000 kms on the clock. Fortunately, since it was close to London, we were able to replace it with another held in reserve.
Dusseldorf was our first destination, about 900 kms away, and we arrived late that evening, before heading on towards Leipzig and Dresden the following day. After a while Ambulance 1 started to have electronics issues, these seemed to correct themselves but subsequently Ambulance 3’s engine gave up the ghost and had to be towed off to a small garage in the country near Wroclaw.
Our slightly depleted convoy of three finally arrived at Przemyśl near the Polish-Ukraine border at around 11pm where, miraculously, a complete dinner awaited us – our first proper meal in two days. It had been organised by our Ukraine team, Aliya and Natalia, who had come across the border to meet us. Subsequently we learned
it would be possible to buy a reconditioned engine for Ambulance 3 and a later convoy would pick it up.
The Ukranian border is a joyless and nervy place with lots of refugees looking for and receiving help. Once across we drove to Lviv, a beautiful city which on the surface appears fairly normal with rush hour traffic, open restaurants and bars. There’s some limited military presence, but luckily no air alerts while we were there. However, a Russian drone attacked a Caritas warehouse there a few days later killing nine.
While in Lviv we visited the main children’s hospital, meeting its director, Denys Surkov, as well as the director of the Ukraine Ambulance Corps in Lviv who told us the life span of an ambulance near the front was around 90 days. The convoy proceeded on to Kyiv where the team had further meetings with the Ukraine Ministry of Health and the three ambulances were finally delivered to them on 14 September. We asked what further help was needed and were told great quantities of tourniquets and haemostatic gauze. Speaking to these people one realises the enormity of the trials that they are stoically facing trying to defend their country and any help we can give them is hugely appreciated.
Tom Walmsley (B90) has been working with Canford’s Deputy Head, David Neill, to plan a sustainability strategy and launch event with the Bourne Academey. He writes: ‘I specialise in sustainable education and encourage school community events, so it feels good to support Canford in this way.’
Tom’s work is also sponsored through Dale Vince, where he works as a national coordinator for Ministry of Eco Education (MinistryofEco. com). This charity pulls together all the best free materials and opportunities in sustainable education for teachers and builds activities under 65 Big Questions which they can use to match up with their existing curriculum. This saves teachers time and enables them to weave sustainability into their work.
Tom says: ‘We are working with 55% of schools in the country and our sponsor would like us make it 100%. I have a fellow Old Canfordian, Caty Batten (S98), onboard who specializes in motivating businesses to be more sustainable to support their work and the planet.
Tom is recording podcasts for Ministry of Eco Education to offer inspiration to teachers, called Ask An Expert, and plans to interview Caty at Canford. ‘So far, all my recordings have been in my canoe on a river but Caty doesn’t know that yet!’ For more information about Tom’s work see Nature Connection and Ministry of Eco Education.
Married at Canford Chapel
Katherine Pierce (S13) wed John Brown in Canford Chapel on 9th September last year. The couple now live in Cornwall and John works for the Navy at Culdrose. Katherine is an executive coach and mentor, primarily for individuals in the fields of education and medicine. She works to improve the mental health and wellbeing of clients through heightened self-awareness and positive intelligence, while also renewing a sense of direction and purpose in their lives.
She says: ‘I’ve loved attending the Careers Convention for sixth formers the last few years and I’d also be happy to work with individuals from the OC network, especially since the work I get paid for allows me to work pro-bono coaching children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and their families.’
Dr Daphne Hazell (née Glendinning F92) writes: ‘Since leaving Canford, and having children, two of which, Douglas and Alice, are also OCs, I became a GP. It has been a diverse career setting up private clinics for Spire/Nuffield, establishing a refugee clinic in Turkey, and working in clinical research as well as prisons and the standard NHS work.
‘After Covid, and our youngest going off to University, I was ready for a change of direction and founded my own business, Homewoundcare. It was meant to be a small service providing clinical research in community settings for manufacturers in wound care. However the concept of less expensive community medical research in the UK took off, and the majority of our clients are not wound care, making me regret the name choice every time I have to explain it....
‘I still spend lots of time with Old Canfordian friends and relatives, and recently was thrilled to reconnect with Anna Hope (now Anna Rose). I would love to connect with any old Canfordians who knew me or those with an interest in research in GP settings, you can find me through Homewoundcare.’
Jamie Crittall (SH87) writes that having completed a period integrating his global communication software company into the pharmaceutical company that acquired it, he has been enjoying an extended break from work –spending time with his family both at home and abroad. He enjoys seeing many of his friends from Canford, including Myles Johnson (SH87), Mark Franks (SH87), Jim Dunning (F87), Guy Joseph (W87), Duncan Forbes (F87), Simon Hipwell (F87), Paulie Morris (M87), Tim Hanbury (W85) and Annabel Ryder (née Crook W87) and is regular contact with many more, via a large WhatsApp group. They had a fantastic day together in London for a very long lunch in April (see photo) and he saw other friends, including Bex Knight (S89) and Rick Jones (SH88) at the
OC Drinks in London. His brother, Robbie (SH84) is currently living in New York, running his brand experience company.
Thirteen pupils from the class of 1992 enjoyed a weekend in Dorset organised by Emma Blackburn (née Bowditch F92) to celebrate their 50th birthdays in January. Pictured at Seatown (l-r) are: Kate Gazzard (née Ahern SH92), Natasha Yates (née Reypert C92), Emma Blackburn, Jo Ashwick (née Clegg F92), Amanda Seabrook (née Pearson C92), Sophie Mead (née Wyatt W92), Claire Ashcroft (née Southgate W92), Sarah Tate (née Clark SH92), Kate Campbell (née Best (SH92), Liza Ravenscroft (née Booth M92), Emily Nelson (née Ohlson M92), Sam Ryder (née Saffer M92) and Rebecca Fox (née Robinson M92).
Instead of heading to university after his A levels, Michael Maiden (S20) focused on developing his entrepreneurial skills by moving his Wheelie Bike Shop – a cycle repair business he started while at Canford – into its own premises within six months of leaving.
Capitalising on the huge increase in cycling during the pandemic, Michael initially targeted online sales of bike parts and components before opening his shop. He has turned an increasing profit each year and his emphasis is now on high-value servicing and e-bike diagnostics, with a recentlyinstalled online workshop booking and management system that ensures the best customer experience.
Michael says: ‘All three of my A levels at Canford were incredibly useful. Design and technology taught me the skills I needed for fitting out the shop, which I did myself and would have been very expensive if I’d had to pay someone else to do it. One of the key things I learnt from business studies was cashflow forecasting, which is the lifeblood of any business. And physical education has been really handy for my side hustle in mountain bike coaching – a lot of my customers come in to upgrade their bikes and end up signing on with me to upgrade their skills as well!’
Wheelie Bike Shop is located at Arena Business Centre in Poole see: https://www.wheeliebikeshop.com/
Unseen Support: Civilian Contributions to the Afghanistan War
Andrew Canning OBE (C76)
Published by Casemate
After 34 years in the Royal Marines, Andrew Canning (C76) spent four years working for coalition forces in Afghanistan as a civilian. During his time there he met extraordinarily committed and brave civilians, not only on the programme he was delivering but involved in supporting military forces in many other areas of the conflict.
Coming to Afghanistan from across the globe, these civilians were making varied and crucial contributions to the conflict, much of it unseen to external observers. In this book, Canning examines the part of civilians in supporting modern military operations, especially in campaigns of long duration. He also explains some of the trials and tribulations of daily life for those living in a war zone and pays tribute to the unheralded civilians who worked for the common good in Afghanistan.
An English Vision: Traditional Architecture and Decoration for Today
Rizzoli New York, 2024
Ben Pentreath (F90), is an award-winning architectural designer and decorator, whose impressive client list includes King Charles. His latest book, An English Vision, showcases two decades of Pentreath projects and explores his distinctive approach to architecture, design and decoration.
Within the book he outlines his design philosophy which prioritises a strong sense of happiness, history, character, place, colour, imperfection and a sense of a project’s place in time. The book explores a variety of work including town development and masterplanning for Poundbury and a Jacobean castle revival.
Ben studied Art History at the University of Edinburgh before attending the Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture. After working for five years in New York and then with the Prince’s Foundation, Ben started his own practice, Ben Pentreath Ltd, in 2004. Ben is also co-founder, with Bridie Hall, of Pentreath & Hall, an interiors and decoration shop located just around the corner from the Ben Pentreath Ltd’s studios.
He is also a regular contributor to the Financial Times and runs the Pentreath & Hall blog. In 2023, he was awarded the prestigious Richard H. Driehaus Prize, for his contribution to the field of contemporary traditional and classical architecture. Ben and his husband, Charlie McCormick, split their time between London, West Dorset, and the west coast of Scotland.
The past year has given us time to reflect on the centenary year and get back to a more even workload balance. We have continued to do what we always do and have enjoyed meeting, hosting and collaborating with Old Canfordians in a wide variety of ways. We have introduced a few new events and as I write we have been working hard behind the scenes to improve our alumni platform and website, Canford Global Connect. Without the support and enthusiasm of OCs, much of our work would be irrelevant so we are delighted when they come together and celebrate all that Canford embodies.
As Canford’s centenary year drew to a close with the last official event being OC London Drinks in October, it was great to gather together at the Lansdowne Club along with over 200 former pupils to celebrate Canford’s past 100 years and it was a pleasure to see so many OCs from such a variety of eras.
2024 started with a more normal rhythm of events and engagement and indeed to get us back on track with the usual date in the calendar, we hosted another OC London Drinks Party at the Royal Thames Yacht Club with the support of Tom Montgomery (S98).
Other drinks parties were held in Jersey in March for OCs and parents and in January, we hosted our first Clink & Connect event in London for OCs who had left less than 10 years ago.
Our Reunion Lunches held at 10-year intervals continue to be popular and in the past year we have hosted the classes of 1984, 1994 and 2004.
In April, we hosted a 50+ Reunion for OCs who left Canford 50 or more years ago. Over 100 OCs gathered in the Great Hall for coffee, followed by a short walking tour of the grounds and a presentation from Headmaster, Ben Vessey and Andrew Powell, Master of Trees. OCs then had lunch ‘Canford style’ via the servery, seated in the Great Hall.
‘The visit for me brought back many happy memories from my days at Canford in the 60s and it was good to meet up with all those I remember and even those who did not coincide with my time at the school.’
‘I really would like to thank you and your team for the effort that must have been put into last Tuesday’s reunion. It was a splendid day altogether.’
‘What a fabulous day. It was a brilliant balance between nostalgia, the present and the future.’
The Nineveh Legacy Society brings together those who have chosen to let us know they have left a gift to Canford in their will. In November we invite Nineveh Legacy Society members to lunch and in recent years we have also invited some of our current donors to join us. OCs and parents were delighted to welcome and listen to OC Anna van Wingerden (L18) (pictured standing) talk about her experiences since leaving Canford and illustrate just how impactful her bursary place at Canford has been to her.
The Canford Sphere
Our centenary year concluded with the unveiling of the Canford Sphere. This project was originally conceived and managed in close consultation by Charlotte Bowater, Canford parent and daughter of the late OC Charles Rawlinson (B52).
Thanks to most generous parent donors, artist Zoë Wilson was commissioned to design and carve a commemorative sculpture in the form of a sphere to be permanently installed at Canford.
Zoë Wilson is an award-winning letter and pattern carver with a diploma in Historic Stone carving. She is a QEST Scholar (Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust) based in Hampshire. (zoewilsoncarving.com)
The inspiration for this piece came through Zoë’s research visits to Canford. She felt a strong sense of the spirit of the school articulated through Canford’s four core values: Purposeful Engagement, Humble Ambition, Gracious Leadership and Courageous Attitude.
Zoë created a geometric pattern to represent these values, consisting of eight interconnecting circles carved into a sphere with each integral to the pattern, reminding the viewer of the significance of every value for a well-rounded individual and community.
The stone chosen for the sculpture was Portland Limestone, local to the school and with links to the school’s building’s history.
The Canford sphere is timeless in reflecting the values, history and impact of Canford on lives past, present and future. Unveiled in December, it now stands in pride of place close to the Lancaster Lawn as a quiet reminder of Canford’s spirit and the values its education inspires for a life well lived.
The Canford Sphere has been cast and photographed, producing exquisite miniatures and a fine art print of the sculpture. These are available to purchase enabling all members of our community to purchase a truly unique and beautiful reminder of Canford. All proceeds from sales will benefit the Martin Marriott Foundation for bursaries. More information about the Canford Sphere can be found at www.zoewilsoncarving.com/ Canford-sphere. A short film outlining Zoë’s inspiration for the sculpture can be found on the Canford YouTube page.
OC sport has taken more of a focus in the last year or so which we have been deligthed to support. The Old Canfordian Football Club (OCFC) has now completed its first official season with financial support from the Development Office. We hosted an OC hockey day in March spearheaded by OCs Rob Daubeney (M84) and Simon Young (M93) welcoming around 50 OCs back to Canford for an informal morning of hockey followed by a hearty lunch. The first OC tennis day was held on Monday 24th June which we hope will become a regular fixture. Cygnets joined us for cricket week during the last week of term and we were pleased to welcome over 80 guests to our annual lunch reception at Henley Royal Regatta. (see Sports reports for further details)
Dates for your Diary
Over the summer we worked hard to transfer and improve your alumni platform to a new provider. The reason for the move was to improve the way we work and provide a more streamlined service for our community. The system is now up and running and I hope you are enjoying a more engaging look and feel to Canford Global Connect. If you have not yet joined, please visit www.globalconnect.canford. com where you can find and connect with other OCs, book events and access Canford news and photographs from alumni events. There is also now a facility to allow you to see who is attending an event which is something we have been asked for many times especially in the lead up to a reunion.
Dates are correct at going to press, further event may be added. Please check our events page and regular Canford emails.
1975 Reunion Lunch, 12.30pm, Canford
Canford History Tour with Keith Hay, 10.30am
1985 Reunion Lunch, 12.00 midday, Canford
Nineveh Legacy Society Lunch, 12.00 midday, Canford
Canford Online Auction starts
Old Canfordian Society EGM, 10.00am, Canford
Canford Online Auction closes
Clink & Connect (2014-2024), London
OC Real Tennis, 10.30am, Canford
MARCH 2025
Old Canfordian Society AGM, 10.00am, Canford
2005 Reunion Lunch, 12.00 midday, Canford
Careers Convention, Canford
APRIL 2025
1995 Reunion Lunch, 12.30pm, Canford
MAY 2025
OC London Drinks, date and venue TBC
JUNE 2025
Canford Arboreturm Tour, 6.00pm, Canford
JULY 2025
Henley Royal Regatta Lunch Reception, date TBC
The Governors of Canford are delighted to announce the appointment of Chris Wheeler, currently Principal at Monkton Combe School, as Ben Vessey’s successor from September 2025.
Mr Wheeler is a highly experienced leader and this will be his fourth independent school headship. Alongside his existing position at Monkton Combe, roles have included Principal and CEO of Hillcrest International Schools, Headmaster of St Christopher’s (Brighton College Prep School), Housemaster at Brighton College and Deputy Head, Housemaster and Head of English and Drama at Peponi School in Kenya.
Educated at Winchester College, Durham and Bristol universities, with an MBA in Educational Leadership and Administration from UCL, he is currently Chair of the Institute of Boarding and a member of the HMC Finance and Risk Committee. He has previously served as Vice Chair of HMC, Chair of HMC South-West Division and as a member of the HMC Inspection Sub Committee.
Mr Wheeler is married to Georgie and they have three children. Commenting on his appointment, Mr Wheeler said: ‘I am honoured to have been appointed as Canford’s next Headmaster. During the interview process I was struck by the strength and warmth of the school community alongside a very evident sense of purpose and culture of ambition among all the pupils, staff and governors I met. I am very much looking forward to joining the Canford Community with my family next summer and building on the success of the school to date.’
Current Headmaster Ben Vessey said: ‘Through my conversations with Chris, it is clear that he has a genuine passion for education and I have no doubt that he will develop and grow Canford in a myriad of ways through its next chapter. It is a unique school which will always hold a
special place in my heart, and I am absolutely delighted that the Governing Body have selected Chris as my successor. I look forward to welcoming Chris and his family to Canford.’
Sir Gary Coward, Chair of Governors, said: ‘Following a rigorous selection process, we are delighted to have appointed Chris Wheeler as the next Headmaster of Canford. He joins the school at an exciting time in its history, having celebrated its centenary last year and with the keystone of the current strategy, a Sixth Form College, opening early in his tenure. We will also take the opportunity over the coming year to celebrate the outstanding leadership of outgoing Headmaster Ben Vessey, who has grown the school to the highest roll in its history and has strengthened Canford’s reputation amongst the top co-educational boarding schools in the country.’
We look forward to welcoming Chris Wheeler to Canford and introducing him to Old Canfordians.
“I am honoured to have been appointed as Canford’s next Headmaster.”
At the start of lockdown, in March 2020, OC Eloise Grant (W15) decided to rethink her career. With a family background in the fashion industry, she set up the Wardrobe Foundation as a social enterprise. This volunteer-led Community Interest Company provides clothing to women across Wessex who are in desperate need of support.
Two years ago, a collaboration between the Development Office, the Art Department, the Layard Theatre technical team and the Friends of Canford School resulted in a Canford clothing amnesty, a full-scale art project and finally Canford’s first sustainable Fashion Show. Building on the incredible support of this inaugural event, Canford’s second Fashion Show took place in February. Once again, Canfordians took to the catwalk in the Assembly Hall with lights and staging that would not have looked out of place in Paris, Milan or New York!
With a passion for environmental projects and their incorporation into art, Canford’s Resident Artist, Laura Buckle, was delighted to spearhead the planning of this year’s event. It was filmed by OC Lucas Francis (M23) and can be viewed the via the Canford YouTube channel.
New Sixth Form College
Significant progress has been made to turn the ‘Canford 2023 and Beyond’ plan into a reality since the Governing Body signed off on a strategic plan in 2019 to ensure that Canford continues to thrive into its second century. The College Concept includes the Upper Sixth living and working together in separate residential wings, providing a different transitional experience for this year group to better equip them to engage positively with the pressures of life beyond Canford but within the supportive structure of the school. It allows stagespecific guidance, appropriate expectations and demands. In
addition, it will enhance opportunities for academic study, personal development and preparation for the future for all Sixth Form pupils.
The Sixth Form development is anticipated to open for the careers hub, study and social spaces in the 2024/2025 academic year, and the accommodation wings in 2026. More information can be found online at https://www.canford. com/sixth-form/new-sixth-formcollege
If you would like to name a room in the redeveloped building, please contact Rowena Gaston - rjg@canford.com
Eloise Grant (W15)
Jancsi Motsi (M24) Charlotte Gibbons (W24) Sophia Westberg-Orton (Ma24)
Careers Convention 2024
In March, we welcomed Old Canfordians and parents to the annual Canford Careers Convention. Its aim is to enable our Sixth Formers to learn more about career paths beyond school from parents and OCs and to build connections which could lead to mentoring or even work experience opportunities. This year we were very grateful to the 70 volunteers representing a wide range of industries. The event started with pupils and volunteers gathering in the Music School to listen to an interactive talk on money management and investing for the future.
With the new addition of a networking buffet lunch in the Assembly Hall, pupils and volunteers had the chance to interact in a relaxed environment before two sessions of industry panels followed in the afternoon, during which more detailed questions could be asked and explored. The day concluded with the ever popular ‘speed-dating’ style networking session allowing Canfordians to talk one-to-one to
the volunteers in particular areas of interest.
After the event, OCs and parents involved were invited for a drink in the Rathbone Room.
The Careers Convention is always a great event to organise, bringing parents and alumni to Canford to support pupils’ decisions and answer questions around their career paths. We are extremely grateful to volunteers who gave up their time and it was a pleasure to hear that not only did they enjoy the day but how impressed they were with our Lower Sixth pupils.
We have also been incredibly grateful to a number of OCs who have given their time to attend careers focus groups to help guide our thinking and development of the Sixth Form provision. Meeting on Teams for ease we have had several fruitful discussions about how we might prepare today’s Canfordians for the world beyond school. Their input, insight, enthusiasm and ideas have been invaluable, thank you.
The major musical highlight for the Spring term was the concert in St John’s Smith Square, London. The orchestra performed Schubert’s Unfinished’ Symphony, and the choirs sang Will Todd’s Mass in Blue. We were thrilled that OC Grace Gammell (D17) was able to join us as the soloist for that work.
Julia Bird has been appointed to the newly created role of Assistant Head College as part of the school’s strategic development of Sixth Form provision. Julia was previously The Assistant Head Sixth Form at Wells Cathedral School which has successfully implemented a similar Sixth Form arrangement to that planned for Canford. In her former role, Julia oversaw the personal development and educational experience of all Sixth Form pupils, and their transition to an Upper Sixth day and boarding pastoral structure in their final year. Julia’s teaching career has been spent in schools both in the UK and Mexico, with previous roles including Head of Department, Head of Year and Houseparent. She has a degree in Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology from Worcester College, Oxford. Julia will work closely with the Deputy and Assistant Head Academic, the resident College pastoral team and department leads across the school.
At Speech Day in June, Headmaster Ben Vessey summed up the manifold contributions of long-term staff members who left Canford this year
James Aiken (F07) 2012-2024
Assistant Director of Music
James’s colleagues and pupils, when asked how they would describe him, provided an eclectic range of praise – gentleman, debonair and charming were words near the top of the list. Not far behind came thoughtful, tactful, kind and caring. Others described him as enthusiastic and inspirational. These fulsome responses tell of a powerful impact on staff and pupils alike.
His commitment to the pupils and his colleagues is one of his most commendable attributes, and it is not surprising that other replies described his, tranquility, warmth, and said he was benevolent, zealous and considerate. He is, indeed, magnificent. His 12 years as a teacher at Canford have made a huge impression on pupils and colleagues, and we wish him well as he moves to new challenges at QE Barnett. I know they will quickly recognise and value his many qualities, just as we have.
Richard Salmon 2002-2024
Assistant Head Pupils
‘Cheerful, friendly, smiley, positive, uplifting, relentlessly cheerful, full of adventure and can do.’
Staff said:
“The most supportive colleague during some turbulent times. Could not have done the past five years without him, has hugely helped me with so many situations. Always a great judge of character.”
“His total dedication to the pupils and their development. He is one of the most exceptional people I have worked with in that regard over 30 years in education.”
Like all the best teachers Richard is multi-talented – teacher, tutor, historian, musician, artist (likes to paint), comedian, sportsman (hockey, water sports), adventurous training….and more. His tremendous contributions to Canford have been wide and varied.
Richard’s SLT role was ‘Assistant Head Pupils’ – a perfect title which sums up what we, Canford, are about and what Richard is about – supporting and developing the pupils in our care. The best man to be in charge of discipline: many pupils who have been caught misbehaving have come out of a conversation with Richard chastened but also feeling better about themselves and who they might be, and certainly respecting and liking him. That is an art that few if any of us can do as well.
He is so wise and generous in sharing that wisdom, without ever forcing it on someone – he will be sorely missed as a colleague but thankfully we will see him often as Katie continues in her roles here at Canford.
Frank Shon 2012-2024
Frank has been a truly inspirational teacher and I have had numerous expressions of gratitude for the love of literature and language that he has instilled in so many Canfordians, not least my own boys. I have charged him with using that gift in the future by continuing to do some teaching as it is too special to waste. He has promised me that this will be so but alongside many other things he now wants to pursue.
Dylan Lloyd 2000-2024
Dylan has that amazing capacity to see things differently and then to prompt others to reflect and look through a different lens, so their own world and their horizons are broadened and enriched. He has used this quality to such great effect and to the benefit of so many in his time at Canford through the world of Art, in his commitment to pastoral care when nurturing several generations of boys through Monteacute, in the sports arena and in many other contexts. Our community will be the poorer for his absence but I know that he will continue to make that difference as his path takes a him into new places and fresh landscapes.
Chris Sparkhall 1999-2024 Director of Music
It has been a real pleasure and a privilege to work with Chris over the past 11 years. He has kept me on my toes and such constructive challenge is crucial when one holds a leadership position. He has also brought me, and so many others, much joy and fulfilment over the years. I felt the best way to encapsulate this was to ask some pupils and OCs to share their thoughts and reflections and this extract really covered the bases.
‘Mr Sparkhall has the Midas Touch. As his pupil and tutee, I saw first-hand how all he devised turned to gold; the high standards he embodied, the fantastic opportunities he insisted on, and the Youtube Empire he fathered all delivered a Golden Age for Canford Music. I remain profoundly influenced by his musicianship.
‘During one concert I started a Bach concerto at double speed; he barely blinked and simply brought things back on track without anyone noticing. Mulling over the news in our tutorials, belting out the final ‘Amen’ of Parry’s ‘Hear my Words’ at Salisbury or leaving him aghast as I brewed a tea by crushing the teabag, it is hard to imagine Canford without him; harder still to imagine a teacher who had a more positive impact on a student than Mr Sparkhall had on me.’
It is typical of Chris that he worked flat out to the very end and in the last week of term he led the band for three performances of Bugsy Malone, an amazing summer concert, the Leavers’ concert and the music for Speech Day. Sparkling stuff! Thank you Chris.
Chinese New Year
The New Year dinner, also referred to as the ‘Reunion Dinner’ or nian ye fan in Chinese, is one of the nation’s most important events in its festive period. It takes place on Chinese New Year’s Eve and is a chance for family to gather to celebrate the year just gone, and to welcome in the year ahead. Menus differs from region to region, but ultimately reflect families’ hopes for the coming year, and people pride themselves on putting their finest dishes on the table, to start it in the best possible way.
Canford’s catering team created a special themed lunch which incorporated most elements usually seen on a Chinese dinner table to reflect hopes and well-wishes for the coming year. In addition to a special lunch, a Chinese New Year cultural festival was held in the Long Gallery.
Canford World
Map Day
In May, the International Society teamed up with the catering department to promote Canford World Map Day. Being international doesn’t have a set definition – it comes from your family, where you were born, where you’ve lived or where you live now. After enjoying the seven-continents’ lunch, pupils placed stickers on a world map in the Headmaster’s lobby to show the countries that make up their background and identity.
Pride Month
For Pride we held a competition asking pupils to produce a Warhol-style image in house colours of a member of the LGBTQ+ community who can be seen as a role model. Four themed meals were also created in June, inspired by LGBTQ+ chefs Dominique Crenn, Lazyrus Lynch, Eileen Andrade and Anita Lo.
In conversation with Jasper Sharp (SH93)
Founder of Vienna-based art foundation Phileas
Could you describe your studies at school and university?
I have really happy memories of Canford. My school reports would tell you that I was a bright pupil known for occasional lapses in discipline who loved theatre, debating and hockey. I made some great friends, including my future Best Man, Alexander Trewby (F93), and School House lodge mate Nick Gorman (SH93). After scraping some good A level grades, I went to the University of Edinburgh to read French and International Law via a gap year spent partly in Zimbabwe.
What was your first job in the art world and what opportunities did that role give you?
I spent my third year of university in Paris, where I somehow talked my way into an internship at Christie’s auction house. Within a few weeks, it was clear to me that I had found the field in which I wanted to work.
After graduating I studied Art History for a year in London and landed the next internship at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice. I spent three months working there, in one of the most extraordinary
collections of art in one of the most extraordinary cities on earth. A few days before I was due to finish, the director offered me a permanent job. I ended up staying for six years and reached the position of Head of Exhibitions and Collections.
You later took some time out to study in the US, can you tell me about that?
I left Venice in summer 2005 to begin research for my PhD in the United States. Or rather, that was the plan. A week or so before leaving, I met a wonderful Austrian girl and spent the next six months flying back and forth from New York to Vienna. In February 2006 I moved to Vienna and have been here ever since. We married in 2007 and have a beautiful daughter.
What was your role at Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and what did it entail?
After working initially at a private art foundation in Vienna, in 2011
I was appointed as a curator at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, one of the world’s great collections of art with masterpieces from antiquity to around
1800. My task was to devise ways to introduce modern and contemporary art and artists into the museum’s exhibition programme for the first time, to build a dialogue with its historical collections and invite visitors to listen in to the conversation across different centuries.
What challenges were there promoting contemporary art exhibitions in a space primarily known for more ancient artefacts?
The challenge for the museum was to work with artists who were still aliveand my challenge was to persuade my colleagues that it would be something worth doing!
It sounds like you have had the opportunity to work with some remarkable people to curate exhibitions with you in Vienna, can you tell me about the project which involved Ed Ruscha, Edmund de Waal, Wes Anderson and Juman Malouf putting together exhibitions for you?
I have been fortunate to work with some incredible collaborators on planning exhibitions, from the artist
Lucian Freud to the family of the painter Mark Rothko. Every couple of years we would invite a great artist or creative mind to dive into the museum’s collection of six million objects and select their favourite things. Among those that I asked to do this were the author and ceramicist Edmund de Waal and the film director Wes Anderson with his wife Juman Malouf. The results were extraordinary and brought an entirely new audience to the museum.
Could you tell me about some of the other exhibitions you have curated yourself?
In 2013 I was invited to be the curator of the Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, which is something approximating the Olympic Games of the contemporary art world. It was a great honour and wonderful experience. I have also been fortunate to curate exhibitions at some great museums around the world, from the Royal Academy in London to the Prada Foundation in Milan. My most recent project was an exhibition of Kathleen Ryan, a young American sculptor, at the Hamburg Kunsthalle. The exhibition will travel to Norway in the spring of next year.
You now work for Phileas, an arts initiative you established, what does this involve?
I founded Phileas in 2014 to help support artists living and working in Austria, and to build their careers internationally. To date we have funded more than 100 projects around the world at important museums and biennials and contributed to a 300% increase in the presence of Austrian artists on the global stage. It is a great deal of fun and rewarding to see what a difference it makes.
What other aspects of your work have you found particularly rewarding and what have been your career highlights so far?
The opportunity to work with artists, to learn from them and see the world through their eyes is a real privilege. And in terms of career highlights, I hope that they still lie in front of me!
What changes have you seen in your industry over your career?
The art world has become much larger, more lifestyle-oriented and far more commercial. Where once there used to be a lot of coffee with just a little bit
of foam on top, it now feels very milky indeed! But there are still many great artists, curators, educators and writers out there, one just needs to find them.
What advice would you give to any younger OCs hoping to work in art or the museum industry?
Look, look and keep looking at art. Seek out artists, visit them at their studios, write reviews of exhibitions that you see, spend time in museums, and do it together with friends. Even if the world of art does not turn out to be your field of work professionally, it can be the most extraordinary companion throughout your life.
For more information about Phileas see: www.phileas.art
Jasper, Juman Malouf and Wes Anderson
The original octagonal water tank made from cast iron can be seen on top of the tower in this ariel photo from 1930
LArchivist Jessica Bichard explores the history or Canford’s lofty gothic architecture
ocated on the third floor of the Victoria Tower, the archive room is a spectacular place to work; 71 steps up a spiral stone staircase, with far-reaching views across the River Stour and surrounding landscape. While it’s fantastic to be able to hold the history of the school here, the location does pose some issues for visitors and is not the most practical location for large items to be transported to. My thanks go out to the Canford estates and porter teams for their countless journeys up and down the seemingly never-ending staircase bringing up boxes upon boxes of records and other items to their new home.
The construction of the new Canford Manor was completed in 1836, following Edward Blore’s design, after the original mediaeval manor house was demolished in 1825. While still spectacular, it did not include the grand entrance tower and hall. When the Canford Estate was bought by Sir Josiah John Guest in 1846, he employed Sir Charles Barry – best known as architect of the Palace of Westminster – to remodel the house, seeking a more gothic look. The result being a grander, more imposing mansion, largely as we know it today. Barry added the tower, creating a more impressive entrance to the new manor house. Its style is similar to that of the Palace of Westminster’s Victoria Tower which he created during the same period, perhaps why both towers ended up with the same name.
Historically, the towers of castles and stately homes were built as a form of defence, as a watchtower and somewhere to station guards. The Guests were more likely influenced by a desire to add grandeur and it is clear to
see in Barry’s plans just how the addition of the tower enhanced the profile of the house. A carriage porch was formed in the base of the tower, open on three sides, creating a regal route through to the new entrance gallery. There is no record of the cost of the tower, but the total price of remodelling the manor under Barry’s design came to £30,000 (roughly £4.7million today). Sir John Guest was rather reluctant to go ahead with the project, which was pushed for by Lady Charlotte.
After Viscount Wimborne sold Canford Manor and the surrounding grounds in 1923, Canford School opened its doors to the first 108 boys. In the inaugral edition of the Canfordian magazine, a pupil wrote of his first impressions of Canford having ‘[driven] right up to the main entrance where a tower has been built to shelter cars – and taxis – which come to the school’. In the century since the school opened, the tower has been used for many purposes. Canford opened with just three boarding houses – Franklin, School and Wimborne – all three of which were accommodated within the manor house. The tower initially housed Franklin and later Wimborne House in its lower rooms, and possibly maids’ rooms as well (indicated only on a scribbled note of room allocations by headmaster the Rev. John Macnutt).
Reverend Macnutt and the first Canford boys in 1923
Lord Wimborne and Ivor Guest in their car at the entrance of the tower archway in 1902
The top floor became the home of the modern languages department in 1936, and on Speech Day, the headmaster, the Rev. Clifford Canning, hoped that ‘those … who are good climbers’ would ascend the steps to view the new languages room. Many will recall their classes in Top Tower with Yvone Kirkpatrick (aka Wump) who taught languages there until the early 1960s and was a stickler for punctuality, causing many boys to arrive to his lessons exhausted, having run up all 92 steps to the top of the tower. In 1972, pupils organised a sponsored charity tower climb over the course of one weekend in which they scaled the staircase over 100 times. Over the years, various society meetings have also taken place
there. The Astronomical Society have made observations from the Top Tower windows and RAF Cadets also used it to listen to air traffic control transmissions in the 70s.
When the second floor was converted back from a classroom into dormitories for Wimborne, in the 1980s, boys had the ‘luxury’ of screen dividers between beds but no central heating. Today, the second floor is divided into three rooms which were used by School House as individual lodges from 2006 until 2021, and now houses Lancaster’s 5th Form. Before that, the larger rooms were dormitories for Wimborne and later School House, until they were deemed unsafe for sleeping.
OCs will remember the presence of the school or Union flag flying from the very top of the tower. The responsibility of hoisting and lowering these was bestowed upon a trustworthy sixth former who was given the key to the flag turret. One OC recalls it getting stuck halfway down when being lowered on a particularly windy day and having to climb the pole to cut it down. OCs who were the lucky keyholders will remember the roof also housed water tanks. During one Christmas holiday, the tank burst sending water cascading down the spiral staircase like a waterfall, flooding all floors of the tower and archives held there in the process. Thankfully, Frank Ahern had made sure most items were housed in
Canford Manor as photographed in c1860 with the addition of the spectacular new tower
waterproof boxes, so the losses were small.
Over the years, use of the tower has lessened as the practicality of having classrooms, meeting rooms or dorms in such an isolated space with limited access has diminished and modern health and safety reviews have deemed it unsafe to be used for accommodation. However, one hopes that this historic tower, and its very worn stone staircase, can be preserved and enjoyed by Canfordians for years to come.
I am grateful for the assistance of OCs and former staff who sent in their memories of the tower helping to provide me with a more nuanced idea of its uses over the years, I very much enjoyed reading everything sent in.
I would like to thank my predecessor Richard Knott for all his hard work during his time as school archivist. Having taken over from Frank Ahern in 2017, Richard worked tirelessly to continue Frank’s efforts to catalogue and digitise the archive collection, which meant it was left in an excellent state for me to take on. I have been working at Canford as the assistant librarian since January 2020, and when I was offered the role as archivist alongside assistant librarian, as a historian, I simply couldn’t refuse. My first year has been busy as I try to familiarise myself with as much of the collections as possible. I’ve been working closely with Rowena Gaston to launch the new archive site that will make the collections much more accessible to the Canford Community. When this magazine reaches you, I will be on maternity leave and the archive will be temporarily in the hands of my maternity cover, Sarah Stevens, but I’m eagerly anticipating my return to the tower next summer.
Charles Barry’s architectural drawings of the North and West elevations of Canford Manor before and after the renovations commissioned by the Guest family
three years I made my professional tour debut and have been progressing ever since.”
Society talks to two OCs who are currently making waves in the high-octane world of extreme water sports
George Grisley (F17) is presently competing full time on the European and World Freestyle Windsurfing Tours, amongst other things becoming European Tow-in Champion, 2023. Jack Salmon (W20) is a sponsored kitesurfer and wing-foiler for Cabrinha UK, having won both the British Wavemasters Kite event in Cornwall, and the UK foil event at Hayling Island in 2023. Both were passionate about their chosen wind sports while pupils at Canford but in recent years have had the opportunity to spend increasing time refining their skills and competing at the top level. Following school George went on to direct and star in his short film ‘Bittersweet – A windsurfing story’ which gives an insight into the challenges and highs of his chosen path; . Jack has just completed his final year in Natural Sciences at Exeter University where he made the most of proximity to a wide range of beaches on the windswept Devon coast.
What are you currently doing?
George: I am just finishing my last week of training in Tarifa, Spain, before heading to Greece and then the Canary Islands for the summer. My days are filled with training on the water, collecting content for some upcoming projects, and working as a freelance social media manager/livestream production manager. All aspects of my work either as an athlete or media manager involve windsurfing, so I’m grateful to have a hand in the development of the sport on a daily basis.
Jack: I have just finished my degree in Natural Sciences at Exeter University and am currently enjoying summertime in the UK trying to maximise time on the water with friends. I am especially focused on wing and prone foiling on the waves at the moment, including reviewing new kit.
How did you get into extreme sport at a higher level?
George: I actually left my Leavers’ Ball at the start of the evening to fly straight from Gatwick to a resort in Greece to work as a windsurf instructor for summer 2017. In the centre we had four guys competing on the World tour, so I was quickly inspired to push my own level. I then travelled with them to Cape Town for a 3-month training trip, during which I got hooked on the idea of travelling full-time to windsurf.
Quickly, the one gap year I had promised my parents and tutors at Canford became two, and before long it was clear I had no interest in university at all, and instead I continued travelling to improve my level. After three years I made my professional tour debut and have been progressing ever since.
Jack: My dad taught me to kitesurf whilst at Canford and it turns out Poole harbour was the ideal learning playground. Once I finished school I then managed to fly out to Antigua in between lockdowns to kite instruct there for near 9 months, where I had the time and resources to really start pushing my level given such consistent breeze. I was coaching there and in Poole on return to the UK and more recently I have been instructing the British Olympic development squad, which is really exciting.
“...more recently I have been instructing the British Olympic development squad, which is really exciting.”
What is it about your wind sports and the water which inspires you?
George: As corny as it sounds, no two days on the water are the same. Developing new freestyle tricks keeps me so motivated and I am always looking to progress with every session. Windsurfing doesn’t pay incredibly well unless you’re consistently one of the top guys, however, what it does provide is a lifestyle that, as far as I can see, is completely unrivalled. My year is spent travelling with friends between some of the best locations in the world, experiencing different cultures, and meeting interesting people from all walks of life. It’s these memories that inspire me to continue pursuing a career in the wind sports world.
Jack: Wind based sports are ideal here in the rainy UK because it changes your perspective on otherwise ‘horrible’ stormy days and enables you to look forward to and enjoy the potentially dreary winter months. Every day on the water is different and each location throws up new challenges; the world of foiling in particular has brought a whole new element to wind and wave sports which is still in its infancy and therefore constantly progressing.
How important is competition and how hard do you push yourself to achieve new skills?
George: The competition scene is really fun but not my priority at the moment. It was wild to win the European Tow-in Title on my first full tow-in season, but truthfully, it was never a goal I initially set out to achieve. I enjoy competition because I get to see many of my good friends from around the world at events, and we get to witness the latest trick developments in the sport first-hand.
Jack: To me, as someone who is not pursuing international events, competition offers more of a fun social setting and lifestyle choice rather than a necessity. Being based in the South West of the UK offers a fantastic variety of different spots and as a result I can go out on any given day and pick the watersport that best suits the conditions and location to maximise fun. The progression comes naturally from the group of friends who are passionate about such sports as we push each other to try new tricks.
How significant is the role of media and video for you?
George: Media plays the most significant role in my day-to-day life and many of my contracts with brands are media orientated. I also work for the European Tour, helping manage their social media and lifestream visuals, so this is
another angle from which I try to help improve the sport’s image. Between my personal branding and freelance media business, my days are full of content creation, editing and writing about windsurfing. One of my mottos is that time is the most valuable currency, and if people invest their time in watching windsurfing, then I am doing a good job.
Jack: One of my other interests is film and photography, so there is a natural link to the media side of the sport. It is extremely important in terms of keeping a good relationship with Cabrinha as a brand and when you have a group of friends also looking to create content it can become very much part of any session to film each other. However, that said, I find it is also really important to put the camera down every now and then and just to enjoy the session without any pressures to perform.
What comes next in your plans?
George: Well, first things first, I am looking forward to the busy summer season. With contests, live streams, and trips to every corner of Europe, the goal is to survive the schedule until November. After this, the season starts to wind down a bit, and I will have more time again. In the long term, I am hoping to phase out a lot of my freelance social media work to go full-time into content creation with my good friend Maarten. I guess we will have to watch that space.
Jack: In August I start teaching science and maths at the World Class Kite Academy, a travelling school which locates itself in the best kitesurfing spots around the world. Lessons
in the morning are followed by kiting in the afternoons. We start the year in Brazil and Peru and then move on to South Africa for the first two months in 2025 before finishing in a combination of Morocco and Spain. With a mix of academic teaching and kite coaching it should be an exciting next step out of uni.
Any other thoughts?
George: It’s important to realise that university is not always for everyone, and there are many other options out there. Even if it’s just for some time in the uni summer breaks, being a sailing, yoga or windsurf instructor, for example, gives you many transferable life skills while allowing you to live abroad in places which other people save all year to go on holiday to.
Jack: Just a word of encouragement: find your nearest kiter school, get out on the water and to give it a go!
Follow George and Jack on Instagram @georgegrisley @jack__salmon
Life Before the Layard
Actor Christopher Dickins (SH88) recalls how his experiences at Canford helped shape his successful West End career
‘For this relief much thanks!’
So says Francisco in the opening scene of Hamlet
When these lines were uttered on a draughty evening at the Pavilion in the summer of 1988, none of the cast of the annual summer Shakespeare production knew how grateful Canford were soon to be for the discovery of the Assyrian bas-relief hidden by a dart board in the Grubber, the sale of which, at £7.7 million, paid for, among other things, the Layard Theatre in the 1990s.
Back then in the 1980s, those of us who liked a bit of drama had to cope with more austere facilities. School plays were mounted in the echoey Gisborough Hall, a narrow slab of a building more suited to assemblies and the aforementioned Pavilion Theatre, an infuriating outdoor concrete rectangle with impossible sightlines, where Shakespeare competed with nearby cries of ‘owzat!’ from Mountjoy. However, necessity was the mother of invention, and we punched above our weight.
By contrast, the Music Department had thrived for some time. Their beautiful building had been completed a decade earlier, home to four permanent members of staff who oversaw individual tuition, music O and A levels, an orchestra, a wind band, three string quartets, a chapel choir, and a choral society, which every reluctant grov was compelled to join for his first term.
As a music scholar, I was expected to fill my timetable with as much music as possible and was glad to. Mike Stubbs used to teach me violin at his house during prep, and, in later years, lessons would usually be followed by a glass of wine in front of the telly with his delightful family, watching episodes of Father Ted. Our quartet went on field trips to Dartington Summer School and did well in competitions at St John’s Smith Square. Every six weeks or so there would be a coach trip to watch the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra play in the Winter Gardens, and often there would be a detour via the fish and chip shop on the way home.
While music at Canford was well respected as a subject in its own right, drama appeared to be seen as an offshoot of the English department, with plays directed by Jerry Evans, Robin Whicker and Robin Fawcett.
Even the languages department pitched in; Tony Bowen showed tremendous flair for direction, teaching us a good deal about stagecraft and how to approach the verse of Shakespeare.
Indeed, the annual outdoor Shakespeare was a wonderful way to consolidate and absorb one’s familiarity with the Bard. Set texts were demystified and iambic pentameter brought to life. Casts were deliberately large, to involve as many pupils as possible. The technical challenges of the Pavilion Theatre taught us a good
deal about vocal projection, and the audiovisual department, the O Room, rigged up a whole series of TV and sound monitors to allow entrances from behind the Pavilion to be timed to – well almost – perfection. Even the staff enjoyed the challenge; it was before my time, but Jerry Evans, with the help of the Art Department, famously constructed an actual Grand Canal complete with gondolas and real water for his production of the Merchant of Venice.
The indoor school play was an annual Christmas term event in the Gisborough, usually only with a handful of sixth formers. There was also the junior play for the grovs and 4th form, which all years attended and took a kind interest in. The house drama festival, like the house music festival, was a riot of home-grown talent, with pupils let loose on one-act plays, directing and even writing their own material. All of these were keenly supported, and in fact, apart from school assembly and chapel, seemed to be the only events attended by pretty much all the pupils and staff.
Enthusiasm snowballed. Not content with going through an entire term with no school play, a group of sixth formers established CADS, Canford
Amateur Dramatic Society, and put on their own production of The Importance of Being Earnest. Despite not involving any staff, it was very good. The following year, I followed this up with my own production of Hay Fever. It became clear to Robin Whicker, the main coordinator of school drama, that demand was quickly outstripping supply, so he took two bold steps. One of these was to establish drama as an alternative option to CCF and community visits on Tuesday afternoons. He also recruited Canford’s first ever drama teacher: a visiting professional, Anne Brackenbury.
Anne not only coached students through drama exams operated by LAMDA, she also got involved with some of the school productions. She did one Ayckbourn in the Gisborough, hated the space, then started wooing the music department, whose warm, well-lit auditorium she coveted. Rather cunningly, she suggested a joint project with them: a musical. And so we mounted The Pirates of Penzance, with the school orchestra providing accompaniment. Colin Howard, the
then Director of Music, conducted, and it was a triumph.
Until then, there had – to my knowledge – been no musicals at Canford, apart from the odd G&S concert, with pupils firmly in the chorus and masters and their wives doing the fun bit of playing the principals. Anne’s, however, was very much a student affair, and although the Sullivan score was challenging, there were enough of us capable of tackling it with sufficient competence that audiences were at least entertained, and we all learnt an enormous amount.
Anne continued the music theme by following this with HMS Pinafore, a workshop production of Amadeus, and a few years after I left, came the first real 20th century Broadway show: Oklahoma!
Headmaster Martin Marriott and his wife Judith were keen supporters of the arts. Martin recognised that through drama young people were brought out of themselves, challenged to hold a room, develop a narrative, and – in my case – discover a sense of confidence that evaded me on the
Martin recognised that through drama young people were brought out of themselves, challenged to hold a room, develop a narrative, and – in my case – discover a sense of confidence that evaded me on the rugby and cricket pitch.
“ ”
rugby and cricket pitch. And so it was, to my great honour, that after one production I received a note from Martin, in which he thanked me for my performance and informed me that he’d decided to award me my full school colours in recognition of all my contributions to music and theatre life at Canford.
Monocles were said to have tumbled in the staff room when this became known. School colours had always been restricted to achievements on the sports field. However, I remain proud of it, as I know this was just the start of a new way of looking at the curriculum. Sports had rightly been seen as a terrific vehicle for developing skills such as strategy, leadership and teamwork, though I always suspected its main use to a school was to channel, or maybe even quell, the volcanic energies of five hundred adolescent boys. Now at last, the performing arts were also being recognised as having an important place in the development of a fully educated young person.
It wasn’t just that for many of us, drama and music was a refuge from the predominance of sport, it was also what we did for socialising. The educational benefit can be seen in the successful careers now enjoyed by my circle of Canford acting friends: two KCs, one of whom was an MP for a while, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a prominent literary agent, and a priest. I can’t help but think that drama played a big part helping them with presentation skills, creativity, innovation and persuasion. It was not long after I received my colours that Martin Marriott made it clear that building a theatre for the school would be the next priority.
For my part, Canford was followed by three years at Downing College, Cambridge, where I read law and crammed as many plays into my schedule as possible. There were
musicals and many open-air summer Shakespeares, where thanks to Canford I had more than a head start. I spent my law lectures thinking about theatre and did not spend my play rehearsals thinking about the law, so it was obvious where I should place my energies. I went to Guildford School of Acting for a year, then launched myself as a professional actor.
Despite having been a Canford music scholar I’d never had any desire to be a professional musician. However, I soon found that being proficient on a couple of instruments would give me a real edge in the early years of my career. My very first job required me to act and play the piano, and I soon got work for John Doyle’s actor-musician troupe at York Theatre Royal, at Salisbury Playhouse, and finally at the Newbury Watermill, where I performed in four of his productions, darting from keyboard to violin to accordion. One of these, a jazz version of Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Gondoliers, transferred successfully to the West End, whereupon I was at last able to be taken seriously as a West End musical theatre performer.
I’ve now been fortunate enough to have been involved in many London musicals, such as Phantom of the Opera, The Sound of Music and Blood Brothers. I toured in Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins, and spent a very happy year in
War Horse, where I was also required to play accordion.
One instrument has never been on my CV as I only spent one term on it at Canford. Mike Stubbs’ wife, Sheila, taught me the basics of folk guitar, and while I loved it I soon gave it up because I was entering my A level year. However, in my current role in Mamma Mia!, my character has to pick up a guitar and play a smattering of Thank You for the Music. A sentiment that I always enjoy.
The Layard Theatre has undoubtedly been an immense asset to Canford, and I feel glad to have been part of the generation of students whose tiresome enthusiasm and pester power culminated in its construction. However, whilst we marvel at the facilities students now enjoy, spare a thought for us poor mites from the pre-health and safety generation, clambering on the barrier-free roof of Elsinore, (aka the Pavilion Theatre), shivering in the rain in doublet and hose, and improvising sword fights with no fight director other than a bit of basic instruction from Canford’s retired fencing coach.
For this relief, much thanks!
Christopher Dickins is a professional actor and is currently performing as Harry Bright in Mamma Mia! at London’s Novello Theatre.
Jacob Hill (SH18), Sri Lanka
I arrived at the start of April, ready for a break from the bleak Edinburgh winter. Stepping out into Sri Lanka’s the heat and chaos, I was greeted by a largely silent driver but after being joined by three Manchester students, it soon became clear this was not going to be a quiet trip. We were taken to our accommodation, provided by The Mighty Roar; a company that works across the globe to develop local communities by offering medical electives and volunteering programmes to students.
We were based in the small village of Akurala on the south-west coast of Sri Lanka, staying in a beautiful compound that was run by a local family and situated just across the road from a pristine beach. Here we were fed delicious meals and were able to spend time with the local community –particularly during Sinhala New Year celebrations when footage of us doing a fun run and playing some unconventional local games later appeared on the national news! Every weekday we would head to our placement at the nearby Elpitiya Base Hospital, which provided an eye-opening insight into Sri Lankan healthcare.
I spent half my time on paediatrics where children were being treated for a huge variety of conditions including unusual kidney diseases, blood clotting disorders, and rheumatic fever. Despite the lack of specialist equipment and technology, the staff went to great efforts to ensure these children received the best possible care. I spent the rest of my time in the emergency room, a seven-bed ward where treatments for snake bites and rabies were commonplace. The experience in this department was more bizarre, with doctors barely speaking to patients prior to initiating procedures, and one nurse deciding to connect to a speaker and play music during a particularly critical moment!
A weekly visit to an Ayurveda clinic was also part of the busy schedule, to observe the traditional herbal medical practice of Sri Lanka. This involved some teaching on chakras and spiritual layers and pulse readings: a practice in which your radial pulse supposedly tells those with trained hands everything they need to know about your physical and mental health. I was informed I had back pain and ‘too many thoughts in my head’, reasonable predictions that may have resonated more if they hadn’t
been undermined by a reading that I had ‘a hidden talent for singing’. Karaoke that night rapidly disproved that theory.
During the weekends we were free to explore the island, the first of which I spent on a solo trip by rail to the historic town of Kandy. After a great couple of days exploring there, the descent provided a highlight of the trip: standing in the open door of the train leaning out over stunning views of the hillside jungle. After weeks of hospital experience, stunning beaches and incredible food it was regrettably time to return back to a refreshingly drizzly Scotland. My elective in Sri Lanka was easily a highlight of my time in medical school, and I’m so grateful for the help from the Donald Dean Award.
As part of the legacy of the late Dr Donald Dean, Canford is able to offer funding to support OCs embarking on medical electives each year. Dr Dean’s career took him all over the world and he helped create hospitals and medical services in Aden, Nigeria, Trinidad, Abu Dhabi and Kuwait. He was awarded a Fellowship of the Faculty Occupational Medicine to recognise his significant contribution to the practice of occupational medicine in tropical countries. OCs are invited to apply for awards of up to £1,500. For further information see: https://www.canford.com/community/ old-canfordians/dr-dean-medics-award . Closing date for applications is 10th November 2024.
Emily Balls (B18), Ecuador
Going to Ecuador at a time when civil unrest between criminal groups and the government had reached its peak may appear a crazy idea for an elective, but the memories I made of the fantastic experiences I had there will last a lifetime. I stayed with a host family in Quito for four weeks, where I instantly felt the heartwarming sense of community and family that is at the epicentre of Latin American culture.
I was invited over to ‘abuela’s’ (grandmother’s), for a Sunday spread of local cuisine and a chance for an orientation to Quito. Here, I quickly learnt that my upcoming language immersion course was going to be very useful to prepare me for work at San Francisco Hospital.
Aside from the daunting task of practicing my Spanish, the hospital provided a great opportunity to adapt my current skills given the limited availability of equipment. It was a pleasure treating the patients, and invaluable to see some more obscure presentations such as frequent dog bites, stab wounds, advanced skin cancers, and rare eye conditions attributed to UV strength at this latitude. I also completed two weeks on the neonatal ward. Here I was able to feed, bathe and assist in caring for preterm babies, and talk to the mothers about childcare and daily life in Quito.
An eye-opening and unique experience! And, I also managed to see all that Ecuador had to offer in my free time and I will be eternally grateful to have had this opportunity.
Imo Young (Ma18), Belize
During my final year at the University of Cardiff, I worked for a month in Belize. I spent a week practicing remote medicine in rural communities and three in the San Ignacio Community Hospital, near the border with Guatemala. At this small hospital, I worked for two weeks on the Emergency Department, and one on a maternity ward.
Within the rural communities, we spent a lot of time educating families and individuals and as English is the first language of Belize, I was able to help people understand the importance of preventing illness. Topics included eating a healthy diet, caring for newborn babies, looking after a wound, vaccinations, and safe sex. Belize suffers high levels of obesity, as fast food and fizzy drinks are cheaper than a healthier alternative. This means a population with high incidences of high blood pressure and type-2 diabetes, so our work included screening for these conditions. Thanks to the Dr Dean Award I was able to donate two blood-pressure cuffs, and a blood sugar reader to the team.
The Community Hospital had a very busy Emergency Department as it serves around 120,000 people, about 30% of the population. However, it only has an X-ray machine, eight beds, one resuscitation room, and a waiting room full of chairs. This meant they always needed an extra pair of hands. The majority of patients we saw had been in motorcycle accidents, but there were many presentations. We also helped patients deal with the complications of diseases less prevalent in the UK, such as HIV,
dengue fever, and other infections secondary to these.
I also spent time on the maternity ward, which was a change of pace from the Emergency Department. This ward was run by a fabulous team of midwives. Their knowledge, manner, and patience are skills I will endeavour to replicate throughout my medical career. We saw a lot of teenage and young pregnancies, who were often scared, but the midwives were always able to help them relax and make them excited about the next steps. They gently taught what to expect, the process, and how we were going to help them. It was an important point of contact for many of these ladies and children and was often used as an opportunity to educate and screen.
My elective was a unique opportunity to experience another culture, observe different medical practices, and get a hands-on experience. I want to thank Canford for helping me make the most of my time there, and the Dr Donald Dean Medical Award for allowing me to give back to the community which so graciously welcomed me.
Our season began with a match against the School to mark the renaming of the Shackleton Pavilion, honouring two generations of Canford coaches: the recently retired Julian Shackleton and his late father Derek, the legendary Hampshire bowler. The 1st XI showed no mercy as current pupil openers Guirdham (109) and Rowland (46) added 147, and despite three wickets from Harry Anstee (M11), the School confidently declared at 231-6. Despite a late rally by Tom Nichols (F14) (32) and Anstee (24), the old boys were routed for 168.
The end-of-term game against a Leavers XI was a little closer. The School were pegged back by Noah Le Boutillier (C20) (3-29) and the ageless Ken Mead (C81) (2-20), but the tail wagged until Tommy Jack (L22) (2-19) broke a stubborn last-wicket stand of 26 which ultimately proved decisive. Chasing 197 from 40 overs, the Cygnets slumped to 31-4 before Freddie Peters (C21) (55 not out) fought back, adding 50 with Mead (24) but we fell agonisingly short, bowled out for 180.
The Cygnets “week” was affected by player and pitch unavailability, as we were unable to play at home. Embarrassingly, we could only muster six players for the Twenty20 Stour Cup, though Jamie Mitchell (C17) (65) helped us post 168-3 in the semi-final against Sherborne. Even with three fielders lent by our opponents, a threadbare attack allowed the Pilgrims to progress comfortably to victory.
In the third-place game, Clayesmore racked up 183-3 and although Mitchell (46), Jordan Le Boutillier (C19) (39) and George Baugniet (L19) (39 not out) gave us a sniff, a 15-run defeat ensured we retained the wooden spoon. There was no revenge
opportunity as we had to cancel Monday’s game with Clayesmore, being unable to raise a side ourselves.
We reconvened on Thursday to face Bryanston at Shillingstone Cricket Club. While Hamish Johnson (F20) took 3-35 and four Butterflies were bowled by Tom Sykes (C20), lack of depth cost us dearly as the fifth bowler’s eight-over allocation, shared between four Cygnets, cost 147 runs. Opener Charlie Austin hit 101 while Tom Saunders, our nemesis from the 2022 Stour Cup final, smashed 85 not out as Bryanston made 326-9 from 40 overs.
In reply, we were never at the races. Only James Longrigg (SH20) (22) reached double figures while the final wicket, a needless run-out, was the innings in microcosm as we were skittled for 71, suffering a record 255-run defeat.
We had a stronger team recruited for Friday’s game with Sherborne, but the ‘neutral venue’ we had booked, cancelled at short notice with concerns over a dangerous pitch and we could not procure an alternative, ending the week on a disappointing note.
Our thanks go to the Canford groundstaff and caterers, the Headmaster and the OC Society for their support, while team organisers Rob Graham (F10), Tom Darby (M10) and Josh Davies (C20) worked hard after being dealt a difficult hand; it is hoped we will be able to play at Canford again in 2025. We would dearly love some new, or returning, players next year - email cygnetscricket@yahoo. co.uk or contact us via the Canford Cygnets XI Facebook group.
Mark Mitchener (B93)
The OC hockey day had started over a beer I shared with Rob Daubeney last summer and followed on from the successful Centenary rematch of Rob’s year versus their counterparts at Stowe. On the day, we had 50 players organised into three evenly matched squads, allowing us older generation, via rolling subs, the chance to take frequent breathers.
There is nothing like a bit of competition to bring out the best in Old Canfordians. Not to be outdone, the older members started to get stuck in, including Ben (M98) and Andy Major (B96) and the ChalkleyMaber brothers Charles (S06) and Gerard (S10), all of whom are still playing regularly. Rob Daubeney ran the midfield for his team, like a sleek David Beckham, in the latter stages of his career: often with economy of movement, but with an eye for a defence splitting pass.
Tash Yates (née Reypert C92) was a fox in the box and ended up joint top scorer on the day. Dan Cleife
(S93) pulled out his full repertoire of shoulder drops and hip feints (honed in the discos of South West London in his youth), even causing an opposition player half his age to fall over his own feet.
A special mention must go to Chris Long, who left School House in 1960 and was almost a wall in goal. Richard Bellars (M92) and Richard Thompson (B93) turned out to be like fine wine getting better in their older the years as they certainly played better on the day than they ever did at school.
It was lovely to have so many former hockey coaches there, including Dave Collison, Patrick Rossiter, Rick Raumann, Mike Bartlett and Keith Hay. The first four are Canford hockey coaching legends while Keith Hay’s claim to hockey coaching fame was coaching the mighty Fifth XI.
Mike Bartlett who had taught a number of us geography during his time at Canford, put in a useful shift on the pitch. Mike claimed he hadn’t really
come prepared to play hockey, but his astro shoes and shinpads already on and gumshield in his pocket indicated this wasn’t quite the truth. He wasn’t quite the ‘Wimborne whirlwind’ of yesteryear but he acquitted himself with grace and aplomb.
We were also joined on the day by headmaster Ben Vessey and Ieuan Weir, deputy head academic as well as a large number of spectators. Many thanks must go to Rowena and Rachael from the school’s Development Office for organising the day and for Greg Davis to referee us in such a good-natured spirit.
After the match, we retired to the Heffield Pavilion for chilli con carne, refreshments and more catching up. It was a really special day, so thank you to everyone who played and spectated, and to all the hard work that had been put in at the school end to organise such a successful hockey day.
Simon Young (M93)
The 2023/24 season saw the Old Canfordians compete for the first time in the storied Arthurian League, founded in 1903 and now comprising 6 divisions of old boys’ teams from across the country. After a long summer of preparation, sponsorship deals had been signed, the league had officially accepted the club at their AGM, matchday kit was on its way and our regular pitch at Gunnersbury in West London was secured. Hopes were exceptionally high.
This optimism may have failed to translate into early results, but before long a special community had been built off the pitch, and partnerships were beginning to form on it.
Through the weeks, veterans settled into roles, youngsters burst onto the scene, and debutants that got a taste for what OCFC had to offer couldn’t help but come back for more. With this came strong results, a 4-2 win to upset Old Kingstonians in the cup, and a 3-0 win at Old Cheltonians showing that the OCs could compete with the very best in our division.
With it all said and done, the Oaks ended the season with results against Division 4 teams that without doubt have the rest of Div 5 worried. Finishing 5th in Division 5 and reaching the Quarter Finals of the David Woolcott Trophy is a strong start to life in the league.
Alongside this, the OCs once again made their annual two trips down to Canford, playing three games against the Canford 1st and 2nd XIs. The now well-oiled Old Canfordians were victorious across all three fixtures.
In December: beating the 1st XI 4-3 thanks to a last-minute winner from Louis James (C17); and helped to a 4-2 victory against the 2nd XI by an audacious long-range effort from Billy Chapman (C16). The March fixture was another high-scoring affair, with the Old Canfordians winning 4-3.
Alongside strong footballing performances, we held our inaugural end of season dinner at the Crown Tavern in Farringdon, expertly organised by Club Social Secretary Henry Baugniet (W17). A fantastic celebration of over 40 OCs who
represented the school in our first season, with awards going to Top Scorer Toby Hett (F17), Clubman of the Year Max Johnson (C17), Player of the Season Louis James, Committee Player of the Year (Tom Glennie (SH16)) and Most Improved (Patrick Regan (SH17)). The club continues to grow from strength to strength, now with 80 members ranging from 2024 Canford graduates to Canford’s first ever football captain (class of 2010).
A special thank you to all committee members who, whether washing the kit, booking the pitches, or upholding player welfare, made it all happen.
What started the year as an idea, ended it as a club fully established, and ready to take on all that the Arthurian League has to throw at it. Promotion next year will surely not escape the minds of the OCs as they embrace a well-deserved summer of rest.
Louis James (C17)
The 3rd round of the John Boys Challenge Cup took place at The Hyde, Bridport on Sunday 3rd December 2023 on a bitterly cold day. OCs travelled from as far as London and Chichester to participate in this annual challenge match in which the camaraderie and social atmosphere amongst the spectators was even greater than the competitive spirit, energy and athleticism of those on court.
The OC team consisted of Patrick Jenkins (C61), Simon de Halpert (F64), Barry Coupe (F70), Corin Jenkins (C90) and Cleeves Palmer (C80). Everyone played singles and doubles with the OCs taking an early lead.
The Hyde, having home court advantage, then sprinted ahead 3-1 before a nail-biting fightback by the OCs levelled the final score at 3-3. However, as this match is of similar importance to, and played under the same rules as The Ashes, The Hyde, having triumphed in last year’s match and therefore being the holders, retained the trophy.
It was a delight for us all to see John Boys and share our memories of time on court with him. His enthusiasm for the game remains undimmed. The photo shows John Boys sharing the trophy with John Mackenzie, the Hyde captain, and Cleeves Palmer who organised the whole day. The OCs have challenged the Hyde to a return match at Canford on Sunday 20 October 2024.
Simon de Halpert (F64)
Simon de Halpert also reached the quarter finals of the last Real Tennis World Masters in the over 70s doubles, the over 75s singles and the over 75s doubles.
We are looking to revitalise OC real Tennis, giving more OCs a chance to step back on the hallowed court with home fixtures, as well as open opportunities for tours across other clubs, alumni competitions and other social events.
If you are interested in becoming part of the Old Canfordian Real Tennis Society then simply send an email to realtennisandsquash@canford.com and we will be in contact with you. We are also planning an OC Real Tennis morning at Canford on Sunday 9th February from 10.30am so please do check https:// globalconnect.canford.com/home and book your place. There are also two home fixtures coming up:
20th October: OCs vs. The Hyde (Home) organised by Cleeves Palmer 12th January: OCs vs. The Hurlingham Pigeons (Home)
If you would like to hear more about the club or be introduced/reintroduced to the game, then our friendly professionals, James Ryan and Nat Cherry, are always around to answer any questions and offer a completely free introductory lesson.
We look forward to seeing you on the Real Tennis court in the near future.
James Ryan
Canford Real Tennis 01202 847523 realtennisandsquash@canford.com
On the 16th September 2023, the Old Canfordian Boat Club (OCBC) attended their first race since being officially founded at Henley Royal Regatta some months prior. James Martin (C95), William Galbraith (SH19), Rupert Talfour Cook (S17) and Robert Way (S19) travelled to Dorney Lake, venue of the London 2012 Olympic Games, to compete against five crews over the course of three races in the Old Blades Regatta. The opposition included three Eton crews, one from Hampton and a Shiplake/Canford composite.
James got the ball rolling, racing in the 750m race before handing over to Robert, Rupert and William who rowed in the 500m and 250m races. The OC/Vikings composite crew did
well coming 2nd in all 3 of the races and 2nd overall.
Our four OCs made us proud, it’s not every day you can say you’ve raced against ex-Olympians, which some schools had managed to rope in. Despite this fierce competition Canford maintained their giant killing reputation and I hope we’ll improve this result in future years in our pursuit of the Old Blades Trophy.
It was wonderful to see so many OCs at the annual drinks party at Henley Royal Regatta again and even some racing. Well done to Henry Galbraith (SH14) racing in the Wyfold Challenge Cup for London RC and Imy Woodcock (D23) and Martha Warren-Barrett (D22) racing in
On Thursday 18 July OCs met again at the National Shooting Centre in Bisley, Surrey, to take part in the Public Schools Veterans match. This year the weather was warm and sunny. The usual OCs had made the trip – Richard Dyball (S82), Rod Philpott (M80), Julian Williams (M80), Johnny Reed (W70), Rick Watson (B80) and Simon Hughes (B86). Richard as usual shot first and scored 47.4. The rest of the team, coached by Richard and Rod, shot the following scores –Julian 42.2, Johnny 24, Rick 26 and Simon 33.1. Given the typical gentlemanly lack of practice by the majority of the team, everyone acquitted themselves very well but as expected we ended in our usual spot at the bottom of the scoreboard. More importantly, everyone hit the target most of the time and went home having enjoyed themselves. After we had all finished shooting, we retired to the LMRA for some refreshment.
Newcastle University’s 2nd VIII in the Island Challenge Cup.
If you would like to keep up to date with OC Rowing or share your own rowing news and memories please join the Old Canfordian Boat Club Facebook group, or visit Canford Clobal Connect.
George Farthing (C20)
Photo left to right: James Martin, William Galbraith, Robert Way, Rupert Talfourd Cook
Richard Dyball (S82) and Rod Philpott (M80)
Another actioned packed OC golfing season is coming to a close with over 60 Canfordians taking part and the signing of 12 new members. Everything started in January with a centenary Halford Hewitt celebration dinner in London, with over 750 people including 23 Canfordians dressed in our OC golfing Blazers (see picture above).
Our Halford Hewitt campaign started in April with lots of promise but failed early on to Brighton and the same applied to the over 50 Cyril Grey campaign that came unstuck against Merchiston at the last 16 stage.
However the Grafton Morrish six-man team won the qualifying at Worplesdon and headed to Hunstanton, alongside 47 other schools, for the finals at the end of September.
Our Captain Chris Kerr (SH01) hosted 20 members, guests and the Headmaster on a very hot and enjoyable day at Canford in July. The winner after 30 years of trying was Richard Baxter (B62) with 38 points.
On Sunday 12 May 2024, Ben Tice (M01) and Andy Eales (L08) (pictured above) rose before dawn to arrive at Sand Martins Golf Club, Berkshire, as the sun was breaking, to compete in the British Pairs Speedgolf Championship. Ben and Andy have represented The Old Canfordians Golf Team in The Halford Hewitt and Grafton Morrish events since leaving school. This event, however, was their first experience of combining foursomes golf and running.
Speedgolf is a relatively new and niche sport, where scores are calculated by adding shots hit plus minutes
taken to get round 18 holes, following the ‘foursomes’ format of alternate shots. Rules mandate that neither player can advance ahead of the ball until you reach the green (for safety reasons), players cannot share clubs, and clubs cannot be dropped on greens, so must either be held or placed off the green whilst putting. Ben and Andy took three clubs each (SW, 8i and 3W) and chose to putt one handed with their three woods, a decision hastily made on the practice putting green moments before their start time!
Ben and Andy are both single figure golfers and sub 20-minute 5km runners, they were aiming to complete their round of golf in 10 over par in a time of 40 minutes. Their ambition was not quite matched to their ability as they ended up completing the round in 30 over par taking 51 minutes.
Key lessons learnt include a practice round at the host golf club and following the directions to the next hole (they lost their way twice costing them 6 minutes!). With their Speedgolf score of 152, Ben and Andy finished mid table, however, they did manage to secure one of the fastest times of the day. For context, the winning Speedgolf score was 123 (14 over par in 37 minutes).
If you are interested in learning more about Speedgolf, both Ben and Andy are more than happy to discuss further, please contact community@canford.com for contact details.
John Clegg (F52)
Actor John Clegg, best known for his role as Gunner Graham in It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, has died aged 90. Born in the Punjab, now part of Pakistan, to an Army major and a teacher, John moved to the village of Shawford, Hampshire, as a small child and attended The Pilgrims School, Winchester, before Canford. During his childhood, his mother wrote plays for the local amateur dramatics society and he appeared on stage in her productions from the age of four.
He trained at RADA between 1954 and 1957 and while there distinguished himself playing Colonel Pickering alongside Glenda Jackson in the role of Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion. His long career included parts in Dixon of Dock Green; Father, Dear Father; Lollipop; Dad’s Army; Are You Being Served; Spooner’s Patch; Keep it in the Family; You Rang, M’Lord, Crossroads, Mr Bean and Coogan’s Run. But it was playing the well-spoken pianist, Gunner Graham, in all eight series of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum (1974-81) for which he will be best remembered. The series achieved 17 million viewers a week at the height of its popularity.
John said he drew on his own experiences in the Army, during his national service, for this part, remembering ‘a certain sergeant-major who used to make my life a misery because I’d been to public school and had a posh accent’. He added: ‘there was a lot of me in Gunner Graham’. He later combined his love of India and Rudyard Kipling to create a one-man show, The Eye of the Sun, using the author’s poems, stories and anecdotes all performed in character. This was followed by another Kipling-inspired show, Brushes of Comets’ Hair.
In 1959, John married fellow actor, Mavis Pugh, who was 20 years his senior. She also appeared in You Rang, M’Lord and It Ain’t Half Hot Mum. Mavis died in 2006.
John’s varied career included stage roles in One for the Pot, Run for Your Wife and The Tempest, as well as numerous pantomimes, and his film appearances included Half a Sixpence (1967), Shooting Fish (1997), Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1997) and Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001).
Douglas McLeod Baynes (B49)
At 18, Douglas applied for a short-service commission with the Royal Navy. After six months of basic naval officer training, he started flying training at RAF Syerston on the Percival Prentice in February 1951, before moving onto the Harvard and then Supermarine Seafire and Fairey Firefly for advanced training.
Douglas saw action in Korea in 1952, with 801 Squadron on HMS Glory, flying the Hawker Sea Fury and again in 1956 flying Sea Venom with HMS Eagle during the Suez Crisis. After time with the RAF night fighter training and stints in Hawker Sea Hawks, Grumman Avengers and DH Vampires, Douglas’ eightyear commission came to an end in 1957. He joined BEA on the Douglas DC3 Dakota, initially at Heathrow and then Gatwick, for the Channel Island routes. In 1959, he converted onto the Vickers Viscount and in March 1963 onto the Comet 4B.
He moved to the Vickers Vanguard/Merchantman in 1969 for his first Command. In 1975, he joined the BALPA Concorde evaluation team and flew the pre-production Concorde 101 G-AXDN on a few flights, one supersonic over the Bay of Biscay. He moved into training on the Merchantman and remained a base training captain throughout his time on the Trident 3 and his last type with BA, the 737-200.
On reaching 50 in 1982, Douglas took a voluntary severance package from BA and moved to Hong Kong as a Flight Ops Inspector with the HK CAD and put the Tristar and 747 on his licence although with his short-haul background, he primarily concentrated on Dragonair’s start up with the 737. In late 1986, he returned to the UK and was very involved in base training with the start-up of Inter European Airways at Cardiff on the 737-300 where he continued until reaching the then mandatory retirement age of 60 in 1992.
After three years conducting simulator training at Gatwick with BCAL Flight training on HS125 biz jets, the retirement age rule changed to 65 so he went back to flying by joining Easyjet in their very early days when they had just two 737s operating on Air Foyle’s AOC. His last flight was a day before his 65th Birthday on 3rd March 1997 with 15,563 hours in his logbook.
Douglas’s wife Celia pre-deceased him but he leaves behind three children and four grandchildren.
Bill Keppel-Compton (B56)
Born in Malawi, where his father was Provincial Commissioner in the Colonial Service, Bill attended prep school in Johannesburg. At 13 he joined Canford, which he found a complete culture shock, in a country which was called ‘home’, during the austere post-war years due to the climate and the rather basic food. Moreover, he had not learnt Latin, only Africaans. However, he eventually thrived and particularly enjoyed sailing and tennis. He entered the RAF for National Service and remained for the next 30-plus years, serving around the world and in many home areas. He continued his passion for sailing both privately and with the RAF and he and his family lived on a Dutch sailing barge for the first 12 years, moving ‘house’ as required. He was Commodore of the British Kiel Yacht Club and was instrumental in obtaining the grant of the light blue RAF sailing association ensign. Bill retired four years early as Group Captain and moved to Pembrokeshire where he continued sailing and taking an active part in local maritime affairs. He was local chairman for the Lord Nelson Trust and organised the Tall Ships visit to Milford Haven in 1991. He also skippered boats on the Thames for the Lord Nelson Funeral re-enactment and the Queen’s Jubilee and to other regattas in France. Visiting Malawi as often as possible remained a high priority throughout his life.
Stephen J R Page (C57)
Stephen Page was born in Claygate, Surrey on 28th February 1939. He was the eldest of four children including brother Andrew (C66). Having attended Wadham House in Cheshire, he followed his father’s footsteps (C.E.S Page C32) and entered Canford in 1952 as one of the first second generation Pages, the ninth member of the family to attend.
Stephen thoroughly enjoyed his time at the Canford and it remained a special place for him throughout his life – he even took his wife Marjorie there when they honeymooned in Bournemouth. He was very pleased to produce third generation attendees – David (C83), Mike (C85) and Julia (C87) – at the time that took the family total number to eighteen Canfordians, and there may well have been more of the extended family since.
Having achieved good A levels in maths, chemistry and physics, Stephen went on to study Chemical Engineering at Imperial College, London and a thirty-year career at BP Chemicals followed, with the family based in South Wales. After early retirement he became a magistrate, was appointed a JP and trained as a schools’ inspector.
Stephen loved to follow most sports but was particularly passionate about the many ups and downs of England cricket. He was also an avid follower of rugby, although as a proud Englishman he had the misfortune to raise a Welsh-born family in what was the finest era in the history of Welsh rugby. His main hobby was entering ‘Word’ competitions which were typically promoting household products and his winnings over many years included around forty holidays and over twenty cars.
Stephen passed away peacefully in Cardiff on 26th July 2023 after a short illness, leaving three children and eight grandchildren.
Lt Col James F Budd (F61)
Born in Argentina, James’s family fled the country during the Peron era, when he was around nine years old. He was bilingual –Spanish and English – and a natural linguist, adding German and Arabic later in his 20s.
A lover of all sports, James was a passionate competitive sailor, and the family kept a boat in Poole Harbour for many years. He joined the Army in 1962 and was sent to Cyprus on his first posting the following year, as a Signals Officer attached to 2nd Paras, at the outbreak of troubles there.
James had two more postings to Cyprus in the late 60s and early 70s and again in 1975. It was highly unusual to be posted to the same place so many times, but his knowledge of the area was formidable. He commanded the Signal Regiment stationed in Berlin, in the mid 1980s. His last job was three years in Brussels before retiring in 1993. He also enjoyed serving as a member of an NGO for many years. Eventually James moved to North Cyprus, in 2003/2004, where he died in 2021.
Pictured left to right DJS Page (C83), AWK Page (C66), SJR Page (C57) and CES Page (SH31)
George Ferguson Gardiner (B64)
Remembered by Richard Smith (B64)
I recently learned that George had died in January 2023. The President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, who was a good friend of George, described him as ‘a distinguished lawyer who was noted for his honesty, integrity and professionalism’. A man who was a lively companion with a wide, infectious sense of humour. The President and George met regularly and George shared his thoughtful insights into public matters with him.
At Canford, Geoge starred academically and as a sportsman. He played for the first teams at rugby, tennis and athletics. I well remember in our final year, we in Beaufort won the interhouse 7s tournament with George in the team. Every time we gave him the ball he scored. I was recently sent a copy of the online funeral proceedings and there was the 7s team photo with George sitting alongside me. The brochure also had photos of George as a drummer in a CCF band and a jazz band at Canford.
George was born in 1946 in Sierra Leone, but his early years were spent in Ghana. While he was at Canford, the family were based in Addis Ababa because his father, Robert Gardiner, a University professor and economist was at that time serving as the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission.
After Canford, George read law at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He then practised law at a number of firms and chambers in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Nigeria, before settling in a law firm in Ghana where he continued to practise until he passed away.
George is survived by his widow, Araba, his four children and many grandchildren.
John Holtom (B66)
John grew up in the New Forest, developing a love of nature, especially deer and forestry. During his career as a rural chartered surveyor, he helped instigate conservation projects with long-lasting legacies.
John worked for Leicester County Council from the mid-1970s, loving his role managing Bradgate Park. In 1992, he became Head Forest Keeper for the City of London at Epping Forest. His key achievements included helping develop the ‘Buffer Lands’ to protect the Forest from new development, and introducing grazing by Long Horn cattle, the most effective and sustainable way of maintaining habitats to ensure they remain rich in wildlife.
John passed away at his home in Wiltshire in November 2023 and is survived by his wife Rachael and son Alex.
Roland Yearwood (W84)
Remembered by Gareth Euridge (W84)
Roland died in 2017 during an Everest attempt. His body was recovered from close to the summit this summer writes his friend Gareth Euridge (W84).
After serving as head of house, Roland “Rodney” Yearwood took premed at the University of London. He then returned to his beloved Grenada, where he studied medicine at St George’s University. Having completed his residency in New York, Roland moved, with his then wife, to Georgiana, Alabama, where they began both a family – two daughters, Natasha and Rachel – and a family practice, providing much needed medical care to this otherwise under-served rural area.
Though careful and measured in his profession, Roland never lost his appetite for adventure in his personal life. He was an accomplished skier, a licensed pilot, an avid yachtsman, and a certified deep-sea diver. Above all else, he was a mountaineer, having climbed six of the Seven Summits.
Everest was his final challenge, and it was there on his second attempt to reach the peak, in May 2017, that Roland died in the infamous “death zone.” Reports of his death are uncertain as to whether he died on his way to the summit or in the descent from it. Those who knew and loved him do not share that uncertainty; as with all things in his life, he most surely crested.
Nick Gorman (SH93) Canford art teacher 1997-2000.
Remembered by Jasper Sharp (SH93)
I met Nick on our first day at Canford in September 1988. Our beds were across from each other in a dormitory of boys who were all thinking the same thing: how am I going to get through this?
I was drawn to him immediately. He had a smile that lit up the room, and a sparkle in his eye that suggested that he would be up for a few adventures. I had no idea then that we would plan and carry out literally hundreds of them over the years to come, each more sophisticated and ridiculous than the last.
We ended up sharing a lodge together for four years. Once every week, without exception, Nick would come back to our room to find that I had completely rearranged the beds, desks, cupboards and posters on the wall. Not just my things, but his things too. He would open the door, pause, look around, puff out his cheeks, and quietly set about adjusting to the new set-up.
I had no idea at the time why I was doing this. Nick didn’t either. It just felt like something I needed to do.
In our second year at school, Nick introduced me to art. He would bring me to the art room at Canford and show me what he was working on. He would show me books of the artists that he liked and asked me to join him for life drawing classes. I was hopeless but fascinated. Fascinated by his ability, by the artists he introduced me to, by this entire world and the idea that I might one day find a place within it.
For almost twenty years now I have worked as a curator at art museums, first in Venice and now in Vienna. I move pictures around the walls of different galleries each week, trying out different things to see what works, something that I realize now I had been quietly training for since I was 13 years old. I feel fortunate to be able to do it. All that is missing is Nick puffing out his cheeks.
Nick was a kind person. It was always him that tapped us gently on the shoulder when our making fun of someone went too far.
He was an emotional person. He felt things, in art and music, more deeply than anyone, and was not afraid to show it. And he shared them with us, opening doors to one experience after another that would blow our minds.
But more than anything else, Nick was authentic. He was real. In a crowd of boys all trying desperately hard to be something, he was comfortable just being Nick. And we loved him for it.
Just before going to press we heard that Richard Garnett (W78) died in early September after a 10-year battle with mesothelioma and Angus Purchase (S55) also passed away in September.
OCS Committee
President Sheila Way (née Morrison) (B86)
Honorar y Secretar y Richard Dyball (S82)
Honorar y Treasurer Simon Young (M93)
Committee Barry Coupe (F70), Matt Keats (S89), Jonathan Gollings (W00)
Society Editor Joanna Ashwick (née Clegg) (F92)
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Society is pr inted on paper from sustainable forests; the pr inting plates are processed without chemicals; pr inting inks are vegetable-based.
Society is now published annually for Old Canfordians in the autumn. If you would like to receive more copies,
register a change of address or elect to receive your magazine electronically, please contact the Office on 01202 847506, email community@canford.com
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Where more than one OC is registered at a given address, we now send one family copy If you would like to receive more copies don’t hesitate to contact community@ canford.com
Contr ibutions to the 2025 issue should be sent to the editor by 1st July 2025 at: oceditor@canford.com
Front and back cover image: 50+ reunion April 2024
To make contact with an over seas representative , please do so via Canford Global Connect or email community@canford.com