12 minute read
Anxiety and stress can be overwhelming for those looking to build a new life in Canada. Settlement programs along with wellness tools and resources to boost mental health are available to support immigrants reach their potential and thrive in their new home.
By Baisakhi Roy
Thirty-five-year old Sharmistha Manna’s enthusiasm is both unexpected and infectious. The Indian-born immigrant has been pounding the pavement for a job and it hasn’t been easy. The interviews haven’t been great, and she misses her family in Kolkata, India, but she’s keeping her chin up. “It has to happen, right?” she asks rhetorically. “I wouldn’t be offered Canadian immigration if the government didn’t think I was worthy enough,” she says.
Setting up one’s life in Canada from scratch can be daunting and affects each individual differently. Like Manna, the biggest concern for new immigrants is being unemployed or underemployed. Factor in culture shock, the winter months, language barriers and the absence of familial and social support – and you have an individual who can very well be looking at a nervous breakdown.
A 2016 study conducted by the Mental Health Commission of Canada mentioned that immigrants when they first arrive, are generally in better mental health than the Canadian-born population. Known as the “healthy immigrant effect,” this condition slowly dwindles over time for lack of linguistically and culturally appropriate support services, social isolation and the fear of stigma from having a so-called “mental health problem.” The good news is that there are a whole range of mental health wellness and settlement programs available to offer support for new immigrants.
Settlement support
Like Manna, one of the main challenges that new immigrants face that causes stress and anxiety is, finding appropriate work. And like her, the first stop for many on arrival is to approach their local settlement agency for support. Manna learned about a number of settlement services for newcomers at the Brampton Multicultural Community Centre

CANADIAN IMMIGRANT Volume 17 Issue 1 | 2020 (BMC) and attended a job orientation session. This gave her the opportunity to network and get a sense of the Canadian job market.
Settlement agencies like BMC offer tons of support to new immigrants, ranging from employment services including networking events and job fairs, one-on-one sessions with career consultants and mentoring support. A comprehensive list of newcomer service providers is available on the Government of Canada website.
According to recent reports, present-day newcomers are faring much better in comparison to their predecessors in terms of unemployment rate (which has decreased) and wages (which has increased). This is partly attributed to federal and provincial funding for newcomer programs which has increased to more than $1.5 billion over the past two decades.
Wellness programs
Services extend much beyond employment services in these agencies. Many programs at BMC are focused on health and wellness. “We offer the Mind Your Health program, funded by the United United Way Greater Toronto, which provides culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate self-awareness programs to newcomer clients. The program aims to raise awareness, reduce stigma and promote mental
health and well-being of individuals from the newcomer and immigrant community so they can enhance their ability to adapt to change, cope with challenges, engage in productive activities and contribute to their community,” says Salima Tejani, Acting Director, Programs and Services, BMC.
At the Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre, a social services agency based in Mississauga, counsellors are working overtime trying to address the needs of anxious immigrant parents struggling with disciplining their children in a new country with different concepts about parenting. above Praveen Kalra is Settlement Programs Manager, Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre

According to Praveen Kalra, Settlement Programs Manager at the agency, “We have a team of 18 counsellors that speak over 21 languages who engage with our clients on issues that include stress related to job or housing search, family or relationship breakdowns, feelings of isolation and past or current traumatic experiences. We understand that a newcomer to Canada may experience overwhelming anxiety and stress due to a variety of reasons and we are here not only to support them but to also have them participate constructively and positively in society.”
Settlement agencies often organise health and wellness fairs that provide access to wellness experts who can offer one-on-one consultations specific to an individual’s needs.
In addition to the services provided by settlement agencies, there is a lot that newcomers can do to better their day-to-day mindset. “I recommend two apps to my clients. One is Headspace, a guided meditation app that also teaches mindfulness techniques. Another one that’s popular and is getting us results is Daylio, a mood tracker app. It helps clients identify what triggers their moods. Journaling is one of those activities which if done dedicatedly, can produce great results.,” she adds.
Other apps that are free to download and are popular include Anxiety Reliever: Stress and Anxiety Relief (that teaches you how to breathe effectively), MindShift (helps you track specific anxiety symptoms and provides strategies to avoid triggers) and Stigma (connects to support groups and helps discuss strategies with people with similar experiences).
Practice healthy living
The struggle of settlement is a daily one and can be a long-drawn out process. How and what you eat, goes a long way in maintaining a robust body and a healthy immune system which in turn, affects one’s mental make-up directly. that maintaining a network of acquaintances: for instance, fellow gym-goers, neighbours, employees at the local grocery stores, can contribute to a sense of connection to the community.
Stay positive
Experts agree that dealing with stress and anxiety is an ongoing issue that plagues immigrant families and that there is a considerable gap between the demand for services and supports available.
“The funding hasn’t increased for mental health and wellness programs, it has remained consistent. Our counsellors are overwhelmed by the increasing demand for services.,” admits Kalra from the Dixie-Bloor Neighbourhood Centre. “The wait list for mental health is on the rise and resources are limited,” echoes Tejani at BMC.
Despite the need for more resources, most immigrants like Manna find a way.
The 2019 Canada Food Guide is a great resource for those looking to practise healthy living. The guide not only educates about food portions and food groups but also has valuable information including food labels, nutritional values of particular foods and practising mindfulness while eating. “Healthy eating is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and helps prevent chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers,” says Dr. Theresa Tam, chief public health officer of Canada, upon the release of the guide.
Setting up a routine of regular exercise supplements the effects of a good diet. Joining running clubs, the apartment gym or setting aside some time in the day for a brisk walk around the neighbourhood vastly improves one’s state of mind. The goal is to thrive and not just survive.
Creating community
Settling in Canada while battling the blues can be a daunting process but it need not be a lonely one. There are plenty of opportunities available to make that human connection. Often, reaching out to that long-lost high school friend or second cousin who are already in Canada can help newcomers find useful information and more importantly, feel less alone. Manna attributes her sunny disposition in the face of struggle to her disciplined routine. “I’ve always had a routine in India, where I had a flourishing career – get up early, get breakfast done and get ready for work. I follow that here as well. My day is pretty unpredictable. I could have a couple of interviews lined up, a few may fall
above Ridhim Mehta is Mental Health Counsellor with BMCC

through but something may come up last minute and when I have a proper routine, I can manage my day well. I can fit it a lot of appointments and get a lot done,” she says.
Digital resources at your fingertips
For the tech savvy immigrant of today, tons of online resources and apps can aid with mental health and wellness. Apps that track moods and encourage documenting your feelings to meditation and yoga are all the rage. “For a newcomer today, like any other person, their phone is everything,” says Ridhim Mehta, Mental Health Counsellor, BMC. Meetup groups or Facebook groups are a way to connect with people going through the same experience and/or with the same interests. Participating in community events and finding volunteering opportunities are a great way to network and connect with a new community.
Forming what can be referred to as ‘lowstakes relationships’ can also have a positive impact on wellbeing. Researchers have found But Manna reminds herself that she made the choice. “I chose to come here so I don’t complain. And on the days that I feel especially blue, I walk into a Tim Horton’s… There are few things a French Vanilla latte can’t cure! Also, people here are really friendly – you smile at someone and they smile right back at you. That definitely helps.”
With contributions from Ramya Ramanathan.
Every year offers an opportunity for a new beginning; for a fresh start. If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to look ahead and set some new goals and targets for 2020. Review, assess and set your goals for the year ahead What will your year 2020 look like?
Review the positives from 2019 It is common for some of us to end a year feeling deflated and disappointed with the things we didn’t get done, or the things we wish had happened. Reviewing the ‘wins’ and positive memories from 2019 can help us to acknowledge what we did achieve, including the experiences or moments we enjoyed, to get us in the right frame of mind to set some new goals. It can help to look at photos, a calendar or journal, anything that will jog the memory of the past year. Here are a few prompts to get started: • What was one of the best decisions you made? • Who was an important part of your life last year? (an amazing friend, family member, neighbour, colleague...?) • What barriers and challenges did you overcome? • What, or who, made a positive impact on you? • What one thing did you get done, or change, that you are most proud of? • What experience are you most grateful for? • What was the biggest risk you took that paid off? • What was the most important lesson learned? Create a clear sense of purpose for 2020
This is always a good place to start because we know that a clear sense of purpose is good for our mental health and wellbeing. Without a clear idea of what’s most important to us we may spend our time reacting and responding to other people’s needs and expectations of us. Living our life on their terms, by their rules. We may end up compromising too much in order to suit others and as a result, end up feeling resentful, as if we are sacrificing our own happiness for theirs. • What kind of a person are you? • What do you stand for? • What are the values, beliefs and principles that guide your decision making? • What do you want to achieve? What kind of contribution do you aspire to make? • Who do you want to spend your time with? Who matters most to you? Begin at the end
Now is the perfect time to use our imagination creatively and positively to plan for success. Our brain cannot tell the difference between a real event and something we have vividly imagined.
Imagine that it is December 31, 2020 and you have enjoyed your ideal year: • How are you feeling? • What have you achieved? • What are you proud of? • How have you grown? • What’s changed for the better in: your relationships/work/ home/health/finances, etc.? • What was your experience of work? Of your home life? Pick three words for success
Our brain needs a regular reminder to stay on track and a nudge to get us back on track when we lose our way (it will happen, we’re only human). Choosing three words that are relevant to our goals and the lifestyle we want to create can serve this purpose. Pick three words that apply across a few different areas of life (relationships, work, health, etc.).
CANADIAN IMMIGRANT Volume 17 Issue 1 | 2020 For example: Connect – build my community, help others make connections, use my voice, share my message. Move – make time for regular exercise and get going on the projects I’m working on. Play – a reminder not to take things too seriously and find the joy in what I do. Stay productive rather than busy With an average lifetime lasting approximately 28,000 days, life is short. While our lives may be busier than ever before, they may not necessarily be productive, and we are not always focused. When we commit to stop doing or spend less time doing those activities that distract us from our goals and intentions we will create more time for those things that make us feel satisfied and fulfilled. • What one small thing could you do less of that would make a big difference? • What do you need to stop doing completely? Focus on what, rather than how We often limit ourselves when we realize we don’t know how to achieve what we want. What matters most is that we decide what we want and worry less about how we are going to make it happen. Once we have decided, our brain will get working on the ‘how’ and we will figure it out in time, provided we are highly motivated and committed to the goal. • What one thing would you be thrilled to have/be/do this year but don’t yet know how to make it happen? Put a date on your dreams
A dream becomes a goal once we commit to a date. Our brain needs this direction in order to focus. ‘Someday’ is not a day of the week; it isn’t specific enough. When we aim for a target date our brain is far more likely to hit it. Make space
Our brains aren’t designed to constantly be processing input so it’s not healthy to plan every waking moment. Allow space for spontaneity – for those lastminute decisions to do something different, or nothing at all - and flexibility – to adapt if needs be to the inevitable challenges and unexpected events.
The year 2020 can be all we plan for, and more.