Continuing Professional Development
Delivered by Canine Massage Therapy Centre
What do I need for CPD with Natalie?
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Evans & Delahunta Guide to Dissection of the Dog Colour Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy A dog* Couch/vet bed for floor work Notepad Lunch Poobags and paraphernalia for your dog An open mind & willingness to develop your skills
You do not need a dog for Presentation Jigsaw Please note pre requisites for attendance I politely remind you that attendees are responsible for bringing or organising their own dog. I only supply dogs for the full 2 year course. The guild facebook group can be handy to ask for the use of someone elses dog and we encourage you to use this platform to do this Attendance is at the discretion of the course provider Remember, there’s lots of other CPD out there too. If you aren’t sure what counts contact your friendly CPD Officer Cath Nicoll
Canine Massage Therapy Centre CPD
Level 1 Bodywork – suitable as from your first year in practice Ø Facilitated Stretching Ø Skills Review Ø Manual Lymphatic Drainage Ø Mad About Muscles (now counts as bodywork from 2017 due to change in course content)
Level 2 Bodywork – suitable for your 2nd year in practice. Pre requisites for all of the below Skills Review 1 & Facilitated Stretching
Ø Ventral Aspect Ø Deep Tissue Massage Ø Skills Review 2 (this is TBA if enough people want it in 2017)
Level 3 Bodywork – suitable for your 3rd year in practice. Pre Requisite; Deep Tissue and Ventral Aspect Ø Neuromuscular Refacilitation (Advanced Trigger Point)
CPD Dates for 2017 • Mad About Muscles 15th May • Skills Review Level 1 16th May OR 26th September • Facilitated Stretching 17th May OR 27th September • Manual Lymphatic Drainage 12th June • Presentation Jigsaw 13th June • Deep Tissue Massage 14th June • Ventral Aspect (2 days) – 26th and 27th July • Advanced Trigger Point (2 days) 6th & 7th September To book visit: - click on SHOP – choose courses category and then CPD your PASSWORD (in capitals)– GUILD17 • All CPD is held at Stourport Manor 35 Hartlebury Rd, Stourport-on-Severn DY13 9JA • All days start at 9am and finish at 5pm
Mad About Muscles Pre Requisite: none Mad About Muscles will help you to…. •
Become more confident with your anatomy and its vocational use in massage
Be able to use a more structured approach in separating of septum
Learn and incorporate the Origin & Insertion Technique
Better understand your clients body and the structures you work on
Enhance your isolation skills when applying Sports Massage techniques
Increase your understanding of muscle placement and layering
This day is a lot of fun as we bring Anatomy to life! Using Organic Chalk you will be focussing on revising old muscles and learning some new ones while you draw the origin, insertion and coverage of the entire muscle onto your dog! ( One dog required per pair) You will also be taught “Origin & Insertion Technique’ to strengthen or relax a muscle. We will be helping you to delve deeper into this fascinating subject to help you to work better from Origin to Belly to Myotendinous Junction to Insertion as well as the importance of fibre direction enabling you to make your work more functional and giving you enhanced confidence in this area. Class Number: 12
Skills Review Level 1 An essential for revisiting your skills and getting the most out of them for your clients. Its also a fantastic confidence builder if you are a new therapist, have had some time off, are feeling a bit rusty or quite simply want to be at the top of your game. Pre Req: none You will be covering: •
All of the techniques you covered in the Therapeutic Canine Massage Diploma
Why certain techniques work for different muscles
The intricacies of the technique and better working practice
Revisiting theory of Myofascial Release
The difference between your 2 styles of Myofascial Release; The Direct and Indirect Approach Revisited
Frequently Asked Questions; an open session to clarify any massage questions you may have
What this day does not cover: •
Ventral Aspect Technique
Deep Tissue Techniques
Other workshops
NB: If you require a dog for this and don't have one available then please use the forum to arrange one as many therapists will have a spare dog. Please note we politely remind everyone that we will not be supplying dogs and it is your responsibility to do this.
The Ventral Aspect Pre Requisite •
Mad About Muscles
Stretch N Flex
Skills Review
Only available to 2nd Year therapists
A 2 Day Workshop that shows you how to advance your massage skills with Myofascial Release. When the dog is lay in lateral recumbancy it can be easy to neglect the ventral aspect but ignore it at your peril! You will be learning new muscles, revisiting some old ones and reviewing origins and insertions while also learning how to work more efficiently on the whole of this area with some customised techniques and Advanced Myofascial Release. NEW TECHNIQUES AND ADVANCED MYOFASCIAL RELEASE TECHNIQUES YOU WILL BE LEARNING INCLUDE: • The Adductor Release • Superficial and Deep Pectoralis Release • Ventral Thoracis Release • Abdominus Release • Deep Access Points and Isolation • Abdominal Massage • Diaphragm Release • Advanced Palpation Skills We will also have plenty of time for palpation skills of these new structures to help advance your work as a therapist. Maximum Class Number: 12 Tutor: Natalie Lenton Assistant: Helen Clarke NB: Polite reminder: YOU MUST BRING A DOG TO THIS CLASS WITH YOU.. IF YOU WISH YOU MAY USE THE FORUM TO LET PEOPLE KNOW YOU ARE HAPPY TO LEND A DOG OR IF YOU NEED TO BORROW A DOG. We kindly remind you THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and not that of the course provider.
Advanced Trigger Point Release
Prerequisites: • For 3rd year therapists • Skills Review • Stretch N Flex • Deep Tissue
This 2 day intensive workshop is designed to build upon your palpation skills to help you better identify Active, Latent and Satellite Trigger Points. Many people sadly think that it’s a matter of jabbing your finger into a tight spot and holding it for 3-5 seconds. It is not. You will learn more about the trigger point theory, the reason for therapeutic discomfort and the art of chasing the TrP through the tissue while working within the dogs pain threshold for release. You will also be learning Positional Release (Strain Counter Strain Technique) to enhance your treatment, minimise discomfort and learn how to reset the resting length of ‘normal’ tissue. You will experience the therapy for yourself as you practice first with other Therapists allowing you to fine tune your skills before moving on to the canine. The 2 days cover: ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
Positional Release Revisiting BodyMapping and how to ‘chase’ the TrP Lateral Recumbancy Palpation Isolating Trigger Points Enhancing your ability to identify TrP’s Enable you to find more subtle areas of TrP The Ischemic Compression & Release Breathwork for you & your client New 9 Spinal releases using soft tissue
Advanced Deep Tissue Massage This class focuses on Advanced Deep Tissue Massage which is ideal for the larger dog and those with global hypertonia. Providing an excellent methodology of preparing the dog for deeper more focussed rehabilitation work, enabling the therapist to get deeper into the musculature without force this workshop has been adapted from human deep tissue work to suit the dogs anatomy. New techniques and the routine of their application to deeper musculature of the body will be focussed on in this day as well as focussing on different techniques to take stress off the hands and fingers. You will be taught a full routine that can either be applied full body or adapted to suit the limb. These techniques work through the layers of tissue to help relax it enabling you to better locate The class will cover: ü Deep Muscles of the Neck ü Muscles of the Hip and Hamstrings ü Musculature of the Lower Back and Epaxials ü Structural Support when working ü Hands Free Techniques ideal for the larger client ü Breaking through global hypertonia ü A full routine for your client ideal for warming up the client before Sports Massage Techniques ü Guided paired practice and appreciation with your human partner – essential for your understanding and appreciation (and its always nice to have a massage too!) Tutor: Natalie Lenton & Helen Clarke
Maximum Class Number: 10
Presentation Jigsaw
So you can do it, but can you talk about it? It can be really hard to get the right message across and this day aims to help you. This new cpd was launched last year in 2016 and goes beyond just normal presentation skills. I’m going to help you develop your verbal communication skills and written skills so you can adapt them to the audience/niche you are talking to. Whether it’s a full powerpoint presentation or speaking to a group of people at a dog club without any props, the concept of being able to rejig information you are confident with is paramount to helping get the message about your business across up in front of an audience can be daunting and you want to make the best impression possible, so how do you do it? Giving a presentation is a great way of raising awareness for your business but importantly engaging with new prospective clients. You want to make the most and push your business forward? Then come along and spend the day talking about what you do best so you can be the best at talking about what you do! Learn how best to do a presentation on Canine Massage for Agility Clubs Societies
Dog Clubs
Other Professionals
We will giving you advice on Content – Case Studies – Demonstrations – verbal and written materials - confidence
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) This 1 day Manual Lymphatic Drainage course has been devised to help you better deal with lymphoedema, swelling and post operative cases and is adapted from human massage MLD to suit the dogs anatomy and position. This gentle style of massage helps to encourage the natural drainage of lymph while pumping the Lymphangions for maximum effect. This is useful not only for cases where there is lymphoedema but also for older dogs who may not be able to tolerate a stronger touch at first and is particularly helpful when dealing with palliative care with cancer patients. The day includes ü Revision of the placement of the main lymph nodes and their pathways ü Paired partner practice with a human before dog ü Palpation of lymph nodes ü Treatment protocol for Oedema ü MLD Techniques ü Full MLD Routine
Tutor: Natalie Lenton
Facilitated Stretching A must do day for any therapist! You will learn around 26 stretches that can be used in practice to not safely stretch Agnoist and Antagonistic pairs but importantly give you the tools to better test joints for orthopaedic issue helping you to be better equipped of when a client needs referring back to a vet. You will learn: •
Assisted Passive Stretching
Active Assisted Stretching
Why stretching is different to passive movement
Learn over 26 different stretches
How to use the stretches to Tension Test isolated joints
Structural support and hand positions for joint safety
The role of proprioceptors and mechanoreceptors
Basic oscillations and mobilisations
Passive Assisted Full Dynamic Flow Routine
The importance of Alignment and engaging with the dogs conscious awareness
Tutor: Natalie Lenton Assistant: Helen Clarke Maximum Class Size: 12