Communication and Leadership Newsletter 2019 | Canisius Colege

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leaving a legacy 1995-2019

M.S. Communication & Leadership 2018-2019 Newsletter


Hello Everyone! It is hard to believe that I have reached the finale of six wonderful years of engaging, challenging, and inspiring education at Canisius College. As sad as it is, I find it bittersweet that my leave of the College is paired with the suspension of the Communication and Leadership program. This program has given me so much over the course of the past two years and I am so grateful for all of the knowledge, experience, and memories that I have been granted through it. While the program will no longer run, us alumni will continue to be better leaders, communicators, workers, and people. All that the program has given to us will live well beyond our graduations and continue into its legacy. It has been my pleasure to work as the Graduate Assistant for the ComLead program these past two years and I could not have imagined my Grad school experience any differently. The Com office has become a little home for me and I have developed wonderful relationships with our professors and staff as well as my fellow GA, Dave, who worked right down the hall. The two of us did not know one another in undergrad and I could not be more grateful for the fact that this program made us the best of friends. My days at Canisius have always been my favorite parts of the week, and I am going to miss the atmosphere of the office, especially the days when dogs would come for a visit! While it will be a big adjustment, I also leave Canisius full of knowledge, values, love, and a mission for myself. I plan to work in Arts Administration after graduation and look forward to whatever my future holds for me beyond this campus. Thank you for taking the time to give us your attention. I hope that whether you are a current graduate, an alumni, a professor, faculty, parent, or friend, that your experience with the ComLead program has been a positive one. Thank you to Dr. Hartman for taking me on as your GA, I could not have done this all without your faith in me. And thank you to everyone I have met through this program who has helped me to grow, as well as the friends and family who have been patiently waiting for me to have a normal life again! Lastly, thank you to you, ComLead! Best wishes,

Special thanks to Juno the Therapy Dog for her visits to the office!

Devon Bradley



It has been an honor to supply content for the dept’s blog, we hope you have enjoyed the ride! Breast Cancer Awareness Month And How You Can Help Posted by COMLEAD on Oct. 22, 2018 in COMLEAD

Every year in October we see touches of pink across the globe. Our football teams, the Niagara Falls, the White House, and more all deck themselves out in shades of pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But what exactly does it mean to be aware? Breast Cancer Awareness is more than just knowing that this is a disease that exists, so here are some important sources that you can check out for more information and ways that you can show support. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign intent on increasing awareness of the second most common form of cancer in American women. Last weekend, Buffalo hosted the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. This event brought in a sea of people, all donning pink apparel and ribbons, to walk in camaraderie alongside others impacted by breast cancer. Each year this walk brings the American Cancer Society thousands of donations and further supplies another generation with knowledge of this disease... See more at:


Communication & Leadership Class of 2018 Graduate Commencement May 16, 2018


“What is a legacy?...

What does the word “Legacy” mean to ComLead? “Legacy means living out a tradition.” - Courtney Sullivan “Legacy is the lasting impression you leave behind. It is when something has had such an impact on the lives of others that it will be remembered forever.” - Emily Gumkowski “What impact you leave behind that can help other people achieve their goals.” - Ken Liszewski “For me, legacy means setting a foundation that will inspire and support others.” - Rachel Bediako “Legacy to me means a specific amount of something left behind.” - Alexa Valdez “Legacy to me means leaving something tangible or intangible behind that others can learn from or use.” - David Goodwin “This may not be the expected answer, but Legacy to me often means “old.” In the business world, the term is often used to describe old systems or ways of thinking. Legacy reminds me of old habits and practices that are being held onto because “that’s how we’ve always done it” and not the forward thinking and innovation that’s needed to grow and survive in today’s global environment.” - Carrie Patterson “I believe that a legacy is something you leave behind; what you are remembered for doing or saying, something you have given back to a world in which has given us so much.” - Heather Stammler “Legacy means the intentional continuation of something deemed precious or good.” - Sydnie Perkins

...It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.” “Having character and competence and sharing that with the world.” - Lori Miller “How our impact is remembered after we’re gone.” - Erin Wilkins “Legacy means lasting....something those that come after us can reference.” - Lisa Roy “Pride in my roots.” - Tracy Rozewicz “To me the legacy is the past history, and reputation, and inherent value which can be passed on through continued success, and future acheivements.” - Michael Caputi “To pass on something meaningful to someone else.” - Raymond Konieczek “When one creates a legacy, one leaves something is up to the person leaving that ‘something’ wether it will be a positive or negative experience for others to look back on.” - Kathryn Mendola “To leave a lasting impact and impression on one’s work, family and community.” - Julie Berrigan “Legacy is what you leave behind, your mark on the world you live in.” - Irma Tyszko “To me, legacy means creating a vision and purpose that goes beyond yourself.” - Matt Gorczyca “A lasting impression.” - Sarah Warner



Rachel Bediako

Job Satisfying Messages

*Director of Communication and Outreach at First Baptist Church, IN

2018 CAPSTONE Kristin Augenblick

Celanthropy and Social Media: Millennial giving in a world of celebrity endorsements

Emily Barber*

Women in the Workforce: A study of occupational self-efficacy and career aspirations

Christina DiBaudo

Giving After Times of Organizational Crisis: The Relationship Between Source Credibility and Intent to Give

Breanne Flynn

Mentoring Relationships: Association between Mentor/Protégé Relationships and Communication Satisfaction

Ken Liszewski

Brand/Cause Fit and Brand Attitudes

Joshua Smith

The Association between Corporate Social Responsibility, Emotional Attachment, and Brand Reputation

* Accepted and Presented at the Eastern Communication Association’s Annual Conference in the Applied Communication Division

Andrew Bennett

Donor Choice and its Influence on Giving

Devon Bradley

Arts Engagement and Future Arts Patronage

Jennifer Czapla

The Impact of Attachment Styles on Burnout: A Comparison of Self- and Organizationally-Employed Individuals

David Goodwin

Perceptual Determinants in Millennial Fundraising Communication Specialist at The Summit Center

Alexandra Haar

Social Media and Consumer Engagement, Satisfaction, and Brand Loyalty Market Development Specialist II at Ingram Micro

Carrie Patterson

Improving Patient Perceptions Through Digital Marketing Communication Channels Instructional Design Manager at UnitedHealthcare

Sydnie Perkins

Narative Transportation (Success Stories) and its Relationship with Donor Participation Assistant Director of Communication, Virtual Engagement, and Data at Canisius College

Elizabeth somerville

The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Listening Styles Sr Business Communication Specialist in Business Banking at M&T Bank

Raymond Suchan

The Impact of Social Networks in the Workplace and Job Satisfaction Senior Manufacturing Supervisor at Moog, Inc.

Alexa Valdez

What are the Types of Messages that Encourage Millennials to Engage in Donating to Not-For-Profit

a letter from dr. hartman communication & leadership director 2005-2019

As you read through our final MS in Communication newsletter, you will begin to understand our theme of Leaving a Legacy. While the program is suspended, we continue to pursue the ideals espoused within a Jesuit education and at the core of the Communication and Leadership curriculum. As alumni, your work continues to impact the community and will for decades to come. As we reach our conclusion, I look back to when I was teaching as an adjunct professor at Canisius. At that time, the full time faculty members in the Dept. of Communication were discussing the creation of a graduate program bridging communication courses with management courses; it was revolutionary thinking in program design. From their discussion, the MS in Organizational Communication and Development (OCD) began. In the fall of 2005, I returned to Canisius as the program director of the OCD graduate program. We were tasked with rethinking the curriculum within the graduate program. From that process, three concentrations were created: Managing the Not for Profit Organization, Integrated Marketing Communication and Organizational Leadership. The program was renamed MS in Communication and Leadership to reflect the new concentrations and align with Canisius College being, “where leaders are made”. The program grew and we continued to attract academically strong students. We created the Communication and Leadership endowment, which will continue within the Dept. of Communication Studies. We sponsored guest speakers, created panel discussions, held grant writing workshops and many C&L student and alumni gatherings. The quality of our student capstone research papers have consistently been presented at the Eastern Communication Association’s annual conference for more than a decade. When leading, change is a given. The same is true for academic programs. The suspension of the MS in Communication and Leadership is the result of critical reflection in a time of scarce resources and declining enrollment. My heart is bound to the ideals and values in which the program is grounded and that will continue in my undergraduate teaching. This newsletter is dedicated to our former students, current students, alumnus of the MS in Communication and Leadership program and alumnus of the MS in Organizational Communication and Development program. As you read about our current students and alumni, you will recognize how each of you have become men and women for others. Leaving a Legacy means the program lives on in each of our graduates and in your accomplishments. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to direct such an impactful program. I move on with much gratitude and heartfelt thanks for the chance to meet and work with each one of you. Peace, Dr. Rosanne Hartman Director, MS Communication and Leadership

Congratulations Class of 2019

Life Updates

Life Updates Sydnie Perkins Class of 2019/2020 Released her first solo album, “I Love You Lord” available in stores

Ken Liszewski Class of 2018 Graduated from Leadership Buffalo’s Rising Leaders program in 2017

Michael Caputi Class of 2004 Opened Daily Planet Coffee Co. Inc. in 2014, now hitting its 5th anniversary! Looking to open his second location soon

Jennifer Paterson Class of 2001 Decided to make a career change and go back to school at UB for K-12 Counseling

Mary Jo Rehak Class of 2014 Engaged to Lance Konkle in 2018 and planning a summer wedding for 2019!

Emily Gumkowski Class of 2017 Moved into her new house with her fiance and changed positions to work as an HR Generalist at Alcott HR

Erika Gullo Class of 2010 Welcomed her third baby into the world in 2018 and moved to a new home

Courtney Sullivan Class of 2017 Promoted at Canisius to Leadership Giving Officer, her son Roman James Sullivan was born on October 9, 2018

Savithri Grant Class of 2007 Moved to Chicago in 2016 and started a small business called Savalina Sweets @savalinasweets on FB Amanda Snider Class of 2013 Moved to Philadelphia in August and began a new job as Marketing Manager of Temple University Health System

Lori Miller Class of 2000 Just completed a new branding strategy with her company, Developing Professionals, and launched a new website in honor of her company’s 15th anniversary!

Life Updates Melissa Cope Class of 2016 Married in 2016, promoted in 2016 and 2019, and daughter, Cecelia, was born November of 2018!

Taylor Schupp Class of 2015 Moving to Albany, NY, to begin a new position in Admissions at The Albany Academies

Breanne Flynn Class of 2018 Found a job in her field after graduation and added another golden retriever puppy to her family!

Shannon McCabe Class of 2011 Got engaged in January to her fiance, Blake, and accepted into the 2019 Leadership Buffalo Class

Michael Riccio Class of 2014 Engaged in December 2017 and planning a wedding for October 26, 2019

James Graziano Class of 2013 Welcomed baby boy, Luca, into the world on September 11, 2018 and promoted to Marketing Manager the same month!

ComLead Through the Years


The accomplishments of others is still in the budding stages as alumni have assumed positions of all types in a whole range is charities and organizations whose goals all strive to make the world a better place in mind, body, and spirit for those of us who inhabit it! I look to the future and see only great things on the horizon because they will be part of the growth and new life. I choose not to live in a world of “if only….” I am proud to have been part of a program which was conceived and thrived under the direction of Dr. Rosanne Hartman and was informed by the contributions of Mr. Neil Melbrod and others who taught in the program. We had our time in the sun and what a time it was! During the tenure of this program we did good – dare I say great? -things. The reality of academia is such, however, that the sun has set on the program. Jerry Theresanathan, ComLead alum ‘16, and Father Bernard

“Chapter 3 of the Book of Ecclesiastes begins with the frequently quoted phrase: There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. A time to give birth, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant. This quote came to mind as I sat down to reflect upon the ending of the ComLead program as it has evolved over the past decade and a half and of which I have been privileged to play some small part with the non-profit concentration. This is the framework in which I choose to place my reflection and consider what might define the legacy of the program and those who took part in it.

What I see is the legacy of seeds sown into the minds and spirits of women and men who will change the world! I am happy to have been a small part of the sowing and now await with joyful anticipation to behold what great things will be accomplished by those to whom we have entrusted the dream and vision of being mission driven forces of change, transforming the world into the place it is intended to be. As we close this chapter I am filled with hope of a world made better because our alumni are in it – they are the legacy, the conveyance of the values which defined the very reason for this program. Our alumni are our greatest present and future gift to charity! Father Bernard Olszewski

In a blog for professionals in the not-for-profit world Greg Lassonde, a practitioner on the West Coast wrote: “As for how one defines legacy giving? I don’t think we’ll ever arrive at a universal definition…but professionals have come up with two definitions: 1) To convey one’s values through creation of a (usually) future gift to charity; 2) A foresighted action to strengthen a favorite cause. As I think about the materials covered in the courses for the non-profit concentration I believe that the first definition of legacy giving is most appropriate when considering the impact this program has had and will have in the 21st century world. The ComLead non-profit program was rooted in the core mission values of Canisius College and of Jesuit education in general. The commitment to social justice and the development of students who are “men and women for and with others” were not mere theory for this program. These concepts anchored all that was studied in the classroom and practiced in concrete ways in the required service learning component of each course. In its brief lifetime the ComLead program has helped form women and men to bear the responsibility of being leaders in the world of philanthropy not only in Western New York but in all parts of the world as well. The accomplishments of some are already being recognized. One of our alumni was chosen as the youngest participant in the Emerging Leaders Program of Leadership Buffalo! Others hold positions of Executive Director or Vice President of large foundations and organizations. The program has produced some great fruit! cont. on next page


Your Favorite ComLead Experience? As difficult as the capstone project was at times, going through it with a small group of people brought us closer together! James Graziano, 2013 Capstone with Dr. Dahlberg, building friendships with professors and classmates. Savithri Vijayakumar Grant, 2007 Working with Dr. Wanzer on publishing a research article in a journal and teaching in the department after graduation. Jeffrey Irwin, PhD, 2009 The opportunity to explore formally how critical communication is within an organization and how our personal styles fit into that construct. In my profession, communication is foundational to effective execution. Erika Gullo, 2010 The combination of the Communication & Leadership classes along with the MBA classes fully prepared me to accelerate my career. Also, the contacts I've been able to develop were, and will continue to be, invaluable to both my personal and professional life. Kristen Ann Van Dewater, 2010 Great professors and real life examples/experiences - and a nice mix of ages and expertise among classmates. Julie Raynsford Berrigan, 2013 I had an awesome cohort and enjoyed working on real-world marketing plans. Kristen McAuley, 2014 I met incredible people with whom I am still in touch - classmates and professors. I think my favorite part was the personal nature of the program. Mary Jo Rehak, 2014 When my cohort was working with their survey data in SPSS, I remember that the room was tense because it was our final hurdle before finishing our capstone, so to help lighten the mood we agreed to play some Justin Timberlake and everyone helped one another analyze and interpret their data. It took something that initially felt very solitary and made it a collaborative effort, which really summarizes the entire program experience. Everyone supported everyone. Michael Riccio, 2014 As a result of the capstone project having my research published, but also meeting and networking with a great cohort of classmates who are now great friends, and working professionals who have guided my career. Matt Gorczyca, 2015 Being Dr. Hartman's graduate assistant and forming several close friendships. Sarah Warner, 2016 I loved being the ComLead GA and working in the Communication office with Dave! It was great to work with the department’s professors and to spend so much time at Canisius. My other favorite was definitely our Leadership project where we worked with Peaceprints of WNY! Devon Bradley, 2019

Your Favorite ComLead Experience? I would say class at a bar but that hadn’t happened. So, instead I will say presenting my final presentation to friends and family after working so hard for a year. Also, becoming close enough with my classmates that they are family. Vincent E. Panuccio, 2016 The People! I developed long lasting friendships and relationships with so many individuals in the program, students and professors. I will forever be thankful for the Communication and Leadership program for bringing these people into my life and for everything I learned from these people and my courses. Emily Gumkowski, 2017 The interaction, support, and one on one with the professors and students. Canisius is such a strong learning community and not only pushes you educationally, but motivates and help to empower each other to reach our goals. Breanne Flynn, 2018 Getting real life advice from alumni during presentations and panels and developing a new, strong network of like-minded peers. Christina DiBaudo, 2018 All the incredible people I was able to meet during my time in the program. Rachel Bediako, 2019 I loved being a GA in the Communication Studies Office and getting to hang out with the ComLead GA Devon every week! Dave Goodwin, 2019 Exploring theories and seeing how they apply both professionally and personally. Carrie Patterson, 2019 The opportunity I had to work with local non-profit organizations to help solve problems and complete projects - the hands-on learning style is part of what made this program so unique. Samantha Long, 2013 Learning how to apply different communication styles in the workplace - this is something that I still use today! Shannon McCabe, 2011 The friends and network that I created because of the tight-knit nature of the program. Cecelia Gotham, 2015 The people I met and network I have available to me. I also enjoyed learning the theories and concepts that I still use today. Jaimie Falzarano (Taylor), 2001 To be mentored by the faculty. I always felt supported and understood a lot due to the faculty engagement with the students. Amanda Snider, 2013 Celebrating the day that we handed in our capstone assignments. Jamie Daly (Norton), 2012

CLASS OF 2018 Kristen Augenblick

Associate Director of Development at Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

Emily Barber

Human Resources Assistant at Performance Management Partners Inc.

Christina DiBaudo

Special Events and Donor Relations Coordinator at 13thirty Cancer Connect

Breanne Flynn

CLASS OF 2017 Courtney Papaj

Leadership Giving Officer at Canisius College

Emily Gumkowski

HR Generalist at Alcott HR

Caroline Hurley

Special Events Coordinator at Hospice Buffalo

Cydney Johnson

Engine Optimization Specialist at Mainstreethost

Sarah Seiler

Administrative Assistant at Lisa Taylor Academy of Ballet

Katherine Trautwein

Allison Braun


Teacher and Coach at Xavier High School

Melissa Cope (Feron)

Operations Officer at TechnoServe

Onochie Esenwah Sharon Federico

Bank Officer and Business Line Trainer at M&T Bank

Administrative Associate at Canisius College

Sarah Warner (Guenther)

Matthew Gorczyca

Kaitlyn Munro

Assistant Director of the Canisius Fun at Canisius College

Jo Ann Harig

Real Estate Professional and Nonprofit Consultant

Taylor Schupp

Public Information Officer at Erie County District Attorney’s Office

Admissions at The Albany Academies

Vincent Panuccio

Senior Stylist at the Trunk Club, NYC

Senior Online Service Representative at M&T Bank

Nina Pierino

Complex Director and Title IX Investigator at Buffalo State College

Jerry Theresanathan

Marketing Specialist, Communication Strategist, and Public Speaker at Nichols School

Kathryn McGruire

Social Innovation and Design Thinking at Deloitte

Grace O’Connor

Director of Community Relations and Development Manager at Buffalo Prep Assistant Dean and Director for Constituent and Alumni Engagement at University at Buffalo


Biran Manning

Kristen McAuley

Mary Jo Rehak

Social Media Marketing Strategist at LocalEdge

IT Project Manager at North County Center at Jamestown Community College

Ola Halawani

Makayla Santiago

Kenneth Liszewski

Marketing and Communications Manager at Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus

Michael Greco

Assistant Manager at Famous Footwear

Marketing Instructor at Penn State, the Behrend College

Development Associate at Mark Morris Dance Group, NYC

Reputation Management Strategist and SEO Strategist at Hearst/LocalEdge

Emily Buscaglia

Quality Assurance and Testing Analyst at Bluecross Blueshield of Western New York

Jennifer Kilo

Store Manager at Ten Thousand Villages

Joshua Smith

Monica Furlong (radel)

Intensive Care Nurse at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Care Center

HR Generalist at Aramco Asia, Saudi Arabia

Fundraising and Special Events Planner at Mount Mercy Academy Grant Writer/Development Associate at Olmsted Center for Sight


CLASS OF 2013 Erin Sassone (Harvey)

Manager for Marketing and Campus Engagement at Kaleida Health System

Hussam Almukhtar

Head of Enterprise Demand Gen at FinancialForce, California

Julie Berrigan

Executive Director at Mount St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation of Catholic Health

Brian Burkhardt

Wealth Management Advisor and Assistant Vice President of Merill Lynch Wealth Management

John Cahalan IV

Former Operations Manager for Bison Fleet, Volunteer Cubmaster for Boyscouts of America

Julie Ciura

Population Health Management Success Manager at Meritain Health

Sarah Graham

Management Consultant at Accenture

James Graziano

Michael Riccio

Marketing Manager at Hearst/LocalEdge

Mary Kate Sidoti

Executive Director of American Cancer Society

Irma Tyszko

Assistant Supervisor, Buffalo VA Contract at Olmsted Center for Sight

Systems Specialist at Read to Succeed Buffalo Senior Analyst at Crowley Webb & Associates Corporate Talent Acquisition Manager at Bryant and Stratton College

Joanna Jacob

Samantha Long Jeffrey Mokski

Managerial Assistant at The Home Depot

Janie Piemonte

Recruiting and Program Manager for the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University

Jessica Schlecht

Project and Marketing Coordinator at Pella Windows and Doors

Amanda Snider

Kathryn Smith

Marketing Manager at Temple University Health Systems

Frank Sparacino

Legal Assistant at Waylon Graham, Esq.

Lori Winkler

Marketing Manager at Ingram Micro Inc. and Adjunct Professor at Bryant and Stratton College

Volunteer for the Romulus Club, Lorenzo Burrows Post, and Italian American Societies Treatment Supervisor

Christine Ostertag Lauren Hackford

CLASS OF 2012 Emily Felmet (Lenihan)

Communications Specialist II at Bluecross Blueshield of Western New York

CLASS OF 2011 Kathryn mendola (kowalski)

Grant Manager at Erie County Medical Center

Renee Macfarland (lasher)

Abbey Barnard (Saxby)

Formerly Management with Frito Lay until 2017

Susan Derylak

Justin Baumgardner Bob Bevilacqua

Premium Practice at Johnson & Johnson Vision Senior Project Manager at M&T Bank

Kelly Bernard (Harris)

Assistant Sales Representative at Verbatim Americas, LLC

Amy Kaus williams

Director of Human Resources Information Systems and Operations at Windham Professionals, Inc.

Karen Lemischak

Marketing Manager at Fisher Price Inc.

Laura Marek

Director of Development at Heart Walk, American Heart Association in North Carolina

Retail Marketing Manager at New Era Cap

Emily Goodman

Business Analyst at Ingram Micro, Inc.

Erin Hartnett

Associate Director of Advancement University Libraries at University at Buffalo

Holly Hubert

Founder and CEO of GlobalSecurityIQ

Nicole Hue

Organizational Development Manager at HealthNow New York, Inc.

Allison Jackson

Julia Merrill

Regional HR Manager at International Paper

Andreea Novaceanu

Business and Planning Manager at M&T Bank Corporation

Mark Weber

Director of Marketing at Creative World School Franchising Compant, Inc., Florida

Adjunct Professor at Tidewater Community College, Virginia Tour Manager and Owner of A&A Sport Total, Romania Assistant Dean, Alumni Affairs and Development at Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning

Kate Kane

Shaun Maciejewski Corey Maras

Product Manager at M&T Bank

Shannon McCabe

Sales Account Executive at Synacor, Inc.

Anne Murphy

Vice President and Senior Development Program Manager at M&T Bank

Rebecca Newberry

Executive Director at Clean Air Coalition

Cecily Rodriguez

PHR Founder and Principal of Shift Happens, LLC. Adjunct Professor at UB School of Management and Canisius College Communication Department

Hannah Wirth

Consultant at PassionFruit Consulting, LLC.

CLASS OF 2010 Christin Priester (sottile)

MS, CPA Finance and Accounting Director at Roswell Park Cancer Institute - Health Research, Inc. Division

CLASS OF 2009 Jenna Briggs (McDonald)

National Accounts Manager at Creative Circle

Amanda Klein (Torres)

Rebecca Spillman (Ballaron)

Human Resources Specialist in Employee and Labor Relations at Buffalo VA Medical Center

Lauren Binder

Strategic Acquisition Channels Retail Sales Manager at Verizon

Senior Marketing Manager at Invoclar Vivadent, Inc.

Medical Secretary at Clifford Family Practice

Dorothea baxter-hughes Mary Rose Cameron

Katie Danieu-Schiess

Manager of Talent Acquisition at Integer Holdings

Anne Dehlinger

Director of Board Relations and Chief of Operations at VCU Massey Cancer Center

Melanie Delvalle

District Human Resources Manager at The Home Depot

James Fraser

Manager at Sprint

Michael Lee

Executive Director of Epilepsy Association of WNY

Rebecca Spillman

Representative of STOP FRAUD of EU FUNDS European Citizen’s Initiative

Director of Human Resources and Administration at The Park School of Buffalo Business Development Manager, Registered Nurse, and Co-Active Coach Senior Manager, Channel Financial Solutions at Ingram Micro, Inc. Program Developer and Management Team for Universal Education Center, Vietnam Chief Operating Officer at Evergreen Health Association of WNY Senior Marketing Manager at Invoclar Vivadent, Inc.

Elizabeth Stebbins

Nonprofit Management Consultant; Retired Senior Vice President of HSBC

Kristin Van Dewater

Marketing Manager at Independent Health

Mary Quinn-Fullmer

Adolescent Outreach Coordinator at Fredonia Migrant Education Outreach Program

Michele adcock (castrogiovanni) tracey gordon (coyne) kelly difiglia jeffrey irwin

Zoltan kereszteny Leon Mcclary

Sales Supervisor at Verizon

William Paterson

Vice President and Executive Creative Director at Gelia

CLASS OF 2008 Nancy Bradford (Gonka)

Compliance Generalist at Catholic Health Systems

Tanya Arno

HR at Hamburg Gaming and Casino

Robert Chapman

SVP, Chief People Officer at Brown and Caldwell, Colorado

CLASS OF 2007 Kelli Hennessy (Kane)

Organizational Development and Training at University at Buffalo

Savithri Grant (Vijayakumar)

Owner/Founder and Chief Baking Officer at Savalina Sweets, Chicago

Rosalind Brown

Melissa Eberz

Resource Business Partner at Government of Alberta

Marci Gregson

Coordinator of Community Employment at The Arc Eric County

Communications at Healthy Smiles Family Dental Senior Human Resources Manager at Tesla

Nicholas Heidinger

Pamela Cronyn

CLASS OF 2006 Marcia Gruber

Vice President of Oncology Services at University of Arizona Cancer Center/Dignity Health

Mark Hjalmarson

Internal Technology Audit Consultant (VP) at M&T Bank and Adjunct Professor at University at Buffalo School of Management

Zita Juska (McKenna)

English Teacher at Cousino High School, MI

Lisa Krug

Owner and Founder of Snowmobaby

LaTashia Martin

Owner, Career Agent, Career Transformation, and Talent Advisor at VonSwy Solutions LLC

Debra Park

Owner of Big Brand Theory Communication LLC

Susan Was

Director of Human Resources at Curbell, Inc.

Jill Kelly

Vice President of Human Resources at Delaware North Companies, Inc.

Jason Gordon

Director of Colleague Engagement and Operations at Remedy Intelligent Staffing

Manager of Civil Service in Human Resources Dept at Erie County Medical Center Corporation

Director of Development at Compeer Buffalo

kristen Lovejoy

Michelle Held (Slawiak)



Florian Kuchera

Jasser Al-Dabbous Denise Culp

Christie Cahalan Siobhan Campbell-Smith Machael Caputi

Marketing Manager at Buffalo Computer Graphics

Julia Maher

Director of Global Brand Marketing at Fisher-Price, Inc.

Jessica Schimert

Kathryn Heidinger

Director of Philanthropy Research and Strategy at Hilbert College Quality Manager at Curtiss-Wright Corporation, PA

Rita Markle

Organizational Development Consultant at Performance Management Partners, Inc.

Chief Learning Officer at Performance Management Partners, Inc.

Melissa Tulino

Darleen Eylers (Peters)

Senior Strategic Advisor at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina

Communications Director at Community Services for the Developmentally Disabled

Jennifer Whitmore

Kristen Reppert

Machining and Fabrication Product Coordinator at Felton, Inc. and Musician

Jennifer Willard

Risk Operations Supervisor at Ingo Money, Georgia

Jessica Zyglis

Lead Copywriter and Brand Creative at Fisher-Price, Inc.

Christopher Daniels

Master Scheduler and Logistics Manager (SAP Key User) at Du Pont

Mental Health at Memorial Healthcare Systems, PA

Kelly Colaprete (Schlueter)

Director of Risk and Controls Group at Royal Bank of Canada

toi Pickens

Verizon Wireless

Heather Stammler

Category Manager of Pizza and Flatbread USC at Rich Products Corporation

Bernard O’Donnell

Management and Financial Consultant at Commercial Banking Compliance

Customer Service Representative at Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

Rachelle Dills

Executive Recruiter for Boss & Associates, IA

CEO of Daily Planet Coffee Co. Inc; Adjunct Professor in Business Dept at Buffalo State

Janelle Conti

Paul Dumansky

HR and Talent Acquisition at Career Solutions, Independent Health

Donald Fest

Development Manager in Richmond, VA

Tracy Labby Julia Lamm

Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Program and Curriculum Design, Performance Evaluator, and Charter School Founder in New Haven, CT

Stacey Marks

Chief Human Resources Officer at Tenet Healthcare JFK Memorial Healthcare, CA

Marketing Manager (Intellectual Property Practice) at Perkins Cole LLP, D.C. Regulatory Project Manager at Fisher-Price, Inc.

Movement Coach at Personalized Movement for You, OH Marketing Communications Consultant at Erie Insurance Group

Catherine Massari Kelly Pieczynski Terrilyn Richards Kristen Royer

Network Configuration Analyst at Independent Health

Timothy Scharf

Co-Founder/Partner at Follow Me! Coach, LLC, CA

Carolyn Williams

Mary Culp

Chaka Felder-McEntire

Raymond Konieczek Evguenia Prilipko AMy Reville Tracy Rozewicz

HR Generalist at MacLean Curtis

Roxanne Sikorski

Regional Community Relations Director at ActivCare Living, CA

Sharon Williams

Human Resources Consultant at HR Works, Inc.

Katherine Zoratti

Senior Marketing Manager at Ivoclar Vivadent




Barbara Ernst

Mark Cornwell Matthew Flagg Elizabeth Howard Linda King Brandi Luckman

Christina Agnello Julie Bartoldson Eileen Cain Sherman Sandra Gajkowski Shannon Gilfillan Alison Mackey Michael Marotta Karen McDonnell Kelly Michaels Meghan Reid Jennifer Renda Scott Ritchie Jessica Wessel-Streb Alison Balzer

Owner/Creator at Emerging Ideas in Clarence

Laura Hoogland Kesha Lanier

Associate Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at University at Buffalo

Jeremy Nickerson Christie Nowak

Business Development at Canisius College Women’s Business Center

Product Manager at M&T Bank

Thomas Marron Rachel Virginia

Gina Orsini

Leader, PHR, SHRM-CP, CPBA in Human Resources Business Unit at Reichert, Inc.

Erica Robinson

Jr. Personnel Clerk at Imagine Staffing Technology, ECMC

Col. Steven Rowe

CLASS OF 1998 Tonya Bickham-Chavers

Associate broker at Duluth, GA

Melissa Binga

Human Resources Manager at National Bank of Arizona

James Chlebowy Karla Daniels Jayne Delaney

Pharmaceutical Specialty Sales Representative

Dwight Gram III

President of Global Corporate Communications at Rich Products Corporation

Kenneth Kraft Senior Technical Project Manager at IGT, NV

Dominique LaTona Theresa Lundquist John McKinney

Relationship Recruiter for Marriott International and Peoplescout

Director of Military Personnel in Albany, NY

Renee Whelan

Human Resources Director at Precious Plate, Inc.

Vice President of Operations and Sales at Buffalo Lake Erie Wireless

Jill Miodonski

Manager at Verizon Wireless

Fenton Moran

CLASS OF 1997 CLASS OF 2000 CLASS OF 2001 Patrice Clarke-Funderburg Jaimie Falzarano

Director of Special Programs in the School of Management at University at Buffalo

Kelly Gruber Lori Miller

Owner of Developing Professionals

Jennifer Paterson

Senior Designer at Haley Marketing Group

Lisa Roy

Sr. Development Manager at Junior Achievement of WNY

Nadine Schwanz Mary Szabat Amy Weymouth Carol William

Julie Bradley Keerisa Chuwanich Csaba Csendes Jeffrey Davignon Anthony Dell Patricia German Louise Kowalski Tracy Reed Tava Shanchuk Judith Spear

Principal at FENTON GROUP, LLC - Human Capital Consulting

Kathryn Mandel

Laju Nankani

General Manager of SunHard Higher Education, GA

Director of International Programs and Adjunt Instructor at Centralia College, WA

Holly Palmer

Director of Human Resources at Expedition Technology, Inc., VA

Nancy Palumbo-Reeve James Privitera

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mediator at US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Suzanne Rubins Karen Taylor

Senior Manager, HR Business Partner at Fidelis Care

Executive Coach and Organizational Renewal Consultant at RV Rhodes LLC

Cheryl Weigand

Erin Wilkins

Senior Sales and Market Development Manager (HPE/Advanced Solutions) at Ingram Micro Inc

Edward Flammer II

Director of Golf Category at New Era

*Alumni listed with only their names have not been updated in our records

ComLead Through the Years



Fundraising and Development Seminar in Nonprofit Management


2006 - 2014

What was your favorite part about working with the OCD/ComLead Department?

Helping the students advance in their career

Where are you now?


What does the word “legacy� mean to you?

What has been left behind for others

What is one thing you wish to leave behind for others to learn from?

That one can have a rewarding career in the nonprofit world that will not only be self-fulfilling, but will help many deserving causes

HOW HAS COMLEAD HELPED YOU? The courses taught through the OCD program at the time were so valuable to all professional work environments. I most often refer to my Persuasion and Social Influence class taught by Dr. Wanzer and I can see how Cialdini’s 6 principles are used all around us. I really enjoyed all the Organizational Behavior classes. – Lisa Roy, 2001

The education I received helped me start and build my company (Developing Professionals) to what it is today. – Lori Miller, 2000

Appreciated the academic rigor of the thesis. It made me more precise in my communication. – Don Fest, 2005

I manage a large team with associates in Buffalo, in remote home offices around the country and our office overseas. Communication is beyond critical to our daily success and many of the skills I gained during my time in the program I apply to our business daily whether it be general day-to-day communication, formal presentations, business research, human resources, etc. – Erin Wilkins, 2000

The ComLead program has allowed me to focus all relationships, whether professional or personal, on effective communication as I believe that is the root of all conflict and resolution. – Rebecca Spillman (Ballaron), 2010

Hiring, managing, millennial, coordinating and motivating employees, and in communicating our mission, vision, values internally and externally. – Michael Caputi, 2004

The ComLead program has been invaluable to me in my career, without this degree I wouldn’t be in the position I am in now. Spending nearly a year researching and writing my thesis was excellent practice for the daily research and writing that goes into the process of responding to grant requests. – Kathryn Mendola, 2011

Better understand the development of both my position and a bigger picture with the organization in which I work. – Tracy Rozewicz, 2004

It was instrumental in supporting my career goals. – Raymond Konieczek, 2004

HOW HAS COMLEAD HELPED YOU? I made connections and learned from mentors, particularly through a valuable internship at First Niagara that was afforded to me through ComLead. This experience then helped me land the dream job I have today. – Sarah Warner, 2016 My degree has attributed to my success career and continues to help me take on new challenges each year. – Julie Berrigan, 2013

The program not only increased my communication and presentation skills, but it also increased my confidence as a leader. – Irma Tyszko, 2014

Every class I took in The ComLead program gave me new tools to add to my arsenal and I have used those tools and skills in both my personal and professional life. The two courses that had the largest impact though would have to be Leadership and Conflict Management. – Emily Gumkowski, 2017

I develop training material for representatives on a daily basis I tap into the communication I learned everyday. – Melissa Cope (Feron), 2016

The ComLead Program taught me confidence in myself and my professional abilities. – Courtney Sullivan, 2017

I would not be where I am today without ComLead. First and foremost it gave me the tools to learn the ins and outs of fundraising and development while helping to sharpen my communication and leadership skills. I used these lessons as a professional to better navigate the working world, understand and work better with colleagues, better goal set and lead a team, and keep my purpose my main focus. – Matt Gorczyca, 2015

It has helped me develop my community and fear of public speaking. - Alexa Valdez, 2019

It has helped me build a network of young professionals that I can reach out to for ideas, guidance, and support. - Elizabeth Somerville, 2019

The ComLead program has provided invaluable insight into development and fundraising. I use the information learned in my non-profit courses at my place of employment to maximize our fundraising efforts. I love applying theory to real-world experiences. - David Goodwin, 2019

ComLead Through the Years

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Elizabeth Somerville Elizabeth Somerville is in her final semester of the Communication and Leadership program. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Pittsburgh and currently works as ________ at M&T Bank. She was directed to Canisius’ ComLead program by her manager and found that the program held a more holistic study and offered skills that would be transferable to her area of work. Last year, she was awarded a position as a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit and University honor society based on academics, loyalty to Jesuit values, and service to others. To apply for the honor society, Elizabeth submitted an application on her employment history, community service activities, as well as an essay on her major volunteer activities that reflect Jesuit values and the college’s mission to serve others. In her essay, Elizabeth focused on her involvement with the NativityMiguel Middle School, an organization where she serves on a committee and regularly volunteers. Elizabeth became involved with the NativityMiguel Middle School (NMMS) in 2014 when her manager asked if she would be interested in assisting with a silent auction at the school’s annual fundraiser. NMMS is a faith based middle school that supports underserved children. Elizabeth has taken part in the annual Scholars Awards Dinner every year since her introduction to NMMS. Since 2016, she has been an active member of the Scholars Awards Committee which meets throughout the year to plan for the annual event. The funds that are raised at the Scholars Awards Dinner are an essential portion of the school’s operating budget, and she is able to use her experiences and skills to help continually increase the funds raised at the event. In addition to her involvement in the planning and execution of the Scholars Awards Dinner, Elizabeth also tutors at the St. Monica Campus for Girls. She works with girls to help them feel more comfortable, confident, and prepared to take their high school entrance exams. As part of her graduate coursework, Elizabeth worked in a small group to develop a formalized and sustainable volunteer program for NMMA through ComLead’s Leadership course. Through collaboration, the group was able to provide the school with resources and recommendations for an improved volunteer program. Elizabeth’s involvement with NMMS supports the Jesuit principles of care for the whole person and social justice. It also helps her to work towards her goal of human excellence. Elizabeth feels very strongly that participating in community service is the right thing to do. By joining Alpha Sigma Nu, she has become more aware of the importance of Jesuit values and service to her personal wellbeing and to society as a whole, and she currently serves on the NativityMiguel Junior Board.

ComLead Through the Years


ComLead alumni and current students were invited to enjoy refreshments, chocolates, and an informational session on fair trade at Ten Thousand Villages Buffalo on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Discussion was led by 20__? alumnus, Jennifer Kilo, who now serves as the Store Manager for this location. Ten Thousand Villages is a fair trade, global maker-to-market movement that sells ethically-sourced items from makers in “ten thousand villages”. Purchases made through this organization are handmade and all sales directly impact the life and community of their makers in developing countries.


“We create opportunities for artisans in developing countries to earn income by bringing their products and stories to our markets through long-term, fair trading relationships.”

Stanton Hudson

Stanton Hudson

Director of Organizational Communication and Development Program 1995 - 2004

Director of Organizational Communication and Development Program 1995 - 2004

Stanton Hudson acted as the Director of the Organizational Communication and Development program (now ComLead) at Canisius College from 1995 to 2004. Dr. Irwin and Dr. Wigley worked hard to develop the program and get it up and running, and Dr. Irwin served as the Director of the program until Hudson joined in January of 1995. In his position, Hudson managed the program and owes a lot of credit to Nancy Prescott who assisted in keeping and organizing the records with him.

Second, Hudson touched on the enduring legacy of President Theodore Roosevelt. The Inaugural Site works to tell Roosevelt’s story, including the story of the major issues that existed in his head as he took oath in Buffalo in 1901. These issues included racial and social inequality, immigration and poverty, environmental conservation, and US and global affairs. While this moment in history took place 118 years ago, these issues are still present today!

Ironically, Hudson did not have his Master’s degree at the time that he was hired as Director of the Graduate program so he did not teach any of the courses, but oversaw it, recruited professors, planned the year, and kept organization of everyone involved. Hudson also facilitated the Capstone project where he worked individually with students to advise and counsel them through the process. During this time, and prior to his appointment as Director, Hudson taught PR courses at the undergraduate level.

Third, about a year ago the TR Site applied for a grant from the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo. This grant was requested to help pilot a project that would develop a program for underserved fourth graders in the Buffalo Public School district. This program will work to integrate and educate these students on the unique connection that exists between Buffalo, Roosevelt, and the great history of the United States. The TR Site received the grant that they requested and Hudson soon discovered a sentimental twist - the fund with which the TR Site was awarded the money from was The Perry Fund. This fund was named in honor of Dr. J Warren Perry and his brother and only ten organizations were eligible to apply for it. The fact that the TR Site was awarded the grant from Hudson’s mentor further enhanced his belief in Dr. Perry’s legacy and how that legacy has continued to impact him over the years.

Hudson achieved his Bachelor’s degree from Canisius College in History and Political Science in 1972. He got involved in the world of PR when he was working for a County Legislator. There he developed experience in writing news releases and speeches and decided to pursue a career in PR where he could use those skills. Hudson worked in PR and advertising for over 40 years. He served as the PR Director at M&T Bank and the Advertising and PR Director at BlueCross BlueShield of WNY. Throughout his time in the world of PR, Hudson continued to teach as that was something that he always had a deep love for.

In addition, there is no better life to live to create a legacy than that of a teacher. Teachers have the ability to touch the lives of students in ways that will make the world a better place when done correctly. Hudson expressed how incredible it feels when a former student achieves success in life and he is grateful to have played a part in that individual’s growth. His life as a teacher has been a great joy, and Hudson encourages any students with which he has lost touch with to reach out to him and be his guest at the TR Site.

Currently, he is the Executive Director of the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site in Buffalo, NY. In addition, he teaches in the Communication department at Buffalo State College while also finishing up courses of his own. With just his thesis left, Hudson is proud to report that he will achieve his Master’s degree at 68 years old, proving that it is never too late to continue to learn!

To close, Hudson left me with a quote that Dr. Perry loved and lived out each day:

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile” And to Stan Hudson, that is what legacy is all about.

Hudson achieved his Bachelor’s degree from Canisius College in History and Political Science in 1972. After working for a County Legislator, Hudson developed experience in writing news releases and speeches and decided to pursue a career in Public Relations. He worked in PR and advertising for over 40 years, where he held positions as the PR Director at M&T Bank and the Advertising and PR Director at BlueCross BlueShield of WNY, and more. Throughout this time, Hudson continued to teach as he always had a deep passion for educating others. When asked what the word “legacy” means to him, Hudson had three points that he wanted to mention. First, he explained his relationship with a very important person in his life: J Warren Perry. Dr. Perry was the Dean of Health Professions at University at Buffalo and a role model for Hudson. He encouraged Hudson to get involved in different boards such as the American Red Cross and the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site. Through those experiences, Hudson would develop larger networks and experience in working in the Non-profit sector. In 2011, Hudson was appointed President of the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site board, one year after Dr. Perry passed away. Having had such an influence in his pursuit of opportunities in different organizations, Hudson knew that he would not have acquired that position without Dr. Perry.


ComLead Through the Years

LEGACY LEGACY LEGACY LEGACY Thank you for being a part of the Communication and Leadership legacy!

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