Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 3.7 out of 5 stars
The specs of ‘Guess Who’ are: Publisher: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (2005-08-01) Language: English ISBN-10: 1404973613 Product Dimensions: 7.5×5.4×0.6 inches Shipping Weight: 0.2 pounds Here are some REAL customer reviews: “Excellent family entertainment!” I haven't seen a movie like this for years. It is full of comedy and you will keep laughing if you have a good sense of humor with open mind. The reason that many people here have given negative points is because it deals with the subject which makes many… Read more “Bernie Mac should be a BIG star” “Guess Who's Coming to Dinner” premise. Girlfriend Theresa and Simon (Kutcher's part) return to her home for her parents' 25th wedding… Read more “Guess who?” I went to see this movie with my boyfriend on a Friday night, and it was good. I though it was a good date movie. It's funny, not long, but it's definitely predictable. Though there might have
been some racist jokes or comments, it was pretty funny. It‌ Read more
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