Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.7 out of 5 stars
The specs of ‘Spyro the Dragon’ are: Manufacturer: Sony (1998-09-10) Product Dimensions: 5.6×5.2×0.4 inches Shipping Weight: 0.2 pounds Here are some REAL customer reviews: “Game did NOT work”
I bought a game for a family member as a surprise and when we put the game in, it did not work at all. The disc was extremely scratched and we did everything we could to clean it. The description claimed that the game had been "tested and p… Read more “broken”
I was excited when I got it so fast but when I went to play it, it didn’t work. I don’t have anyway of sending back. What a waste of money. … Read more “Not that much fun”
Spyro the Dragon is a great game for little kids, but if you are 9 or above, you will hate it. There is almost no point to the game, and it takes forever to get the right amount of coins, or I mean JEWELS. The bosses are so easy its not even‌ Read more
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