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Drug Abuse...an Education

It’s better to laugh than to cry, right? Especially when it comes to ludicrous anti-cannabis propaganda. In comic book form, no less. This page comes from a Drug Abuse comic book published in 1970. You can read the entire publication at Ethan Persoff’s website, www.ep.tc, which offers “political ephemera, drug hysteria, vintage sex, and health items delivered to you in a timely, inappropriate manner since 2001.” Look under the Comics with a Problem tab and scroll to #18. Described as a “summary for parents and students on the subject of teenage drug abuse,” this comic book offers tips on how parents can recognize drug abuse in their children and how teenagers can avoid falling prey to drug users, among many other helpful hints.


Fans of old-school drug hysteria definitely will want to check out Comics with a Problem #8 for the Archie comic book produced in cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Yes, the FBI!) Persoff’s website is well worth a visit. Be sure you have the time to stay a while as there is lots to see.

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