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From the Publisher
Welcome to the second year of Cannabis by the Sea and summer 2021!
As of our publication date, California is “open” again with Covid restrictions lifted for most situations. It’s been a “weird trip” and my hope is that you and yours have gotten or are in the process of getting your vaccines so that the full trip will end soon.
Now that we can make plans to do something, I mean other than clean out another closet or have a Zoom party with friends, what are you going to do? Don’t know about you, but it’s an odd feeling. Need to get my sea-legs back! Maybe start local? I recently made a day trip up the coast a bit to Lompoc to visit some of our dispensary friends. It was a beautiful drive and good to get out and get fresh air, see people and shake hands!
While we’re on the subject of getting out and about, we’re excited about growing our presence on the Central Coast. After all, the West Coast boasts just over 7,800 square miles of coastline, and we ARE Cannabis by the Sea, so we’re looking forward to spreading our wings far and wide!
We have some great content for you to enjoy over the summer months, covering a diverse range of topics brought to you by some really interesting people. Our hope is that you continue to learn more about this amazing plant we call cannabis.
We want you to keep in touch, so please let us know if you would like to see something featured in Cannabis by the Sea. You can email us at info@cbtsmagazine.com.
Oh, and subscribe to the digital copy via our website cbtsmagazine.com!
Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe. Be healthy. Please get vaccinated and above all, be kind.
Looking forward to sharing our Fall issue with you on September 20, 2021! - Melinda Bie