4 minute read
Blunt Advice
By Barbara Verde
Dear Barbara, I’m not working as many hours due to the pandemic and trying to stretch my cannabis dollar. Please don’t laugh, but I’ve been wondering if I can drink bong water as a way to make my stash go further. Do people do this? - Thirsty for Deals
Dear Thirsty for Deals, OK, people do this ... but not smart ones. I regret to say that I have first hand knowledge of drinking bong water that goes back to the days when my 15-year-old self and boyfriend (at the time) thought we’d save all of our bong water, drink it, and get epicly high. Needless to say, one sip of that murky stuff, and we quickly changed our minds!
And we didn’t miss out on an epic high. You see, bong water will not get you high because THC and CBD don’t like water—cannabinoids are not water soluble. So in essence, bong water doesn’t contain any of the good stuff … but it’s got lots of bad stuff, like ash, tar, and bacteria from the last person you shared it with—all the makings for an epic gastrointestinal malfunction, if you get my drift.
Luckily, there are some great alternatives to making your weed money go further than downing yuck juice. Try these tips: • Get on the texting lists of all your favorite dispensaries so you don’t miss out on their latest deals. • Mix it up … Try a one hitter instead of packing a bowl, migrate to edibles, which tend to give you more bang for your buck, or take a tolerance break to recalibrate. • Or grow your own … my friend Alex Robles likes to say, “if you can grow a tomato plant, you can grow cannabis!” He has great tips for growers. (See page 20.) • If you can’t grow your own, buddy up with someone who does. It’s legal in the State of California to gift up to one ounce of cannabis at a time for recreational use to adults 21+.
Dear Barbara, I’m trying to lose weight and I feel like my cannabis use is not helping. Do I have to stop to drop the pounds? - Munchie Mama
Dear Munchie Mama, No, you don’t need to give up weed to drop pounds.
In fact, research led by Omayma Alshaarawy, Ph.D., an assistant professor of family medicine at Michigan State University, found that on average, cannabis users have lower BMIs (Body Mass Index) than non-cannabis users. It’s counterintuitive, but it seems there is something going on with cannabis users that keeps their BMIs a bit lower than their non-using counterparts. The mechanism at work is still unknown, but it suggests that you really don’t need to drop cannabis to drop pounds.
In fact, there is a cannabinoid of major interest for its weight-loss properties, and that is THCV. THCV is purported to be an appetite suppressant and has even gotten the nickname “diet weed.” More studies are needed, but you can find products at your local dispensary containing THCV and try it out for yourself.
Another tip is to anticipate your munchies and prep some healthy snacks in advance before your next sesh. Try some air-popped popcorn with a little olive oil and garlic powder sprinkled on. Or yogurt with fruit mixed with a little honey. Apple slices and peanut butter provide a nice savory/sweet combo and have a great crunch.
You might even think of adding a little weed to your workout. Many people swear by sativa strains and say they give them energy and zest before a good workout.
With a little experimentation and thought, you can safely drop weight while continuing to enjoy cannabis.
Dear Barbara, Is there such a thing as a weed hangover? I sometimes feel angry and irritable the day after smoking cannabis. - The Day After in SB
Dear Day After in SB, One of my friends experiences this, too! I did a bit of research and while it is not universal by any means, there do seem to be some anecdotal reports of weed hangovers involving things such as dehydration, brain fog, sadness, nausea, etc. Feeling like crap will make anyone irritable, especially when contrasted with a previous night of jovial relaxation.
Here are some things to try to take the edge off the next day if you find yourself with a weed hangover:
• Drink lots of water—hydrated bodies are happy bodies. • Take a shower—everyone feels fresher after a good shower. • Try some CBD. This cannabinoid can lead you back to balance gently. • Get a good cup o’ Joe to help lift the brain fog and sluggishness. • Take it easy—you know the drill, don’t worry, be happy :)
Try those tips and you should feel right as rain after your adventures in THC-land. :)
Barbara Verde makes her home in Santa Barbara County. She makes the world a kinder place with her keen social savvy and advocacy work. Send your cannabis etiquette questions to barbara@cbtsmagazine.com.