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Resources and References
We’re members. Are you? NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) states its mission as to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high quality marijuana that is safe, convenient, and affordable. The best way to show your appreciation for your legal cannabisenhanced lifestyle is to become a member. And we’re betting you couldn’t make use of all the information and other perks of membership you’ll receive. Do it today. www.norml.org

There’s no doubt that conversations about cannabis can be a minefield. Just try having one on cannabis for children. Enter Alissa Lee, founder of Cannabis For Children, a nonprofit dedicated to advocating for improving communication about medical cannabis use, specifically for children. Alissa has created a portal for parents researching medical cannabis as a means to ease their child’s suffering. Cannabis For Children offers digital hand-holding to the moms and dads doing their darndest. www.cannabisforchildren.org

Contacting elected officials is a tried-and-true way of effecting change. If enough of us do it. Sometimes it’s just the very basic thing, such as finding the email address of an elected official, that prevents the masses from speaking up and out. Not anymore! Thanks to the National Cannabis Industry Association, the oldest and largest trade association for legal cannabis. Their Policy & Advocacy tab offers all you need to get in touch with a lawmaker. www.thecannabisindustry.org