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From the Publisher
Welcome to Year Four and the Spring Issue of Cannabis by the Sea Magazine!
Hard to believe that 3 years have passed since our inaugural issue and wow, what we have all been through in those years is mind blowing. I hope you have gained some knowledge from the contents of our pages over this time and maybe you’ve passed along some of that knowledge!
Personally, so far, this year has been a tough one, but I am grateful not only for the support of friends and family, but also for the ability to safely medicate myself as needed. My biggest issue is usually sleep — insomnia will set in when I am stressed or anxious. Sometimes it will set in for no apparent reason at all! A lot of us have taken the “a couple glasses of wine and I’ll sleep like a rock,” only to realize that our sleep is not good, and we generally wake up feeling “less than fine.”.
For me, that’s where cannabis has been a huge help. I take a sleepy time gummy when I get into bed. I don’t get a euphoric feeling, but my mind quiets and my body relaxes, which in turn allows me to go to sleep and stay asleep longer. And bonus — I don’t wake up with a hangover.
If you have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep, I would highly recommend researching and experimenting with some sleepy time gummies. There are quite a few on the market. Ideally, you want to concentrate on those that are low THC and contain CBN and CBD. It may take you a few tries to find the one that fits your body chemistry best. Talk to your budtender — tell them how you want to feel and how you don’t want to feel.
As we get into the middle of spring and slide into summer, I’m looking forward to a bit more sunshine and smiles! Getting the sleep we need is paramount to battling any emotional AND physical issues we are dealing with — so I will gladly have my bag of gummies next to the bed.
I send my wishes to you for a sunny and warm spring. Hoping your days are full of happiness, lots of laughter and the best of all health.
As always, thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea magazine . . . just by reading, you are supporting. We look forward to continuing to introduce you to more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis.
Keep in touch!
- Melinda Bie