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Letter from the Publisher

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Welcome to the Fall Issue of Cannabis by the Sea Magazine!

It's hard to believe that we are officially in the last quarter of 2023 . . . I have no idea where the year has gone!

We enter the last months of this year with a sense of optimism regarding the legalization of cannabis - an optimism that I hope will continue to grow and foster change. The Department of Health and Human Services recently delivered a recommendation to the Drug Enforcement Administration that cannabis be moved from a Schedule I to a Schedule III controlled substance. Rescheduling cannabis would reduce or potentially eliminate criminal penalties for possession. This is a great step forward, but as we know, there is a long road to national legalization. Please do your part by supporting organizations like NORML , Americans for Safe Access, the Marijuana Policy Project. and Last Prisoner Project. These groups and several others like them, advocate for cannabis legalization as well as providing legal support to cannabis prisoners.

In California, where our office is located, cannabis is legal recreationally and medically, not a perk that several U.S. states share. We'd like to hear from you — what are the laws like where you live? How is the general attitude towards dispensaries? Visit our website and let us know — www.cbtsmagazine.com/contactus. Tell us what you think, what you'd like to learn about or maybe who you'd like to hear from!

As always, thank you for your support of Cannabis by the Sea Magazine . . . just by reading, you are supporting. We look forward to continuing to introduce you to more amazing people, and, of course, providing you with more information on this amazing plant that we call cannabis.

Keep in touch!

Melinda Bie

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