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Brand Spotlight: Yvonne Perez Emerson of Make & Mary

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The Hemp Temple

Yvonne Perez Emerson


Having a family business means a lot to Make & Mary Founder Yvonne Perez Emerson. A desire to provide her daughter with safe, alternative health and body products drove Emerson to become familiar with folk herbalism. Leaning on her family background in alternative wellness, Emerson made her own concoctions for years before making a professional foray into the cannabis space.

Emerson’s familial and cultural background is reflected in the formulation of her products. When originating her line, she called on her memories of her abuela finding alternative cures. When she is formulating, she also calls on her Scottish ancestors, who were healers.

Calendula (a herbaceous plant in the daisy family) is often used in Mexican culture and is an ingredient in many Make & Mary products. Marigold flower, which also plays a large role in Mexican culture, also plays a major role in Emerson’s product formulation.

“They’re used in ritual. They’re used for bringing in positive energy and for cleansing,” says Emerson of the marigolds.

The majority of the hemp oils used for Make & Mary products are sourced from her husband’s family’s agricultural hemp farm. With a goal to honor her heritage and family history, Emerson worked constantly to create a space for the local community to learn about plant medicine.

In the beginning of her journey, Emerson was unable to obtain traditional loans or funding. Being a self-funded Mexican woman meant working nonstop to create a sustainable business that serves her community. To best do that, she set quality control



expectations for the business, like avoiding selling to dispensaries or grocery stores.

Furthermore, Emerson put a lot of thought into the aesthetic and design of her product line. “All of our stuff is recyclable or comes from recycled material,” Emerson tells CannaCurious.

Make & Mary’s Soulshine Ritual Essential Oil candle has an airtight lid, so it can be used as a stash jar (and the essential oils burn clean). The Make & Mary tea bags are compostable, and the packaging has lettering that is done in-house. Even the bath bombs come with packaging that includes an outer band that you can use in a bath ritual by lighting it.

These particular design details are the result of Emerson working with her daughter, Carlee Emerson, head of production at Make & Mary, to create a more environmentally-conscious product line. The decision to make more mindful products came during the pandemic, which is also when Carlee began taking a more active role in the company.

“It has been so wonderful having my daughter work here,” Emerson says.

“When the pandemic happened, she had to come home, and it was just really hard on her emotionally.”

It took some convincing, but Emerson convinced her daughter to try working for the company. Ultimately, the experience has been really great, Emerson says, because Carlee is so creative while also being good with numbers and spreadsheets. In addition to illustration and design work, Carlee

is in charge of all production work. “I'm definitely teaching her to take more risks, and she’s helping me slow down,” Emerson says.

Carlee is helping her mother become more focused because, as Emerson jokes, being a Pisces and a creative can often have her jumping from one idea to the next.

“It’s nice to be able to say now we are definitely a family business,” Emerson says. “It just really makes my heart feel really good.”


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