Havyard Times 2007 no 2

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havyard times a m a g a z i n e f r o m t h e h av ya r d g r o u p


The Shipbuilder and the Shipowner


Taking India by storm


natural born leader - Portrait of Tor Leif mongstad


Hyllestad – an industrial success story

this issue

no. 2 december 2007


hyllestad – an industrial success story

“If it wasn’t for Havyard Leirvik, I would not be working towards a craft certificate,” says apprentice Magne Bjørvik (24).

THe aPPrenTIce There is a shortage of places for apprentices in many

ter Christmas, I will be working on board boats, which

industries and industrial plumbing is no exception.

may involve different tasks,” he says.

Magne Bjørvik is fortunate to have signed a contract with Havyard Leirvik for a two-year apprenticeship.

Magne is from Førde. He would probably never have moved to Leirvik if it were not for the shipyard. He is

“I’m delighted with my workplace,” he says on a Fri-

happy that he has now completed his education, and

day afternoon at the beginning of November, having

he is sure that many people have a great deal to thank

worked two months at the shipyard. “The working environment is good, and that’s the most important thing. It wouldn’t be the same without good work-

the shipyard for. “Leirvik probably wouldn’t exist without Havyard. It certainly wouldn’t have as many inhabitants.

mates,” he says and adds that he is very happy that he is serving his apprenticeship in a company that takes

Magne usually gets up at around six o’clock on work

apprentices seriously, which is certainly not the case

days, so that he has time to waken up properly before

for all apprentices.

he starts work at seven. He has two breaks during the day, first a ten-minute breakfast break around nine,

Industrial plumbers work primarily on steel construc-

and then a half-hour lunch break around midday. He

tions for boats and platforms, and they should not

finishes work at three and returns to the flat he shares

be confused with the type of plumber who comes

with a Havyard Elektro employee.

and sorts out leaky pipes in your kitchen. In order to become an industrial plumber, Magne has attended

And his dreams for the future? To work on a platform.

school in Årdal for two years. He has taken the foun-

“I want to work offshore, doesn’t everyone?!?” grins

dation course and Advanced Course 1 in Mechanics.

Magne. “Offshore has the best arrangements. Two

Now, he has a two-year apprenticeship to complete

weeks on and four weeks off. And it’s well paid. But

before he can take his craft certificate. As an appren-

we’ll see. Maybe I’ll start studying again, at technical

tice at Havyard Leirvik, Magne fits the pipe systems for

college, for example.”

use on the boats. “Now, to start off with, I’m in the workshop working

Magne Bjørvik is at an age when there are many op-

on prefabricated elements, i.e. I fit pipes in accord-

tions open to him. Thanks to Havyard Leirvik, he now

ance with drawings and specified measurements. Af-

has even more.


havyard times

Havyard Times is the external magazine for the Havyard Group and its subsidiaries: Havyard Maritime, Havyard Shiptec, Havyard Leirvik, Havyard Powertec, Havyard International, Havyard Elektro, Havyard Trading and Havyard Arctic Technology. Through this magazine we hope to give our customers an impression of our local, regional and worldwide activities. Our business philosophy is “Adding value”. We hope this magazine will add extra value to our company.

responsible editor: writers: concept and design: photographers:

HeIdI HaTTeSTeIn, marIT bendz HavnevIk aS Tony HaLL, roberT cHurcHILL, ISTocHPHoTo, fred jonny Hammerø, Havyard, HavnevIk aS

illustrations: print:


gunnar LarSen

gunnar fLuSund Pk Trykk aS



22 �yllestad � an industrial success story TAKING IndIa BY STORM

�e have tal�ed to the people o� �yllestad municipality and they all say the same thing� �t is impossible to imagine �yllestad without �avyard �eirvi�� �he shipyard has survived almost a hundred years and seen periods o� both growth and recession� �his is the story o� a small community that has made the impossible possible� te�t:


�avyard has become a brand name in �ndia� �t the big trade �air � ����� �ndia ���� � in �ctober� �avyard strengthened its position even more�

the shipowner

the shipbuilder

�ensioner �dd �revi� was bored�

�ensioner �arald ��land only e�ists on paper�

so he decided to start his own shipping company�

�he real �r ��land builds boats �or �r �revi��

�yllestad is a coastal municipality at the mouth o� the �ogne��ord� �here are three villages in the municipality: �yllestad� ��rb�v�g and �eirvi�� where the �avyard �eirvi� shipyard is located� �avyard �eirvi� is the biggest employer in the municipality� �n �eirvi�� you will also �ind �eirvi� �ro og �otell� a �indergarten� shops and services� �n ��rb�v�g� there are construction businesses and shops� as well as a �indergarten and nursing home� �yllestad is the administrative centre o� the municipality� �he council buildings are in �yllestad� which also has �yllestad school� shops and services� �orway�s oldest millstone industry was located in �yllestad� �iles o� stone �la�es and millstones bear witness to a �large�scale industry� that dates bac� to ��� ��� �iscellaneous: �here used to be an old tradition in the communities in �yllestad whereby red woollen hats were put on dead men when they were laid out� �his custom was �nown locally as �red head� and the smallholder �le �asmusson ��re��orden is said to be the last man to be buried wearing a red hat� �e died in �����



Leader by President of the Havyard group


The Shipowner and the Shipbuilder


Havyard takes an “alarming” step


Taking India by storm


“natural born leader” - Portrait of Tor Leif mongstad


Hyllestad – an industrial success story


full speed ahead into the “middle kingdom”


The newest member of the Havyard family


four new ships of the Havyard 841-design to India


Swire has ordered four vessels with Havyard 844-design


continued success for the Havyard 832 design







Traditions and visions for the future In this issue of Havyard Times, the main focus will be on the group’s shipbuilding activities. This is because it is the group’s most important activity and the basis for the group’s products, which are all related to shipbuilding technology.

To use a metaphor, the shipyard is “the jewel in the

In one story in this magazine, we focus on a shipown-

Havyard crown”. Our goal for the shipyard is that it

er and shipbuilder in order to illustrate how depend-

should be the group’s laboratory for the development

ent we are on each other. Shipowners are represented

of new designs and shipbuilding technology, in collab-

by Odd Brevik, Managing Director of Deep Sea Supply

oration with shipowners, carriers and subcontractors.

ASA and shipbuilders by Harald Løland, who has held

Our aim is that the yard will be a model enterprise

many jobs with us and is now project supervisor. Both

in the shipbuilding industry, focusing on advanced

of them have long experience and, as I have come

offshore vessels in particular, and operating a system

to know them, they seem to me to be perfect rep-

whereby our customers can come and visit the yard

resentatives of their respective fields. Odd with his

to take a closer look at our products.

market knowledge, and, not least, his “gut feeling”

We also aim to offer the products developed at

for how the market will develop in future, which is

Havyard Leirvik on the global market, whether they

decisive in a market like the offshore market which,

are design products, shipbuilding technology or other

in a historical perspective, has been subject to great

shipbuilding products we will offer in future. The fact

fluctuations. Harald represents expertise and continu-

that we ourselves are both ship designers and ship-

ity. His father was one of the founders of the yard

builders provides greater assurance for our custom-

and he has worked there all his working life. And it is

ers and, not least, means we have legitimacy in the

really nice to note that his son, Jarle Løland, is carry-

market. Our customers should know that vessels of


ing on the shipbuilding tradition. This illustrates how

Havyard Havyard-designTM are either first built at our own yard

shipbuilding in Leirvik has evolved over generations,

or built on the basis of similar vessels we ourselves

which should also reassure our customers, whether

have built. This guarantees the yards that are to build

Havyard they choose to build vessels of Havyard-designTM at




the vessels that they are construction-friendly and it is

the shipyard in Leirvik or at other yards on the basis

an assurance that documentation will be of high qual-

of designs and shipbuilding technology developed at

ity and will be delivered at the agreed time. For ship-

Havyard Leirvik.

owners, it is a big advantage that the shipyards are

As designer and shipbuilder, the Havyard Group

thus in a much better position to deliver on time and

is dependent on having challenging customers who

on budget. Our focus on construction-friendliness will

can contribute expertise in the form of technical and

not be at the expense of the vessels’ capacity, func-

practical solutions adapted to the functions a vessel is

tionality and aesthetical qualities, a fact our custom-

to perform. Deep Sea Supply ASA, which is managed


Havyard ers can rely on when they choose a Havyard-designTM.



by Odd Brevik, is one of these challenging customers

Leader by president of the havyard group, geir johan bakke

“ The shipyard is the jewel in the Havyard crown ” geIr joHan bakke

President & CEO, Havyard Group AS

and we are proud that it has chosen to build vessels


proud to present our latest product, HAvyArD IaS , TM

of Havyard Havyard-designTM at Havyard Leirvik. Naturally, we

a user-friendly and forward-looking automation and

hope that this collaboration can be developed further

monitoring system that has been developed under a


and that the company will choose to build more vessels


licence agreement with Høglund on the basis of their

Havyard of Havyard-designTM either at our own yard or at oth-

well-proven technology and comes with many excel-

er yards worldwide. Shipowners, in turn, are dependent

lent references.


on feedback and comments on their ideas, and they

It was recently announced that the Havyard Group

need to know that the finished product will be of the

will carry out a share issue with a view to stock ex-

right quality and delivered on time. Through our refer-

change listing of the company in 2008. The Sævik

ences, we have demonstrated that this is the case, and

family have been good owners who have taken

it is our clear goal to continue to do so in future.

a long-term view, but, taking the current size and planned future growth of the company into account,

the human factor is the

this is a natural and correct step to take. We look

key factor in shipbuilding

forward to having new challenging and motivating

The most important factor in the Havyard Group is

owners who will provide us with much greater op-

the human factor. Ships are built by people and the

portunities and, not least, the security we need if we

process or product can never be better than the com-

are to make the best of the opportunities this capital

petence of the people involved. Based on this recog-

base will give us.

nition, our goal is that the best and most highly-moti-

I am both moved by and proud of all my excellent

vated people in the industry shall be our colleagues in

and motivated colleagues, not least because of the

the Havyard Group. Even though our jobs are hectic

enormous efforts they have put into meeting the

and demanding, our aim is that we should endeavour

group’s delivery commitments. Together, we shall

to appreciate each other’s efforts and take pleasure in

succeed in fulfilling the expectations of our stakehold-

dealing with the challenges involved in our day-to-day

ers, whether they are employees, owners, customers

work, thus ensuring that our work and the challenges

or subcontractors, in accordance with our motto:

we face are seen as something positive.

“adding value”.

The goal of the Havyard Group is be a fully-integrated shipbuilding company in which all the critical and most technology-based areas of shipbuilding are controlled by a group company. We are therefore

geIr joHan bakke

President & CEO, Havyard Group AS


the shipowner Pensioner Odd Brevik was bored, so he decided to start his own shipping company.


THe SHIPowner and THe SHIPbuILder

the shipbuilder Pensioner Harald Løland only exists on paper. The real Mr Løland builds boats for Mr Brevik. written by: marIT bendz photo: Tony HaLL


the shipowner and the shipbuilder

“ It’s not a matter of us keeping up with the young people, but of them keeping up with us ” odd brevIk

Chief Executive Officer of Deep Sea Supply Plc

The two grey-haired gentlemen have been on oppo-

Mr Løland’s grandfather was a blacksmith in Leirvik,

site sides of the shipbuilding business over the years.

and he laid the foundations of what is now Havyard

But more unites the shipowner and boat builder than

Leirvik. The first shipyard was situated further up the

divides them. They have salt water in their blood and

fjord and it developed after the war from a smithy

boats in their hearts.

into a mechanical workshop and then into a shipyard. The first actual boat was built in 1953. Mr Løland was

Odd Brevik really did try to retire. It didn’t work out,

then 11 years old. By confirmation age, he had already

however. The company Deep Sea Supply in Arendal is

started building boats there.

only two and a half years old; the company came about

Fresh out of engineering college in Bergen, he started

because a retired submarine captain was bored.

work in the drawing office of what was then Løland

“I was the Managing Director of viking Supplyships

shipyard in 1966. He is now almost 65 years old and

until 1999, when I was supposed to retire. But hav-

still has an office in the administration building and

ing chopped wood and pottered around at home for

has become a kind of senior mentor they cannot get

five years, I couldn’t stand the boredom any longer.

rid of.

So I set off, and went around London and New york

Odd Brevik grew up on Tromøya outside Arendal, and

to raise money and started the shipping company on

entered the navy at the age of 19. After naval college

the coast of Southern Norway.” While Mr Brevik has

he advanced to become the captain of a submarine.

tried retirement, but failed, Mr Løland has not even

He later became the Managing Director of viking Sup-

given it a go.

plyships. It was through this job that he first came into

“After serving many years as design and project man-

contact with Mr Løland and the shipyard in Leirvik. The

ager at the shipyard in Leirvik, I’m now a handyman

shipping company signed a contract for three boats

who is so old that all I know is what I have gleaned

from what was then Kværner Leirvik. But the two of

from my experience,” he laughs. Neither of them is

them cannot remember exactly when they first met

planning to rest on his laurels in the immediate fu-

each other, although the shipowner has been in Leir-

ture. “It’s the smell of the grease paint you know.” The

vik several times.

two old work horses are uncertain whether they can manage without it.“I don’t believe you have more

Are the two elderly gentlemen able to keep up with

time when you retire. On the contrary, I’ve heard that

the rapid developments in their joint field?

things get so hectic you have to employ a secretary,” says the shipowner.


“It’s not a matter of us keeping up with the young people, but of them keeping up with us,” says Mr Bre-

the shipowner and the shipbuilder

“ Right now, everything is going fantastically well, but no one knows when the next downturn will come ” HaraLd LøLand

Mentor and handyman at Havyard Leirvik

vik, and Mr Løland laughs in agreement. “There have

largely due to the fact that other industries deliver

certainly been fantastic developments in the industry,

the equipment. This does not just apply to offshore

and I must admit that I know less and less about more and more,” he concludes.

vessels, but to all types of boats.” “It decides delivery times, yes,” nods Mr Løland, who

“I think that the generation that really had a tough

goes on to mention another factor: the shortage of

time has already left. We had our share of problems

steel, which is due to the building activity in China.

in viking, we struggled with computer keyboards and

“There’s no stopping the Chinese now they’ve started.”

swore by our ballpoint pens,” says the shipowner. We are in the middle of the big climate debate. Mr For 40 years, Mr Løland has taken part in the yard’s

Brevik says that one of the first boats with a catalytic

development from being a relatively small boat builder,

convertor was built during his time in the driving seat

through periods of growth and recession, buying and

at viking in the late 1990s. Mr Løland is also very con-

selling, until Havyard took over the shipyard in 2000.

cerned about the emissions of exhaust and bunker

“right now, everything is going fantastically well, but

water, and he believes that we are at the start of a

no one knows when the next downturn will come, we

revolution in terms of environmentally-friendly boats.

just know that it will,” he says with the ingrained pes-

The shipowner’s office in Arendal is right beside the

simism common among the inhabitants of Western

shipping lane, and he thinks it is strange that so little

Norway. However, the shipowner from more cheerful

is transported by sea. On the other side of the office

Southern Norway agrees. “The thing about the offshore fleet is that it is now getting old. There are 500 boats in the world that are more than 30 years old and it is high time that they

building, articulated lorries hurtle past in steady succession on the E18 motorway. “It doesn’t seem very expedient, there should be better arrangements for transport by sea.”

were replaced. I personally believe the downturn will

“yes, days can go by without seeing a cargo ship go

come in 2011. The two of us are in the same boat, so

past here. There’s only the odd salmon transport

to speak. The huge activity we see today will lead to a

boat,” adds Mr Løland who also cannot understand

downturn in the longer term.”

why all freight must, at all cost, be transported by

“That’s right, when all the boats that that are currently

road. The shipping lane is right there.

being equipped start operating, the market will be saturated. There won’t be room for any more.” “It takes a long time to build a boat today, but this is

They then reminisce about the old days, and where it will be best to live when they finally have no option


the shipowner and the shipbuilder


the shipowner and the shipbuilder

“ I don’t believe you have more time when you retire. On the contrary, I’ve heard that things get so hectic you have to employ a secretary ” odd brevIk

Chief Executive Officer of Deep Sea Supply Plc

but to retire. “you have the best weather, but I have

deeP Sea SUPPly Plc

the most beautiful stretch of coastline,” concludes Mr Løland. But he meets opposition on this point. “I agree as far as the weather is concerned. But our

• •

coastline is beautiful too, although it’s somewhat different.” “I’ll tell you this, I couldn’t live without having the sea close by,” exclaims the shipbuilder. In Leirvik, a

33-foot cabin cruiser lies waiting for its owner, as

is an offshore supply company. is a shipowner and operator of several Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels (“AHTS vessels”) and Platform Supply Vessels (“PSV”) and it has an extensive newbuilding programme. The delivery of the newbuildings will take place during the period 2007 to 2009. intends to become one of the leading owners and operators of supply vessels on a global basis.

does an Eikeli boat, a locally built 26-foot wooden boat, outside Tromøya.

Odd Brevik, arendal

“So you’ve got an Eikeli boat!” It’s more like a piece of furniture,” says the Western Norwegian appre-


“yes, I could quite happily have it in my sitting room,” admits the proud owner. He then invites the ship-

Chief Executive Officer of Deep Sea Supply Plc. Born in 1945 on Tromøya, near Arendal. Formerly an officer in the Royal Norwegian Navy and Managing Director of Viking Supply. Wife, two children and five grandchildren.

builder to visit his stretch of coastline, as Mr Løland has never got further than halfway, roughly to Sta-

Harald løland, leirvik i SOgn

vanger, on his excursions. “By the time we get there, the holiday’s over and we have to head back home,” he sighs in resignation. “Next time, you’ll have to start at the other end, ” chuckles the shipowner. Tromøya is a great starting point.

• • •

Mentor and handyman at Havyard Leirvik. Born in1942 in Leirvik i Sogn. Employed for 40 years at the yard, which is now Havyard Leirvik. Wife, two children and three grandchildren. One of his sons also works at Havyard Leirvik and is therefore the fourth generation to work at the yard.


Havyard TakeS an “aLarmIng” STeP


Havyard TakeS an “aLarmIng” STeP

Havyard takes an “alarming” step The Havyard Group introduces the HAvyArD IaS Integrated Automation System with Power Managing System (PMS) tm

text: marIT bendz photo: Tony HaLL

Havyard is launching its own alarm and automa-

tinuously used on board vessels, for example to

tion system, based on close cooperation and a li-

monitor diesel engines and for remote control of

cence agreement with Høglund Automasjon AS. The

pumps and valves. That is why the alarm and moni-


toring system is important to end users.


will be based on good quality, well-

proven technology and solutions from the HC800. By introducing the HAvyArD IaS , Havyard is further TM

Havyard Powertec is responsible for developing

developing its strategy of focusing on knowledge-

electrotechnical solutions, documentation and au-

based areas in shipbuilding, thereby becoming an

tomation for the Havyard Group’s own ship designs.

increasingly attractive partner for its customers.

The new licence agreement with Høglund means

Owners who choose a HAvyArD Havyarddesign

that Havyard has taken yet another step in the di-

an optimal, state-of-the-art product. Shipyards

rection of an all-in-one concept in which products

that build the Havyard HAvyArD design

are also included in the packages. “It has to do with identity, the fact that the end user can see that it is a Havyard product,” says Technical



tm TM

tm TM

will get

will find the ves-

sels optimal in terms of construction because they get good quality products, supplied as agreed and delivered on time.

Manager Ole Kristian Stokkeland of Havyard Powertec. Havyard is focusing on its own automation system The collaboration with Høglund gives Havyard

and PMS because these systems are an integrated

Powertec access to well-proven automation solu-

and important part of its designs. The HAvyArD IaS

tions,” says Mr Stokkeland, and adds that this type

will be included in the Havyard HAvyArD design package.



tm TM

of hardware is used in many automation systems

Havyard Powertec AS will be responsible for devel-

both offshore and onshore, including the new

opment of the HAvyArD IaS . It will also own the

Ormen Lange plant at Nyhavna.

product rights. Havyard Powertec AS is located


“If we find new solutions, we try to develop them

in Ålesund. The company will be taking on more

further. We are free to create our own solutions

employees as activity increases as a result of the

and develop our own systems on the basis of

introduction of the HAvyArD IaS . TM

Høglund Automasjon’s experience,” he tells us. Mr Stokkeland believes it is an important agreement

It is still too early to say which vessel will be the

for users. Alarm and monitoring systems are con-

first to have the new system installed.


taking india by storm


taking IndIa by storm

Havyard has become a brand name in India. At the big trade fair – INMEX India 2007 – in October, Havyard strengthened its position even more. text: marIT bendz photo: ISTocHPHoTo, Havyard and Tony HaLL


Havyard shared a stand with many other Norwegian

“The cooperation with the Indian yards, shipping com-

equipment suppliers at the INMEX maritime trade fair

panies and oil companies is really good,” says Gunnar

in Bombay from the third to the fifth of October.

Larsen, who is looking forward to developing the contacts Havyard has already made in the world’s second

“The response was huge,” says Gunnar Larsen, President of Havyard International, delighted. It is only a

most populous country. Mr Larsen also knows why the cooperation is so successful.

year since Havyard started to actively market the company in India, and the company has seen great results

“Our strength lies in the fact that when an Indian yard

in a very short time. “We have received many enquir-

is going to build an advanced offshore vessel, we in-

ies from Indian yards wanting more information and

vite them to come to our yard in Leirvik to see the

expressing interest in cooperating with us,” he says.

product under construction and talk to the people about how we do things here in Norway. Our designs

It all started with the contract from Garware Offshore

are created in close cooperation with our own yard,

Services to build four supply ships at Havyard Leirvik.

which makes them construction-friendly.” Combined

Two ships have been delivered so far, and two more

with Garware’s knowledge about and contacts in the

are currently being built. This contract led to good

Indian market, this means that Havyard sees great op-

and close cooperation, which has resulted in Garware

portunities for growth and development in India in

now representing Havyard in India. As a result, a con-

the time ahead. In addition, on the last evening of the


Havyard tract was signed for four Havyard-designTM ships to

INMEX trade fair, Havyard invited the most important

be built at the ABG Shipyard in India.

yards, oil companies and shipping companies to a very


pleasant dinner. “Immediately after the expo, we received feedback that the Shipping Corporation of India wished to build four


So far, it has been Indian shipping companies that

Havyard-designTM anchor-handling ships at Bharati Havyard

have ordered designs from Havyard, but many Nor-

Shipyard Limited.”

wegian offshore shipping companies now also have



taking india by storm

“ Immediately after the expo, we received feedback that the Shipping Corporation of India wished to build four Havyard design anchor-handling ships at Bharati Shipyard Limited. � tm

gunnar LarSen

President, Havyard International

boats built in India for use in the North Sea or other locations in which Norway is involved in the recovery of oil offshore. Havyard is not the only company to establish contacts in India. Firstly, delivery times in Norway are currently very long, and, secondly, the Indians are very competitive when it comes to price.

India is currently seeing huge industrial growth, with new shipyards being built all the time, and the country is expected to become a major power in shipbuilding. It has been forecast that India will overtake China in this area in the course of the next ten years.

inMeX india 2007

International Exhibition on Shipbuilding, Marine Equipment, Dredging, Ports & Port Technology, Ocean Engineering and Marine Offshore Technology. The fifth INMEX India exhibition, which was held in Mumbai from 3 - 5 October, offered participants innumerable opportunities to acquire cutting edge technology and products. INMEX is the premier maritime event in India, a common platform for the marine industry to interact with significant customers and key decision makers.


“natural born leader� - portrait of tor leif mongstad


“natural born leader” - portrait of tor leif mongstad

Natural born leader Shipyard managing director Tor Leif Mongstad more or less grew up in boats. The sea has played a huge part in his life, although he was originally meant to be a sheep farmer. text: marIT bendz photo: Tony HaLL

The coast was once the most important thoroughfare

probably bossed around as a child, he learned to take

in Norway. The fjords of Western Norway played a key

responsibility at an early age. That led to him becom-

role in the power struggles in the viking Era, and not

ing an officer during his military service and area com-

far from Leirvik lies Gulatinget, site of the assembly

mander in the Naval Home Guard.

where the first Norwegian laws were written down a thousand years ago.

“When you are called up, you make the best of it,” is his way of seeing it. On his part, that means getting

a survivor

involved and taking responsibility. Nothing in his life

Outside the big office windows on the top floor, the

is done in half measures, and he admits that he can

managing director of the shipyard can see both the

give those around him the impression of being rather

fjord and the big shipyard hall at Havyard Leirvik. He


currently employs a workforce of 700, the highest number in the history of the yard. Across on the

The managing director at Leirvik is the kind of person

other side of the fjord, lies the small village of Dingja,

who demands a lot, but most of all of himself.

where he was born almost 50 years ago. Then, the

“Authority doesn’t come from wearing stripes on your

community was inaccessible by road and numbered

shoulders, it comes naturally. you can learn as many

approximately 40 inhabitants.

tricks as you like, the ability to lead must feel natural,” he says – with authority.

“When I was growing up, we were always in boats regardless of what we were going to do or where we


were going. If society had known all the things we

Agronomist was his first title. “According to my for-

got up to, they would have locked us up. It certainly

bears, all sensible people have an education in agricul-

wouldn’t be permitted today. Kids today are not used

ture,” he explains. Well into adulthood, he qualified as

to the sea in the same way we were. Of course, lives

both a mechanical engineer and a business economist.

were almost lost many times.”

Then he started building boats. In 1988, he moved back

“Everyone in Dingja could swim before they started at school. That was what saved us.” His father died young and with two sisters, who he

home to Dingja together with his children and wife ”a woman in a million” as he puts it himself. He came here to the shipyard in Leirvik in 2002, first as produc-


“natural born leader” - portrait of tor leif mongstad

“ Authority doesn’t come from wearing stripes on your shoulders, it comes naturally. You can learn as many tricks as you like, the ability to lead must feel natural. ”

tion manager then technical manager. He quickly advanced up the hierarchy and, after just over a year, he was in the managing director’s chair. His mother had run the farm since her husband died, now it was time for the oldest son to take over the flock of sheep. With a son and two daughters, it was Icelandic horses big style for a period. “It was a bit of an obsession, horses and horse breeding were all we cared about. But we sold the last one last year. So that was the end of that period. We got rid of the sheep a few years ago. Things got too busy. And if one of the children wants to take over the farm, then they’re more than welcome!”

building boom “And now things are busier than ever,” he adds with a laugh. He has even sold his wonderful blue cabin cruiser, because he never had time to use it. At the moment, there is no time for anything but work.

“There is huge pressure in the market now with new oilfields emerging, so that there are more and more rigs that need supply and service. But no one believes the boom will last forever. It’s a case of positioning the company for the times with less activity that we know will come.” The shipyard Managing Director claims he is naturally lazy. “It makes me creative in terms of getting a lot done using as little energy as possible.”


“natural born leader” - portrait of tor leif mongstad

“ When I was growing up, we were always in boats regardless of what we were going to do or where we were going. If society had known all the things we got up to, they would have locked us up. It certainly wouldn’t be permitted today. ” Tor LeIf mongSTad

Shipyard managing director, Havyard Leirvik

leader for communal effort

shop window

The Håkonarspelet play is an open-air historical play

Tor Leif Mongstad is comfortable in the managing di-

about the viking King Håkon the Good, that has been

rector’s chair. He has great visions for the yard.

staged at the old Gulatinget assembly site in Gulen for

“I reckon that we will come back down to normal pro-

several years. Tor Leif, the “prodigal son”, was dragged

duction during the course of next year. My aim is that

into playing the role of the chieftain Tord from Aur-

in ten years Havyard Leirvik will be one of the world’s

land. And, as always, if he was going to do something,

leading shipyards for offshore vessels. Then, we will de-

there would be no half measures. He let both his hair

liver the best-assembled vessels of our own design. We

and beard grow to become believable as a viking. In its

will be a model yard in the shipbuilding industry and a

third year, 1999, the play was a financial catastrophe.

shop window for the Havyard Group.”

The business economist took over as project manager and managed to bring it back into the black.

But even though he claims that his life is mostly about his job at the moment, something outside the window

“There were 150 actors involved, and it really brought

suddenly catches his attention:

the whole community together. The atmosphere

“Look, two sea eagles!” he exclaims and points out two

was great, it’s fun to help create something,” he says.

magnificent birds circling the crane down at the yard.

Friends tell us that Tor Leif is always the life and soul of

Because, even though his life just now is mostly about

the party, which he tries to explain by saying that he

building boats, he is going to buy a new boat again.

doesn’t like to be bored. “If a party is boring, you just

As soon as things quieten down a bit.

have to do something about it.”

Then he can start reciting poems by his favourite poet, Jakob Sande; I went into town and wandered......


Hyllestad – an indu We have talked to the people of Hyllestad municipality and they all say the same thing. It is impossible to imagine Hyllestad without Havyard Leirvik. The shipyard has survived almost a hundred years and seen periods of both growth and recession. This is the story of a small community that has made the impossible possible. text: HeIdI HaTTeSTeIn photo: Tony HaLL and HavnevIk

FactS aBOUt HylleStad MUniciPality:


Hyllestad is a coastal municipality at the mouth of the Sognefjord. There are three villages in the municipality: Hyllestad, Sørbøvåg and Leirvik, where the Havyard Leirvik shipyard is located. Havyard Leirvik is the biggest employer in the municipality. In Leirvik, you will also find Leirvik Kro og Motell, a kindergarten, shops and services. In Sørbøvåg, there are construction businesses and shops, as well as a kindergarten and nursing home. Hyllestad is the administrative centre of the municipality. The council buildings are in Hyllestad, which also has Hyllestad school, shops and services. Norway’s oldest millstone industry was located in Hyllestad. Piles of stone flakes and millstones bear witness to a “large-scale industry” that dates back to 700 AD. Miscellaneous: There used to be an old tradition in the communities in Hyllestad whereby red woollen hats were put on dead men when they were laid out. This custom was known locally as “red head” and the smallholder Ole Rasmusson Sørefjorden is said to be the last man to be buried wearing a red hat. He died in 1894.

hyllestad – an industrial success story

ustrial success story



hyllestad – an industrial success story

When Norvald Ørnehaug (72) started working at the yard 53 years ago, they built boats outdoors. A great deal has happened since then.

THe PenSIoner The yard has meant more to Norvald than to most

people have thought I was lying when I told them

people. He moved from viksdalen to Leirvik in 1954

about how we used to work. It’s so unreal. The yard

to start working at the yard, and he and his wife built

has seen huge changes, and that is no bad thing.

a house there. She also worked at the yard, in an office job in the wages department. Norvald worked at

Women started working on the shop floor at the

the same workplace for 43 years, approximately 20 of

yard during this period, which was unthinkable un-

them as foreman in the pipe department. “I enjoyed

der the harsh conditions that used to exist. “yes, why

my work, and there was never any reason to move,”

shouldn’t women also work on the shop floor? We

he says. “But I gave up the foreman’s job in my fif-

have equality between the sexes, after all,” says Nor-

ties. I decided I preferred being told what to do, rather

vald and adds: “The yard has meant everything to Hyll-

than telling other people what they were supposed

estad. Without the yard, I think the municipality would

to do. I didn’t have to take my work home with me

have been merged with another municipality a long

any more.”

time ago.”

During the course of 43 years, Norvald has witnessed

Norvald belongs to a generation that, more so than

huge changes. “There is no comparison when it comes

today, were loyal to one employer throughout their

to working conditions. When I started working at the

working life. After 25 years, Norvald received a gold

yard, we were 23 men. There were no gas masks or

watch and, ten years ago, his retirement was celebrat-

hearing protection; if it got too bad, we would put

ed with flowers, a cake and a big thank you. “Today,

pieces of rags in our ears. There was a lot of heavy

people move more, and that’s up to them,” says the

work. We didn’t have cranes and modern tools like

fit 72-year-old, who is enjoying life as a senior citizen.

they have nowadays; everything was done by hand.

“Being retired is great. I do exactly what I want. I chop

Since we built boats outdoors, we sometimes had

firewood, help the kids and take trips to our cabin or

to spend the morning shovelling snow,” he says and

to the Mediterranean. The problem is that there is not

mentions one example that illustrates how different

enough time, the days are too short.”

the job is today compared to then: “We used to take the engines on board in pieces and assemble them

It’s good to hear Norvald tell stories about his busy

in the engine room. Today, they lift the complete en-

life. After long and faithful service, it is time for a new

gine on board, ready-assembled. On several occasions,

phase in life, and he is enjoying it, as everyone should.



hyllestad – an industrial success story

For husband and wife Anna Maria and Krzysztof (pronounced “Kristoff ”) from Poland, Havyard Leirvik means security and an interesting life.

THe newcomerS When Havyard Leirvik offered Mr and Mrs Krzysztof

cancy in Svelgen. “When Krzysztof got a job in Norway,

Wojciech rejs permanent jobs this autumn, many

I thought why don’t I simply move there as well?” says

things fell into place for the couple. Anna Maria (34)

Anna Maria.

had been living in Norway for four and a half years, and Krzysztof (35) for almost six. “We finally got jobs

Not only does the family have a more secure financial

in the same place,” says Anna Maria. “It was a great

situation, they also have exciting jobs: Krzysztof as a

chance, and we were delighted to be able to move to

supervisor at the yard and Anna Maria in the account-

Åfjorddalen with the girls. The twins are three and a

ing department. “I’m very happy. I have a job that I am

half, and our eldest daughter is eight.”

qualified to do, and the job is challenging. I hope to

The couple are at last able to share their days in a way

programmes, so that I can develop through the job.”

learn a lot about Norwegian regulations and computer

they have never been able to before. Anna Maria was on her own a lot at home in Gdansk. Krzysztof com-

As an accountant at home in Gdansk in Poland, Anna

muted and was only home for perhaps a couple of

Maria barely earned NOK 3,000 per month. “Today, I

months a year. After coming to Norway, Krzysztof has

would maybe have been earning NOK 3,500, no more.

worked at the quarry in Svelgen while Anna Maria has

Of course, the cost of living is higher in Norway, but

had spells of work at the social security office and at

life is better. That’s why we choose to live here, al-


though we do miss the company of our family at times. Particularly at Christmas and Easter.” As employees at

It’s not only the wages that are better in Norway. Life

Havyard Leirvik, the couple earn enough to be able to

is also more secure. “In Poland, there’s a lot more

send a little money home to their family once in a while,

stress, people are constantly afraid of losing their jobs.

so that they can buy warm winter clothes etc.

In Norway, wages and welfare arrangements are better, particularly with respect to children. Families are

While Anna Maria is talking to us, the twins come

better off in Norway than in Poland. Maternity leave

over and want her attention. She answers them in a

benefits, for example, are very low where I come

foreign language, Polish. “The children mostly speak

from, as is child benefit, which makes life uncertain,”

Norwegian, but we speak Polish at home so that they

says Anna Maria in fluent Norwegian. Krzysztof was

will remember the language. It’s good for the kids to

working on a slipway when he heard there was a va-

master both languages.”



hyllestad – an industrial success story

When mayor Tore Bråstad (41) was growing up in Leirvik in the 1960s, children were told to behave themselves or they wouldn’t get a job at the yard when they grew up.

THe mayor It’s difficult to say whether these threats worked, but

time position in the economic development com-

one thing is certain: It says a lot about how important

mittee, in which Havyard Leirvik is also represented.

the yard is to the local community. The fact is that

“We hope to create jobs in other industries, particularly

Havyard Leirvik is more important to Hyllestad than,

for women. We wish to help increase the population,”

for example, Hydro is to Høyanger, another small

he says.

town in Western Norway with a long industrial history. “It’s because the workforce is so big in relation to

Tore Bråstad has himself worked for many years at the

the population,” says the newly elected mayor, Tore

yard. He started working as a sheet metal worker right


after lower secondary school, before continuing with his education. He has since worked as both project su-

“Approximately 200 of a permanent population of

pervisor and department manager at rysjedal Elektro,

1,450 are employed at the yard. In addition, there are

a subcontractor to the shipyard. He was also involved

subcontractors and other enterprises that depend on

in launching Havyard Elektro in its day. “The yard was

the yard - the inn and the shops for example. Hylles-

one of the most important reasons why I decided to

tad without Havyard Leirvik is a scenario that doesn’t

stay here in Hyllestad.”

bear thinking about. This does not mean that being the mayor of a municipality with a strong cornerstone

He has now taken up politics and become mayor of

industry is all plain sailing. “It’s plain sailing when the

the municipality. Senterpartiet (the Centre Party) did

economy is booming, as it is now, but it’s more diffi-

well in the election this autumn, and Tore took over

cult in times of recession. We are very vulnerable – just

from the well-known Labour party politician Harry Mo-

look at all the lay-offs we had a few years ago. In addi-

watt, who had served 12 years in office. He is certainly

tion, the yard mostly employs men, and finding jobs

a hard act to follow. “But I think it’ll be okay. Mr Mo-

for women is a challenge.”

watt was a prominent politician and he was often in the media, but I believe I can do just as good a job. He

“The better half,” he says with a smile, after a short pause.

has his strong points and I have mine,” says Tore and

“So there are a lot of available men on the market in

mentions his many years in the private sector in par-

Hyllestad?” we ask, thinking that this must be good

ticular as a strong point. “I can meet businessmen and

publicity. “yes, you could say that,” laughs the mayor.

women with great understanding and act as a spokes-

The municipality has one person employed in a full-

person for them inside the system,” he declares.



hyllestad – an industrial success story

Laila Feten (56) is the grandchild of Jonas Løland, who started the shipyard together with his sons almost a hundred years ago.

THe LandLady Her grandfather was an old man when Laila was born

ripple effects among local suppliers who, among oth-

and she remembers very little of his time as boss. The

er things, supply fish for the inn’s excellent menu of

sons had by then literally taken over the helm. Laila

traditional Norwegian fare – wolf fish, among others.

tells us the following about her family history: “They started making wheelbarrows, and the business grew

”The only thing I’ve ever done is make food,” says Laila.

from there.”That’s an understatement. The shipyard

She has been a cook both at a folk high school and on

has long since established itself as the most impor-

an express boat, but her dream has always been to run

tant employer in the municipality, and over the years

her own establishment. To be in charge of her own

many people have picked up their pay packets at the

kitchen. Laila reminisces about her childhood and for-

yard, albeit under different names. First Løland verft,

bidden incursions into the shipyard together with play-

then Kleven, then Kværner and now Havyard Leirvik.

mates. “The shipyard was our playground. As soon as the workers had gone home for the day, we took over.

In addition, there are subcontractors and other in-

Sometimes we temporarily lost our eyesight through

dustries that depend on the shipyard, like Laila for

using the welding equipment, she admits with a husky

example. She pretty much grew up at the shipyard,

laugh. ”We knew we weren’t allowed, but did it any-

and today she earns her living from it as an inn and

way. The large slipway was our playground when boats

motel proprietor. ”My husband and I started the inn

had been launched. We used the ramps as slides. They

in 1986, and extended the business with a motel ten

were covered with grease so that the boats would slide

years later. Havyard is crucial for us. We earn our liv-

easily. We slid down the ramps with the grease flying!

ing from the shipyard,” says Mrs Feten and adds that

Another time, we used the crane as a swing. The oth-

she can’t imagine Hyllestad without Havyard. It is not

ers hoisted me up under the roof, and left me there. I

primarily the employees that frequent the inn as they

can’t remember who rescued me in the end.”

have their own canteen at the shipyard, but start-up personnel and other specialists who stay at the mo-

The children were not just naughty, however, accord-

tel while they are working at Havyard. In addition, the

ing to Laila. Laila’s second oldest sister had an im-

couple organise everything from dances to weddings,

portant job. ”She was a good swimmer, so when the

funerals, confirmations etc., all the important occa-

workers dropped their tools into the sea, it was her

sions in life. Life for the people of Hyllestad would be

job to dive in and retrieve them – hammers, screw-

poorer without Leirvik Kro og Motell. The inn also has

drivers the lot.”


Full speed ahead into the “Middle Kingdom� Havyard International has signed an agreement with Tecway International (Marine) Ltd. and is therefore all set to storm the Chinese market with its products and services. The agreement has been entered into in cooperation with The 17 Group of Norway. text: marIT bendz photo: roberT cHurcHILL and Havyard


full speed ahead into the “middle kingdom”


full speed ahead into the “middle kingdom”

Tecway InTernaTIonaL (marIne) LTd.

tHe 17 grOUP OF nOrway

The 17 Group of Norway was established as early as 1984 to serve as the marketing channel for major Norwegian equipment suppliers to the Chinese Shipping Industry. The company’s mission is, through coordinated sales and marketing activities, to obtain increased sales and market shares in the Chinese shipbuilding market for its members. During its more than 20 years of existence, the Group has served as a springboard into China for many top-ranking Norwegian manufacturers. Over the years, companies have left the Group as they have achieved their initial goals, and new companies have joined. Today, the Group’s products range from Digital Nautical Charts to thrusters for enhanced manoeuvrability, and complete interior systems comprising walls, ceiling and doors, not to forget HVAC and sewage systems. In order to facilitate the Group’s deliveries, competitive financing can also be offered through Eksportfinans (the Norwegian Export Credit Agency), Norway’s highest-rated credit institution. Today, 14 Norwegian Companies are members, joining forces in the Chinese market. All members of The 17 Group of Norway have Tecway as their Chinese agent.

Harold Ko (right), CEO of Tecway International ltd. and Gunnar Larsen, President of Havyard International AS after signing the agreement in Shanghai.

vessels of Havyard design are already being built in China. Building started on two boats last spring, and Gunnar Larsen, President of Havyard International, believes the new agreement, which was signed this October, has great potential.

“We have already received a lot of good feedback from Chinese yards. Over the last few years, Chinese yards have made substantial investments in the offshore sector and in building vessels for foreign shipping companies, and that is where we come in with our

for more InformaTIon

products,” he says.

www.17-group.no China has developed its own offshore oil industry in re-


full speed ahead into the “middle kingdom”

“ Through this agreement with The 17 Group and the Chinese agent, we can take greater advantage of local knowledge and local contacts ” gunnar LarSen

President, Havyard International

cent years, and there is therefore high demand for oil

tecway internatiOnal ltd

exploration equipment and different types of vessels. “Through this agreement with The 17 Group and the Chinese agent, we can take greater advantage of local knowledge and local contacts. We have one great advantage in relation to other suppliers offering products, namely that we have good relations with European shipping companies,” continues Mr Larsen. The agreement will also enable Havyard to provide easier access and better support to its clients outside China during the building of vessels of Havyard design at

Tecway International (Marine) Ltd. was established in 1994 and is now one of the best known agents for marine equipment and services in China. Tecway has offices for sales, service and technical support in Shanghai, Beijing, Dalian and Guangzhou. Through this network, Tecway has established very good relations with the major shipyards in China. In addition to being a representative for many Norwegian companies, Tecway also represents companies from Holland, Germany and Denmark.

Chinese shipyards, and it will also give Chinese clients better access to Havyard’s products and offers.

The reason for the growing interest in China is that, together with Japan and Korea, it is one of the biggest shipbuilding countries in the world. South-East Asia is now unsurpassed in the world as a shipbuilding region.

At the end of November, Havyard took part in the Marintec China trade fair in Shanghai. It is the biggest trade fair for the maritime industry in China and attracts exhibitors and visitors from the whole of the Chinese industry and the international industry. Havyard shared a stand organised by The 17 Group of Norway with the 12 other Norwegian member companies. The trade fair was a huge marketing success for Havyard, which now has many new exciting

for more InformaTIon


prospects to follow up.


havyard TakeS shiptec the newestSTeP member of the havyard family Havyard an –“aLarmIng”


Havyard SHIPTec – THe neweST member of THe Havyard famILy

Havyard SHIPTec

the newest member of the Havyard family Havyard has acquired the engineering company Skipskonsult, which has now become an important integrated part of the Havyard Group. text: marIT bendz photo: Tony HaLL

“We are familiar with the tasks involved, but we have

On account of the huge growth in international

moved a step up the food chain,” says Managing

markets, it will nonetheless be necessary for the

Director ragnar Arve Lervik of Havyard Shiptec. The

group to find partners closer to these markets.

thirteen employees are excited about the acquisi-

It will largely be the big volume work that is out-

tion. There is a lot to do, but it’s incredibly exciting

sourced. In this way, we can utilise the Norwegian

and challenging.

resources in connection with our core expertise and secure and continue to develop it in Norway.

“The company needs more people, but we are situated in a region where demand for this type of ex-

“Havyard Shiptec will act as a support for Havyard

pertise is great, and the level of activity is also in-

Maritime in connection with design, but our main

credibly high at the moment. Our most important

job starts when a new vessel has been presented

advantage in terms of recruiting new employees

for the first time – that’s when we take over. The

is that we can offer very exciting and challenging

detailed design of the vessels and project imple-

jobs in an international market. The group has all

mentation are our primary tasks,” says Mr Lervik.

the links in the chain in its system, which means that the different discipline areas can draw on each

“We are looking forward to taking part in the devel-

other, thus making it easier to develop competitive

opment of the Havyard Group and are very opti-

vessels. Another of Havyard’s advantages is that we

mistic about the future,” concludes Mr Lervik.

have predominantly Norwegian, local ownership that has demonstrated a long-term commitment and success in its previous investments, and that strongly believes that this will be seen as positive and will contribute to local recruitment,” he says.


new conTracTS

Four new ships of the Havyard 841-design to India The Shipping Corporation of India has chosen Bharati Shipyard Ltd. to build its four new Anchor Handling Tug & Supply Vessels. The ships will be of the Havyard 841-design. The Shipping Corporation of India is a Government

Havyard 841 is designed by Havyard Maritime AS,

of India Enterprise that now operates 83 vessels

which has succeeded in combining its knowledge

totalling 4.6 million DWT, and it has substantial in-

– based on Norwegian North Sea technology – with

terests in ten different segments of the shipping

the development of simple solutions that satisfy


the demand from the Asian market for low investment costs and simple operation. The Havyard

Bharati Shipyard Ltd. is one of the leading Indian

841-design won the contract in competition with

shipyards, specialising in building Offshore Sup-

well known design companies from Norway and

port vessels. When the SCI tender was announced,

Asia. In addition to being competitive in terms of

Bharati chose to offer a Havyard 841-design and it

price and construction-friendly design, the Havyard

succeeded in securing the contract in competition

841-design proved to be superior with respect to

with other Indian and foreign shipyards.

fuel economy and operating costs.

Havyard 841

Length Breadth Bollard pull


64.80 m 15.70 m 80 t

new conTracTS

Swire has ordered four vessels of Havyard 844-design Swire Pacific Offshore, whose headquarters are in Singapore, has ordered four large Anchor Handling Tug & Supply Vessels of Havyard 844-design from Pan United Marine’s shipyard in Singapore. This is another great breakthrough for the Havyard-

For example, they will have a double skin between

design, as Swire Pacific Offshore is one of the ma-

the oil tanks and the sea. The size of the vessels

jor operators of offshore supply vessels worldwide.

means good deck cargo and tank capacity, making

Swire Pacific Offshore owns and operates over 60

the vessel very well suited for general supply serv-

offshore support vessels and it is fully equipped to

ices. The Havyard 844-designs are the first vessels

support a wide range of offshore activities, includ-

in Swire Pacific Offshore’s D-class and they will be

ing drilling, production, exploration, pipe-laying,

well suited for operations worldwide.

subsea construction and FPSO operations. Swire Pacific Offshore has placed an order for these Havyard Maritime has collaborated closely with

four Havyard 844 AHTS designs with Pan United

Swire Pacific Offshore over a long period to de-

Marine’s shipyard in Singapore. The total contract

velop the Havyard 844-design. Havyard 844 is an

price is approx. USD 267 million.

AHTS specially developed to support floating offshore installations operating in deep water and harsh environments. The vessels will be equipped with 500-tonne AHT winches, and they will have a bollard pull in excess of 200 tonnes. They will also be “ice class” for operating in Arctic waters and of

Havyard 844

Length Breadth AHT winch Bollard pull

87.50 m 20.00 m 500 t 200 t

“Clean Design”, thus safeguarding the environment.


new conTracTS

conTInued SucceSS for THe Havyard 832-deSIgn simon møkster shipping as has ordered

havila shipping asa has signed a con-

a havyard 832 cd rs rescue and standby

tract for the delivery of two havyard

vessel from simek as.

832 cd platform supply vessels from solstrand as and fjellstrand as.

This version of the Havyard 832 has been specially developed in cooperation with Simon

Havila Shipping ASA has also recognised

Møkster Shipping for a long term charter for

the benefits of the Havyard 832 CD de-

BP. In addition to having standard platform

sign. This Havyard 832 CD has been modi-

supply capabilities, the vessel is defined as

fied somewhat from the standard ver-

rescue Class for 300 persons pursuant to

sion in order to meet the requirements

Norwegian rules, and it has oil recovery ca-

of Havila Shipping and its operators.

pabilities in accordance with NOFO 2005.

Main diMenSiOnS:

Main diMenSiOnS:

Length Breadth Deadweight Cargo deck

Length Breadth Deadweight Cargo deck

78.60 m 17.60 m 4,000 t 755 m2

80.40 m 17.60 m 4,000 t 805 m2

All in all, these contracts mean that six vessels of Havyard 832-design are under construction for three different owners. Supply Service of the Faeroe Islands has already ordered three Havyard 832 CDs, one from Solstrand and two from Fjellstrand. There is great interest in this design, and it is believed to establish a new segment in the medium-size PSv market. The Havyard 832 has greater capacity, better fuel economy and is more environmentally friendly than existing medium-size PSvs.




newBUild 86 delivered

Havyard fooTbaLL backer

newLy cHrISTened norTH Sea workHorSe

havyard has become one of the main

the havila mercury was christened in

sponsors of Ålesund football club (aafk).

the wind and rain at mjølstadneset in fosnavåg in november.

“The background for this is that we have noted that AaFK is a team with a great

On account of the bad weather, the ship

deal of enthusiasm that arouses a lot of

was christened quickly by godmother

interest. The team represents a positive

Grethe ystebø, wife of Osvald ystebø of

force, and we therefore wish to profile

the Marine Operations division in Statoil-

ourselves as sponsors,” says Geir Johan

Hydro, which has chartered Havila Mer-

Bakke of Havyard.

cury on a three-year contract.

This sponsorship agreement means Hav-

After the christening, it was open house

yard will be able to offer its employees

on board with guided tours, coffee and

and clients vIP seats in the stand, which

cake for everyone. In the afternoon,

is very popular. “We believe that by spon-

Havila Mercury sailed on to Ålesund

soring the Ålesund football team, we are

for a christening party, and later in the

promoting the Havyard name in a positive

evening to Leirvik.

manner. In addition, sponsoring the local football team will help make Sunnmøre a

Havila Mercury is an anchor handler on its

better place to live,” he adds.

way to the North Sea. Like its sister ship, Havila Mars, it has a unique design with

Ålesund Football Club plays in the Nor-

a sky lobby – a beautiful lounge – above

wegian premier division, the top men’s

the control room.

football league in Norway. The agreement entered into with the football club lasts until the end of the 2010 season, and it is based on results.

“The club will receive a minimum of NOK 500,000 a year, but if they do really well,

newBUild 086

they could well get more,” says Mr Bakke.

Delivered: 3 November 2007 Name: Havila Mercury Shipowner: Havila Shipping tecHnical FactS

Design: UT 786 86 m long 19,9 m wide


adding value

value added is important to us, and our customers are entitled to consider whether they could achieve more in their projects by carrying them out somewhere else. The human factor plays an important role here. Stability, knowledge and quality are vital to all aspects of a project. Competitive edge must be proven through results, and Havyard guarantees that this will be done in the maritime value chain.

Havyard grouP aS havyard international as havyard leirvik as havyard shiptec as havyard maritime as havyard powertec as havyard elektro as havyard arctic technology as havyard trading as

Havyard grouP aS

P.O.Box 215 6099 Fosnav책g, Norway Phone: +47 70 08 55 00 Fax: +47 70 08 55 01


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