Artlink Annual Report 09 /10

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Annual Report 2009 - 2010

Introduction History Artlink was established in 1982 as a key member of the Shape Network. Working across Lincolnshire and Humberside and focusing on disability arts workshops, performances, special projects, training, information and advice. Later in 1992 Artlink redefined itself as an Arts Access Agency with a broader remit to work with all sections of the community and re-focused it’s geographic coverage to the Humberside sub-region. It is on this basis that Artlink continues to operate today. Artlink has worked hard over recent years to ensure it is recognised as a key provider of community arts activity by both Hull City Council and Arts Council – Yorkshire. The organisation has a comprehensive history of enabling local people to access creative activities, which contribute positively towards their educational, recreational, health and social development needs. Artlink has a comprehensive history of developing and delivering a wide range of high quality arts projects in consultation with the community. Indeed, projects enabling community development and involvement are the main focus of the organisation’s activities. Artlink has four areas of provision including outreach projects, community galleries, training and an information service. It provides community based arts activities and services to people in Hull and the Humber, many of whom are socially disadvantaged, economically isolated and excluded. In December 1999 Artlink achieved the Investors in People award and in September 2006 were awarded a continuation of the standard, which reflects commitment to quality standards within community arts. The business plan is reviewed annually to develop community outreach to different galleries and workshops, develop structures for local artists through the Cartwheels training course and forums and encourage artists to share their practice and skills through training and volunteering. Also, the delivery of Artlink services and evaluation of the diversity of small and larger scale projects is undertaken to meet the organisation’s long-term strategic aims and ensure it responds effectively to the community needs.

The provision of a Community Arts Resource Centre, which meets the creative and community needs of Hull residents and the wider community of the Humber is a new and exciting venture for Artlink as it seeks to diversify artform provision reaching new audiences. The centre provides a safe environment for people to take part in enjoyable and inclusive art activities. Artlink Board Terry Bowker - Chair Duncan Edge – Vice Chair Jo Hudgell Julian Woodford Carol Butterill - Treasurer James Tandy Alan Farthing (resigned June 2009) Jean Rippon (Observer) Ann Wallis (Observer) Paul Holloway (Observer) Artlink Staff Vickie Bissett – Director Claire Mansfield – Finance Officer Sarah Pennington – Arts Development Worker Sarah Fisher – Arts Development Worker (maternity leave June-Nov 09) Margaret Murphy – Arts Development Worker (June-Nov 09) Neil Rustill – Training Co-ordinator Katie Gill – Gallery Development Worker Jayne Hall – Administrator Peter Thompson – Caretaker

Annual Report 2009 - 2010



On the wider stage The Arts Council continued to develop its theme of “Great Art for Everyone”, to which Artlink is a wholehearted subscriber, whilst undergoing fundamental structural changes which came into effect in April 2010. Artlink was invited and able to participate in a number of events and consultations during this process. In the meantime it is opportune to express our gratitude to Ann Wallis who having been Artlink’s main link with the Arts Council, has moved on to pastures new. Chair’s Report This year for Artlink can be viewed as one of steady growth and consolidation, not only has there been a continuing growth of the prime area of arts activity but a noticeable increase in the more community lead areas both in the use of our building and facilities and by the further strengthening of ties with the local community in the Wyke area. The range of events and exhibitions continues to explore the potential to widen horizons as well as re-establish popular events such as the Christmas Mini Print Exhibition. This at a time when there is a great deal of economic uncertainty, but as often is the case this uncertainty brings out the best in our staff and brings new opportunities and new groups of people who want to use the wide range of skills and facilities that Artlink can provide, whether this be Dance, Drama, Storytelling, Family events in our gallery or introducing and discovering and developing raw talent to the visual arts. Over the year more than 10,000 people of all ages and backgrounds have been involved, this in itself doubling in under 3 years; fully justifies the faith placed in creating the Centre for Community Arts. In 2009/2010 alone this represents a remarkable value for money element, let alone the pure satisfaction and entertainment and confidence gained by the participants in all the Artlink events.


Whilst there will be a degree of uncertainty in the coming year as the new organisation settles and the outcome of the economy develops we are once more most appreciative of the support of the Arts Council and Hull City Council in enabling Artlink to operate. During the year it was pleasing to obtain a full renewal of “Investors in People” status and to be used as a template for other organisations. Equally in spring 2010 we were short listed in “Business & Arts” Northern Area Awards. All that Artlink achieves is done with the help, support and goodwill of our own staff, commissioned artists & volunteers, allowing the provision of quality arts and cultural activity across the sub region, to whom I and the Board are most grateful. At the end of my term as Chair, I should like to express my appreciation for the continued support of the Board, Director Vickie Bissett, and all the staff members of Artlink. During the year there was one change to the Board. I should wish to express thanks to Alan Farthing who after many years decided to step down but remains an advisor. Terry Bowker Chair

Mission Statement “To enable equality of opportunity for all members of the community to have access to quality arts provisions.” Artlink believes: That everybody should have the opportunity to participate in artistic and cultural activities. That communities aspirations can be enriched through exposure to the arts and professional artists. In encouraging people to experience a diverse range of artforms. Artink aims to: Provide quality artistic and cultural activities throughout the regions of Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. Raise individual and/or community aspirations that will generate and enhance interest in the arts. Co-ordinate a strategic programme of projects and events utilising a diverse range of artforms.

Main Achievements Established in 1982, Artlink has grown significantly taking on extended premises, more staff and increasing the annual turnover year on year. Artlink established it’s first community gallery in 1996, hosting 12 exhibitions per year and also facilitated additional exhibitions at outreach sites such as the Ferens Art Gallery, the Take 5 Café and Preston Rd Child Dynamics Centre amongst many other community venues. In 1998 Artlink secured £76k to launch the HU6 Project, based on a review and consultation with the local community. The project was established originally as part of the North Hull HAT Project and continued for 7 ½ years, working across the North Hull, the Quadrant and Orchard Park Estates. This project set the precedent for Artlink’s future Estate based projects.

Artlink was awarded the Investors in People standard in 1999 following a process which involved consultation with the Board, staff, volunteers, artists and the local community. In 2000 Artlink secured over £300k to deliver the Have A Go! Project, based on the previous HU6 Project, this programme extended out to the HU9 Estate communities of Hull and establish the Cartwheels Training Course. Both Cartwheels and the HU9 Project continued beyond the initial 3-year Lottery funding and have successfully attracted support from other funders and continue today. Sure Start was established in Hull as a trailblazer in 2000 and ArtLink was invited to be a key partner with Hull’s first Sure Start in Northern Hull. We employed a part time Arts Worker to work alongside other Sure Start staff and since this project finished in 2003, Artlink has maintained strong links with all 7 Sure Starts in Hull. Artlink was awarded the first Cityvision regeneration award for the Creative Industries/Community Sector in November 2000. Artlink achieved the “Be Part of It” standard from Hull City Council’s Social Inclusion Unit in Spring 2001. The Cartwheels Training Course was recognised with a regional awarded from the National Training Award’s in November 2003. This award was given as recognition for community engagement and the high standards achieved in its formative years. More recently Artlink successfully delivered a 1.2 million pound capital project to create a sub-regional Centre for Community Arts.

Annual AnnualReport Report2009 2006- -2010 210


Director’s Report

This year brought recognition to Artlink in a number of ways. In November Artlink received a Yorkshire Bank Community Award, for engaging hard to reach groups across Hull and the Humber in creative projects. Later in March Artlinks Chair – Terry Bowker - was shortlisted for the Arts & Business Northern Board Member of the Year, sponsored by Jaguar UK. Unfortunately Terry did not win the final selection but was none-the-less recognised by Artlink and A&B Northern for his significant contribution since 1998.

Artistic During 2009/10 Artlink delivered 102 community art projects, making direct contact 5,413 participants. Our exhibitions programme delivered 12 exhibitions in the Artlink Gallery and outreach venues, making contact with over 5,000 people across Hull and East Riding. The Artlink Training programme managed 37 training sessions through delivery of our Cartwheels course and other sessions which reached over 400 students and workshop participants. All of this activity plus visitors to the Centre brings a grand total of 13,610 people engaging with the arts through Artlink and our partners during 2009-10. This year saw the development and delivery of a number of large scale projects, such as Art in the Park and Aim for Change, see pages 6 and 7 for details and the completion of the Artist in Residence scheme at the Queens Centre, Castle Hill Hospital, see page 11.




Developing strategic partnerships and being part of the planning processes important to Artlinks future success. As part of Onehull – Hull’s Culture & Lifestyle Group I supported and contributed to the development of Hull’s first cultural strategy, called The Right Place, The Right Time, due to be published this year. Sub-regionally Artlink contributed to the development of East Ridings cultural strategy document, also pending.

In September Artlink undertook its fourth Investors in People review and was granted continuation of the status, we also secured a 10 year continuous achievement certificate. The process involved a full staff development audit, interviews with staff, board, artists and volunteers. The organisation was highly commended on its commitment to continuous development and a thorough understanding of community engagement and its potential benefits.

Artlink annually reviews and re-profiles its strategic aims and priorities based on past successes and lessons learnt. During 2009-10 we maintained our commitment to working with a number of identified priority groups such as Families (28%), Young People (45%), Older People (7%) and Disability groups (2%). We continue to monitor and review this activity and re-profile our project delivery based on need and identified priorities.

Also we continue to review and update our policies and procedures, such as Equality & Diversity, Health, Safety & Fire and Staff Training & Development. These documents, updating of systems and continuous partnerships are all vital to ensure that Artlink is fit for the future and ready for change in what is nationally recognised as a changing and difficult economic environment. Victoria Bissett Director

Annual Report 2009 - 2010


Arts Development Worker’s Report 2009-10 was another interesting year for the Arts Development team, continuing to devise projects for all ages and situations, and across all artforms – from sculpture to animation to dance. Here is a snapshot of some of the projects delivered this year...

ADULT & FAMILY LEARNING: Adult Education and Family Learning have been an exciting part of our programming during 2009-10, both building on existing connections and developing new contacts for exciting projects.

Language linked family learning events Artlink continued to programme a variety of challenging arts and crafts sessions for the East Riding Adult Education Service, inspired by the courses in Modern Languages at Wolfreton College. Some of the countries taken for inspiration during this year and the activities provided were:

Egyptian Masks Swedish Dalacarlian horses, their colourful National symbol, modelled from air-drying clay 3D collaged boxes forming Gingerbread style houses were created to represent Germany For Spain it was mosaics inspired by Gaudi, accompanied by eating olives Instruments for the celebratory Brazilian Carnival Mascots and flags in response to the World Cup, representing every country.

These workshops are always extremely successful, encouraging family members to work together and enabling them to succeed in creating items to be proud of. Lanterns Aim for Change Working on behalf of Hull Museums Education Team, Artlink devised a comprehensive programme of taster sessions for adults, each taking place in Hull’s Museums and Galleries and directly inspired by the collections on show. Participants have explored a whole range of artforms from mosaic to music-hall lyric writing, decorative gift boxes to digital photography, Celtic knot-work to contemporary dance, and as a result found not only hidden treasures in the artefacts but also hidden talents of their own . To date almost 300 people have engaged in the project over 20 workshops and with 13 artists. With the programme anticipated to run until late autumn 2010, we can expect more successes to come.


During October we ran family learning sessions in Artlink to create lanterns using willow withies and specialist tissue-paper, leading up to a Parade on Princes Avenue for the PATA (Princes Avenue Traders Association) Christmas Event. These workshops were funded by the Campaign for Learning as part of their Family Learning Festival. Participants worked on their own designs but helped each other with some of the stickier practical tasks to create fantastic lanterns of all shapes and sizes. We also worked with 60 Year1 pupils at Thoresby Primary School and with a local Brownies group to create further lanterns in different styles. Almost all of the participants collected their lanterns on the day, lit with glow-sticks, with over 80 lantern bearers plus families joining in with the parade.

Fenchurch Street Children’s Centre

Arts in the Park

We continued to provide a range of activities for Fenchurch Street Children’s Centre, encouraging parents to develop and grow along with their pre-school children – one of my favourite projects for them has been Plant Pot Painting. This has been delivered in a number of ways, decorating large pots for the Centre plus individual pots to take home, planted with strawberries, herbs, and magic beans! These activities are aimed at improving healthy activity and eating, observation of the natural world, caring for things, and general creativity throughout all areas of life.

During June - November 2009 Margaret Murphy joined our team as maternity cover for Sarah Fisher. One of her largest projects over this period was her involvement with Arts in the Park. Funded by Gateway and led by Arc, this was a huge consultation event at West Park delivered with a carnival feel during the Summer Holidays.

CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE: As always, working with children and young people is an important aspect of the projects Artlink provide. We continued to work not only in schools and other youth / education settings, but also took creativity into a variety of different locations. A few of these projects were:

Canvas Painting at the Avenues Library, developing pictures which responded to the young peoples’ favourite fiction and non-fiction books; a series of Wildlife Workshops during the summer at Market Weighton nature reserve, with various activities including kites & windsocks, observational drawing of plants and bugs, dream-catchers, creature masks etc; Graffiti and Urban / Street-Style Arts were popular with several youth venues, including the North Hull Chill Out Space, Longhill Linkup, and for different groups at Artlink. These sessions incorporated design work, painting / spray-painting and stencilling;

Thousands of people braved the windy day in August to take part in the event and engaged in the activities we and other local organisations had to offer. Artlink provided craft activities for children and families to participate in – including clay sculpture, skittle making and windsocks (ironically held in a marquee as it was too windy outside!). Artlink also commissioned local visual artists to create four 10 foot high sculptures as an interactive temporary public art piece. Each artist used a different approach from recycled bottles to withies and each had a different activity with which the public could engage with in the making of the sculptures, including wishing leaves for the tree and collaborative painting. All of the sculptures were unified by the colour red and were positioned as four pillars at the Anlaby Road Entrance to the park. Their design and the feedback from the participants on the day have inspired the look of redevelopment taking place at West Park during the summer 2010.

We are looking forward to building on these projects and experiences to continue to deliver exciting high quality arts projects across our region. Sarah Fisher & Sarah Pennington Arts Development Workers

Summer Make & Play activities for younger children in the Artlink workshop.

We also engaged children, young people and the general community through a number of public projects and events.

Annual Report 2009 - 2010


Cartwheels Report

The academic year for Cartwheels began in September 2009 and involved a number of courses being funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC), via the Humber Learning Consortium (HLC). The contract targeted involvement of one hundred and twenty learners on a variety of one-day courses which were designed to feed into the accredited Open College Network (OCN) Skills for Community Arts Work course. The learning involved an introduction to community arts, project planning, facilitation skills, budgeting and resources and the role and responsibilities of the community arts worker. Those who attended all of these course runs were able to utilise the skills learned, and complete units towards achievement of the accredited art worker training course. Learners went on to deliver a number of arts workshops throughout the region with a further eighty learners’ residing within the regions Super Output Areas (SOAs), also being targeted for involvement in one day unaccredited arts workshops.


Throughout October 2009, the Training Coordinator facilitated one run of the accredited art worker course and was funded through Arts Council England (ACE) as part of the Learning Revolution, which attracted the participation of fifteen learners. Twelve students from this cohort went on to deliver arts workshops throughout the region at locations including: Gillshill Primary School, Preston Road Women’s Centre (WINNER), Sure Start – (The Lemon Tree) on Bransholme, the Horticulture Centre (Hull City Council) on Portobello Street, Hull and East Yorkshire MIND, Northcott Special School on Bransholme, Swanland Primary School, Ackworth House Nursing Home in Filey, Ada Homes Circle, Unity in Community and William Booth House – (Salvation Army Hostel for the Homeless). Art forms were diverse with facilitators delivering portrait drawing, glass decoration, wood craft, ceramics, mosaic, paper crafts, music, singing and the more unusual ‘insect hotel’ sculptures.

Ten certificates were awarded to achievers from this run, the work of which was moderated by Pauline Heywood of the OCN in March 2010, and a positive moderation report and quality review was forthcoming. This outcome has also ensured the organisations continued status as an NOCN approved training provider, and attendance at awarding body standardisation events held at the new OCNYH home, OCN House in Wakefield has maintained the organisations credibility with regard to assessment practice and is in line with the awarding body procedures. A second Cartwheels course was delivered from February through to March 2010, which attracted participation by eighteen students who have also delivered a number of workshops across the region and are currently preparing portfolios of evidence for assessment and moderation by the OCN scheduled to take place in July 2010.

Further unaccredited delivery is scheduled to take place at the Spring Bank Community Centre, and Sure Start on Bransholme which will incorporate planned activity as part of the Mainstream Project 2009 – 2010, involving a further sixty learners’ up to the end of July for this academic period. A learning activity wish list has been submitted to HLC for next year’s delivery which is anticipated to start in September 2010, and indications are that this is likely to attract the same amount of funding support from the newly formed Skills Funding Agency (SFA) for the period 2010 – 2011 as for the previous year through the LSC. Neil Rustill Training Coordinator

Annual Report 2009 - 2010


Gallery Development Worker’s Report compositions created with his untreated field recordings of surfaces, objects and empty spaces within buildings.

Another successful exhibition year at Artlink with a full programme of 10 exhibitions at the Artlink Gallery, 2 outreach exhibitions, 6 Artist’s talks and film screenings and 16 community engagement workshops. All of this exhibition and workshop activity supported over 180 artists and made contact with over 5,200 gallery visitors and workshop participants. Artlink’s Gallery function is to offer a split programme of artist and community based exhibitions, the artist shows are selected based on their originality and connectivity with Hull and the Humber region and the community shows are either the product of Artlink workshops or other agencies community arts engagement work. A couple of examples of this split programme are listed below but do not fully represent the diversity and breadth of exhibitions hosted by Artlink during 2009-10. During April 2009 Jez riley French launched his exhibition “in place”, this output involved elements of intuitive composition, field recordings (using conventional & extended methods) photographic images (including their use in photographic scores) and improvisation. Jez lives and works in East Yorkshire, he has performed, exhibited and had his work published widely across Europe. His exhibition at Artlink included printed and projected photographic images alongside several of Jez's


GRAFT was a hugely successful exhibition which celebrated the talents of prisoners studying art at Her Majesty's Prison Everthorpe. The exhibition showcased a selection of prisoner's artwork alongside their tutors, with the aim of dispelling the stereotypical idea of ‘prison art' and to re-enforce the learning artists confidence by exhibiting in a professional gallery alongside contemporary artists. The artworks diversify from realism to abstraction and were produced using a wide range of materials, mediums and media. The prisoner's decided on the title ‘GRAFT' meaning to work hard, after a discussion relating to how they thought their work would be looked upon, they wanted people to know ‘it's been hard graft’. Then there are our regular shows, such as the Mini Print exhibition now in its thirteenth year. This year we attracted over 90 artists from across the UK, we had in excess of 400 prints available to view and purchase, prices ranged from £8 to £80, and this year was our most successful with over 50 Artists selling work. We also manage a small shop all year round selling hand-made items such as cards and small Artist pieces. Please see the Artlink website ( for past, present and future exhibitions and events. On behalf of the Artlink Gallery staff and volunteers we would like to thank all the funders, artists, exhibitors and community groups and that have supported our vision to develop an accessible and exciting Programme this year. Katie Gill Gallery Development Worker

Castle Hill Artist in Residence

Artist in Residence at the Queens Centre, Castle Hill Hospital, Cottingham The art scheme for the new Queen’s Centre for Oncology and Haematology, Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham, began during the construction of the hospital in 2006. During April to August 2009 our Artist in Residence completed this 3 year art scheme, finishing off the project with a ceramic frieze and a leaflet the mark the installation of the piece called “Collections”. The frieze was developed and completed in partnership with Hull College and the artist worked closely Nancy Pliener, Head of Ceramics and Glass. This partnership brought together a vibrant mix of ideas and techniques which culminated in the development of themed pieces of ceramic and glass artworks based on bringing the outside environment into the hospital.

The frieze is a large scale piece assembled in 3 significant sections and runs along a corridor spanning three wards in the hospital. Ceramic Acer leaves are positioned near the pillars in the wall to create the impression of tree-tops, through the double doors you find poppies, a dandelion clock, foxgloves and euphorbia take you along the corridor and finishing with a seashore theme of limpets, seaweed and shells. Over 60 students took part in the frieze project and it was completed in spring 2010 and celebrated with the launch of a leaflet and presentation event. The development of the Artist in Residence project was the realisation of many meetings and negotiations with the NHS capital development steering group who we’re incredibly supportive and enthusiastic to bring in the arts and an innovative approach to the development of the Centre. We would like to thank everybody who took part in this project; it has been a rewarding and exciting scheme to be part of.

Annual Report 2009 - 2010


Finance Officer’s Report The financial year ended 31 March 2010 and was an incredibly busy one for the organisation. This year I have continued to ensure that the bank balance is constantly reconciled to the income and expenditure of the organisation. I ensure that all our creditors are paid on time and debtors have paid ArtLink on time. I have continued to use excel and created a new spreadsheet for each new project (over 50 in total). This is a very helpful way in ascertaining how the expenditure is broken down, further information is added such as invoice numbers and dates when income has been received so there is a quick audit trail of financial information.

The Arts Council – Yorkshire continues to play a crucial role in the development of Artlink’s long term aspirations. They are our principal core funder, and through their contribution we part fund the cost of the office and two core staff throughout the year. Artlink continues its Service level agreement with Hull City Council. This core funding is used to secure the stability and continued growth of the organisation. The gallery continues to generate income through workshops, exhibition at Queens, (Castle Hill) shop and gallery sales especially the highly successful Mini print show. Training this year has secured funding through a number of organisations such as Humberside Learning Consortium, Arts Council and OWEN. These funding streams will be continuing for the next financial year. The Arts Development Team continue to have a strong relationship with Compass (Crossover and Forward) and provide part time Artworkers to deliver a number of different art activities throughout the year. Many thanks to all the funders who have supported Artlink over the last year.

Claire Mansfield Finance Officer This year room bookings continue to increase and generate income to help to sustain the building with a number of regular organisations using the rooms each week and others coming back regularly. In the past year the rooms have been booked for various events such as meetings, training, yoga, films, singing and art activities. The tenant in the rental office moved out in October and a new tenant was secured without a break in occupancy.


Finances Independent Auditors’ Statement to the Members of Artlink We have examined the summarised financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2010 set on pages 14 and 15 in this report. Respective responsibilities of the Trustees and the Auditor The trustees are responsible for preparing the summarised financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and the recommendations of the charities SORP. Our responsibility is to report to you our opinion on the consistency of the summarised financial statements with the full annual financial statements and the Trustees’ Annual Report. We also read other information contained in the summarised annual report and consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the summarised financial statements. We conducted our work in accordance with Bulletin 1999/6 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Opinion In our opinion the summarised financial statements are consistent with the full annual financial statements and the Trustees’ Annual Report of Artlink Centre for Community Arts Charity for the year ended 31st March 2010.

S J Warran FCA (Senior Statutory Auditor) Turner Warran Accounting Limited Accountants and Registered Auditors 101 Ferriby High Road North Ferriby

22nd June 2010

Annual Report 2009 - 2010



Unrestricted Funds

Restricted Funds

2010 TOTAL

2009 TOTAL

Donations Grants Gallery & Workshop Bank interest

1,010 171,223 35,067 -

25,663 -

1,010 196,886 35,067 -

13 384,212 18,041 2,895

Total Incoming Resources





Charitable Expenditure Governance Costs Depreciation Credit from Capital Reserve

140,960 76,946 22,288 (22,288)

29,453 -

170,413 76,946 22,288 (22,288)

277,258 90,623 22,288 (22,288)

Total Resources Expended





Net Incoming Resources (Resources Expended) for the year





Funds Brought Forward Reallocation of Funds

80,699 -

145,584 -

226,283 -

189,003 -

Total Funds – Carried Forward





Incoming Resources

Resources Expended

All the above results are derived from continuing activities. All gains and losses recognised in the year are included above.



2010 FIXED ASSETS Tangible CURRENT ASSETS Debtors Cash at Bank

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year

Net Current Assets

FUNDS Total Funds Capital Reserve




£30,386 £187,569

£41,993 £190,273









£211,887 £676,994

£226,033 £699,282



Approved on behalf of the board of Directors on 22 June 2010 and signed on their behalf by:

Terry Bowker – Chairperson

Annual Report 2009 - 2010


Thanks go to... Thanks go to the following people who have contributed to the funding for projects, delivery of creative activities and given their time and specialist skills throughout 2009/10: Funders: Arts Council - Learning Revolution Arts Council - Yorkshire Bransholme Community Arts Enterprise Campaign for Learning Compass Connexions Humber Ltd Cottingham - Adult Education Ella Street Residents Assoc ER of Yorkshire Council - Adult Services Fenchurch Street Children Centre Girl Guiding Uk Health Care Solutions Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Hull & East Yorkshire MIND Hull City Council - City Arts Unit Hull City Council - Libraries Hull City Council - School Services Hull City Council - Youth Services Hull College Group -Creative Partnership Hull KR Hull NHS Teaching Primary Care Trust Humber Bridge Country Park RSPB Humberside Learning Consortium Larkin 25 Link up Trust Market Weighton Town Council Newland School for Girls North Bank Forum OWEN Rhema Riverside Community Centre South Hunsley School Thomas Moore School Thoresby Primary School Westbourne Avenue Neighbourhood Watch East Wyke Youth Network


Artists & Facilitators:

Artlink Committee:

Rupert Clamp Julien Cole Amelia Crouch Grant Davison Dave Dixon Sarah Dunn Steve Elliott Raymond Ezra Katie Gill Teresa Goodard Richard Green Rosa Green Jean Hardwick Jason Heslewood Simon Higley Nick Horsfield Adele Howitt Charles Huckvale Alison Hunter Lynne Hutchinson Sarah Johnson Francis Kelly Rhian Longeran-White Robin Marrs Annabel McCourt Margaret Murphey Bridget Murray Richard Pennington Sarah Pennington Ruth Pigott Patrick Pretiorius Andrew Quinn Anne Sellers Donna Smith Robert Swan David Wheeler Stephen Winterburn Jeanette Wood

Terry Bowker - Chair


Helen Watling

Duncan Edge – Vice Chair Jo Hudgell Julian Woodford Carol Butterill - Treasurer James Tandy Alan Farthing (resigned June 2009) Jean Rippon (Observer) Ann Wallis (Observer) Paul Holloway (Observer) Artlink Staff: Vickie Bissett – Director Claire Mansfield – Finance Officer Sarah Pennington – Arts Development Worker Sarah Fisher – Arts Development Worker (maternity leave June-Nov 09) Margaret Murphy – Arts Development Worker (June-Nov 09) Neil Rustill – Training Co-ordinator Katie Gill – Gallery Development Worker Jayne Hall – Administrator Peter Thompson – Caretaker Volunteers & Placements: Isabel Douglas (Oct 09 – May 10) Muhammed Numunh (Dec 08 – May 09) Daisy Keen Glynis Bentley Dave Ideson Laura McNair Kate Wharton Lavinia Cawthorne

Centre for Community Arts 87 Princes Avenue, Hull. HU5 3QP Tel: 01482 345 104 Fax: 01482 345 028 Email: Web: Registered Charity No. 1091217 Registered Company No. 4276250 Patron: Alan Hacker O.B.E.

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